Top Immortal Emperor in the City

C3957 White

C3957 White



An extremely frightening destructive force spread out from within the body of the 'Da Bai Heavenly Dragon' the moment the black blade stabbed into it!    


The energy instantly erupted and spread throughout the entire body of the 'Da Bai Heavenly Dragon'.    




An extremely shrill dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the earth. After that, a series of popping sounds resounded through every inch of the Great White Heavenly Dragon's body before it exploded into countless pieces. After that, it transformed into countless white specks of light that dissipated into the void.    


Including the Dragon Scale Sword Formation that was about to hit Mu Shishan, it also directly exploded and disappeared without a trace.    


As for the White Dragon, the moment the "Great White Heavenly Dragon" disappeared, he also felt that his soul seemed to have been split in half by a long blade. An incomparably miserable scream came from his mouth. At the same time, his body flew backwards like a kite with a broken string. He drew a diagonal line in midair. He crashed heavily onto the ground, stirring up layers of dust!    




"How is this possible?!"    


"What kind of joke is this?!"    


The numerous members of Team Divine Dragon were all dumbfounded at this moment, their hearts exploding!    


Especially Luo Xuan, he was very clear how terrifying the White Dragon's strength was!    


He was a powerhouse second only to himself!    


But now, he actually lost too?!    


This... This wasn't a dream, right?!    


At this moment, on the square outside of Steel Core City, the restored holographic projection also displayed one scene after another, and they just happened to see the White Dragon Pendant. The scene of the White Dragon Pendant landing on the ground and stirring up a cloud of dust.    


At this moment, it caused an uproar in the entire audience!    


Especially the supporters of Team Dragon God, they were dumbstruck, feeling as if they were dreaming!    


Team Dragon God's White Dragon actually lost?!    


What a joke!!    


That was the top powerhouse of the Dragon God Clan!    


The famous White Dragon actually lost?!    




"No, no, I don't believe it. How is this possible?!"    


"The White Dragon lost? Impossible!"    


"It's a shady deal! This is definitely a black screen! I don't believe it! "    


At that moment, all the audience members who supported Team Divine Dragon were in high spirits as they roared at the top of their lungs.    


As for the many spectators who supported Team Dragon God, they also felt that it was a dream at that moment. Instead, they were stunned.    


However, very quickly, they recovered from the noise and began to roar at the top of their lungs.    


"We won!! We won the first round!"    


"We won! That's great!"    


The cheers were like a surging tide!    


Even the many members of the off-road team in front of the bar who were watching the battle were all in an extremely intense mood.    


"Ah Mao, Ah Mao, we won, we won! We won the first round!" Ah San looked at Ah Mao and shouted excitedly.    


However, Ah Mao did not lose his cool at this moment. Instead, he frowned and said in a deep voice, "Don't be happy too early!"    


Hearing Ah Mao's words, the members of the team were stunned. They looked at Ah Mao and did not understand why he said that!    


"Look at the score carefully!" Ah Mao said in a deep voice.    


Hearing Ah Mao's words, everyone raised their heads and looked at the score column projected by the holographic projection in the sky.    


Immediately after, a look of astonishment appeared on their faces.    


Because they clearly saw the words written on the scoreboard:    


Team Dragon God: Cross Team    


Zero to zero.    


"This... Could it be that the match isn't over yet?!" Ah San was stunned for a moment.    


Ah Mao said in a deep voice, "That's right! The competition hasn't ended yet! Although it looked like the White Dragon had been knocked down to the ground by Miss Mu Shishan, but... Since the competition was not over yet, the outcome was still unknown! More importantly, White Dragon was the top powerhouse in the Divine Dragon Team. He could not possibly admit defeat so easily! Miss Mu Shishan... I'm afraid there's going to be another fierce battle with him! "    


Hearing Ah Mao's words, everyone present fell silent. Their hearts became very heavy!    


The people who came out of an S rank team were indeed not to be underestimated!    


At this moment, at the competition venue, Mu Shishan descended from the sky. She was also gasping for breath. After all, she had been fighting until now. Furthermore, in order to break the weakness of the "Great White Heavenly Dragon," her body was injured. Therefore, her current condition was not very good.    


As for the White Dragon, his condition was even worse.    


His clothes had already been torn apart. His skin and flesh were lacerated, and blood flowed out. He was in an extremely sorry state, and he no longer had the gentlemanly appearance he had at the beginning.    


The White Dragon struggled to get up from the ground, and his breathing became especially rapid. Blood flowed down from his forehead. However, he could no longer be bothered to wipe it at this moment. His eyes were filled with thick resentment. An unusually resentful roar rang out from his mouth:    


"Mu Shishan -"    


Hearing the White Dragon's resentful roar, Mu Shishan also smoothened her breathing at this time. Immediately, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly and a cold smile surfaced. Immediately, she said coldly, "Enough, White Dragon. Don't bark anymore. It's useless, you've already lost! Since I haven't changed my mind yet, hurry up and admit defeat! "    


Bai Long's eyes widened in anger, and his face was filled with malevolence. He gritted his teeth and said," Why do you know the weakness of the 'Great White Heavenly Dragon'?! Why do you know?! Who told you this!? "    


" Who told me that?! You want to know? "    


Mu Shishan heard this and smiled faintly, "How many people... know the weakness of your 'Great White Heavenly Dragon'?"    


Hearing this, Bai Long's heart shivered and his body suddenly trembled. He suddenly thought of those people who knew the weakness of his' Great White Heavenly Dragon '...    


But very quickly, he dispelled this idea and coldly said, "Mu Shishan, do you think that by saying this, I will believe you?"    


Hearing White Dragon's words, Mu Shishan shrugged her shoulders. With an indifferent expression, she said, "Then this is your business, not my business. Anyway, whether you believe it or not is your problem. I've already told you. "    


Yes, regardless of whether the White Dragon believed it or not, Mu Shishan had said so.    


In fact, when the White Dragon asked this question and Mu Shishan answered it like this, a crack had actually formed in the White Dragon's heart.    


And this crack would affect the relationship between the White Dragon and those who knew the weakness of his "Great White Heavenly Dragon."    


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