Super Teacher

C4 How Could You Still Have the Face to Live

C4 How Could You Still Have the Face to Live

"Yeah, Zhao Xiaoming, you only have one life, don't be rash!"    


"Zhao Xiaoming, have you thought about your parents? If you just disappear like this, how sad would they be? "    


The other teachers also exchanged words, wanting to persuade this student called Zhao Xiaoming to come down.    


However, the more people talk, the more excited Zhao Xiaoming got: "No matter how hard I try, I still can't pass the exam, so what's the point of living! All of you, leave me alone. If you continue to talk rubbish, I'll jump down! "    


"Let's not talk anymore. Student Zhao Xiaoming, can you come down first …"    


"Scram, scram!" Zhao Xiaoming shouted hysterically. The cold wind on the rooftop blew his long hair, making him look as if he could fall down at any time.    


The teachers did not dare to provoke Zhao Xiaoming anymore, so they prepared to retreat first.    


At this time, someone suddenly shouted, "Hey, you silly bookworm upstairs, tell us what you are unhappy about! Let's be happy! I haven't seen anyone jump off a building in a long time, so you should just jump off! "    


The teachers' heads filled with black lines as they cast their gazes towards the man who shouted.    


Who was this? What the hell was he doing?    


We finally managed to calm him down for a bit, but what if he actually jumped off after you shouted like that?    


"Who are you?"    


"How did you get into school? Get out! "    


All the teachers wanted to chase this man away, but they couldn't move him at all.    


Needless to say, this man was Wang Feng, who came to join in on the fun.    


Hearing Wang Feng shout to him to jump down, Zhao Xiaoming suddenly became excited again: "Don't force me, if you force me any further, I'll really jump!"    


"Don't you want to jump? Just jump! " Wang Feng shouted, "It would be best if your head hit the ground first, then your head would pop like a watermelon. There would be red and white brains everywhere, and it would be so exciting to talk about that..."    


Wang Feng described the situation very vividly. Not to mention Zhao Xiaoming, even the people on the side felt goosebumps: disgusting, this is f * cking disgusting!    


Zhao Xiaoming shuddered as he imagined that terrifying scene. He instinctively wanted to flip back into the railing, but after thinking about it for a moment, wouldn't it be too embarrassing if he flipped it back?    


Besides, I came here to jump off a building, why should I be scared?    


Wang Feng didn't care whether Zhao Xiaoming climbed back onto the railing or not, and continued shouting, "Just jump down, that way your parents can give up on trash like you as soon as possible. They can go make another one and then forget about you."    


"Also, after you jump down, you won't be able to continue liking the goddess in your heart. She'll marry another boy and sleep in another man's bed to give birth to another boy …"    


The more Wang Feng said, the more outrageous he became. The teachers were so angry that their lungs were about to explode.    


The heck, where did this lunatic come from?    


But no matter how angry the teachers were, it was useless. Their voices weren't as loud as Wang Feng's, so they couldn't push Wang Feng away. They could only let Wang Feng continue to provoke Zhao Xiaoming, making him cry in anger.    


You can't hurt me like this, wuu wuu …    


"Jump, why aren't you jumping?" Wang Feng shouted, "Jump, you piece of trash who doesn't know how to do anything, you idiot who wants to jump off a building for a little something. You don't even dare to die, how can you still have the face to live? "    


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