Super Teacher

C20 Too Insidious too Insidious

C20 Too Insidious too Insidious

"Let's face it, who's afraid of who?" The girl called Liu Fang stood up bravely, walked up to Wang Feng and snorted, "How do you want to deal with this?"    


"Simple." As Wang Feng spoke, he took out a thick book from the bag beside him. "This is the Bible. Please swear by this Bible that all the accusations you made against me are true …"    


"I'm not a believer."    


The moment Liu Fang finished her sentence, Wang Feng took out another thick book. "This is a Buddhist scripture. Please swear by this scripture that you are not lying …"    


"You're crazy!" Liu Fang was angered. "I don't believe in religion, okay?"    


"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you don't believe in religion. You have to believe in this book." Wang Feng took out another book with a serious face, "This is our country's' Criminal Law '. Please swear seriously according to this book that you didn't frame me. If you frame me, you are willing to take all legal responsibility. "    


"I... "I …" Liu Fang's face suddenly twitched. Although students like her were used to all kinds of lies, they still held a degree of reverence towards the law.    


Wang Feng suddenly wanted Liu Fang to swear an oath to the Criminal Law, saying that she would bear all legal responsibilities. This really frightened Liu Fang.    


However, Liu Fang was only distracted for a moment. She knew that as long as she refused to admit it and the evidence was against Wang Feng, what could he do to her?    


Your teacher isn't a good person, so how about I wrongly accuse you?    


"On what basis?" Liu Fang puffed out her chest and said righteously, "You're not a police officer, what right do you have to say those words to me?"    


"Fine." Wang Feng collapsed on the chair like a deflated ball, "You're not wrong, I was wrong."    


Hearing Wang Feng's words, everyone thought that Wang Feng had given in. Only Zhao Yulin had an ominous premonition: "This guy admitted defeat so easily?"    


Wang Feng continued: "It's my fault, I shouldn't have imagined how I could take advantage of a girl. There was no other way. Who asked me to be a man? When Liu Fang approached me, I first nudged her with my elbow, but she didn't respond. After that, I became even bolder … "    


Wang Feng's next description was as unbearable as the online "Little Royal Uncle". The reporters then shouted, "Qin Shou!"    




Wu Tie, who was listening at the side, was so angry that the fat on his body was trembling. He even said with a trembling voice, "Principal Hee, our school's reputation is over. It's all over!"    


Hee Minxuan's face was also very gloomy. She wanted to rush up and slap Wang Feng twice, but if she rushed up now, not only would she not solve the problem, she would also embarrass the school. She might as well hold another press conference later to give these reporters some benefits and keep this matter under wraps.    


No one stopped Wang Feng, so he described Liu Fang more vividly. He described her as the female lead of "Little Royal Uncle" and angrily roared: "What nonsense are you spouting? You didn't even touch me, okay? "    


Liu Fang was extremely anxious. If Wang Feng continued to describe the situation, how could she continue to be a proper student in the future? Too despicable!    


Following Liu Fang's angry roar, Wang Feng stopped his description and the entire venue became so quiet that everyone could hear the sound of needles dropping on the ground.    


Seeing Wang Feng looking at her with a smile, Liu Fang knew she was tricked.    


How insidious!    


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