Magic Little Rural Doctor

C97 Tentative Foot Hold

C97 Tentative Foot Hold

If one were to look carefully, one would be able to find a profound rune within the pendant!    


This symbol number one had the effect of warning. As long as anything happened to Chen Ke Er, Chen Long would immediately know and be able to determine her location!    


Secondly, he had the ability to defend. This ensured that Chen Ke Er wouldn't be injured during the time Chen Long was rushing over!    


Chen Ke Er held the necklace in her hand and looked at it for a long time. She was completely captivated by it, and was completely unwilling to put it down. She confidently said, "Mmm, then I'll reluctantly accept it!"    


Mentor... Is... is... Difficult...    


Chen Long was so angry that his nose almost went crooked, but he didn't dare to say anything. Not only that, he had to laugh and say, "As long as you like it!"    


"Smooth talker!"    


As Chen Ke Er spoke, she hung the necklace around her neck and asked, "Does it look good?"    


That wisp of sky blue and Chen Ke Er's white swan neck were shining brilliantly, and coupled with the white dress she wore today, she seemed like a little fairy that had descended from the sky!    


"It's good, it's really good!"    


Chen Long couldn't help but praise her, then he carefully asked, "Ke Er, are you still angry?"    


Chen Ke Er pouted and seriously thought about it. When she saw Chen Long's pitiful appearance, she smiled and said, "Mmm, seeing that you're so sincere, I won't be angry at you!"    


"It's been settled, but it's a pity that it's my Heavenly Sapphire Jewel!"    


Chen Long kept complaining in his heart. But it didn't matter if he thought about it. He didn't dare to show it so he quickly said, "That's great. Are you free tomorrow?"    




Chen'er glanced at Chen Long warily, then retreated a few steps back without leaving a trace. She pulled away from Chen Long and held the necklace in her hand. "I'm going to a party in the city tomorrow. I should be staying for a few days!"    


"Alright then!"    


Seeing Chen Ke Er refuse him, Chen Long was slightly disappointed, but at the same time, he was slightly angry in his heart. This little girl had taken his gift, yet she was still so wary of him.    


"When are you coming back?" Chen Long asked, unwilling to give up.    


Chen Ke Er thought for a moment and said, "I'm not sure either. I heard Director Zhou said that he has a big customer who wants to see me. He said that he wants to buy shares and participate in my production plan …"    


"Circulatory Cycle Revolution?"    


Chen Long was stunned. He had not expected this fellow to come out of the police station in such a short time. It seemed that the Zhou family really had a lot of power!    


As he thought of this, he subconsciously circulated his spirit energy into his eyes and swept Chen Ke Er's forehead with his gaze. He noticed that there was black qi suffusing her forehead; this was a bad omen, and he thought he'd dealt with it last time, but he didn't expect it to be even stronger!    


Chen Long's heart trembled. He quickly said, "Ke'er, you can't go to this party. Zhou Tian Xing isn't a good person. You …"    




Chen Ke Er's face revealed a trace of impatience as she said, "Chen Long, Director Zhou isn't the type of person you think he is. Don't keep making malicious guesses!"    


"Also, don't forget that we have an agreement. Don't have any other thoughts before you fulfill it!"    


After she finished speaking, Chen Ke Er turned around and was about to leave. This really made Chen Long anxious, but he couldn't just say it out loud. As a university student, he wouldn't believe Chen Long's words that were tantamount to feudal superstition!    


"Ke Er, listen to me …"    


Just when Chen Long was about to try to persuade him again, Chen Haoming walked out from the inside. Seeing it was Chen Long, he smiled and said, "Xiaolong, you're here!"    




Chen Long could only swallow the words that were on his lips. "I'm here to see Ke'er to chat with her!"    


"Yes, you are both young people, let's keep in touch, haha …" Chen Hao Min laughed twice and gave Chen Long a look that even I know you don't need to explain.    


Chen Ke Er naturally noticed her father's actions, and her beautiful face instantly blushed as she said, "Dad, you guys chat. I'll be going back first. There's still a lot of information that I haven't organized yet!"    


After she finished speaking, Chen Ke Er started running, and Chen Long was powerless to do anything about this, so he could only watch as Chen Ke Er entered his room.    


"Cough cough, Xiaolong!"    


Chen Hao Min looked at Chen Long who had lost his soul. He patted his shoulder and comforted him, "This child Ke'er is just like this. She's pretty strong, don't take her to heart!"    


"That won't happen, I'm already used to it!" Chen Long said with a wry smile.    




Chen Haoming nodded and said, "Oh, by the way, don't forget what you promised everyone. Otherwise, it's really hard to say about the contract!"    


After Chen Hao Min's reminder, Chen Long's heart shook and he quickly said, "Uncle, don't worry. I have my own plans. I won't lie!"    


"Un, that's good. Do you want to come in?" Chen Haoming said.    


Chen Long waved his hand and said, "No, I still have other things to do, so I'll go back first!"    


"It's better for youngsters to be busy. You better not be like that kid Zhao Cang, who has nothing better to do and does nothing at all!" Chen Haoming nodded, "Since you have something to do, then go and busy yourself first!"    




After saying that, Chen Long left Chen Ke Er's home. Seeing Chen Long leave, Chen Hao Min helplessly shook his head. He sighed and turned his head to enter the house.    


As Chen Long walked home, he still couldn't stop thinking about what had happened to Chen Ke Er. He deeply frowned as he wondered just what sort of trick the Circulatory Cycle Revolution was going to play this time!    


However, he had unintentionally prepared himself and gave the necklace to Ke Er. He hoped that he could help her through this calamity!    


Thinking of this, Chen Long helplessly shook his head and let out a deep sigh. This kind of thing could only be done by doing one's best, it all depended on the will of the heavens!    


"Xiaolong, you're back!"    


Hearing this familiar voice, Chen Long raised his head and found that he had unknowingly walked up to Bai Sha's door, while Bai Sha was waving at him!    


It seemed like Big Sister Bai Sha had been waiting for him the entire time!    


After understanding this, Chen Long felt a warm feeling in his heart. He quickly walked over and said, "Sister Bai Sha, why are you waiting for me here?"    


"Since I'm fine, I might as well wait for you for a while!" Bai Sha smiled and put a strand of hair behind his ear.    


This action fully displayed her beautiful figure, causing Chen Long to be dumbstruck. She was truly too beautiful. This sort of mature charm was something that a little girl like Chen Ke Er couldn't possess!    


Bai Sha noticed Chen Long's strangeness. That burning gaze of hers made her heart heat up. With a flushed face, she said, "Xiaolong, Big Sis has finished cooking. Come and eat with me!"    




Chen Long quickly replied and followed Bai Sha inside. He then sat at the dining table.    


Bai Sha's actions were very fast. Before long, the table was filled with dishes. In an instant, the fragrance filled the entire room, making Chen Long swallow his saliva.    


Bai Sha looked at Chen Long's expression and laughed, "Hurry up and eat, be careful not to burn it!"    


With Chen Long's physique, this sort of temperature was no longer harmful to him, so he swept away all the food on the table like a gale sweeping away fallen leaves.    


In the meantime, Bai Sha continued to nibble on his food, happily watching Chen Long eat. He was still smiling, but no one knew what he was thinking.    


After the meal, Bai Sha cleaned up and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Looking at Bai Sha's busy back, Chen Long thought to himself, "It feels so good to have a woman at home!"    


Looking at the time, he realized it was already 7 PM. Chen Long suddenly remembered that he had not called Sun Jiaxin about the purchase. He cursed and picked up his phone to call him, praying that Sun Jiaxin was still awake!    


As expected, Chen Long was quite lucky. He picked up the phone and hurriedly said, "Sister Jianming, you haven't slept yet!"    


"What time is it to go to sleep? The nightlife has only just begun." Sun Jianhui said with a smile.    


Chen Long was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that the city was different from the countryside. He laughed and said, "Haha, yeah! What are you doing, Sister Jianming?"    


"Nothing, I'm watching TV!"    


Sun Jianxin answered without thinking. Suddenly, she thought of something and smiled, "Xiaolong, is there something I can help you with? Just say it directly! "    


"Hehe, sister Jianming really has a divine foresight. You can even guess that!" Chen Long flattered.    


Sun Jianxin curled her lips helplessly and jokingly scolded, "Alright, you little bastard. Tell me, what is it?"    


"It's not a big deal!" Chen Long quickly said, "I just want to ask if you accept ordinary rice!"    


"Is that so …"    


Sun Jiaxin thought for a moment and said, "The price of Romance Rice is quite high. There are still a lot of people who cannot afford it. I plan to buy some ordinary rice!"    


When Chen Long heard this, he thought it was a good idea and quickly said, "Sis, it's like this. Our village's rice has also come out. Do you want to consider it?"    


"So you were waiting for me here!"    


Sun Jianhui laughed and said, "I can't accept it. First, I have to see how good it is. I can't do anything even if it doesn't meet the standard!"    


"Don't worry, sister Jianming, I'll check the quality. There's no problem with the decision!" Chen Long patted his chest in assurance.    


Sun Jiaxin laughed, "That's good. Then I'll send someone to collect it tomorrow. But the price can't be the same as Romey, let's do it according to the market price, one dollar for one catty!"    


"No problem. Then I'll be waiting for someone to come!"    


When Chen Long heard this, he hurriedly agreed. In the past, people who came over to buy would usually push the price down to the maximum of sixty to seventy percent. A single dollar was already a high price!    


After that, the two of them chatted for a while longer before hanging up the phone. Chen Long then heaved a sigh of relief. He had finally settled the matter!    


At this moment, Bai Sha finished cleaning up. He sat down next to Chen Long and asked, "Xiaolong, who are you calling?"    


"Oh, I've already contacted the next family for the rice in our village and it's settled!" Chen Long quickly replied.    


Bai Sha's heart shuddered and he asked, "Sun Jianhui?"    




Chen Long nodded. Seeing that there was something wrong with Bai Sha's face, he quickly said, "Sister Bai Sha, I …"    


"Alright, I know. You don't need to explain. This is a good thing. I'm happy for you, but it's too late!" Bai Sha shook his head lightly and interrupted Chen Long's words with a smile.    


Chen Long couldn't help but hug Bai Sha and said softly, "Big Sister Bai Sha, you're really good!"    




Bai Sha buried his head in Chen Long's chest. His heart was filled with sweetness as he whispered, "Xiao Long, don't go back today. Sleep here …"    


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