Magic Little Rural Doctor

C373 Fighting to the Point of Chills

C373 Fighting to the Point of Chills

No way!    


It was one thing when Liu Wen died, but this was a half-step God Realm master!    


Everyone looked at the bloody palm print on Wu Tongtian's chest. Their mouths were agape. They found it hard to accept the scene in front of them.    


"This... Is this for real?! "    


Xia Mingfeng was naturally also filled with shock. What kind of monster was this young man that he was able to send a half-step into the God Realm with a single palm strike?    


Ignoring the shocked expression of the surrounding people, Chen Long looked at Wu Tongtian calmly and said, "How about this palm of mine?"    


"It hurts, not bad!"    


Wu Tongtian nodded, then looked at the wound in front of him, revealing a cruel smile, he said: "Boy, I admit you are a genius, at your age, the only person that can hurt me is you!"    




Chen Long lightly replied.    


Seeing Chen Long's calm expression, Lu Junming felt a bit exasperated. 'This father is clearly a peerless genius. What the hell is he? I'm really blind!'    


This time, he had also scolded Wu Tongtian.    


However, Wu Tongtian's attention was completely focused on Chen Long and he did not notice Lu Junming's expression. He looked at Chen Long and sneered coldly, "If you have enough time, I'm sure you'll be able to reach the God Realm. However, I'm afraid you don't have the time to grow up now!"    


"So what?" Chen Long asked.    


"Geniuses only have the possibility to become strong, but that doesn't mean that they are strong. Only geniuses who can survive until the end are strong, and those who die can only be called … dead people!" Wu Tongtian coldly said.    


"Are you that sure that you can kill me?" Chen Long chuckled.    


"You don't need to put on airs. That palm strike just now was your strongest attack. To me, that level of attack is simply harmless!"    


Wu Tongtian stood with his hands behind his back, his face proud. He was very confident in his own defensive abilities.    


Seeing Wu Tongtian's relaxed appearance, Xia Mingfeng also let out a sigh of relief. He thought Wu Tongtian had heavily injured him with one attack and was startled.    


"So it's all right!"    


Lu Junming was finally able to relax. However, in his heart, he was rather resentful. What nonsense were they talking about? He just directly killed them for no reason!    


However, as a half-step God Realm master, Wu Tongtian wasn't a real bodyguard. Lu Junming could only beg him to do something but not give him an order.    


Therefore, Lu Junming could only think about it in his heart. If he said that he offended Wu Tongtian, then things would become very serious. He might even attract the attention of a God Realm master in the family. At that time, he would be in for it!    


"Kid, no matter what, today will definitely be the day you die!" Lu Junming glared hatefully at Chen Long as he thought to himself.    


However, Chen Long didn't pay attention to Lu Junming's gaze, which was full of killing intent. If it were just a gaze, he would have already been glared to death countless times over.    


"That may not be so!"    


Chen Long smiled. With a flick of his finger, he said, "Although you can withstand an attack like that, if there were hundreds or thousands of them, would you still be able to withstand them?"    


"En..." "Of course not!"    


Wu Tongtian was startled. Then, he reacted and sneered: "Brat, stop boasting. You can unleash hundreds of attacks like that at the same time?"    


"If you don't try, how would you know?" Chen Long raised his finger.    


"Truly an arrogant brat. Since you are in such a hurry to send yourself to your death, this old man will grant your wish today!" Wu Tongtian shook his head and the killing intent in his eyes suddenly increased.    


He cupped his hands towards Wu Tongtian and said, "Martial Master, as long as you kill him, I'll go back tonight and ask my father to deliver that medicinal pill to you in advance."    


Wu Tongtian's eyes flashed with a bright light. He suddenly looked over and asked: "Is that true?"    


"Of course!"    


Lu Junming chuckled and continued, "If a Martial Master can beat this kid half to death and hand him over to me, then I can apply for a meeting with a Martial Master at the God Realm of the Lu Family!"    




Wu Tongtian was overjoyed and immediately agreed. Not to mention the matter of the spirit pellets, but he was also able to see the Lu Family's godly realm. This was an unexpected joy!    


Since the signing of the God Realm agreement, there had been no trace of the God Realm. Therefore, most people were confused about the cultivation after the God Realm. Even he, Wu Tongtian, was no exception.    


At this time, wouldn't it be twice the result if he could pass on his experiences to an established God Realm cultivator and then cultivate?    


"Then this young master will be waiting for the Martial Master's good news!" Lu Junming cupped his hands in greeting, then walked to the side and sat down, revealing a look of watching a good show.    


"Kid, no matter what happens today, you won't be able to run away!" Wu Tongtian turned around and stared at Chen Long, as if he was not a person but a human treasure trove.    


"Haha …"    


Chen Long swept a glance at Lu Junming and chuckled. He then turned his gaze to Wu Tongtian and said, "Since that's the case, I'll start a massacre!"    


"What a joke!"    


Wu Tongtian sneered. His face was immediately filled with killing intent. He stomped on the ground and his entire body became like a human cannonball. He turned into a black shadow as he charged towards Chen Long.    


"Just like an ant!"    


Seeing the incoming Wu Tongtian, a trace of disdain flashed in Chen Long's eyes. He still lightly slapped his palm towards the incoming Wu Tongtian.    




When Wu Tongtian saw that Chen Long was looking down on him, a trace of anger flashed across his eyes. The inner strength in his body churned and maintained a unique rhythm, forming a resonance with the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth.    


"Done. Heaven Man Unity!"    


A look of joy appeared on Wu Tongtian's face. He could feel that both his speed and strength had greatly improved after receiving the support of the heaven and earth!    


Brat, you actually dare to humiliate this old man in front of everyone. At that moment, you will have to pay the price.    


"Sky Opening Fist!"    


Wu Tongtian shouted and the surrounding spiritual energy instantly surged towards his right fist. His right fist was like a bottomless black hole. In a blink of an eye, it absorbed a huge amount of the spiritual energy.    


"Go to hell!"    


After a moment, Wu Tongtian felt that his right fist had become a lot heavier. He knew that he had reached his limit. He roared as he threw a punch at Chen Long.    


A huge fist appeared out of nowhere. It was snow-white and looked like cotton candy, but a visible circular ripple spread out in all directions. Everyone knew that it contained a terrifying energy.    


"Holy shit, this is even more powerful than a bomb!"    


"Even a small bomb might not be able to match up!"    


"This is probably comparable to a medium-grade missile, right?"    




Although everyone was blown around, their interest in this attack from Wu Tongtian was not reduced in the slightest. They all began to make their guesses.    


As they looked at Chen Long, a hint of schadenfreude flashed through their eyes. Who do you think you're going against? Isn't it just courting death to provoke such a powerhouse?    


"Brother Long!"    


Naturally, Xia Xiaoxuan, who was standing not far behind Chen Long, could also feel the immense pressure radiating from that giant fist. She could not help but scream out.    


However, Chen Long was not even interested in talking. He only waved his hand to indicate that there were no problems and then threw a punch at the fist.    


In the eyes of the crowd, this was just the last struggle of a despairing person. How could such a weak appearance be comparable to this kind of attack that could be called a god?    


"This time, this brat will probably be beaten to death …" Xia Mingfeng said excitedly.    


Nearby, when Lu Junming saw this scene, he couldn't help but shake his head. He knew that Wu Tongtian was truly angered. Otherwise, he definitely wouldn't have given up the condition he had previously stated!    


"Should we consider continuing with our previous agreement …"    


Just as Lu Junming was considering this, the giant fist had already arrived in front of Chen Long. Chen Long's fist had also slowly approached Chen Long, formally coming into contact with his fist.    




An explosion resounded like a thunderclap in the clear sky. It was deafening, but no one cared about the bystanders because the scene in front of them right now was too shocking!    


The huge fist actually exploded the moment it made contact with Chen Long's fist. It turned into clumps of cloud. It was like the sky had turned upside down as it rushed towards Wu Tongtian.    


"How is this possible!"    


Wu Tongtian's eyes suddenly bulged. It was as if he had seen a ghost. He could no longer maintain his calm. His figure quickly retreated, planning to avoid this wave of berserk Sky and Earth aura.    


But how could Chen Long allow that to happen?    


In the next moment, a white jade fist appeared in front of him. It pierced through the white clouds of the surrounding spiritual energy and ruthlessly pounded on Wu Tongtian's stomach.    




Wu Tongtian's face suddenly turned red and he spat out a mouthful of blood. His body was like a real cannonball as he flew away at a great speed. He was sent flying dozens of meters into the air with a punch.    


"It is the virtue of man to pick up gold without being ignorant. Since these things belong to you, I shall return them to you!"    


Chen Long coldly snorted. With a flip of his palm, the white cloud that was dispersing the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth was quickly condensed into the palm of Chen Long's hand. It was like a cat smelling the smell of blood.    


The speed of condensation was even faster than Wu Tongtian!    


It was formed in the blink of an eye, forming a small whirlpool at Chen Long's fingertip. The whirlpool spun rapidly, and the piercing sound made people tremble in fear.    




Chen Long lightly tapped with his finger. In front of everyone's shocked eyes, it was like a burning lightning. In an instant, it arrived in front of Wu Tongtian and ruthlessly collided with him.    


"NO!" "No!"    


Wu Tongtian screamed, but no one could help him. Under the effect of the countless whirling cutting power, he turned into a mist of blood and disappeared.    


Wu Tongtian, dead!    


This was impossible!    


Lu Junming immediately stood up from his chair, his eyes filled with fear as he looked at the slowly approaching Chen Long. In the next moment, he was about to open his mouth and beg for mercy.    


However, Chen Long didn't give him the chance. A green flame flew out from his fingertip and landed on Lu Junming's body. With a boom, it turned into a ball of green smoke and disappeared into the wind.    


"If you dare to offend me, then I'll kill you and the others …"    


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