Magic Little Rural Doctor

C403 Most Embarrassed

C403 Most Embarrassed

Gongquan Paradise.    


At this moment, Chen Long was at the top of a hill. He could still see the giant door behind him, but he could no longer see the outside world.    


At the other end of the hill, the ground slowly descended, all the way to the edge of the land.    


At this moment, Chen Long realized that the continent he was standing on was actually floating in the void, with a circumference of a hundred miles. Although there were various celestial bodies in the universe, this kind of small land would never produce such a natural protective barrier, allowing people to breathe naturally without any pressure.    


Chen Long gazed into the distance. In the distant void, there was complete silence. Nothing could be seen, nothing could be seen.    


"Looks like it really is as recorded in the treasure book. An ancient Supreme Elder can open up the void and create their own Blessed Paradise. They can even grow to become a world of their own!"    


A moment later, Chen Long felt that his eyes were extremely sore. He knew that he had reached his limit and hurriedly closed his eyes. However, his heart was still burning.    


"Dragon Yuan Fruit, we must find the Dragon Yuan Fruit!"    


Chen Long's eyes lit up. Only the Dragon Origin Fruit would be able to help him break through the shackles of the Illusory Dragon, achieve the Spirit Dragon Realm, and truly stand shoulder to shoulder with a Nascent Soul cultivator!    


"Master Gan Quan of the Flood Dragon Clan, I hope your inheritance will not disappoint me!"    


Thinking of this, Chen Long once again went on the road. His speed was astonishing as he pulled out afterimages. In the blink of an eye, he ran down from the hill, stepped over the grass, and charged into the vast forest.    


"In this Blessed Spring Land, the space is strange. I cannot use the Proximity Chasm unless I thoroughly understand the last layer and truly come into contact with the Space Laws. At that time, I might be able to use the Proximity Chasm here."    


While thinking, Chen Long nimbly stepped on the tree trunk, remembering the rebound and sending himself into the distance. The trees here were flourishing, perfectly covering Chen Long's figure.    


As Chen Long traversed through the forest and gradually approached the peak, there was finally movement from the giant portal in the distance. A burst of white light surged and countless figures were scattered to every corner of Paradise.    


These were the disciples from the various factions that had arrived shortly after.    


In a small cove, eight figures gradually revealed themselves. Among them, four of them were wearing cloaks, so their faces couldn't be seen clearly. However, from their physiques, they were likely two men and two women.    


Obviously, this was a team that belonged to the Zhou family.    


This was the first time Zhou Yang experienced spatial transfer. After landing, he felt a splitting headache. It took him a long time before he regained his senses. His heart skipped a beat as he quickly looked around.    


Although the dizziness only lasted for a few minutes, if someone tried to sneak attack him, he would be like a piece of white paper. A single poke could kill him.    


Fortunately, the people around him were all on their own. Only then did he let out a sigh of relief. However, at this time, he discovered that the four people in the group seemed to be fine as they stood there quietly, looking at them.    


This caused Zhou Yang to be extremely shocked. He was inwardly alerted. Although the clan cooperated with them, in the face of benefits, they still had to be on their guard.    


At this moment, Ying Jixue, who was in the middle of the group, was also looking around. As the Battle Saintess of the Gods' Association, she had gone through a dimensional transformation every time she entered the shrine. He was already used to it, so he wasn't affected in the slightest.    


However, when she saw that other than herself, the other two were also unaffected, she became extremely vigilant. It was very possible that this was her greatest enemy.    


Shifting her gaze, Cherry Blossom saw Zhou Yang's wary gaze and could not help but laugh in her heart. With his level, he could easily crush them in a head-on battle, let alone sneak attack them. If he really wanted to ambush them, they would've died a long time ago.    


"Master Zhou, are you alright?" Cherry Blossom said with a laugh.    


How nice!    


When Zhou Yang heard the sweet voice, he could not help but be stunned for a moment. Then, he reacted and revealed a smile on his face. He cupped his hands and said: "Miss Ying, I am fine now. Thank you all for protecting me!"    


"Haha, Young Master Zhou, you're too polite. We are already standing on the same boat. This is the time!" Cherry Blossom said with a light laugh.    


"Tsk tsk, stop wasting your breath. Zhou Yang, right? Quickly tell us more about the situation and don't waste your time!" Gui Tian, Dao Chuan, gave a creepy laugh, which was filled with hostility.    


These impolite words sounded very ear-piercing to Zhou Yang. The smile on his face instantly froze, but since both sides were cooperating, he couldn't say anything.    


Seeing that the other two people, who were also under the command of the blood fox, were also looking at him, he could only clear his throat and say, "Everyone, according to the speculations of the Zhou Family senior, the danger we face is in the forest ahead."    


"And then?"    


Cherry Blossom asked curiously.    


Zhou Yang's expression froze for a moment and he bitterly said, "I don't know either. This is the information of my Zhou family. We can only take things one step at a time."    


"What?" Weren't there people from your Zhou family who calculated it? How could I not know? " Cherry Blossom's face changed, but because of the cloak, she couldn't see anything.    


Zhou Yang immediately became embarrassed. He coughed and said, "Senior Zhou had calculated it, but the Honored Warrior of the Sheng Domain was too powerful and couldn't figure it all out, so my understanding of this place is limited. I still have to tell you what to do next."    


Cherry Blossom and the others were all elites of the various factions, so they were naturally intelligent people. After hearing Zhou Yang's explanation, they immediately understood the reason.    


The two people on the Blood Fox's side did not express anything and continued to remain silent. However, Gui Tian, Dao Chuan sneered and said sarcastically, "Your Zhou family is really useless for not being able to accomplish such a simple task, and you're even delusional enough to try to pass on your legacy. What a wishful dream!"    


Hearing this, Zhou Yang's expression immediately became gloomy. The rest of the Zhou family members also looked at Tu Tiandao with unfriendly expressions. They placed their hands on their weapons, ready to fight.    


"Ku Tian, shut up!"    


Upon seeing this, Cherry Snow hurriedly scolded, "You dare to ignore the elder's orders? You want to go back and receive punishment? Have you forgotten the lesson from last time? "    


Gui Tian, Dao Chuan's complexion suddenly became unsightly. Of course he wouldn't forget it. That pain and humiliation had already been engraved in his memories. How could he forget it!?    


He had only killed a few unrelated white skinned dogs, yet that damnable Council of Elders had actually unanimously approved the punishment for him — entering the Nether Flame Hell!    


The Infernal Realm of the Netherworld Flame was a land of devils and devils. The cold Netherworld Flames could be seen everywhere, and with just a touch, they would instantly die. Moreover, there were countless demons and ghosts lurking in the vicinity.    


"Cherry Blossom, you have no right to order me!"    


His eyes instantly turned red, and with a flash of white light, the mask covering Cherry Blossom's face was chopped off.    




Cherry Blossom also had a rather unsightly expression on her face. She never thought that Turtle-field would actually make such an intense move. However, this made her very clear that Turtle-field wouldn't dare to make a move on her!    


If that was the case, then what else did she have to fear?    


A trace of coldness flashed across her pretty face as she sneered, "Hu Tian, Dao Chuan, this mission is extremely important. If you fail this mission because of it, the Elders Guild will not spare you!"    




Daoist Turtle was extremely furious, but he didn't dare to do anything to Cherry Blossom. If he did kill Cherry Snow, he would be wanted by the Elders Guild, and he would definitely not be able to survive by then!    


"Hmph, let's wait and see, Cherry Blossom!"    


After saying that, he turned around and took a step. His body turned transparent as he completely disappeared into the air. It was extremely strange.    


The two people on the blood fox's side looked at where Tu Tian and Dao Chuan had disappeared to. They then turned back into a calabash and stood still without saying a word.    


As for Zhou Yang, his gaze was fixated on Cherry Blossom's face. His eyes were burning with passion, revealing a faint sense of endless greed and possessiveness.    


Cherry Blossom looked at Zhou Yang's pig-like face with a hint of disdain in her eyes. However, she did not show it on her face. She smiled and asked, "Young Master Zhou, what do you think we should do now?"    


"En..." What... "Let me see …"    


Only then did Zhou Yang come back to his senses. He looked at the intelligence report in a flurry, then pointed at Jufeng and said, "Miss Ying, our final destination is that absolute mountain. What we need to do now is to pass the forest!"    


"In that case, let's go over there!"    


At this time, one of the Blood Fox's group nodded. Her voice was sweet and melodious with a unique charm. Following that, it took a step forward.    


Her voice was really nice, she must also be a great beauty!    


As Zhou Yang heard this voice, he felt an itch in his heart. He could already imagine himself hugging a beautiful woman and climbing to the peak of martial arts with just one cry.    


Seeing that there was a chance to show off, Zhou Yang stepped in front of the woman and smiled: "Young miss, don't worry. Our Zhou family is extremely prepared for this operation, and the forest is quite far from us, how can we let the two young ladies walk there?"    


"Then what should I do?" The woman asked doubtfully.    


"Watch me!"    


Zhou Yang was delighted. He immediately took out a small jade boat from his bosom and explained: "This is my Zhou family's secret treasure, the Godspeed Boat. It is extremely fast and also very smooth. The two of you will definitely like it!"    


"Thank you, young master Zhou!" The woman laughed.    


"You're welcome!"    


Hearing this' thank you ', Zhou Yang felt his bones go soft. He immediately formed a hand seal and channeled his Spiritual Energy into the Godspeed Boat. Throwing it into the air, he shouted, "Rise!"    


However, in the next moment, Zhou Yang's eyeballs nearly popped out of their sockets. Just what was going on?!    


It turned out that the Godspeed Boat hadn't grown as big as Zhou Yang had imagined after it was thrown into the air. Instead, it landed on the ground and rolled to the side.    


[What the hell is going on?    


Zhou Yang was astonished. He could only feel a burning pain on his face. He had really slapped his own face. He had no place to say anything about his difficulties!    


Following which, a grand voice echoed out, resounding in the ears of the few of them …    


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