Magic Little Rural Doctor

C455 The Situation Worsened

C455 The Situation Worsened

Yangzhou, Ganquan Mountain.    


A large number of armed men had completely surrounded the area, isolating it from the rest. There were even identification facilities at the top. No matter who it was, as long as they didn't have a passcode, they were not allowed to enter.    


This was just the outer perimeter. Inside, there were also the elite members of the Chinese Alliance. They were constantly patrolling the area. If there were any unknown invaders, they would all be killed on the spot.    


"Azure Dragon?" "Chen Long?"    


"As long as you show your face, This King will kill you without a burial ground!"    


The corners of Zhou Yang's mouth curled up as he gazed at the distant mountain peak. He revealed an evil smile as he watched the humans wholeheartedly surround and annihilate his own clansmen. This feeling was quite pleasurable.    


"Yang'er …"    


At this moment, Zhou Yinghua suddenly felt a strange chill. He looked at Zhou Yang's smile and felt a sense of fear.    


Is this the dignity of a sage expert?    


Zhou Yinghua attributed all of this to the difference in strength and didn't think too much about it. On the contrary, his heart became even more excited. This meant that the Zhou family would officially become the number one clan in China!    


"Father, how is it?" Zhou Yang suddenly asked.    


"Oh, oh!"    


Zhou Yinghua answered subconsciously, "It's all done. Inner is at least a God Realm cultivator, and outer is also equipped with all kinds of high-energy weapons. Chen Long will definitely not be able to escape!"    


"Very good, he is only at the God Realm. Being treated like this is already something to be proud of!" Zhou Yang nodded in praise.    


"That's a must!"    


Zhou Yinghua was very proud of himself. He didn't even notice that the relationship between him and Zhou Yang was completely different from that between father and son. It was as if they were at the same level.    


"In that case, let's go!" Zhou Yang said calmly.    


"Time to go!"    


Zhou Yinghua nodded and those photos instantly appeared in his mind. His heart was burning and he even felt a peculiar pleasure. Chen Long, no matter how strong you are, what can you do? Isn't your woman still going to become my plaything?    


"Father, are you really impatient?!"    


Zhou Yang noticed the peculiar expression on Zhou Yinghua's face and said with a chuckle, "I think you will get your wish soon. I have to say, those women are really good stuff!"    


"Even that can't compare to the ones you picked, Yang'er!" Zhou Yinghua rolled his eyes and pretended to complain.    




The two men smiled at each other.    


Following that, an extremely luxurious convoy left Yangzhou under the envious gazes of the crowd and headed towards the direction of the New Deer City.    


Yangzhou airport.    


A tall girl with blonde hair and blue eyes walked in. She immediately attracted everyone's attention, especially the man who was waiting for her.    


"Aiyo, why are you pinching me?"    


"What's wrong with pinching you? If you dare to look anymore, I'll dig out your eyeballs! "    




In an instant, the entire airport was filled with conversations similar to this, causing some people to secretly laugh. It was a good thing that they were single, so they could see what they wanted to see.    


The woman also seemed to have noticed something. She looked around, and with a frown, she quickly walked towards the ticket check and passed her identification card over.    


"Hello, please hurry. I want to board the plane as soon as possible!"    


The woman spoke extremely fluent English. Her voice was cold, yet it was also extremely pleasant to the ear. It gave people a feeling of being distant, yet also a feeling of being close to her.    




When the female staff at the window saw the woman, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Then, they quickly got up and completed their verification.    


"Miss Camille, I wish you a pleasant journey." The female staff said politely.    


"Thank you!"    


The woman nodded indifferently. She put away her identification card and quickly walked in, causing the airport's main hall to let out a regretful sigh. Following that, another burst of grimacing sounds could be heard.    


Very quickly, the woman boarded the plane. As she looked at the rapidly rising airflow outside the window, a hint of worry flashed across her ice-cold face, but soon after, it became cold once more.    


This woman was Angel!    


With her abilities, changing her appearance was very simple, and she could easily obtain some fake documents. Camil was her fake name.    


She originally wanted to keep a low profile, but she didn't expect her temperament to attract such attention. She could only pray that there wouldn't be any unnecessary trouble.    


"Time is running out!"    


Thinking of the news she got from the Zhou family, Angel thought to herself, "The Zhou family moves extremely fast. I must get to Xiaolong's house before they do!"    


Phoenix Village.    


Due to the sudden two notifications, production interruption and sales failure, the entire company's business was paralyzed, causing Bai Sha and the others to worry endlessly.    


"What the hell is going on?!" Sun Ning was flustered and exasperated.    


"Who knows!"    


Chen Ke Er sat on the sofa with a tranquil expression on her beautiful face, but when she pinched the deformed pillow and looked at it, she actually wasn't in a very good mood.    


"Don't be in such a rush, I've already asked CEO Sun to ask about it. There shouldn't be a problem, everything will be settled!" Bai Sha rubbed his glabella and comforted him.    


"Hopefully …"    


Chen Ke Er heaved a heavy sigh. Even if she racked her brains to think, she was completely unable to figure out any clues. It was as if the heavens had played a joke on her.    


Minutes and seconds passed. In just half an hour, Bai Sha looked at her phone more than ten times, but there was no response. This made her heart heavy.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


Suddenly, her cell phone rang. Bai Sha jumped up abruptly, hurriedly picked up his cell phone, pressed the answer button, and asked, "Is there any results?"    


"It's hard to say, but I'm on my way. I'll tell you when I get there!"    




The other end of the phone could hear the whistling of the wind, so Bai Sha guessed that Sun Jianxin was on her way here. She nodded and hung up the phone.    


Chen Ke Er and Sun Ning were both Foundation Establishment cultivators, so their six senses were extremely sharp. Even though Bai Sha hadn't let them out, they could clearly hear the contents of the conversation. They looked at each other and saw the heaviness in each other's eyes.    


"Looks like this matter is far more serious than I thought!" Chen Ke Er said in a low voice.    


"If only Xiaolong was here!" Sun Ning whispered.    


As soon as these words were spoken, Chen Ke Er's heart simultaneously sank and her gaze flickered. A terrifying thought surged into her mind: Could this be related to Xiaolong?    




Xiaolong will definitely be fine!    


Chen Ke Er forcefully comforted herself before saying, "Don't worry, without him, the three of us will definitely be able to do the same. Big Sister Bai Sha, what do you think?"    


"Yes, yes …"    


Bai Sha was clearly a bit distracted. He replied lightly, then went over to give her a perfunctory reply.    


After about ten minutes, she heard the sound of a car engine downstairs and quickly got up. When she opened the door, she saw Sun Jia rushing toward her, looking as if she was still covered in dust.    


"Come on in!"    


Bai Sha quickly moved to the side and invited Sun Jianxin in.    




Sun Jia nodded and rushed in. He poured a glass of water and finished it in one gulp. He opened his mouth and said, "Things are going to get complicated this time!"    


"What's going on?" "Speak clearly!"    


"Actually, I'm not too sure either!"    


Sun Jiaxin took a deep breath and said bitterly, "The moment I heard your phone call, I contacted all the relevant departments. I wanted to invite them out in the name of a meal, but none of these grandsons answered the phone!"    


"This bunch of bastards are too unreliable!"    


Chen Ke Er angrily slapped the table and coldly said, "I didn't give them too much money earlier. I didn't expect that something would happen and they all became cowards!"    


"We can't blame them!"    


Bai Sha shook his head heavily. Actually, he understood that this matter had nothing to do with him, but he didn't expect them to leave it at that.    


"Is there really no news? Even a little is fine! " Sun Ning said unwillingly.    


"It's not like there aren't any!"    


Sun Jianhui's eyes flashed as if she remembered something. She quickly said, "Xiaolong knew Liu Zhenshan from the City Public Security Bureau very well. After that, I got rid of him and asked for his help."    


"And then?"    


Bai Sha quickly asked. At the same time, Chen Ke Er and Sun Ning looked over nervously.    


"According to him, this order seems to have directly bypassed the city and counties, and was directly sent from above. Not to mention everyone, at the very least, no one in New Deer City knows who it is!" Sun Jianxin said in a deep voice.    


"Not only that!"    


As he said this, the bitterness on his face intensified. He took out a piece of information and said, "Not only you guys, I also suffered. Today, the people on top sealed the hotel without any reason. Everything else will be sealed!"    


"Also, my bank funds and personal deposits have all been frozen. I'm afraid I'll have to live with you guys before the seal is lifted!" Sun Jiaxin helplessly spread her hands and said.    


"Too shameless!"    


Chen Ke Er couldn't hold herself back anymore. She stood up and angrily said, "I don't believe this! Is there still any justice in this world? Since the city isn't able to handle this, then I'll report it to the province!"    


"Ke Er, calm down!"    


Bai Sha hurriedly stopped Chen Ke Er and said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid this order came from the province, so it's useless even if you go. What's most important right now is to figure out who the culprit is!"    


"Almost all the clues have been broken. Where are we going to find out the truth?" Chen Ke Er powerlessly sat back down, and her entire body curled up into a ball, and she looked extremely exhausted.    




Bai Sha didn't have any clue so he could only say, "Boss Sun, don't worry. We don't have anything else here. We definitely won't be hungry for you!"    


"That's good!"    


Sun Jianxin was relaxed. She picked up an apple from the table and started chewing it. Suddenly, she asked, "That kid Chen Long still hasn't come back yet?"    




Chen Ke Er and Bai Sha didn't say anything, and the atmosphere suddenly became heavy. Sun Jianxin was stunned for a moment and felt slightly embarrassed.    


"Not yet!"    


Seeing that neither of them wanted to say anything, Sun Ning could only shake his head and say, "If Xiaolong is here, this kind of thing won't be difficult for him!"    


"That's right, that kid has quite a few schemes!"    


Sun Jianxin nodded in agreement. Suddenly, the smile of a ruffian flashed across her mind. The wave of longing engulfed her in an instant …    


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