Magic Little Rural Doctor

C473 Mantis and Cicada

C473 Mantis and Cicada

On the side of the street, Angel and Chen Ke Er stood in the shadows as they looked at a nearby location.    


There were a dozen or so people there, most of them wearing black suits. There was even an old man with a white beard, shallow wrinkles, and a pair of eternally smiling eyes.    


By the old man's side, there was no one else but the shifty-eyed and wolf-eyed Hou Jinkui. He had his hands on his waist, and a snake-like smile on his face. He raised his eyebrows, and teased with two sharp teeth protruding from his lips.    


"Look, those people look so familiar. Have we met before?"    


Chen'er focused her gaze as the corners of her mouth curled up, and her entire body emitted a biting cold killing intent. The rage in her heart burned even hotter!    


"It's them! There's no mistake!"    


Angel frowned slightly and spoke slowly with a deep voice.    


"So what do we do now? They don't seem to have noticed us. " Chen Ke Er continued.    


On the other side of the road, those people were concentrating all of their attention on their surroundings, completely unaware of what was happening around them.    


As time passed, Chen Ke Er and the others faced off against him for a while.    


Angel slightly curved her tail, revealing a beautiful picture scroll. It was as bright as the night sky as he said, "Go and attract their attention and lure them over. You go and think of a way."    


"Un, leave it to me. You must be careful as well. "Those people of the Zhou family are vicious and merciless."    


As soon as Chen Ke Er finished speaking, she dragged her slender legs and clenched her small fists tightly. She swung her elegant long hair in a swagger as she walked towards the opposite road.    


When she reached the edge of the white zebra crossing, she stopped and looked up at the men in black.    


The black-clothed people reacted at the same time, and they all shot fierce gazes that were sealed with ice towards Chen Ke Er's direction.    


"Yes …" It's her, it's her. I know that woman. "    


One of the black-clothed men raised a finger and said.    


Hou Jinkui turned around and suspiciously looked at Chen Ke Er who was facing him. He put his rough hands beneath his chin that was covered in black dregs of beard and sneered, "I didn't expect that I would actually deliver myself up to the door!"    




Her palm faced outwards, and her five fingers spread out as she breathed in a mouthful of fresh air from within her body. When she spat it out, it emitted an orange light that spread out to every corner in the surroundings.    


The light brought with it a tiny spark. It burned fiercely, lighting up the deepest part of the base from the inside. If the fire was full of life, it was as if an active soul was covering the palm of his hand.    


After the ball of light left his palm, it floated up into the air. Facing the sun, he pulled out his most beautiful smile. He saw the sun shoot into a black cloud and, like a magic trick, put a beautiful golden border around the black cloud.    


A red sun, simple and red and as rough as crumbling bricks, lit up the world, and it was almost as fresh as water.    


When it formed a continuous curve with the ball of light, it shone bright red everywhere, and the whole area was like a warm street painted with gold powder.    


The sky was crimson against the horizon, turning pale gold in higher places.    


Hou Jinkui's eyes lit up as he felt a stabbing pain in his eyes. He quickly held his hand in front of his eyes as his expression slowly turned ugly.    


"What the hell is going on?"    


"Where does the light come from? Why is it so bright everywhere? "    


The rest of the men in black seemed to be worried about something. Their faces looked nervous and beads of sweat the size of pearls were dripping down their foreheads like broken pipes.    


"Ah …" "There's light, why is there light everywhere?"    


"It's that woman. Brother, hurry up and catch her or it'll be too late."    


"It seems like this woman is truly a monster. What kind of tricks are she trying to pull?"    


The few of them were discussing amongst themselves, all of them doubting what was happening in front of them.    


Hou Jinkui turned around and looked at Chen Ke Er, who was in front of him. He laughed sinisterly as he said, "Brothers, capture that woman for me. I'll reward you handsomely!"    


Following the order, four to five of his men pulled out handguns from their waists, all loaded. After reloading one by one, he raised his hand and charged towards Chen Ke Er.    


"These villains who ate black fish gall and have a heart of darkness, don't force others to their deaths. They will not give up! "    


Chen Ke Er slowly raised her head as she thought about what she had said earlier, but she didn't say it out loud. Out of the corner of his eye, he squinted at the few men in black who were charging towards him. Then, he leaped and landed on a dark green locust tree.    


"Don't kill him, Brother Zhou still wants to enjoy it! Such a good girl!" Hou Jinkui suddenly said. He must have been worried that something might have happened and that it would be difficult for him to explain the situation.    


Chen'er was hidden within the thick green leaves, and her body once again emitted a dark green light that appeared in everyone's vision.    


Seven to eight burly men in black came up and gathered under the tree. The light from the tall, straight locust tree was getting stronger and stronger, making the curving walls of the road seem particularly bright.    


It was reflected in everyone's eyes, and they all unconsciously took a step back, covering their faces with their hands.    


"Hurry up, what are all of you trash doing there?" Hou Jinkui was clearly anxious. His nose was red from anger. He breathed in cold air while exhaling hot air.    


After the blinding light continued for a while, it slowly retreated. What appeared before everyone's eyes was an empty locust tree; there was no one there.    


"Ahh, you bunch of trash. You can't even catch a woman, what use do you have?"    


Before Zhou Tong could finish his sentence in anger, Angel's figure appeared from the opposite side of the road. His speed was very slow, and his steps were light and light. Especially her pair of exquisite and clear eyes, it showed off the temperament of a heavenly beauty.    


Angel's face turned even heavier, and every step she took seemed extremely cold and detached. A red light flashed in his frozen eyes as he firmly fixed his gaze on the hard asphalt.    


When everyone sensed her movements, they were all incomparably shocked. No one would suddenly think that Angel would appear here at this very moment.    


Not only that, his expression was calm. She had transformed the surrounding soft green grass, the thick shrubs, and even the surrounding air into a tranquil atmosphere.    


Angel suddenly stopped as she was walking. Her hands were placed on her thighs, and her body was completely still.    


When Hou Jinkui saw this, his mouth was full of stubble, his teeth were white, and there was a scar on his upper right eyelid. He looked sour, as if he had just turned into another person.    


"Heh heh!" "They actually delivered themselves to our doorstep. They are truly broken iron shoes that cannot be found anywhere. It doesn't take much effort to obtain them!"    


With an evil grin, Hou Jinkui pulled out a silver dagger from his waist and pointed it at Angel from seven to eight meters away, laughing, "Quick, let me handle this!" "Catch that woman."    


The faces of the men in black were fierce as wolves. They sprinted towards Angel's direction in one breath. Each of them put their hands on each other's shoulders, then took two steps forward. A loud voice came from his mouth.    


Angel is calm in the face of danger and sees any crisis as a common occurrence. After hesitating for a moment, he walked quickly towards the other side of the road.    


She seemed to be walking, but her pace was fast, and if one looked down from a distant tower, one would think she was riding on a pair of straight skating shoes.    


It was dazzling to see an invisible shadow pass by without leaving a trace. It looked like an invisible black shadow swiftly shuttling through the air. He was not afraid of everything in front of him.    


The man in black followed closely behind her at an astonishing speed, one after the other.    


Hou Jinkui immediately followed behind him. Together with the white-haired old man, they walked through several alleys.    


After a while, they followed Angel's shadow to a place that was more peaceful than before. There were flowers, trees, streams, fake mountains, and a suburban park.    


Angel's shadow quickly rushed into the park's gate, and she was about to disappear from sight.    


Anxious, Hou Jinkui rushed to the front of the group and looked at Angel, who had disappeared into the depths of the park.    


"Where is she? Where did he go? "    


The people behind also followed suit. They were all looking around, but they couldn't find a single trace that could be found. There wasn't even a footprint left behind.    


Hou Jinkui was very curious, so he walked to the bottom of the rock garden and looked around. However, he still didn't see any suspicious movements.    


"Strange, where did this damn girl go? It's one thing that she couldn't catch up to him after chasing for so long, but why is she suddenly gone? How strange."    


The white-haired old man at the side coughed and said, "It's far in the distance, but it's right in front of your eyes. If you can't see it, you can still smell it, right?"    


"What do you mean?" Hou Jinkui saw that Han Li was putting on an act, so he asked with a more serious tone.    


"You don't have to capture her if she can't escape. She'll deliver herself to you. If she really can run away, then how come you can't catch her? "    


The old man's black eyes flashed with a strange green color.    


Hou Jinkui could not tolerate his words and stomped his feet in anger. His entire body was filled with a hot killing intent. The killing intent coiled around his entire body, practically roasting all of the surrounding green grass.    


"Old man, don't play tricks on us all day!"    


Hou Jinkui's expression immediately darkened. A cold light flashed in his eyes as his anger surged. He roared, "Don't talk so much nonsense. Just tell me what you want to do now. Do you have a way to solve this?"    


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