Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C284 Together

C284 Together

Qiu Tong, who had been standing at the side watching us, said, "Look, how thoughtful of you two. However, this meal can't be wasted. I haven't eaten yet. "Come!"    


Yun Yun and Hai Zhu nodded their heads. Neither of them really had lunch. It seemed like both of them planned to eat with me.    


I moved my body, intending to sit up against the headboard. As soon as I moved, both Yun and Hai Zhu simultaneously reached out to help me up. They looked at each other and simultaneously withdrew their hands.    


In that brief moment, I sat up and leaned against the headboard.    


Watching this scene, Qiu Tong pursed her lips and heaved a sigh of relief.    


After that, Yun Yun and Hai Zhu respectively opened the lunchboxes they had brought with them. Qiu Tong invited everyone to have a meal together.    


Because one of my hands is lifting a bottle, eating is very inconvenient, if someone can feed me, it would save me a lot of trouble.    


Of course, I couldn't take the initiative to ask for it. It was too much, and I planned to eat the lunchbox on my lap.    


Yun Yun and Hai Zhu obviously thought of this when they saw me holding the lunchbox. Yun Li looked at Hai Zhu and stopped. She lowered her head and just sat there. Hai Zhu also wanted to move, but after looking at the clouds, she stopped moving.    


Qiu Tong looked at the two of them and rolled her eyes, "Alright, since you two want to eat, let me serve our Manager Yi!"    


Saying that, Qiu Tong swiftly took out a lunch box and brought out a portion of the dishes from the lunch boxes brought by Yun Xin and Hai Zhu, taking up half of each of them. After that, she sat down in front of my window and scooped up the dishes with a spoon, bringing it to my mouth: "Come, Manager Yi, please open your mouth and savor the hearts of your sister Yun and sister Hai Zhu."    


Qiu Tong's words contained a hint of ridicule, while Yun Yun and Hai Zhu relaxed a little and began to eat, chatting with each other.    


As I enjoyed Qiu Tong's personal feeding, I couldn't help but feel flattered.    


I think, in this world, the only person who could enjoy this kind of treatment, other than Xiao Xue, is probably me.    


I ate slowly and savored the meal.    


I've eaten a lot this time, and I wish I could keep eating.    


Hai Zhu and Yun Yun had finished eating, but I was still there, slowly tasting and tasting the food.    


At this moment, Hai Zhu said to Qiu Tong, "Sister Qiu, let me replace you. You eat first!"    


"Mm …" Qiu Tong nodded and glanced at me. "You sure eat leisurely today. You eat slowly. You eat a lot."    


With that said, Qiu Tong handed the lunchbox to Hai Zhu. Hai Zhu sat at Qiu Tong's seat and started to feed me. Qiu Tong then started to eat.    


Clouds sat on one side, watching me in silence.    


Hai Zhu fed me while looking at me: "Bro, is it fragrant?"    


I nodded. "Yeah …" "Fragrant!"    


Hai Zhu looked at me and smiled. There was a trace of loneliness in her smile.    


Just then, Hai Zhu's cell phone rang. Hai Zhu quickly took out her phone to answer it, but Yun came over and took the bowl from Hai Zhu. Hai Zhu stood up to answer the phone, and Yun Yun sat in front of me and started feeding me.    


A meal with three beauties coming to feed the three of them. Very few people would be able to enjoy such treatment.    


"Big brother, take your time and eat —" Clouds said softly, "Do you want some water?"    


"No, I'm not thirsty!"    


"Is the food still tasty?" The clouds feed me.    


"En, very good! Delicious!"    


Cloudy Heavens smiled, but there was also a tinge of sadness and cowardice in his smile.    


It was the slowest meal I had ever eaten, and the most unusual one I had ever eaten.    


After dinner, everyone sat around my bed and chatted.    


Neither Cloud nor Hai Zhu mentioned Dong Xue, and I don't know if they were deliberately avoiding or forgetting her. I don't know if they knew about the conflict between Dong Xue and me.    


I don't know if Dong Xue knew about me being hospitalized for acute tonsillitis, but I don't think she knew. Otherwise, Dong Xue would have come to see me. No matter what happened between me and Dong Xue, we still had feelings for each other, after all, Dong Xue was still very concerned about me.    


After chatting for a long time, no one had any intention of leaving. Hai Zhu and Yun Li didn't seem to be willing to leave first, while Qiu Tong seemed to be in the mood to continue chatting. Perhaps she felt that she hadn't communicated fully with me about Dong Xue and still wanted to beat me up after Yun and Hai Zhu had left.    


Just like this, they sat until 3 pm. Haifeng's appearance could be considered a relief. Yun Yun and Hai Zhu stood up to leave, while Qiu Tong also wanted to leave. It seemed that Qiu Tong felt that there were some things she couldn't say with Haifeng in front of her.    


The three beauties all left at once, leaving Haifeng and me in the ward.    


Haifeng bared his teeth at me, "Your luck is not bad. In a hospital with 3 great beauties to accompany you, you have really become a big boss!"    


I ignored Haifeng and looked at him: "You came from the unit? You're done? "    


Haifeng didn't answer and asked me: "Brat, tell me, why did Dong Xue move to the unit's single dorm room? "What's with the red and swollen face of Dong Xue?"    


Without a doubt, Haifeng met Dong Xue at the unit.    


I sighed and said nothing.    


"She must have moved into the office because she had a quarrel with you. Was it you who hit the red and swollen part of her face? Isn't that right? " Haifeng bent his body and looked at me: "Don't play dead, answer me!"    


I nodded. "Yes …"    


"Holy sh * t!" I didn't guess wrongly, it really was you. Damn, if I knew this earlier, I wouldn't have sent you to the hospital. I would have let the high temperature burn you to death! " Haifeng growled, "How can you hit a woman, you bastard. Although I am not as manly as you, my fist will never land on a woman. Who was Dong Xue? Dong Xue was your first love, the woman you missed so much during your time in trouble, the woman in your life. She chased you all the way here, yet you treated her like this. Is that reasonable?    


I guess you hit Dong Xue because of what happened during the nine months we were separated, right? F * ck, if you want to argue, then don't accept her. My family's Hai Zhu treats you so well, you don't want it. Now, then, since you have decided to accept her, you should not bother about what happened to you during your time of distress. "You're not a man, you're embarrassing me, how can I have a dog shit like you?"    


Haifeng keenly guessed the reason why I hit Dong Xue.    


After Haifeng finished, I took a deep breath. "That's not the reason!"    


"En..." "Damn, I guessed wrong. Why did you do that?" Haifeng looked confused.    


"Haifeng, I need to ask you a question. Answer me first!" "No," I said.    


"Go ahead and ask. If you have a fart, hurry up and release it!" Haifeng said.    


"Did Dong Xue have a job last night? With you? " "No," I said.    


"I don't have any. It was Friday last night, so I didn't specifically arrange for a reception so that everyone can enjoy the weekend." Haifeng said.    


"Oh …"    


"Hey — shit, didn't you go out to dinner with Dong Xue last night and sing with her?" Haifeng suddenly thought of something and said.    


"I was eating and singing, but not with Dong Xue!" "No," I said.    


"Ahh, I thought Dong Xue was with you!" Haifeng said, "Before I got off work, I happened to hear Dong Xue making a call from the corridor, saying that she had to go to Crown Hotel for dinner that night before she would go out and sing karaoke. I thought she was calling you, but I originally wanted to ask you out for a meal on the weekend, but as soon as I heard that you guys had some activities, I didn't disturb you.    


Dong Xue coincidentally also went to the Crown Hotel last night to eat, and then coincidentally went to see me and sang some songs. Like this, it wasn't strange for Dong Xue to see me and Qiu Tong together.    


So, with whom or with whom did Dong Xue go to eat and sing? Zhang Xiaotian's figure suddenly appeared in my mind. It can't be this dog's fault, right? Or him and his cronies.    


I secretly planned this matter in my heart. I felt both angry and frustrated at Dong Xue for not listening to my words and interacting with Zhang Xiaotian.    


However, I also know that the current Dong Xue is no longer the Dong Xue of 10 months ago. At that time, Dong Xue was very dependent, did not have any opinions, and rarely expressed her thoughts.    


She and Bai Laosan Zhang Xiaotian's people are close to each other. I think she has her own judgment and plans. It's not like she doesn't know the relationship between Bai Laosan and me. However, I do not know how she planned or judged it.    


I really couldn't think of what Dong Xue was going to do. He couldn't help but think bitterly …    


"Alright, stop frowning and pretend to be deep. Hurry up and answer my question, why did you hit Dong Xue? What is it all about? " Haifeng's question roused me from my thoughts.    


I looked up at Haifeng. "It's for one person!"    


"For one person? Who is it? A man or a woman? " Haifeng said.    




"Fuck, you're really a woman, aren't you? You're too womanly. You were discovered by Dong Xue when she was out flirting with you. Then you beat up Dong Xue in anger and embarrassment, didn't you? "Don't tell me you are. Otherwise, I will beat you up!" Haifeng waved his fist at me.    


I shook my head and smiled bitterly. "It's not what you think."    


"I'm interested in who that woman is. Tell me, who is that woman?"    


"Qiu Tong!"    


"Qiu Tong?" Haifeng was stunned and looked at me with his eyes wide open. "You and Qiu Tong …" Damn, you and Qiu Tong … What's the matter with you two? "    


Haifeng's expression was clearly very surprised, with a bit of confusion. It was obvious that he didn't believe that there was anything going on between Qiu Tong and me.    


The weather was already clear. The northern sun shone into the ward in June. Haifeng's silhouette slanted and was reflected on the snow-white wall, which dragged him for a long time.    


The ward was quiet, just me and my brother Haifeng.    


Looking at my brother Haifeng, I suddenly wanted to smoke a cigarette. I stretched out my left index finger and middle finger and flicked it.    


"Go to hell! It's already like this, why are you still smoking!" Haifeng said.    


I retracted my finger and looked at Haifeng. "What do you think happened to Qiu Tong and I?"    


"How would I know? Aren't I asking you? What are you pretending to be dead for? " Haifeng said.    


"I don't know what's wrong with us either. Maybe, what should have happened to us? But, we really didn't do anything. " I didn't know what I was going to say.    




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