Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C316 Not Notified by Fourth Brother

C316 Not Notified by Fourth Brother

"But women who think tend to act independently." Hai Zhu said.    


"Isn't independence a good thing? I agree that women are independent! " "No," I said.    


Hai Zhu laughed. "But, while I have my independence, I'm also very dependent on you. I don't want to leave you. I always want to be with you every day. I always want to be with you every day."    


Hai Zhu's voice sounded slightly coquettish.    


"This is the opposite of independence. It's also the opposite of a woman, haha …" I said, "Actually, you don't want to leave me, but I don't want you to leave either. I want to stay with you everyday."    


"Is that true?" Hai Zhu looked at me with a smile, as if she forgot about the quarrel I had with Dong Xue.    


"Do you think I'm lying?" I asked Hai Zhu.    


Hai Zhu smiled sweetly. "Of course not, I'll believe anything you say. I'm willing to believe anything!"    


Hai Zhu leaned her head against my shoulder and said softly, "Brother, being with you makes me feel safe."    


Listening to Hai Zhu's words, I suddenly recalled my nightmare of Hai Zhu being hunted after having done that thing with Dong Xue. My heart couldn't help but tremble.    


"Bro, these days, I've been thinking about one thing." Hai Zhu said again.    


"What is it?" "No," I said.    


"I plan to resign!" Hai Zhu said.    


When I heard that, I turned around to look at Hai Zhu, a little surprised. Why would I want to resign? "    


"Firstly, I want to look good with you, and I don't want to be separated from you all day. On days when I'm not in Hsinghai, I'm worried about you all day and remember you, so I want to take better care of you; secondly, the flight attendant's life is like a meal for youth, sooner or later I will change my position; thirdly, I think I should try to do something that is more meaningful to me, something that I like more. Although I am still young, and I have the advantage of being an air stewardess, I have to think long term and be more comprehensive. I have to persevere with what I have to give up and what I have to give up on. I would like to seek your opinion on this matter. "    


I was a bit confused and said, "Even though we are separated, there are still a lot of opportunities to meet... It's a good job, but at least you'll be able to do it for a long time. And after you quit, what did you think you were going to do? "    


"Not yet!" Hai Zhu said, "However, I don't have any huge requirements for money and desires. As long as I'm happy with what I can do, it's not hard to find a job."    


I said, "Hai Zhu, I will respect every thought you have. I won't force you to change your mind. It's just that I feel that your decision was sudden and that it's better to be cautious."    


"Brother, although you said that, I know that you temporarily don't understand it, right?" Hai Zhu smiled.    


I chuckled in reply.    


"Bro, let me give you a test to see how you'll answer, okay?" Hai Zhu suddenly said.    


"Alright, go ahead!"    


"Mm …" Theme: You drive a car, on a stormy night, past a station, and there are three people waiting for a bus, a dying old man, poor man; a doctor, who once saved your life, a great benefactor, whom you dream of repaying even in your sleep; and a woman, the kind of woman you dream of marrying, who might be lost if you miss her; but your car has to be taken by one person, and you have to make a choice, what will you choose? " Hai Zhu looked at me.     


I frowned as I remembered that the old man was dying, and it seemed to me, out of a human conscience, that I should have saved him first, but in the end, every old man could only use death as their final stop. Well, I let the doctor in because he saved me, and I thought it was a good opportunity to repay him.    


However, it doesn't seem right. I can still repay him at some point in the future, and I don't have to at this time. Besides, that woman, my dream lover, if I miss today, I might never meet someone who could move your heart.    


I thought hard and couldn't think of the right choice. It was very contradictory.    


When I got back to the dormitory, I still hadn't figured out how to answer that question.    


Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore and asked Hai Zhu, "Tell me, what's your best choice?"    


"Give the doctor the keys to the car and let him take the old man to the hospital, while you stay with your dream lover and wait for the bus!" Hai Zhu said.    


I was suddenly enlightened. "Heavens! Absolutely!"    


Hai Zhu smiled. "Everyone I know thinks this is the best answer, but no one, including me, thought of this option from the beginning."    


I looked at Hai Zhu. "Zhu, tell me, why did you give me this test?"    


"I want to tell you, sometimes, is it because we never thought about giving up the advantages we already have, like the keys to the car, that we're missing something? Sometimes, if we can give up some of our advantages, we might get more. That's what I wanted to say to you. Brother, the reason why people are so tired is because they often linger between perseverance and abandonment. They become indecisive and unable to let go, unwilling to part with it. "    


I thought about Hai Zhu's words for a long time.    


Then I sat down on the sofa and said to Hai Zhu, "You gave me this question because you want me to support your resignation?"    


"Darling, you said that, but I didn't." Hai Zhu said playfully as she sat on my lap, hugged my head, and kissed my forehead.    


I looked at Hai Zhu and laughed silently...    


The next morning, I walked Hai Zhu to the airport. After exiting the district, there was a taxi parked there. Hai Zhu and I got into the back of the taxi and said to the driver, "Master, let's go to the airport!"    


The driver wore a sun hat, a pair of wide sunglasses, and a full beard. After hearing my words, he didn't utter a single word before starting the car and heading towards the airport.    


In the airport terminal, Hai Zhu and I once again entangled, but did not cry, not bad.    


After sending Hai Zhu off, I walked out of the exit and saw a taxi stopped there. I got on the taxi. "Wanda Plaza."    


Then I noticed that the driver was the same bearded man I'd arrived with. What a coincidence.    


The driver still remained silent as he drove off.    


After walking for a while, I suddenly realized that the route I took wasn't right, so I said, "Hey, Master, you didn't follow the right path, do you think I'm an outsider and don't know where I come from? "Just go back the way we came from."    


The man with a full beard did not say anything, but followed the same path as before.    


"What's the matter with you? Stop the car and turn back! " I reached out and patted him on the shoulder.    


The bearded man pulled the cab to the side of the road, turned around, took off his sunglasses, and smiled at me.    


I looked and was stunned. Damn ….    


It was Fourth Brother.    


I snapped out of my daze and laughed: "Fourth Brother, why are you dressed like this? I didn't notice it earlier and I didn't recognize it!"    


Fourth Brother laughed: "No way."    


I joked, "Fourth Brother, where are you pulling me to?"    


Fourth Brother started the car again: "Take you to the beach, I'll show you a scene."    


"What scene?" "No," I said.    


"You'll know when we get there." Fourth Brother said as he drove.    


"Mm …" I nodded. "Why did you change to a rental?"    


"For safety." Fourth Brother said, "That day during the great battle at the seaside, my shack was already discovered. It's no longer safe for me to stay where I am anymore. So, I won't pull three rounds. I won't live there anymore. My business has changed."    


I was a little dissatisfied with Fourth Brother's words: "No way, they just found the shack, but didn't see you."    


Fourth Brother smiled and didn't refute me. He continued to say: "Old bro, are you really going to bury Zhang Xiaotian alive that day?"    


I said, "No, I'm just scaring him and teaching him a lesson. This dog is so bad, he hired people to beat up my bro. "    


"Your actions that day were a little too impulsive and reckless. You almost caused a huge disaster and almost lost your life!" Fourth Brother said.    


"Thank goodness you were here that day. Otherwise, I might really have been ignited by Bai Laosan!" "No," I said.    


"Bai Laosan is cruel and merciless, he would definitely do that. The number of lives lost to him is not just one or two. To him, killing one person is the same as killing ten people. If I had attacked earlier that day, you would have been dead." Fourth Brother said, "Originally, I didn't want to make a move. I didn't want to expose myself too early, but there was no other way. I could only make a move. Bai Laosan was very familiar with me. When he saw the spear, he knew it was me."    


"Fourth Brother, I really admire you. You also have the ability to use a spear. When will you teach me? I'll acknowledge you as my teacher and learn from you!" "No," I said.    


"This isn't something you can learn in a day or two." Fourth Brother smiled.    


"Fourth Brother, the other day, Bai Laosan's men were looking for you everywhere after you threw the spear. They just couldn't find you. Where did you hide?" "No," I said.    


"I didn't go anywhere, I'm right above Bai Laosan!" Fourth Brother said.    


"Above the head?"    


"Yeah, Bai Laosan is standing under a big tree. I'm on top of that book, hiding in the branches and leaves. I was afraid that Bai Laosan would try to harm you again, so I kept an eye on him. This guy had people looking for me everywhere, but he didn't expect that I would be only a few meters away from him. I am ready to attack him again at any time. " Fourth Brother said.    


"Then why didn't you finish him off?"    


"It's that easy to kill a man?" No matter what, it is still a life, and a dog's life is also a life! " Fourth Brother said: "I do not have the qualifications and power to kill people. Bai Laosan is full of evil and has national laws to punish him. It is not that he did not report that the time has not come. One day, he will have his retribution. Unless it's absolutely necessary, I can't kill him unless he forces me to a dead end.     


"Oh …" I nodded, "Oh right, Fourth Brother, you informed Qiu Tong, Lee Shun and Wu De, right?"    


"No, I was wondering too. I thought you knew about it in the past few days, so I asked you to help me." "After Lee Shun and Wu De rushed over, I clearly heard their conversation, and I was also very confused at the time," Wu said. "Who exactly informed them of their arrival? So it turns out that you don't know either. "    


When I heard that, I was confused. So it wasn't Fourth Brother who informed me. In that case, who was it?    




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