Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C332 Giving up Is also an Option!

C332 Giving up Is also an Option!

Seeing my blank expression, Hai Zhu was slightly stunned and looked at me thoughtfully for a long time.    


The next morning, I was going to drive Hai Zhu to the office. Hai Zhu firmly refused, "I can't form this bad habit. I don't want my colleagues in the company to think that I'm a lady. I'll still take the bus."    


Hai Zhu insisted that I not send her, I could not refuse her, so she had to take the bus to work.    


I actually quite appreciate Hai Zhu's spirit and mentality.    


When I got to the office, I printed out the plan, went to Qiu Tong's office, and gave it to her.    


"Yi Ke, your work efficiency is always so high." Qiu Tong looked at me admiringly as she flipped through my proposal. "You worked overtime last night, didn't you?"    


"Haha …" I smiled and looked at Qiu Tong's slightly tired eyes. She didn't seem to have slept well last night.    


"Qiu Tong, how has Boss Ping been recently?" For some reason, I suddenly asked this question.    


Qiu Tong raised her head and looked at me: "Boss Ping is fine, what's wrong?"    


"Nothing." I paused. "Is there anything going on between you and Boss Ping?"    


"What do you mean?" Qiu Tong looked at me with a puzzled and confused expression, seemingly unhappy.    


I knew Qiu Tong might have misunderstood me and said, "I mean, do you and Boss Ping have anything to do with economics?"    


"What did he and I have to do financially?" Qiu Tong looked at me. "Why did you suddenly ask about this?"    


"Nothing, I was just casually asking." I said quickly.    


"Ask around?" Qiu Tong said, "Did you hear something?"    


"No, I let my imagination run wild!" "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong looked at me and said, "Boss Ping, who does he have to deal with financially and whether he is innocent or not, I can't give any evaluation because I don't have any evidence. However, I know that the people in charge of the Operating Departments in the group have a certain amount of authority and control over a certain amount of funds, including me. I don't care what others do, I have always upheld one goal, and that is to do things with my conscience. What I shouldn't have taken, I won't take a single cent. "    


"Of course I believe that you are such a person!" "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong laughed. "Since you believe me, then shouldn't I believe myself even more? The group advertising company and Issuing Company were the two departments with the largest flow of funds in the group. The advertising company needed to earn nearly 200 million yuan a year, and the Issuing Company would also need to receive tens of millions of yuan a year. For such a large amount of money to flow, it goes without saying that there are a lot of people who are staring at this area, me and Boss Ping, I don't care what others say, I don't care what others do, but I will definitely take care of myself, I don't dare to claim that I am noble, but, I definitely dare to say, in terms of money, I am innocent. "There is a good saying, do not reach out and be caught."    


Qiu Tong's words seemed to be trying to comfort me, but also trying to strengthen her conviction.    


I thought about what Cao Lee said last night and felt a little better.    


At this time, Qiu Tong said, "I will send the proposal over to Boss Sun for Group Party Committee Leader to review. "Oh, right. Just now, Boss Sun gave me a call. It's about the advertisement pages of his relative from before."    


"What's wrong? I didn't take it that time, but I didn't take his money, so what? Is it still not over? " "No," I said.    


"No, hehe, this time they are going to do it according to the rules. They have to pay according to the price, and they have to sign at least one year's contracts, four pages per week, 200 thousand copies each time." Qiu Tong said to me with a smile.    


When I heard this, my eyes turned green. My mind was quickly working out an economic accounting, with each page being a minimum charge of 10 cents, 200 thousand copies would be 20 thousand yuan, 52 weeks a year would be 1.04 million yuan. F * ck, this is a big order, an absolute big order!    


I said, "I didn't expect Boss Sun's relative to be such a big client. It looks like the business is quite big!"    


Qiu Tong nodded, "Yes, I have asked around. He is indeed a big client who does big business. Hur Hur, this time Boss Sun was very straightforward. He immediately said that he would collect the money according to the rules. I agreed, but, I think, since Boss Sun called, the Leader must give me this face. Boss Sun can also be kind with his relatives. Don't we have a floating price for a big customer? Then let's just give him the lowest price. "    


I nodded. "Yes, this is a must, not to mention his relatives, even if it's a big client, I would basically give it to them at the lowest price. Right now, those who are doing business are all spirits and spirits, they have already figured out the bottom line of our prices, so it won't be high even if they want to." However, even though I said it like that, when negotiating with the customer, I still said that I would take care of my face and make the most of the concessions.    


Qiu Tong laughed. "You sure are good at negotiating with clients. "How about this, this big customer, in view of Boss Sun's relationship, I will go with you to meet and discuss with him. This shows my respect for Boss Sun."    


"Respect for Boss Sun? He's just dog shit." I disdainfully replied, "I think I'll go. You don't have to personally step in. It's such a big matter. Don't worry, I'll definitely settle it once I make a move!"    


"Don't say that about the Leader. No matter what, he's the Leader, not dog shit!" Qiu Tong said to me half-truthfully, "This time, I have to go. Even if I don't care about Boss Sun's face, I still have to take into account that I smashed a pot for him last time. I'm in a better position, at least to save some negative side effects, I don't want this big customer to go to the post office."    


Listening to Qiu Tong's explanation, I nodded my head, "Alright then! Then let's go together! "    


I will go with you, and I will go with you.    


This time, I don't know what kind of storm it will set off.    


Qiu Tong drove and I sat in the passenger seat.    


On the way, Qiu Tong told me that the boss of the company was also surnamed Sun. I immediately thought that this Boss Sun must be from the Sun Dongkai family, maybe from a brother or nephew.    


I nodded silently and didn't say anything.    


Qiu Tong didn't say anything else as well, and everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding.    


The August Hsinghai, the climate was still hot, the sun was scorching the earth, and it seemed that the coastal city was not immune to being roasted by the summer heat either.    


After a while, Qiu Tong suddenly said, "Yi Ke —"    


"Mm …"    


"Sister Dong Xue has resigned from Haifeng. Where did she go?" There was concern in her voice.    


Qiu Tong's words caused me to become anxious, as well as an indescribable feeling towards Dong Xue. I shook my head slightly. "I don't know."    


"You don't know?" Qiu Tong looked at me as she drove. "She doesn't have any relatives here, so where will she go after she resigns? Did you not go to find her? "    


"If I could have found it, I would have!" "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong remained silent for a long time. After a while, she said, "Where will she go? Sigh … Actually, between Dong Xue and Hai Zhu, it's hard for me to make a comment. I think they are both very good girls, only their personalities and values are different, but that doesn't stop them from feeling for you.    


Hai Zhu left. Dong Xue came. Dong Xue left. Hai Zhu came again. It was like walking on a lantern. I was dazzled. I am an outsider, so perhaps I shouldn't talk about this. However, in my heart, I really wish for you, for them to be happy, for them to be able to find true happiness and happiness that belongs to them. "    


I sighed softly in my heart. Looking at the scorching sun and earth outside the window, I didn't make a sound. My heart ached. The air was cold, but I felt a little hot.    


"You should think of a way to find Sister Dong Xue. If she left the Hsinghai, that would be good, but if she remained in the Hsinghai, I think you should find her. Although finding her doesn't mean much to you, at the very least, you should be able to find out about her current condition. It is imaginable how difficult it is for a woman to work alone in a strange city. " Qiu Tong said again.    


I suddenly became anxious and turned my head to look at Qiu Tong. With a slightly angry voice, I asked, "You speak so lightly. How do you want me to find her?" Where do you want me to find it? Do you know why she left me? Do you know who she was with? Do you know what she's after? Do you know if she's willing to let me help her? "    


Qiu Tong was startled by my questions. She didn't expect me to suddenly get angry at her. She looked at me blankly and pursed her lips tightly. She didn't say anything.    


When I saw Qiu Tong's slightly injured appearance, my heart ached again. I heaved a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry. My words just now were too harsh."    


"I don't blame you." Qiu Tong said softly as she looked at the car ahead.    


We were both silent, each thinking our own thoughts.    


"In the beginning, it was Hai Zhu who gave up. Dong Xue came back, but later on, it was Dong Xue who gave up. Hai Zhu came back." I said, "Actually, I don't really understand what kind of relationship and mentality there is between giving up and getting it."    


I said this to ease the tension between Qiu Tong and me.    


Qiu Tong thought for a while. "I really like this couplet. Why worry about loss and gain, why not lose? Perhaps the process of life is a process of continuous abandonment and continuous acquisition. Life is like this, love is the same, I often wonder such a question, in love, is the key is to learn to give up? "    


"Why do you say that?" I turned to Qiu Tong.    


"Because …" Qiu Tong paused and looked at me. "Because giving up is also a choice between life and love."    


Giving up was also a choice!    


Hearing Qiu Tong's words, my heart jolted.    


Remembering what he had read before, he realized that there were many things that would only be understood after experiencing them. Like feelings, after pain, you will know how to protect yourself; after stupidity, you will know how to persevere and give up at the right time, and we will slowly get to know ourselves in the process of gain and loss.    


Since there was no meaning in staying together in silence, he had to immediately cut off all the emotions in his heart. He had to give up what he treasured, and what he looked forward to, and choose again. In fact, life does not need so many meaningless persistence, there is nothing really can not be abandoned. Learning to give up makes life easier.    


My thoughts were a little confused. Was it because of this that Hai Zhu and Dong Xue gave up? Qiu Tong had said giving up was also an option, but had she given up on Guest in the virtual world?    


I agree with Qiu Tong's words. Then, have I truly given up on putting down the Floating Dream in the virtual world and Qiu Tong in reality?    


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