Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C303 Favorite People

C303 Favorite People

Listening to my words, Qiu Tong's expression suddenly became a little sad, and her hands that were holding the steering wheel even started to tremble. I don't know if it was because of my words that she thought of herself, the person she loved the most, Guest who was in the air.    


"Although you are unable to realize your dream, you are still happy to be able to find someone suitable for you and someone who loves you. There is always a difference between your dream and reality." Qiu Tong muttered, "Yi Ke, do you know that in this world, there are people who are more pitiful than you? She cannot realize her dream, much less find someone who loves her. Is this a tragic person? "    


Qiu Tong was undoubtedly talking about herself. Her voice was filled with sorrow. When I heard this, my heart almost broke.    


Immersed in my own thoughts, I could not help but think of a saying: what can be slowly nurtured is not love, but habit. What he could gain over time was not emotions, but emotions. So love is a momentary gift, there is, there is no. On the other hand, love and marriage are not the same thing. Not all love is married, and not all marriages have love.    


Qiu Tong said nothing and just drove in silence.    


At that moment, my phone rang. I looked at the number and saw that it was from Cloud. I immediately answered: "Cloud, it's me."    


"Big Brother Yi, something bad happened!" Cloud's voice sounded frightened and anxious on the phone, with panic and fear.    


"What's wrong? Cloud, don't be anxious. Speak slowly, what happened? " I hurriedly said to Cloud.    


Qiu Tong turned to look at me.    


"Haifeng..." Big Brother Haifeng was beaten up and has just been sent to the People's Hospital. " Clouds almost burst into tears.    


"Ahhh — Haifeng was beaten up? Are your injuries serious? " I was shocked, isn't Haifeng in the deep city? Did he just come back?    


Qiu Tong was also surprised and looked at me with her eyes wide open.    


"My head was broken, and my face was covered in blood …" "Where are you, big brother? Come here quickly …" Yun Xiao's voice sounded helpless as he sobbed.    


"Don't panic, Yun Yun, Boss Qiu and I will go to the hospital immediately!" I comforted Cloud, then put down the phone and said to Qiu Tong: "Haifeng was beaten up and just got sent to the People's Hospital. Hurry up and go —"    


Without another word, Qiu Tong stepped on the accelerator and the car sped straight to the City People's Hospital.    


Along the way, I didn't say anything, but my heart was burning with anxiety. Haifeng was my close friend, and we were brothers. If he was beaten up, it would be no different to being beaten up by my own brother.    


Haifeng was different from me. His body was thin and he was purely a weak scholar. He never knew how to fight, so why did he get beaten up? I wonder how is your injury?    


Qiu Tong didn't say anything. She was focused on driving with a grim expression. Her brows were tightly knitted, as if she was thinking about something.    


Soon we arrived at the hospital. We parked the car and drove straight to the emergency room, where we met Cloud, who was standing there anxiously with a panicked expression on his face. Seeing Qiu Tong and I coming over, Cloud rushed over and grabbed my arm as if we were our saviors. "Sister Qiu …"    


"Where's Haifeng?" I asked the clouds urgently.    


Yun Yun pointed to the ward and said, "It's being treated right now. I'm still unconscious."    


"Ah — unconscious?" "Did you make a film?"    


"It's just been taken. The doctor hasn't told you the results yet." Clouds said.    


Just then, a doctor came out of the ward, and we hurried over. I grabbed the doctor's arm, and Qiu Tong urgently asked the doctor, "Doctor, how are your injuries? Is it serious? "    


The doctor, who was hurt by my arm, frowned at me. "Hey — be more gentle. What are you doing using so much strength for?"    


I quickly let go. "I'm sorry, doctor, but are your injuries serious?"    


The doctor took off his mask, took a breath, and said, "According to the result of the film, there are no major problems. The bone is not injured, only the head and face are injured, and the side of the scalp is cut by a knife, which is about five centimeters long. There are a lot of bleeding, but fortunately it was delivered in time, otherwise, it would have been very dangerous if the bone had not been moved in time." "In addition, there was a slight concussion in the brain. He was unconscious when he came here and has now woken up. He has just closed and stitched up the wound so nothing serious has happened. He will be discharged after a few days of observation."    


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they heard it, and the clouds wiped their tears away. Qiu Tong hurriedly said to the doctor, "Thank you, thank you!" "Thank you so much!"    


I pushed open the door of the ward and entered. Haifeng was lying on the bed, his face covered with gauze, revealing only his facial features.    


Qiu Tong and Yun Yun followed and stood by the sickbed.    


I strode to Haifeng and held his hand. I looked down at Haifeng and said urgently: "Haifeng, Haifeng —"    


Haifeng opened his eyes and moved his lips. "F * ck — why are you holding my hand with so much strength? F * ck — wouldn't you be more gentle to me?"    


Haifeng didn't forget to be humorous at this kind of time. I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry as I let go of his hand. Yun Yang wanted to laugh, but he couldn't. Qiu Tong pursed her lips, unable to hold back her laughter.    


I let go of Haifeng's hand: "Damn, you scared me to death, are you okay?"    


"It's okay, I'm not going to die. Look, isn't laozi still panting and talking?" Haifeng's voice was not loud: "Stop making things so close to laozi. You make it seem like we're building a foundation, making Boss Qiu and Cloudy Heavens misunderstand."    


Cloud and Qiu Tong finally couldn't hold back their laughter. Cloud wiped her eyes again.    


"Damn, even at a time like this, you still want to make me laugh?" I looked at Haifeng's injuries: "Holy shit, the whole thing is blooming. It's very suspenseful. If I bleed too much and send you to the hospital too late, you might as well die."    


"My life is big, it's fine." "Luckily, it was Cloud," Haifeng said, "so we made an emergency call in time."    


At this moment, Qiu Tong came over and looked at Haifeng: "Haifeng, what's going on?"    


What Qiu Tong asked was exactly what I wanted to know. I looked at Haifeng and waited for his answer.    


Haifeng said, "I don't know what exactly happened either. I flew back from the deep city this morning, so when I returned, I called Hai Zhu. Hai Zhu said that she had arrived at the airport, and would fly back to Ningzhou very soon. I chatted with her for a long time, and she was in a very good mood, very happy. "    


I understood what Haifeng meant. Hai Zhu must have told Haifeng about her and me.    


Haifeng continued: "I then called Yun Yun and wanted to treat him to a meal. Yun really gave me face today and promised me that I wouldn't drive, so I took a taxi to Yun Yang's dormitory to wait for him. Not long after I got to the bottom of the cloud, a few teenagers suddenly came over and asked if I was called Haifeng. I said yes, and they started fighting as I said, f * ck, they were pretty fierce.    


They kicked me to the ground and stamped my head and face with their feet. There was a little brat who held a knife and said that he wanted to cut my face off, so I quickly dodged his head, and the result was that my scalp was pierced and a big cut was made, and then I fell unconscious, and then, I woke up and was lying here. "    


Haifeng seemed to have the dignity of a man, he was unwilling to say that he was hit.    


Yun Yang continued: "Brother Hai Feng called me today to ask me to eat with him, and since it's a weekend today, I agreed. Brother Hai Feng came to pick me up, and when I packed up and went downstairs, I heard the sound of fighting and Brother Hai Feng's screams downstairs."    


"Hey — Clouds, what are you screaming about?" Haifeng interrupted Yun Yun: "You misheard me, that's not a scream, it's the roar of my heroic battle with the criminal."    


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I looked at Qiu Tong with the same expression.    


Yun Yang nodded his head: "Yes, it's a roar. I heard the roar of the heroic battle between Brother Hai Feng and the criminal, and then I hurriedly ran out. I saw several young people punching and kicking Brother Hai Feng who was lying on the ground, and Brother Hai Feng has already turned into a bloody man. "I was so scared that I ran over to tell them to stop. They pushed me to the side and continued hitting Brother Hai Feng. I shouted for the security guards and they ran away as soon as they heard me, so I quickly hit 120."    


"Well — I didn't have breakfast this morning, and my belly was empty, or I would have beaten those bastards!" Haifeng was still trying to show off. He seemed to feel that getting beaten up in front of the woman he was pursuing was a very embarrassing and embarrassing thing to do.    


I wasn't in the mood to play with Haifeng. I frowned as I looked at the clouds: "What did those people look like? Is there anything special about it? "    


Yun Xiao thought about it and shook his head: "Nothing much, just ordinary young people. I panicked and was too concerned about Brother Hai Feng's safety that I didn't pay attention to them."    


I looked at Haifeng. "What characteristics do you see in those people?"    


"There's nothing special about them," Haifeng said. "I've been focusing on them the moment we started fighting. How would I even be able to see what they look like?"    


I knew that Haifeng must have been beaten senseless by them very quickly, and Ben didn't have a chance to see them clearly.    


"Why did they hit you?" Qiu Tong asked Haifeng.    


"I don't know either, I don't even know them. These bastards came up and asked for my name, then directly made a move. I immediately said if they were mistaken and recognized the wrong person, but they said it was me." Haifeng said, "These bunch of people don't f * cking recognize the wrong people. They hit me, but I don't even know them."    


"Did you call the police?" Qiu Tong asked Cloud again.    


"Yeah, I already hit 110!" Clouds said.    


Right at that moment, the door to the ward was pushed open and two policemen entered, "We are from the police station of the district. Someone called the police just now, are you all here?"    


Cloud quickly said, "Yes! "Yes, I called the police."    


"Alright, we'll inquire about the situation. Those who have nothing to do with it, please leave for a moment!" the policeman said politely.    


I looked at Qiu Tong, who nodded at me, and we left the ward first. The police closed the door and started asking questions and making statements.    


Qiu Tong and I stood in the hallway. Qiu Tong frowned as if she was thinking about something, and I frowned as well.    


This was very strange. Haifeng was beaten up the moment he went back to look for the cloud, why did he get beaten up at the bottom of the cloud? Also, the people who beat him up were asking for Haifeng's name, so it was obvious that they were here for Haifeng.    


There must be a way.    


I paced back and forth, thinking about it.    


After a while, the door of the ward opened and two policemen came out. As they walked, they said, "We've already recorded the situation. We will try our best to solve it. Let the injured people rest first."    


With that, the police left.    


As I watched them leave, I knew that the police were doing their job, solving cases on their own.    


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