Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C290 Happy

C290 Happy

After returning to the dormitory, I went online and saw Floating Dream. It had been a long time since we had chatted face to face online at the same time.    


I said, "Are you happy right now?"    


She said, "What about you?"    


"Happy," I said.    


She said, "If you're happy, I'll naturally be happy!"    


My eyes watered as I looked at her signature. "Will you come with me to heaven?"    


After a pause, she said, "If possible."    


I said, "Where is our heaven?"    


She said, "In my heart!"    


I said, "A trip to heaven?"    


She said, "It's not tourism, it's travel!"    


I said, "Why do you say that? Is there any difference? "    


"Travel is with the eyes and ears, and travel is with the soul and the mind," she said.    


I said, "Will there be love in heaven? Will there be marriage and happiness?"    


She was silent for a long time. "What do you think?"    


I said, "Yes! Because if the mind and the soul are here, there will be! "    


She said, "If you say there is one, then there is one. I believe you, I believe you!"    


I fell into deep thought.    


After Qiu Tong failed her attempt to get Dong Xue to come back, she wanted to try again. I stopped her. I didn't want her to be humiliated in front of Dong Xue again.    


After that, Dong Xue continued her cold war with me. She showed no intention of coming back. She adopted a policy of "no, no, no" to me. I tried to communicate with her about the nine-month knot in her heart. She didn't even give me a chance.    


Dong Xue had adopted a "no three" policy towards me, but I couldn't ignore her.    


I firmly believe that Dong Xue's feelings for me have not changed, just like my feelings for her, although they are now being suppressed by an increasingly obvious sense of responsibility, but that first love still brings heavy feelings.    


I often watch Dong Xue's every move through Haifeng. Since Dong Xue came here with me from far away, I have to be responsible for her safety. I have to be responsible for her every action.    


During this time, I worked hard during the day to get rid of all my worries, and at night, when I was the loneliest and most miserable of my life, I would often be alone in my room, smoking or drinking.    


Qiu Tong has been quietly watching me, often after work descendants I ordered meals, arranged to send food to my dorm.    


Haifeng has been very busy recently, but he would still find the time to drink and chat with me. Sometimes he would call Yun Yang along, and Yun Wei was always very silent.    


Clouds seemed to be frightened by this, and often looked at me with timid eyes, like frightened lambs.    


I haven't seen Hai Zhu all this time.    


I returned to my single life. In the lonely night, I would often wake up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep or wake up in the middle of the night. I would face the endless darkness alone and think about my past, my present, and Dong Xue's future …    


From time to time, a feeling would flash through my heart. I felt that Dong Xue and I were gradually estranging, not from each other, but from each other. I was afraid of what I was feeling, even afraid of it.    


In a flash, 20 days passed and it was already July. The weather gradually became hot, but Dong Xue and I still didn't feel any heat. Dong Xue didn't show any signs of coming back.    


That afternoon, I went to the Ginza Shopping Center to do some work. When I came out, I happened to see Dong Xue walking out with a big bag in her hand. She was obviously still in high spirits, having just finished her shopping.    


"Dong Xue —" I cried.    


Dong Xue turned around, saw me, and stopped.    


"Ke — —" Dong Xue cried out. Her voice seemed to contain surprise and surprise, but it was soon replaced by a calm expression. Her eyes drooped down as she asked, "What did you call me for?"    


From the change in Dong Xue's expression, I could tell that Dong Xue was still very happy with my sudden appearance. She must have missed me a lot.    


After not seeing Dong Xue for so many days, my heart was rather excited. I extended my hand to hold Dong Xue's hand. "Dong Xue, I haven't seen you in days …" Are you all right? "    


Dong Xue's eyes reddened. She let me hold her hand and whispered, "I'm fine. How about you?"    


"It's fine for me. I just don't trust you. I just want you to come back." "No," I said.    


"You want me to come back? Have you made up your mind? " Dong Xue looked up at me.    


"Have thought about it. No matter what happens in the future, I will never touch a single finger of yours again." I hurriedly said, "Also, regarding what happened in the past, I will never take it to heart again. I will never bear it in mind again. I will never care about it again."    


At this moment, due to Dong Xue's letter, although I don't know the reason behind it, but I already know in my heart that Dong Xue absolutely didn't betray our relationship in those nine months. Her body has always been innocent for my sake.    


If Dong Xue was willing to say it, of course, I wouldn't refuse to listen. However, if she wasn't willing to say it, I wouldn't pursue the matter further.    


Dong Xue lowered her head to ponder for a moment before raising her head to look at me. "Ke, you can ask me to come back, but you have to promise me one thing — —"    


I couldn't figure out Dong Xue's intentions. She was standing in the middle of a bustling crowd that continuously flowed in and out of the city. The afternoon sun shone down on my eyes, causing me to feel dizzy for a moment.    


"I want you to leave the Issuing Company —" Dong Xue paused, gritted her teeth, and said with a sense of anger: "I want you to leave that broken company."    


I was afraid Dong Xue would mention this, but that was her condition.    


I stared at Dong Xue blankly and didn't say anything.    


Seeing that I didn't say anything, Dong Xue continued, "What's so good about that lousy company? Isn't it just a newspaper seller? With Yi Ke's ability, within Hsinghai, I do not believe that you will not be able to find a better job. If you cannot find one, I will find one for you. Tiger Falling Plains is being bullied by dogs. As the boss, you have been reduced to such a state, acting all day while looking at a woman's eyes. If you are willing, I am not willing! "    


I looked at Dong Xue, but still didn't say anything. Dong Xue seemed to be able to find me work now.    


Don't look at how long I've been in the Hsinghai, there are a few reputable people that I know, all of them are big bosses of enterprises, when you come to them, you can guarantee that you will be heavily valued, you can get assistant to the general manager and even the general manager, and after working for a while, you can save a portion of the money, and very quickly, you can start your own business, open your own company, and start your own businesses, and we will soon be able to live the life we once had. Dong Xue said again.    


I felt a sudden pang in my heart, and I seemed to realize what Dong Xue had said about the men she knew and the men she had to deal with.    


I had never known Dong Xue's desire for material things to be so strong when I was with her, but now, Dong Xue's desire for material things and enjoyment frightened me a little.    


Could it be that he really did agree with what he had said: One can see the heart when in trouble? Was Dong Xue unable to bear hardships? In just half a year, Dong Xue's thoughts had undergone such a drastic change. Was it the cruel reality that changed Dong Xue, or was Dong Xue's original thoughts only overshadowed by the smooth sailing of the past, when they were singing and dancing?    


Dong Xue admires me for liking me, but she can't stand my current predicament. She seems to be wholeheartedly trying to get me to rise to prominence, and she's always been brooding over my work under Qiu Tong.    


But, of course I can't agree to Dong Xue's request. Even if I remove Lee Shun's shadow, the threat that Lee Shun posed to me, and the threat that Lee Shun posed to my family, I still can't agree to it, because I can't leave Qiu Tong.    


Currently, Qiu Tong is in a calm and tranquil state, both inside and outside hiding a huge crisis, including Sun Dongkai, Cao Lee, Zhao Dajian, Cao Teng, and outside Bai Laosan, even Wu De. At this moment, the internal conflict between Bai Laosan and Lee Shun is becoming increasingly intense, and it may even turn into a bloody battle. Qiu Tong is very likely to become an innocent victim or a tool to attack Lee Shun.    


Of course, other than these, my indistinct deep affection for Floating Dream and my unwillingness to leave even though I couldn't get any wisdom from Qiu Tong's heart was also taking effect.    


Also, I can't let go of the clouds in my heart. I'm worried that she might be bullied by Zhao Dajian at any time.    


"Ke, why are you in a daze? Say something?" Promise me, okay? " Dong Xue looked at me with hopeful eyes. She took the initiative to shake my hand.    


I snapped out of my reverie and looked at Dong Xue for a moment. Then, I whispered a single word, "No —"    


Dong Xue was stunned. Then, her expression changed as the corners of her mouth stretched taut. "Speak, why?"    


"It's a long story. I can't leave the Issuing Company, and I can't leave the Issuing Company either!" My voice wasn't loud, but it was decisive.    


Dong Xue's face turned even uglier. Her voice was somewhat cold, as well as somewhat disappointed and angry. "I know the reason even if you didn't tell me. I think you're obsessed with that woman. No, it's not a woman. There's also that Yun Yang!"    


I looked at Dong Xue with my eyes wide open. Why did she lift the clouds?    


Looking at my expression, Dong Xue laughed coldly: "Don't think that I'm a deaf idiot. I already know that you had an affair with that cloud a long time ago, and that's right, when I first came to Hsinghai, I was indeed a blind, deaf idiot, so I believed whatever you said. At the beginning, I thought that only Hai Zhu and you had this relationship, but now, I know, other than Hai Zhu and Yun, this ninny looks very honest and honest. It turns out she has been with you since a long time ago …    


No wonder I kept feeling that something was wrong with the way she looked at you. Now I've found the answer. "Hmph, you are also generous. Introduce your old woman to your bro Haifeng, and your bro will also repay you with a favor, introducing his sister to you as compensation."    


No need to ask, Dong Xue knows about me and Cloud, Zhang Xiaotian must have added a lot of fuel to the fire to tell Dong Xue.    


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