Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C285 Are Changing

C285 Are Changing

I suddenly remembered Dong Xue's letter. From this letter, I seemed to have reintroduced myself to Dong Xue, whom I had once known so well. She had shown some of her consciousness and thoughts that I had never seen before.    


I was acutely aware that I was changing, Dong Xue was changing, and the world was changing.    


I looked at the confused and confused Haifeng again: "Last night, Qiu Tong and I had dinner together with the CEO of the Advertising Company, we ate at Crown Hotel and finished eating, and then we went to sing. On the way, the CEO of the Advertising Company left ahead of time, leaving Qiu Tong and me alone."    


"Ah —" Haifeng opened his mouth: "Oh …" And then he met Dong Xue? "Isn't it?"    


"No, I haven't met Dong Xue. When I got back, Dong Xue started questioning me about this matter, and then …" After that, Dong Xue used dirty slander towards Qiu Tong, saying that there was some sort of trick between Qiu Tong and me. She said that Qiu Tong was a dishonest woman, and on impulse, I … " I lowered my head.    


"Oh …" "That's right." Haifeng also became silent and said: "Dong Xue's Hsinghai wasn't long, and she knows quite a bit. Where did she hear all these rumors? Just who was it that slandered her behind Qiu Tong's back? "    


I looked at Haifeng without saying a word.    


"I dare to say, based on my experience, it must be someone who has a conflict of interest or conflict with Qiu Tong. Of course I don't believe that Qiu Tong is the kind of person that Dong Xue is talking about. In my eyes, Qiu Tong is the purest, kindest, most righteous woman. Is it really like that: A woman in love is the stupidest? "    


Haifeng said: "I think the person who slandered Qiu Tong behind her back was a colleague of hers, and also a colleague who apparently or secretly had a conflict of interest with her. These kinds of people are everywhere and in all kinds of units, but of course, there are more in the government and the state-owned enterprises.    


There was a special kind of person in society who did not work hard, was not a good person, did not do good things for others, and did not put in effort to pay for them. However, after seeing other people's rewards, as well as seeing other people's achievements, he was envious and jealous.    


I think Dong Xue must have been hit by this kind of person's slanderous talk, you and Qiu Tong's normal work contact to produce a negative suspicion, and then to vent anger on Qiu Tong. Dong Xue's actions, however, have struck a deep chord with the hearts of others. Those people's goal is to use Dong Xue to incite conflict between you and Qiu Tong, to cause chaos, and even wanted to let Dong Xue cause trouble for your Group. To make Qiu Tong's reputation completely rotten, that would be the only way to fulfill their wish. "    


Haifeng analyzed as he spoke.    


Of course, I understood in my heart that the one directly controlling Dong Xue was probably Cao Lee. Even if it wasn't Cao Lee, she was still the one who was ordered by Cao Lee.    


At this moment, I suddenly understood why Cao Lee was so close to Dong Xue as soon as she met her.    


She had intended to use Dong Xueli as a tool to attack Qiu Tong from the beginning. She was a woman and knew where the weak point of a woman lay. No matter how smart a woman was, once she was caught in the whirlpool of love, once she fell into the magnetic field of emotions, she would become especially sensitive to any emotional disturbance that came from the outside world. She would become muddle-headed and stupid.    


The intelligent Dong Xue had become more profound and agile in her ideas, but she was still a fool in her emotions. She unconsciously became the tool Cao Lee used to plot against Qiu Tong, and more tragically, became the tool used to plot against Qiu Tong. Yet, Dong Xue did not seem to have any ill feelings towards Cao Lee.    


From this matter, I take it for granted that even though Dong Xue is more mature than before, she still has a childish and simple side to her, and her ability to distinguish truth from falsehood is still lacking.    


At the same time, I also realized that Cao Leeyuan was not as simple as I thought. Her seemingly humble brain contained a careful thinking and a meticulous scheming. She wasn't a short-sighted person, and she was also intelligent.    


I analyzed Dong Xue and Cao Lee without a shred of doubt.    


"Bro, this slap of yours is exactly what some people like. Perhaps, some people just want to blow up the issue and implicate even more people into the conflict between you and Dong Xue. At this moment, someone might be laughing behind their backs." Haifeng said.    


"Actually, Dong Xue also seems to think that her slandering of Qiu Tong is a bit excessive. Although she said those words, she doesn't seem to fully believe those words!" I said.    


Although Haifeng and I were brothers, I still didn't want to tell him about Qiu Tong and myself. Perhaps the illusion of truth and falsehood between me and Qiu Tong would forever be a secret within my own heart, a secret that would accompany me to the end of my life. Even Qiu Tong wouldn't know everything.    


"Oh, I don't really believe it, but there's still 8% that I'm willing to believe it, and I still have the mindset that I should rather not believe it, right?" Haifeng said.    


I was silent.    


"Women's suspicion towards women is always like this. This is very scary!" Haifeng said.    


"Actually, Dong Xue didn't leave just because of that slap. "No," I said.    


"Then why?"    


I looked at Haifeng without saying a word.    


"Is it because of the knots in my heart over the past nine months?" You mean she can't let it go? "    


I nodded. "Maybe!"    


"The two of you have been reunited for such a long time. Did you not manage to explain all of that clearly?" Haifeng said.    


I nodded again.    




"It's a long story!" I sighed.    


Haifeng said: "I can't finish my bullshit, in my opinion, it's because you don't dare to face the reality and deliberately avoid the contradiction, she can't speak of the past, to put it bluntly, the two of you are deceiving yourself, both of you are trying to fool each other, and you are just messing with each other for one day. If you want to continue like this, the longer you are, the harder it is to solve the knot in your heart, and when the conflict gets deeper, one day it will erupt …"    


Since you can accept Dong Xue yourself, which means that you have forgiven Dong Xue for what she did in the past, which means that you have accepted Duan Xiangloong's green hat willingly. Then, you should think about this matter peacefully, don't hold it in your heart anymore, just live a good life! "    


Like me, Haifeng took it for granted that something must have happened between Dong Xue and Duan Xiangloong during the past nine months. Haifeng had even brought up the word green hat and put it on me.    


"Haifeng, things might not be as simple as we think." As I spoke, I took out the letter Dong Xue wrote and handed it to Haifeng.    


Haifeng took the letter and read it carefully. After a while, he looked up at me and said, "This … Could it be … Was there another mystery behind this? Could it be that I thought that I was wrong back then … Could it be that Dong Xue had her own difficulties … "What happened?"    


I shook my head. Perhaps only Dong Xue herself could unravel this mystery.    


"Not necessarily. Other than Dong Xue, there is one other person who can uncover this secret!" Haifeng said.    


"Duan Xiangloong?"    


"Yes — this bastard! Maybe he can solve this riddle as well!" Haifeng said: "A few days ago, I heard from Ningzhou's friend that this guy has recently become addicted to gambling. In my opinion, he fell into this quagmire and it's not far from his end."    


I thought about what Qin had told me about Duan Xiangloong and Lee Shun, and I had a premonition.    


"Did Dong Xue know I was in the hospital?" I finally couldn't resist asking Haifeng.    


"I know!"    


I suddenly felt a wave of disappointment in my heart, Dong Xue knew I was hospitalized but didn't come to see me, is she still resenting me or not caring about me?    


Haifeng seemed to have seen through my thoughts, "Dong Xue is still very concerned about you. She asked me in detail about your situation, but she didn't want to come see you. She said that you wouldn't lack a woman to visit you, so she didn't want to join in on the fun. "    


I was stunned.    


"She's right. Look, didn't my Hai Zhu, Yun Yun, and Qiu Tong all come to visit you?" Haifeng said: "You brat, you can have anything else, but you can't not have a woman. However, don't think too much about it. My family's Hai Zhu came to see you out of brotherly affection. Cloud came to see you out of revolutionary friendship between friends and colleagues. Qiu Tong came to see you out of concern for her superior's care and care for her subordinates. "    


I bitterly smiled in my heart. How would Haifeng know about the relationship between me and Yun? How would he know about the small disturbance that would arise between Qiu Tong and me from time to time?    


"You sure have a wide range of connections in Hsinghai. You have all sorts of friends, even the tricycle driver at the entrance of the hospital has your friends." Haifeng continued, "This morning, it was fortunate that that friend, Fourth Brother, had helped me greatly. Otherwise, given your size, how could I have possibly dragged you down? "Also, I have something I need to return to the office with, and he took the initiative to stay behind to take care of you."    


My heart surged with gratitude for Fourth Brother. I didn't tell Haifeng Fourth Brother's true identity. I didn't want Haifeng to be involved in my conflict with the underworld.    


I lay in the hospital for three days. During these three days, Haifeng, Fourth Brother, Yun and Qiu Tong came to the hospital to look after me and chat with me. Hai Zhu had returned to Ningzhou on Saturday afternoon.    


For the past three days, Cloud never mentioned Dong Xue in front of me. She talked to me very carefully, as if she was trying to avoid something.    


On Monday afternoon, when I was discharged from the hospital, Qiu Tong came. Before leaving, she said, "Let's go see Dong Xue."    


I looked at Qiu Tong. Qiu Tong continued, "You're a man, so you have to be magnanimous!"    


I couldn't help but nod.    


Qiu Tong smiled. "It's normal to be at odds with each other. Don't escalate the conflict between the people into a conflict between the enemy and yourself."    


Qiu Tong tried to make her expression relaxed, but I could feel a hint of unease in her expression. I don't know what Qiu Tong sensed these days.    


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