Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C269 Detail

C269 Detail

I immediately went upstairs to Qiu Tong's office, where she was deep in thought.    


"Finished. Beginning June 1st." I said as I passed over the details of the transmission to Qiu Tong, "This is the transmission detail. Arrange for someone to record the Statistical Office into the computer."    


Qiu Tong took it and looked at it. She nodded and put the details of the delivery aside and looked at me. "Wu De left?"    


"Yes!" I said, "Qiu Tong, what did he and you talk about?"    


"He made his relationship with Lee Shun clear." Qiu Tong said: "He told me about his private relationship with Lee Shun. He said that Lee Shun grew up with him, and he had always been very concerned with Lee Shun and protected him. Then, he said that when Lee Shun is not in Hsinghai, if there's anything I can do to find him, he will definitely help."    


"Oh …"    


"Some people, the more you don't want to deal with them, the more you want to avoid them, the more impossible it is for you to avoid them." Qiu Tong forced a smile and looked at me, "Of course, Wu De said a lot of other things. Although he didn't say it out loud, I guessed his intentions."    


"What was his intention?" "No," I said.    


"In addition to what I just said, he also revealed another meaning. That is, these 8000 newspapers, he actually specifically came to support me. He said that no matter what, when I publish this piece, he has to express his intentions and support."    


"I'm gifting a favor, gifting a favor to Boss Sun in front of Boss Sun, gifting a favor to you in front of you." "No," I said.    


"Haha …" Qiu Tong smiled and said, "No matter who he is giving me favors and supporting me in my work, this is an unchangeable fact. I have to thank him for his kind words, but I have to say that the additional 8000 newspapers will greatly support my work.    


"Yes, that's true."    


"Also, he didn't mention it at the winery that day. He vaguely revealed an intention just now, which was to use me to influence the editorial office of the newspaper and give him some form of publicity as a reward."    


"Promotional rewards?" I looked at Qiu Tong. "He wants to advertise him personally through the daily newspaper?"    


"Yes!" Qiu Tong nodded.    


"Send a news report?" Boss Wu has subscribed to the party newspaper to bestow upon the political and legal front police officers. I said, "This should be necessary, right?"    


"He seems to have more than that." Qiu Tong said, "He seems to want to make a big report. I have to report this to the chairman. I don't dare to make the decision."    


"Oh …" I nodded: "What on earth is Wu De trying to do? Why is he doing such a big story? Does he want to be famous?"    


"Yes." Qiu Tong nodded. "That seems to be his real purpose. He wants to use the Party newspaper's public opinion position to build up his momentum and realize his magnificent turnaround from a gangster to a serious businessman."    


"What's the use of turning around?" I still don't understand.    


"To achieve political progress, to achieve a breakthrough in one's status, and to use all sorts of channels to become a top businessman. To pave the way for his further enrichment or development."    


I suddenly realized, "So Wu De's intention is here."    


"Yes, Wu De's move was very brilliant. 8,000 newspapers worth more than 2 million was an astronomical figure in the eyes of ordinary people, but in his eyes, it was nothing more than a drop in the ocean." Qiu Tong said: "But, he reaped a lot of benefits. First, he gave me and Boss Sun a favor and gained face in front of Lee Shun; secondly, he gained a good reputation in the political and legal committee system, which opened a way for him to deal with the people in the political and legal system; thirdly, he gained a good reputation in the society and established a good relationship with the media group with the greatest amount of Hsinghai; fourthly, he borrowed the power of the media to lay a good public opinion foundation for his next step of development and expansion. This is of utmost importance. This person has foresight and ambitions. "    


Qiu Tong's analysis was very accurate. I couldn't help but nod and say, "Then what do you do? Let him win? "    


Heaven will not drop the pie, he wrote 8000 newspapers with his big hands, and the reward is inevitable, and this reward is within our capabilities. If I don't help him, others will do the same, but he told me about this just to show his good intentions, so if I don't help him, he can also find Boss Sun or Cao Lee. Qiu Tong said, "I'll call the chairman right now to report."    


Qiu Tong touched her phone and was about to make a call when she suddenly stopped and looked at me. "Comrade Yi, do you think it's possible?"    


I nodded. "But-"    


Qiu Tong pursed her lips and smiled, "That's good. Since Manager Yi has approved, I will call him."    


Looking at Qiu Tong's mischievous expression, I couldn't help but laugh.    


Qiu Tong then dialed the chairman's number and reported the situation to him. The chairman was very happy and immediately agreed, saying that he would immediately tell Chief Editor that he wanted to open a special forum and, in addition to sending a press release, would also send a series of in-depth interviews as a reward for this big subscriber.    


After the phone call, Qiu Tong looked at me and said, "Look, this is the relationship between newspaper management and news under the new situation. The newspaper management and the news management are inseparable, the newspaper pages, in addition to the party and government news reports, give priority to the big owners. The Group Party Committee has given the editorial board instructions that the news reports should be slanted to the big owners, to the big advertisers, to the big issuers, and to the public news, no one is allowed to involve the big advertisers and the big distributors.    


There is a special list within the Editorial Committee, both the list of major households that cannot be exposed, and the list of units and counties where the daily newspaper is not active. This is the unwritten rule of the party newspaper media: business is linked to publicity. "    


I said, "Well, I never knew that."    


Qiu Tong smiled and said, "This is basically the way the national media works. This is what motivates them. When you see the news in the newspapers, they are basically people who have offended the media, or who do not order much advertising. They are usually called unlucky bastards. The big clients of the newspapers will not be exposed. "    


"They did it very unscrupulously!" "No," I said.    


"That's right. Heh heh, that's normal too. Which industry isn't dark now?" The general environment of society determines that. " Qiu Tong said: "I see that the current soccer player is very dark, with black whistles flying everywhere, and there are a lot of insider trading. On the surface, there are black whistles and fake balls on the surface, but in reality, the real source behind the scenes, in my opinion, is the entire system's dark roots. The Chinese Football Association is the root of the dark."    


I didn't expect Qiu Tong to be right. In less than two years, the Chinese Football Association was almost at the end of its tether.    


"Alright, let's not talk about it anymore." Qiu Tong said, "Come, let's get down to business. The advertisement folder of Boss Sun's relative will probably be delivered in the afternoon. You will be responsible for the contact details. This is the first shot of our door, you have to be careful of the arrangement of the various processes, do not make any mistakes, and properly arrange all the processes other than Publishing Station. "    


I nodded. "Alright, then about the Publishing Station —"    


"Boss Zhao is in charge over there, you don't have to worry about it." Qiu Tong said with a smile.    


"Sigh — — Oh right, just now Cao Lee said that Boss Sun arranged for the Management Office Supervisor to check the quality of the early reports. She wants to personally bring people to check it out." "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong's eyes lit up as she rolled her eyes, "Boss Sun really values you. Good, welcome Supervisor and warmly welcome him."    


Qiu Tong seemed very interested in this news and seemed to really welcome it. I still couldn't figure out Qiu Tong's real intentions and intentions.    


"It looks like I have to invite the chairman of the board to visit the company to see if the start is going well." Qiu Tong muttered to herself.    


"What is this? Just from the start, he had his leaders come to inspect it? "What's the hurry?" "No," I said.    


"Sigh — young man, you don't understand. Slowly, you will find out that this is heaven's will." Qiu Tong smiled at me.    


I giggled and rubbed my head.    


"Yi Ke, are you really dumb now or are you just pretending to be?" Qiu Tong looked at me with her chin in her hand.    


"What a fool!" "No," I said.    


"I don't believe it." Qiu Tong laughed, "Yi Ke, you know, when a person struggles, he has to learn four things, one of which is to pretend to be stupid, sigh — — in the current society, pretending to be stupid is fashionable, to gain others' negligence and sympathy, to take others' car and walk one's own path."    


I said, "Then what are the other three?"    


"There's more …" Qiu Tong paused and looked at me. "You want to know?"    


"Mm …"    


"Alright, then call me sister and I'll tell you!" Qiu Tong said mischievously.    


"Sis —" I cried out without hesitation.    


"Sigh — —" Qiu Tong agreed, then blushed a little. She looked very pretty before curling her lips. "You're too enjoyable, not fun at all."    


"Alright, quickly tell me!" "No," I said.    


"Fine, there are three things to it. First, learn to give up, and second, learn how to hold back." "Third, learn to show weakness."    


"Good, not bad, not bad at all." I agreed with Qiu Tong, nodded repeatedly, and then said to Qiu Tong, "Thank you, eldest sister."    


"Pfft! You just called me sister and you're calling me sister again. What do you mean by that?" Qiu Tong gritted her teeth.    


"Little girl, do you think that it's that easy to take advantage of me?" I sat across from Qiu Tong and grinned.    


"Alright, since you dare to bully the Leader, see how I'll deal with you." Qiu Tong raised her hand to hit me. Just as she raised her hand, I grabbed her hand.    


Qiu Tong's hand was soft and delicate. In my hand, Qiu Tong's hand looked exceptionally small. I couldn't help but clench it a little tighter.    


When I held Qiu Tong's hand, Qiu Tong's face immediately turned red. She wanted to take it back, but I didn't let go.    


"You … You're hurting me. " Qiu Tong whispered.    


Only then did I feel a little uncomfortable. I quickly let go of her hand and Qiu Tong withdrew it.    


For a moment, the atmosphere between us was awkward and silent.    


A strange feeling welled up in my heart. I didn't know if Qiu Tong had any.    


I seem to feel that while Qiu Tong was trying to keep her distance from me, she was also unconsciously closing in on me. Could it be that she was unconsciously bringing me closer to the man in the air in her heart?    


My mind raced, my heart throbbed.    


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