Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C561 Drink Alone Not like Drinking Together

C561 Drink Alone Not like Drinking Together

Cao Teng was in his office. When he saw me come in, he said, "Brother Yi, what happened to the external report on the subrogation plan arranged by Boss Qiu?"    


I said, "I've drawn up an outline, but I haven't come up with a specific plan yet."    


Cao Teng walked in front of me and said, "I think you've been pretty busy these few days. How about this, you give me your outline and I'll make a concrete proposal for you and me to discuss before submitting it to Boss Qiu. Is that okay with you?"    


I thought about it. "Okay, I'll send the outline to your mailbox now."    


After saying that, I turned on the computer and sent the outline to Cao Teng.    


I have already expressed this thought several times on the company's Manager's Office Meeting before, the basic thoughts and specific operation methods are already quite clear, Cao Teng must have a plan in his heart, otherwise, he wouldn't take the initiative to ask for this plan. Since he is willing to do it, then I just happened to save some time.    


Cao Teng then got busy in front of the desk.    


I was looking at the business report for the past few days when the intercom rang. It was Qiu Tong's phone and asked me to come over.    


I went to Qiu Tong's office and she handed me a document. "This is the draft of the basic work for the big contract I came up with. Manager Yi, please review it!"    


I took it over and smiled. "Boss Qiu is being too courteous. How am I a censor? I'm more or less here to study."    


Qiu Tong smiled. "This proposal contains a lot of ideas for you, and I've also incorporated some of my thoughts into it. The main point is to combine the lessons from the past with the actual work we're doing, but I still feel a little lacking, so I ask a marketing master like you to give me some advice and let me know what's going on."    


I said, "What do you want me to do? I'll just go back and read it."    


Qiu Tong said, "You must take a good look at this plan. We must work on this plan to improve it. This is the entire guidance document for this year's great conquest. Once the group has decided on this, we must use it as a guide to implement the specific conscription plan around this plan."    


I nodded. "However, I don't know if the current situation of the corporation will affect the progress of the newspaper's contract. I don't know if there are any leaders in the corporation who would consider the proposal."    


Qiu Tong said: "We don't need to worry too much about the leadership. We just need to do our job well. "No matter what the leaders do, the newspaper contract must be carried out. Even if there may be some delay, we will do the following work well. At least, once the orders are given by the upper echelons of the group, we can start our actions immediately and don't waste any more precious time."    


I said, "I don't know what will happen when the chairman resigns. The secretary hasn't come back yet? "    


Qiu Tong said, "Yes. "He didn't come back!"    


"The secretary of the city council is a dry bird, why isn't he back yet?"    


Qiu Tong said, "You're asking me, but who should I ask? "Why are you speaking such vulgar words?"    


I said, "Did I swear?"    


Qiu Tong said, "Of course, don't you feel it yourself? What did you just say? Isn't that a vulgarity? "    


I scratched my head and smiled. "This is considered a vulgarity."    


"Of course, of course." Qiu Tong said seriously.    


I couldn't help but laugh inside. I'm already used to using vulgarities, but they're much stronger than this. Even though I never speak in front of Qiu Tong, she always thought that I was a civilized kid!    


I said, "Well then, in the future, I will talk about civilization and not use vulgarities!"    


"Yes, this is what a good child should be like." Qiu Tong couldn't help but laugh.    


I looked at Qiu Tong. "Qiu Tong, do you think the city council will approve the chairman's resignation?"    


As I said this, I couldn't help but think of the many possibilities that Lee had analyzed to me.    


Qiu Tong pondered for a moment before looking at me. "Great God Yi Ke, can you not worry so much? "If you worry too much, you will be very tired. I suggest you take care of your own door and your own people like I do. You shouldn't think about things that we shouldn't, don't think about them!"    


I grinned. "Things are not people, I can't help but think about it. Isn't this the concern of everyone in the world? "    


Qiu Tong smiled. "Alright, I won't blabber on with you anymore. Go back and look at my proposal. Make some suggestions."    


Qiu Tong was chasing me away, so I left.    


Returning to his office, Cao Teng was busy working hard in front of his computer.    


I didn't disturb Cao Teng as I continued to busy myself with my work.    


I looked at the data report on the distribution of the Sanshui Group and started to ponder over the matter regarding the subscription for the newspaper. I really wanted to write a big article on Sanshui Group, but I wasn't sure which angle to start from and how to take down the major client of this group.    


Thinking about Sanshui Group, he couldn't help but think of summer and Xia Yu.    


The key to this big deal is summer. As long as you can move the summer, some of it will be fine.    


We haven't seen each other since the summer I finished talking about the business of the travel company, and when he said he would ask me out for coffee when he was free, I thought it was a kind of courtesy. He's the boss of such a large group.    


As for Xia Yu, I didn't dare to take the initiative to look for her. It's good that she didn't come and trouble me.    


After work, Cao Teng left first.    


After finishing my work, I turned my head and looked out the window at the gradually darkening sky. I looked at the few leaves that were about to fall off the trees in the courtyard.    


It was late autumn, I realized, and the days were getting shorter and colder. In my hometown, in the distant Southern Kingdom, there was still not a trace of autumn.    


I suddenly miss my parents, suddenly miss my Jiangnan.    


Thinking about the changes that had occurred to me in the past year, thinking about the many people and events that had happened in the past year, thinking about what I had lost and obtained, thinking about what was in my heart and what was in front of me, thinking about my illusions and realities, I couldn't help but feel a myriad of emotions and feelings surging through my heart.    


Autumn always feels so heart-throbbing, my heart suddenly felt a bit sad and bleak.    


He suddenly felt a great sense of melancholy and melancholy. He suddenly felt like drinking and wanted to stay for a while.    


I went out of the office, did not drive, and walked alone to a simple barbecue house near the company. I found a secluded corner by the window, ordered a small stove, some skewers, a bottle of Erguotou, roasted, ate, and drank.    


The autumn wind outside the window was blowing, and it sounded depressed, just as I was thinking now.    


After a few drinks, my somewhat cold body started to heat up.    


I lowered my head, silently drank my wine, silently roasted, and silently thought about my own thoughts.    


Then I saw a pair of legs appear before my eyes, and before I could look up, the man was sitting across from me.    


"Drink alone, don't you want to buy me a drink?" The voice sounded calm.    


I slowly raised my head — —    


The uninvited guest was Dong Xue.    


At this moment, Dong Xue was sitting quietly opposite me, looking at me with a complicated gaze.    


I shook my head. My eyes were a little dazed. I looked at Dong Xue through my blurry vision. I looked at Dong Xue under the dim light.    


At this moment, Dong Xue's gaze no longer had its usual arrogance and cold arrogance, nor was it as overbearing and arrogant as before. What filled her eyes was indescribable love and concern.    


Looking at Dong Xue sitting quietly opposite me, I couldn't help but to recall the scene from the past. Those scenes were from the beautiful Jiangnan, the beautiful Jiangnan past.    


My nose suddenly felt sore. I pursed my lips and looked straight at Dong Xue.    


"What are you drinking here for? Why aren't you going back after work?" Dong Xue spoke up.    


"I'm willing!" I spit out three words.    


Dong Xue looked at me and suddenly smiled sadly. "You're willing. You are always so stubborn. In this world, there never seems to be anything that can make you give in. "    


I looked at Dong Xue and said nothing.    


Dong Xue took my cup of water and poured it out. She took the bottle and poured a glass of water directly into the pot. Then she looked at me and said, "Since you don't want to treat me, I'll pour it myself."    


As she spoke, Dong Xue took a sip.    


Dong Xue wasn't good at drinking white wine, so after taking a sip, she gave a slight cough.    


I said, "That's my drink."    


"So what?" Dong Xue said, her pale face gradually turning red.    


"You took it, what do I need to drink?" "No," I said.    


"Bro, bring me a glass of water —" Dong Xue turned her head and called out.    


The shop assistant brought me a cup of water. Dong Xue poured me a cup of water and placed it in front of me.    


I took a sip of water from my glass and looked at Dong Xue. "What are you doing here?"    


"I'm willing!" Dong Xue said lightly.    


"How did you know I was here?" I stared at Dong Xue. "You're following me, aren't you?"    


Dong Xue said flatly, "You feel so good about yourself. Are you worthy of me following you? It's just a coincidence. "    


I said, "You're also so stubborn. Even if the ducks die, their mouths will still be tough."    


Dong Xue looked at me. "You don't seem very happy." What? Did something bad happen? "    


I snorted. "You can only drink by yourself when you're unhappy?"    


Dong Xue nodded. "That's true. Of course we can drink alone when we're happy."    


I took a sip from my glass without speaking.    


Dong Xue sighed softly and said, "It seems that we have to argue every time we meet. I think, can we not argue this time?"    


I said, "You were the one who initiated every quarrel. If you didn't cause trouble, how could you have caused such a ruckus? You think I want to quarrel with you? "    


Dong Xue forced a smile and said, "Ke, you see, now that you mention it, we seem to be arguing again."    


I said nothing, fiddling with the skewers on the stove.    


Dong Xue turned her head to look out the window at the cold night, and said softly, "In our Jiangnan, it is still so warm, and here, it will soon be winter. "Ke, do you miss Jiangnan?"    


I put down the kebab in my hand and looked at Dong Xue. I still didn't say anything, but I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.    


"I'm starting to miss home. I miss my family, my Jiangnan. I miss those beautiful things that happened in Jiangnan." Dong Xue said softly.    


I lit a cigarette and smoked in silence, feeling sorry for Dong Xue. If it wasn't for me, how could Dong Xue have come to this distant Northern Kingdom and stayed here alone until now?    


"Remember our past? The intoxicating past. " Dong Xue said again.    


I nodded silently.    


Dong Xue sighed again, "However, everything has become a memory. Today, we are suddenly strangers. You are no longer you, and I am no longer me. What has changed us, fate, or the world? "Still."    


"It's our choice." I said, "Dong Xue, actually, our life is determined not by our ability, but by our choice. "Character determines fate, but choice can determine life."    


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