Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C562 Right to Choose

C562 Right to Choose

"Choice? Our choice? " Dong Xue repeated, "Ke, do you think I made the wrong choice?"    


"Everyone has the right to choose, and everyone has no right to evaluate the choices of others. I admit that there is an unshakable persistence in your character. "    


Dong Xue looked at me. "Perhaps, you understand my choice, or perhaps, you do not understand my choice, or perhaps, you will never know my entire choice."    


"I don't understand what you mean."    


"I don't need you to understand. Perhaps one day I will understand that the most precious thing about a person is not the material you possess, but the people who accompany you. But for me, I want both. "    


"Sometimes you can't have both the fish and the bear's paw. You must choose between the two. "    


"You may be right, but at the moment, I can't do it. I only know that what I want, I must have, what I want, I must achieve. "    


"You're still as persistent as ever."    


"Perhaps my persistence isn't just about the two of them."    


"I don't understand what you mean."    


"You don't understand it now. Perhaps, in the future, you will understand it. Or perhaps, you will never understand it. Ke, do you think that I have changed a lot? "    


"What do you think?"    


"I admit I've changed a lot, but I think you've changed a lot too."    


"Everything in the world can change, that's not surprising!"    


"I don't understand some of your changes."    


"I don't need you to understand me, just as I don't need you to understand some of your changes!"    


"You drove to work this morning, and I saw you take Cao Lee with you."    


I looked at Dong Xue. "What do you mean?"    


"You know that."    


"I don't understand."    


"I think you know better than I what Cao Lee is like. Why did you mix with her? Was it just to satisfy the needs of the body? "You weren't like this in the past, why have you fallen to such a state now?"    


"You're using your understanding to think what you see. Are you that confident?"    


"I wouldn't have believed it if I had only heard it from others, but that time at Cao Lee's house, I witnessed everything with my own eyes that made it impossible for me not to believe my own judgment. I can't help but suspect that you didn't go back last night. I don't understand. Could it be that Hai Zhu is unable to satisfy you, or do you have become a flower seeker? "    


I didn't want to explain. I knew that the more I explained, the worse it would become. I said, "How would you like to think it's your problem? But I tell you, I didn't do what you thought I did. "    


Dong Xue said with an expression of obvious disbelief, "Do you think I should believe your words?"    


"Believe it or not!" I blew out a puff of smoke.    


Dong Xue looked at me for a moment with a pained expression on her face. "Cao Lee is a morally corrupt person and a devil. I don't know what kind of tricks she used to confuse you, but I want to remind you that you will suffer if you continue to tangle with her."    


"Thank you for your reminder. I know what I'm doing!"    


Dong Xue then asked me, "Ke, I want to ask you a personal question. Is Hai Zhu not good in that aspect? Can't satisfy you? "    


"That question of yours is boring. You wish I wasn't right with Hai Zhu, don't you? You'd like Hai Zhu and I to go our separate ways, wouldn't you? You can't get it yourself, and you can't let anyone else get it, can you? "    


Dong Xue's face twitched slightly. "If I said yes, would you hate me?"    


"I will not hate you, I will despise you!" I said, "Not only do you think that, but you've actually started some kind of operation, haven't you?"    


"I said, what belongs to me can only be mine. Even if I don't have it now, I can't let anyone else have it." "I cannot tolerate others plotting against me. Those who have plotted against me, will sooner or later receive their retribution."    


I said, "Dong Xue, you have been blinded by hatred. You have no reason to analyze why we separated. Is it Hai Zhu's and Haifeng's fault that we broke up? What have the two of them done to you? You hate them so much, so why don't you think about your own reasons?    


You advised me not to get too close with Cao Lee, then let me ask you, why do you want to go to Bai Laosan, why do you want to tangle with Zhang Xiaotian? Don't you know what kind of people Bai Laosan and Zhang Xiaotian are? If you're just taking revenge on me, I can ignore it, but if you have any other purpose, I'm very disappointed. "    


"What other purpose do you think I have for contacting Bai Laosan Zhang Xiaotian?" Dong Xue said.    


"You know best. I don't think I need to say anything more!" "No," I said.    


Dong Xue sighed deeply, "Perhaps, only I am clear about my motives. Perhaps, one day, you will know. Perhaps, you will never know. "    


Dong Xue's voice sounded somewhat sorrowful.    


I said, "Bai Laosan is a member of the underworld, even if you want material things, you don't have to find Bai Laosan. Is money really that important to let you mix with the underworld all day long?"    


Dong Xue let out a sigh of relief, "You said that I am mixed with the underworld, but I want to advise you, don't sink deeper and deeper into the underworld. You are now the most important member of Lee Shun, you have already become a genuine underworld member, you fight with Wu De and Bai Laosan, Lee Shun is still at a disadvantage, can you fight them alone? Who are Bai Laosan and Wu De? Typical ruthlessness.    


I don't understand why you want to follow Lee Shun this way. I don't want to see you get hurt or even lose your life in the underworld. It's not worth it. You don't have to pay such a price.    


If Ningzhou can't settle down, then you can go back to Ningzhou and fly far away to other places. China is a big country, the world is big, and there is nowhere you can't settle down to. Why do you have to argue about staying in a place like Hsinghai, just what in the world is there that makes you so reluctant to stay? "    


I said, "If you say that to me, I'd like to ask you why you are with the underworld. Didn't you get involved with Bai Laosan's matters? I'm a gangster, what about you? Are you innocent? You are in charge of Bai Laosan's financial affairs, do you think that all of that money came from a proper place? You helped Bai Laosan manage the funds, helped him launder the money, are you not Bai Laosan's accomplice? What exactly is there in that underworld circle that's worthy of you staying behind? "    


Dong Xue looked at me and said: "Let's make a deal. You withdraw from the underworld, I will leave Bai Laosan, and we will leave Hsinghai together. We will leave together, okay?"    


I smiled ruefully. "Reality? Is that possible? You made up your mind to leave me, and now you want it again. If I am with Hai Zhu now, I will definitely not leave Hai Zhu. Even if I withdraw from the underworld, I will not fly away with you, nor will I leave the Hsinghai. Our past is a thing of the past. The hands on the clock can go back to their starting point, but it's not yesterday. "    


Dong Xue's face turned cold, her gaze was somewhat cold and filled with anger as she said: "I know you guys are going to be rich now, but your travel company has accepted the big orders, and you called me money. As for you, you don't want to leave Hsinghai, isn't that because you're rich?    


Hai Zhu doesn't have this ability, it's all because of you. If you don't leave Hai Zhu, it's because she's a legal person in the company and the money you earn is all in her name. If you leave her, you won't get a single cent?    


You're right, I left you of my own accord, but why did I leave you at that time? If you didn't do that to me, would I leave? However, the reason I left you is for your own good, and does not mean that others can have you. In the past, you were mine, and now and in the future, you are mine. "    


I smiled bitterly. "Dong Xue, do you think that the reason why I have not left the Hsinghai is because I am afraid of losing my wealth? You said you left me is for my own good. Haha, your words are really good, really noble. I understand. It seems that I have to thank you. I used to be yours, I won't deny it, but, whose is my present and future? I'm sorry, this isn't something you can decide, it doesn't matter if you say it. "    


Dong Xue raised her glass and took a big gulp. Then she looked at me and suddenly burst into tears!    


Looking at Dong Xue's tear-stained face and the wronged and desperate expression in her eyes, my heart suddenly feels sorrowful and painful.    


I picked up my glass and drank it down.    


The alcohol and the pain intertwined in my mind, numbing my brain and body.    


"Ke, are you really that heartless?" Dong Xue choked with sobs.    


I looked at Dong Xue and said slowly, "Dong Xue, I want to tell you that in this life, a momentary mistake can lead to a lifetime of pain, and can't force others to love me. I can only try my best to make myself someone worthy of love, and I have a different path from yours. I think we all have to face reality. "    


"No, I can't accept this reality!" Dong Xue looked at me with misty eyes, let the tears flow to the corner of her mouth, then slipped down, said: "This is not the reality I want. "No, I don't want that reality."    


Dong Xue's voice was choked.    


Seeing Dong Xue's crying, the usually stubborn her suddenly appeared so helpless, I suddenly felt as if a knife had been twisted in my heart. I pulled out a few tissues and passed them to Dong Xue.    


Dong Xue took the tissue and wiped her tears. She lowered her head in silence.    


I looked at Dong Xue in silence and smoked my cigarette.    


After a while, Dong Xue looked up at me. Her eyes were calm again. There was determination, determination, and also a sense of deep affection in them.    


Not daring to meet Dong Xue's eyes, I lowered my head.    


"Ke, no matter how you look at me, no matter if you still have me in your heart, me. I hope that you will be safe, and that you will be happy. " Dong Xue seemed to be trying her best to soften her voice. She stood up, paused for a moment, swayed a little, and left.    


Watching Dong Xue's figure leave, the sorrow in her heart became thicker. She picked up the bottle, raised her head and gulped down the remaining Erguotou in one gulp.    


This time, he had unhappily left after meeting with Dong Xue.    


Drunk and numb, the brain vaguely thought, perhaps, life is really fate scattered like a breeze, people come and go empty. The encounters, acquaintances, and knowledge of life were all fates cultivated from his previous life, so perhaps there was no need to be sad. This was because the gathering and dispersing of life was just a chance encounter of the world's reincarnation, a normal occurrence in life.    


Perhaps they were destined to part, perhaps they would never meet again. Perhaps, it really was like this. To gather together, there was no such thing as joy, nor was there any such thing as sadness. Destiny was scattered; everything was up to fate.    


As I thought of this, the sadness and melancholy in my heart intensified.    


After sitting there for a long time and smoking a few cigarettes, I paid the bill and went out.    


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