Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C588 He Is My Family

C588 He Is My Family

Summer looked at me for a moment and said, "I can see you're a man who is good at underestimating himself and understanding others. At your age, being able to do this is something that is extremely valuable. "    


I said, "You might be better at it than I am."    


Xia Xia said: "I now know two people with surnames Yi, one is you, Yi Ke, and the other is —"    


"Yi Zhongtian!" I said, "He's my family!"    


"Oh, your family? So you are relatives of a family, you know each other. " Xia Xia's eyes lit up: "Then how do you and him get on on the same generation?"    


I grinned. "I know him and he doesn't know me. If I look back 1000 years, it might be a family. As for seniority, I originally wanted to change my name to Yi Zhongdi to discuss with him about brothers, but I didn't change it. "    


This is the truth. I had wanted to change my name to Yi Zhongtian long ago because I liked Yi Zhongtian, but at that time, Dong Xue stubbornly refused to agree. She said it was too unpleasant and I had no choice but to give up.    


Xia Xia listened for a moment, then understood and started laughing.    


After separating from Summer, I walked slowly along the sidewalk in the direction of the company. As I walked, I wondered how I was going to deal with Sanshui Group's large-scale subscription newspaper.    


When he arrived at the entrance of the operation area, he raised his head and saw Qiu Tong strolling around the first floor of the company. From time to time, she would lift her head to look in the direction of the entrance, as if she was waiting for someone.    


I was about to walk over when a black Audi A6 pulled up, stopped near Qiu Tong, opened the door, and got out of the back seat. It was a man in a dark trench coat.    


The man was in his fifties, wearing black-rimmed glasses. He had a medium build and was slightly fat. He had a bald spot on his head and several strands of hair were lying horizontally in front of him. He looked quite comical.    


This was the Group Party Committee's number one, Vice Secretary and Chief Editor, who had just risen from vice-chairman to be the leader of the Group.    


This bookworm who had been working on the newspapers came to inspect the operations of Issuing Company.    


The director of the Party Committee Office had also alighted with him.    


At this moment, Chief Editor had a serious expression on his face and he was in a rather good mood. Facing Qiu Tong's welcoming smile, he only nodded slightly and walked straight up the stairs. The chairman of the corporation department was not bad.    


I don't know how the chairman of the group felt these days, but the sudden fall of the chairman must have been a huge blow to him.    


Everyone knew that the head of the office had always been a trusted aide. Now that the chairman had lost his power, he was sure to be apprehensive about his impending fate tomorrow. He didn't know who would be the head of the team. He didn't know what the new head of staff would do with him, and he would probably think of the old rule that the new head of staff would never use the former head of staff, which was an unwritten rule.    


I've heard that the chairman of the group was once rather arrogant and difficult to deal with, but I now see that he seems to be very approachable. Perhaps his change is due to the current situation, and he has lost his arrogant capital.    


He thought about how difficult it was to be the head of the office and how he had to treat Big Leader with all his heart. If Big Leader left, how would the new leader arrange for him?    


Generally speaking, if Big Leader was promoted, the office director would have a better time. If Big Leader was promoted to a higher position, the office director would have a better time and become a member of the Party committee.    


Qiu Tong saw me coming over, smiled at me and said, "Chief Editor came to inspect the work." As she spoke, Qiu Tong also followed.    


As I followed, I saw Qiu Tong walk in a few steps and lead Chief Editor into the reception room of the company. Clouds busied themselves with arranging the reception.    


He suddenly thought of how Yun Li was also Qiu Tong's office manager. If Qiu Tong had left the Issuing Company, how would the clouds be arranged?    


I was shocked by my own thoughts. I had never thought that Qiu Tong would leave the Issuing Company.    


I think I'm thinking too much.    


When I went to the office, I saw Cao Teng standing by the window looking out. When he saw me, Wu said, "Chief Editor has come to inspect the company's work."    


I sat down at my desk.    


Wu turned around and sat back down at his desk. He looked at me and said, "Chief Editor rarely comes to the company. In the past, he had never come to the company, but now that he had taken charge of the group, he was rather concerned and came to inspect it on his own accord. I think that he will also go take a look at the other Operating Unit s in the group. "    


"The duty is, of course." "No," I said.    


Cao Teng smiled and stopped talking.    


After a while, Cloud opened the intercom and told us to go to the reception room. Chief Editor would have a chat with some of the company's department heads.    


Cao Teng and I got up and went to the reception room. After entering, we saw Su Dingguo, Zhao Dajian, and a few station chiefs sitting inside with Chief Editor looking down at his documents.    


After we went in and sat down, Qiu Tong looked at Chief Editor and said, "Boss, all the related comrades are here."    


"Oh." Chief Editor agreed, then raised his head and looked at everyone. Then, he smiled: "I'll come to Issuing Company to look at everyone today. "All this time, I have been in charge of the group's newspaper department. I am not very familiar with the group's business. Today, I have come to learn from everyone."    


Chief Editor was very modest and everyone laughed.    


Then, Chief Editor said, "Earlier, I heard a brief report from Comrade Qiu Tong about the recent overall work of Issuing Company. Now, I want to hear the thoughts of the comrades who are fighting on the front lines. Let's talk casually, talk about the problems that need to be solved by Group Party Committee, talk about the work on the front lines. "Talking casually, don't be restrained. Speak whatever you know, and there will be no end to it."    


Everyone looked at each other, Chief Editor then looked at Zhao Dajian, "Boss Zhao, you can start first."    


So Zhao Dajian began to talk, it was nothing more than some words on the roadside, nothing more, then it was Su Dingguo, then a few station chiefs, then Cao Teng and I, it was the first time Chief Editor, who just hosted the corporation, came into contact with us, everyone was very careful in their speech, they didn't say anything superfluous, what was superfluous? To put it bluntly, it was if he didn't cause any trouble and didn't cause himself any trouble.    


After saying that, Chief Editor looked at me: "Yi, I seem to have heard of your name before. You seem to be very good at handling newspapers, don't you?"    


I said, "What is there to talk about? Chief Editor is too kind. I work with Boss Qiu. I'll fight wherever Boss Qiu points at."    


Chief Editor smiled. "Yes, I remember now. You have taught a few lessons to the people in the operating system of the corporation, and your lecture is quite unique."    


I smiled but didn't say anything.    


"You are the legendary young and capable marketing expert. Not simple at all." "It looks like I need to learn more about management from you," Chief Editor said.    


"Chief Editor is too modest. You are Big Leader, I have to learn from the Leader." I hurriedly said, "We need to know how to operate. You are Big Leader, so you don't need to learn anything. You only need to sit in the office and give out orders."    


These words of mine are a little wrong. By the time I realized that something was amiss, I had already said it, so I couldn't take it back.    


Qiu Tong looked at me with a worried expression.    


Chief Editor calmly looked at me and smiled. His smile was a little forced and unnatural, but it was also a little cold.    


I groaned in my heart. Damn, my words were too inappropriate.    


"Is Yi a comrade from our corporation?" Chief Editor looked at Qiu Tong.    


Just as Qiu Tong was about to open her mouth to speak, Zhao Dajian hurriedly took it over. "No, it's a temporary worker who has just been transferred to the employment system."    


"Oh." Chief Editor nodded and muttered to himself: "No wonder …"    


I understood what he meant by that. He meant that I was so incompetent at speaking to leaders.    


Then, Chief Editor coughed, signalling that he was about to speak.    


"Mm, this one. Today, I came to the Issuing Company to see everyone so I could understand the distribution situation of the group. Therefore, when I came to take a look around the business system, the first place I came to was Issuing Company. "    


Chief Editor spoke calmly, "I think everyone understands the importance of this distribution process. In the entire newspaper industry, the press is the foundation, and without good newspapers, everything else is nonsense. Having a good newspaper was tantamount to having a good product. As long as the product quality passed the test, Issuing Company would then be able to sell the newspaper. "As for the whole thing, let me give you my opinion..."    


Chief Editor began to talk with confidence about the newspaper.    


F * ck, it seems like this newspaper office is his old business. He isn't familiar with anything else.    


Everyone was quietly listening and recording.    


Chief Editor talked about the newspaper issue for more than half an hour before returning to business. "Because our corporation has always placed the quality of the newspaper as the top priority, our newspapers have become more and more skilled, which is why our publication work has the results it has today. It is our ads that have such impressive numbers.    


So, I think, you should have a clear scientific understanding of the group's business, and realize that the newspaper and business are not separate, and it is precisely because of the steady improvement in the quality of the newspaper that the group's whole business has developed today. "    


I think what Chief Editor said is reasonable.    


"This distribution work, well, it's important, it's important. "We have to capture him well." Chief Editor added: "Before this, I was always in charge of the newspaper department. Recently, the city committee decided that I would temporarily take charge of the group's overall work. Since the city committee gave me the responsibility, then I would have to assume full responsibility and ask about various aspects of the work. This business problem, this issue, I want to hold on to the problem, not a moment to relax.    


First of all, we need to raise the awareness of business work, look at the issue from the point of view of the development of the group, and realize the importance of the distribution work to promote the whole work of the group. Secondly, comrades from Issuing Company should take effective measures to strengthen their efforts to catch the issuance process. Thirdly, the leaders of Issuing Company should strengthen their leadership over the issuance process, do a good job with all kinds of service measures, and unify their efforts to raise the group's overall distribution to a new level. "    


When I heard Chief Editor's words, I knew that this guy really didn't know how to manage. What he said were all empty words. He was trying to cheat me out of money. His current understanding of management isn't even as good as when Sun Dongkai first came here.    


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