Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C558 Title of Second Milk

C558 Title of Second Milk

When Xia Yu heard that, her expression changed slightly. She glared at me, as if my words made her feel uncomfortable.    


I continued, "Of course, Boss Xia is also very pretty. I think walking around on the street for a bit would make a lot of people lose their mind!"    


Hai Zhu smiled and nodded, "Yes, Boss Xia is indeed very beautiful!"    


Xia Yu rolled her eyes, looked at me, then looked at Hai Zhu, "Chairman Hai, you go ahead. I want to discuss our business with Boss Yi."    


Hai Zhu seemed relieved of a heavy burden as she hurriedly nodded. "Alright, you guys go ahead and talk. I'll go out and busy myself first."    


Hai Zhu went out, leaving only Xia Yu and me in the office.    


"Yi Second Master, did you take the wrong medicine?" The moment Hai Zhu left, Xia Yu glared at me.    


"What's wrong? What kind of medicine did I take wrong? " I don't know why.    


"You dare to say that Second Wife isn't as pretty as First Wife? Tell me, did you eat the wrong medicine?" Xia Yu's face once again revealed a faint smile.    


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Boss Xia, I think you ate the wrong medicine. What are you talking about, what's First Wife?"    


"What did I say wrong? You didn't give me the honorable title of Second Wife from Second Masterfeng. What's wrong? Xia Yu kept looking at me.    


"Stop messing around, alright? I admire you, can you stop messing around?" I really can't do anything about this Little Demoness.    


"Hehe, I'm making a ruckus? How did I cause a ruckus? " Seeing how I was a little helpless, Xia Yu suddenly started laughing. She leaned her head forward and said, "Second Master, Second Wife is here to visit you today. How about it?" Feels good? Do you have a feeling of glory? When Second Wife appeared, your entire company lit up, didn't it? "    


I pretended to be serious. "Boss Xia, stop joking around. Don't be too excessive."    


Xia Yu nodded, "Yes, I'll listen to Second Master. Oh right, I'm your vice general manager. How can I joke around with the general manager?"    


"You-who agreed to be the deputy general manager here, you are fooling around! This small temple of mine will not be able to contain you! " "No," I said.    


Hehe, look at how nervous you are. If you don't want me to be your assistant general manager, then don't do it. How about this, I won't be your assistant general manager. Xia Yu giggled.    


"Alright, I completely admire you. Don't joke with me." I said, "Boss Xia came today for a serious matter to discuss, right?"    


"That's right, isn't that important? I'm talking about serious matters. " Xia Yu said, "I'm here to seek Second Master's opinion on the matter of the vice president and assistant general manager."    


I was speechless. I took out a cigarette. Just as I was about to order it, Xia Yu hurriedly got up: "Second Master, come, let Second Wife serve you and light the cigarette for Second Master."    


I lit my own cigarette and said, "No, I can't afford that. You came here today specifically to make fun of me? Or do you still want to settle that matter? "    


"Hey — Second Master, you're right about that. First, I didn't come specifically, I just drove past here after work and I suddenly wanted to come and see Second Master, so I came in." "Secondly, you and I are still not done with the other time, do you think you're okay with my brother's support? Hmph, this time my brother isn't here, are we still not done settling our debts?"    


I really had a headache and said, "When will you be able to settle this debt?"    


Xia Yu looked at me and laughed. When I've had enough, it's over. If you want to finish it as soon as possible, you have to play with me. Today, in your wooden house, I won't let you learn to climb like a puppy, and I won't ride your horse anymore. "When the day comes, hmph, Second Master, Second Wife will continue to settle the score with you."    


I scratched my head and said, "If you dare to provoke me again, I will go and complain to your brother."    


That sentence seemed to have restrained Xia Yu as she glared at him. "You dare? This matter is our personal matter. If you dare to poke your head into my brother's hands, even if you dare to accuse me, I will write you a new account. This is called adding new grudges between old grudges, and the day to end this is even more distant. "    


After she finished speaking, Xia Yu smiled complacently, "Second Master, I think you should just obediently listen to me, and accompany me for fun. When I'm done playing, I'll let you go. "Heh heh, do you think it's that easy to be Second Wife? Do you think it's that easy to find Second Wife?"    


I bitterly smiled: "Boss Xia, I am a low-level, boring person. You want me to play with you, doesn't that lower your status? I won't make you happy. If you can't find someone to play with, why must you keep watching me? "    


"Heh heh. "This is called carrot greens with their own love. Second Wife, I've already set my sights on you. Those dog shit officials and second generations of rich kids, I've even looked down on them all." Xia Yu became even more proud of herself as she shook her little head.    


Right at that moment, Hai Zhu pushed open the door and walked in.    


Xia Yu reacted very quickly. She immediately put on a serious face, stood up and said, "Alright, Boss Yi, I'm very satisfied with what you said earlier about our cooperation. Today, our conversation is very pleasant, and I hope that we can have more opportunities to interact like this in the future. Alright, I won't disturb the work between Chairman Hai and Manager Boss Yi anymore. It's almost time to get off work. I still have a date with a little sister.    


Hai Zhu smiled, "I was just planning to treat Boss Xia to dinner, I didn't expect Boss Xia to have a date and leave."    


Xia Yu smiled at Hai Zhu, then looked at Hai Zhu, "Hey, beautiful chairman, you are really enviable!"    


With that, Xia Yu didn't wait for Hai Zhu and me to say anything before she stomped off.    


After Xia Yu left, Hai Zhu heaved a sigh of relief. "Oh my god. She has finally left."    


I said, "Are you really going to treat her to dinner?"    


"That's right, she's a guest. Coming here, it's time to eat again. No matter if she's willing to eat with us or not, she still has to show some courtesy." Hai Zhu said.    


I said, "I'm afraid it will cost us several days of profits to treat her to a meal. She isn't someone who can be treated with a hot pot and a seafood dish."    


Hai Zhu laughed. "Even so, we still have to invite him. He is our big client! How is she satisfied with what you've told her about the business? "    


"Didn't you hear what she said before she left?"    


"As long as you're satisfied, that's good. I don't dare to talk to her face to face because I'm afraid that she will start a fight." Hai Zhu said with a smile.    


I smiled. "Alright, let's eat. We'll have to work overtime tonight, right?"    


"Alright, I'll arrange for Sweetie Ru to buy fast food. Everyone in the management department must stay to work overtime tonight." Hai Zhu said as she left.    


After dinner, I stayed at work with Hai Zhu.    


They busied themselves until 10 o'clock, when they finally came to an end and finished their work plan for the day.    


After everyone left work, Hai Zhu and I closed the company's door and walked together across the street, across the road, and a little way forward, which was where I parked my car.    


The night was very dark, and the autumn was also very strong. The night wind blew, making it very cold. It was late autumn in the north.    


There weren't many people on the horse road, so Hai Zhu and I walked along the sidewalk.    


Suddenly, I vaguely felt that someone was following behind us. That kind of lingering feeling came over me again.    


I stopped abruptly and looked back.    


I thought I saw a shadow flash in front of me, and then I couldn't see anything.    


My heart skipped a beat.    


"What's wrong, bro?" Hai Zhu looked at me.    


I handed the car keys to Hai Zhu and said, "Zhu, wait for me in front of the car. Get in first. I think I just lost something, I'll go back and look for it. "    


"What is it? Do you want me to look for it with you?" Hai Zhu said.    


"It's a customer's name card. I can look for it myself, you don't have to follow." I waved my hand.    


Hai Zhu went straight to the car after I said that.    


I walked back to the place where the shadows had seemed to pass and looked around.    


Under the dim light, I saw nothing.    


Damn it, there's a ghost! I muttered to myself as I took a few steps forward. In front of me, to the right, there was a dark alley that could only allow one car to enter. A few meters away, it was so dark that I couldn't see anything clearly.    


I walked slowly up the alley and into the darkness.    


Suddenly, with the sound of a car engine, less than 10 meters in front of me, two bright beams of light suddenly shot towards my eyes — —    


The sudden intense light made my eyes go blurry for a moment. I couldn't see anything, so I quickly closed my eyes, lowered my head, and rubbed my eyes with my hands.    


At this moment, there was a loud roar from the engine and the car began to accelerate.    


I cursed myself. I couldn't see anything at the moment. The alley was so narrow that there was nowhere to hide. Was the car going to speed up and crash into me? If so, I would be doomed.    


I heard the sound of a car moving, and it seemed to be moving very fast.    


I was a little nervous.    


Suddenly it seemed to me that the car was falling backward, not forward.    


I moved my hand away and tried to keep my eyes open. The lights were still strong, and they kept shooting at me, and my eyes were so blinded I couldn't see the car. I felt the car pulling back fast, so fast, as if the reversing wasn't bad.    


I lowered my head to block out the glare as I tried to catch up with the car.    


However, the speed of the car's retreat was very fast. It retreated about 100 meters before coming to a stop on a horizontal road. With a turn of its head, it sped off.    


By the time my eyes had settled on the road, the car was gone.    


I stood in place in a daze, as if the owner of this car didn't intend to drive to crash into me, as if afraid that I would discover that he was avoiding me. What was the reason for that? Afraid of being caught and recognized? Do you know that you can't hit me with my kung fu? Or was it something else?    


I stood there in a daze for a moment, then walked slowly back to the alley, turned onto the sidewalk, went back to my car, got in, and drove back with Hai Zhu.    


On the way, I didn't say a word. I was still thinking about what just happened.    


There was no doubt that someone was following me, and my previous feeling should have been correct, not illusory.    


But, who is following me, and what is the purpose of following me? Why follow me around Hai Zhu's company?    


It suddenly occurred to me that if this person was here, was he following me or was he following Hai Zhu?    


Thinking of this, my heart skipped a beat!    


I turned my head and saw Hai Zhu sitting quietly in the passenger seat, oblivious to everything. I suddenly felt a great sense of unease.    


I tried to make some sense of the matter, but the more I thought about it, the more confused I became.    


"Brother, what are you thinking about?" Hai Zhu asked.    


"Nothing." "No," I said.    


Hai Zhu turned her head and looked at me. "Bro, what do you think my greatest wish is?"    


"What is it?" "No," I said.    


"Safe." Hai Zhu said, "I hope that you will be safe. I hope that we will all be safe. We are all working outside, I think, our parents, our biggest wish for us is not how much money we can make, but we are all safe. Maybe we are not yet parents and can't truly understand this point, but if we were to think about it another way, we should be able to understand the concern and concern of our elders. "    


I drove in silence, saying nothing for a while.    


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