Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C767 New Chapter

C767 New Chapter

With the end of the short trip to the Danton, regardless of whether Qiu Tong and I admit to it or not, a new page in our relationship history has been opened and a new chapter has begun.    


Guest, the indistinct dog shit in the air, had completely disappeared.    


The new chapter, how will continue, by whom will continue, is me, her, or us, I do not know.    


There will be a new chapter, how much entanglement and pain, how many tribulations and difficulties, how much tenderness and joy, I do not know.    


I have fought hard on the long road of life, I have lost, I have laughed, I have cried, I have been heartbroken, I have been obsessed with madness, I have struggled with pain, I have had lofty aspirations, I have been decadent. From time to time, he would feel that living in this world was like walking in the desert, lost and helpless. He also felt that life was like a game of chess. A single person had made a mistake and had lost all of them.    


In life, what should give up is helplessness, what should not give up is incompetence, what should not give up is ignorance, and what should not be given up is perseverance.    


However, in the face of harsh reality, I don't know what I should grasp, what I should give up, whether I should feel helpless or useless, whether I should be ignorant or persistent.    


In the afternoon, the weather suddenly changed. The cold wind blew, and following that, snowflakes began to float down from the sky. Large snowflakes that were like goose feathers floated down to the Hsinghai from the cold wind.    


The weather forecast said it was the biggest snow since winter. Perhaps, this year's final battle would also be the biggest snowfall.    


During the entire day, I sat in my office and stared blankly at the snowflakes flying outside my window. My mind echoed with the events of the last few days of Danton, with everything that happened last night.    


Everything happened so suddenly, just like this heavy snow.    


It was a heavy snow in my life, a heavy snow in my emotional world. It cleanses the filth in my soul, cleans the meanness in my soul, freezes the body that I cannot recover from.    


Perhaps, in his entire life, he would only need to use up all of his mental energy for this snowstorm.    


Perhaps all he needed in his life was true love.    


Winter means the end of a year, the end of a year.    


I looked out the window at the cloudy sky, and all the colors had faded, all the wailing and whistling had gone, all the enthusiasm had gone, all the prosperity had gone; only the yellow sky, the bleak earth, the bitter wind, the cold snow.    


My year here seems to be early end, life here seems to simply be silent.    


What kind of bird song and bird dance can be jubilant? What else is there to get drunk on? It would be better to go back to the end of my life.    


Snow was falling from all directions. Instantly, the heaven and earth became holy, and all things grew in splendor.    


Standing at the window, lighting a cigarette, I slowly smoked and pondered.    


Just before closing time, Cloud came in with a fax.    


"Brother, this is a report from the Wafang store's Publishing Station. They are preparing to organize a large-scale distribution campaign together with some local departments for you to review." Clouds placed the report in front of me.    


I took the report and nodded.    


Tomorrow, Saturday, the company will take the lead, with all the city stations participating. There will be a large scale public information event in Hsinghai Plaza, all the county stations will be on their own, they will be local, the time and form will be decided by themselves.    


This was also the last major distribution campaign before the end of the campaign.    


"Brother, did this trip of the Danton go smoothly?" Yun Yun carefully asked.    


I looked at the clouds. "Why?"    


"Nothing, I was just casually asking. As long as everything is smooth. " Yun Yun smiled and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Why do I see Sister Qiu's expression is a little gloomy? She has been sitting in the office in a daze the entire time. I thought —"    


My heart skipped a beat. Then I smiled at the clouds. "Maybe I'm tired. The meeting schedule is very tight."    


"I think so too. I advised Sister Qiu to go home and rest first, but she didn't leave. "Still sitting in the office in a daze." Yun Yun sounded a little pained.    


I felt my heart sink. I knew that too many unexpected things had happened during this trip to Danton. An earthquake that was not inferior to level 10 had occurred in Qiu Tong's heart. Her heart couldn't calm down for a short period of time.    


I don't know if this earthquake will cause a tsunami in her heart, and how it will change her mindset in the future.    


Clouds looked at me in silence, bit his lip, and backed out.    


I composed myself, read the report, and took it to Qiu Tong's office.    


Pushing the door open, Qiu Tong was sitting there in a daze, her eyes filled with deep confusion.    


Qiu Tong's eyes flashed when she saw me enter. Her body couldn't help but tremble for a moment. Then, she shook her head as though she was trying to recover her emotions before looking at me.    


I walked over and handed the report to Qiu Tong. Qiu Tong took it and looked at it, then nodded and picked up a pen to sign. "Inform Finance that the expenses are to be met from the funds available at your own station."    


I nodded, took the report, and was about to leave.    


"Wait a moment." Qiu Tong said.    


I turned to Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong bent down to pick up a bag and handed it to me. She said in a calm voice, "I went out to do some work at noon. I happened to drop by the city's personnel department's exam center and got a set of exam review materials from an acquaintance."    


I took it and looked at it.    


I don't know if Qiu Tong asked for it or if she asked for it.    


Qiu Tong had worked in the HR department for a long time. Naturally, she was familiar with the people from the Personnel Bureau.    


"I have consulted in detail. The mode of this examination is based on the civil servant exam, the procedure and the content of the exam. The textbooks that I've asked for are for public subjects. " Qiu Tong said again.    


"Yes." I nodded.    


"There are a lot of people registering for the exam this time. I've asked around and found out that there are more than 2000 people applying for the exam in our corporation, among them there are more than 800 applying for your position." Qiu Tong said again.    


I nodded again. More than 800 people were fighting for a spot, and the task Lee Shun gave me was difficult enough. Although I have always been very confident in my work, I still feel a bit pressured when I hear that so many people are competing for this slot.    


In the era of planned economy, the college entrance exam was a bridge to life, because to get into a university was the same as getting into an iron rice bowl, which was the same as becoming a national cadre. Nowadays, the people within the exam system were like a bridge that separated them from the rest of the students. A large number of new graduates would seek a job within the exam system as the highest goal in their lives. Every time there was an examination, they would flock to the exam site.    


And soon after this group of people left school, they were also the best at learning and taking exams. Of course, they also have a fatal weakness compared to those who take the exam after work, which is a lack of social practice.    


"More than 800 people will only take one. You must have some pressure. It's not a bad thing to have pressure, only with pressure will you have motivation. However, don't be too stressed." Qiu Tong said, "In the past, when we were recruiting, I had to take part in some of these jobs. I knew a bit about the procedures and content. In the review phase of this kind of exam, you have to pay attention to a few points …"    


Qiu Tong began to tell me where to look.    


Looking at Qiu Tong's patient expression and listening to her detailed explanation, a strange feeling suddenly arose in my heart. It seems that Qiu Tong's attitude towards me has really changed from before.    


"Have you remembered what I've told you?" Qiu Tong asked me when I finished.    


I nodded. "Well, I remember it."    


"I will work hard in all matters of the world. Success or failure doesn't depend on me. As long as you work hard, don't put too much pressure on yourself." Qiu Tong added, "After all, only one person can succeed with more than 800 people."    


"If I don't register, I don't care about pressure or motivation, but since I've already registered to take the exam, I don't have a second choice. I have to get first." "No," I said.    


"Why do you want me to have no way out? Why do you have to give yourself so much pressure?" Qiu Tong said, puzzled.    


"No reason." An unspeakable bitterness welled up in my heart.    


"You're too strong, too easy to defeat." Qiu Tong sighed, "Of course I trust in your abilities. Of course I hope that you can succeed. It's just that I don't want you to put yourself in a position where there's no way out. After all, there are many paths in life, and it's not just this single bridge. "    


"If I don't start now, I have a lot of ways to go. However, since I've already stepped on this bridge, I can only go on. I have to go on." "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong looked at me for a moment and suddenly said, "Did someone force you to do this?"    


I didn't say anything.    


Qiu Tong was silent for a moment, then she sighed again, her voice full of helplessness.    


Then Qiu Tong suddenly stared straight at my shirt, and I was confused.    


"The buttons on your coat are loose. It's going to fall off." Qiu Tong opened her office drawer and took out a small sewing bag.    


I looked down and saw that it was true. Qiu Tong didn't say anything, so I hadn't noticed it myself.    


"Come here, I'll sew it for you." Qiu Tong looked at me.    


I walked around the desk and stopped in front of Qiu Tong, who sat there stitching, then bent her head and carefully did my buttons.    


I felt a surge of warmth in my heart, a scene that reminded me of my childhood, when my mother used to sew buttons like this.    


All of a sudden, Qiu Tong felt a maternal aura enveloping her. She had an impulse and put her hand on Qiu Tong's shoulder.    


Qiu Tong's body slightly trembled, and her hands stopped moving.    


I put my hand on Qiu Tong's shoulder.    


For a moment, Qiu Tong didn't look up, nor did she shake my hand. She continued to sew buttons.    


In the process, I could feel Qiu Tong's body trembling slightly. She was breathing rapidly and her hands were trembling.    


"Aiya!" Qiu Tong suddenly screamed. I looked down and saw that Qiu Tong's right index finger had been pricked by a needle. Blood was flowing out.    


Instinctively, I took my hand away from Qiu Tong's shoulder, and then I took her right hand and sucked on the bleeding forefinger without thinking.    


The salty taste of Qiu Tong's blood filled my mouth.    


As Qiu Tong sat there, her face flushed red, and her body trembled even more violently.    


She did not refuse me.    


I continued to suck on Qiu Tong's delicate index finger.    


After a while, Qiu Tong gently retracted her hand and said with a trembling voice, "It's done, it's alright."    


I let go of Qiu Tong's hand, and Qiu Tong blushed and continued to work on my buttons.    


My right hand fell lightly on Qiu Tong's shoulder.    


Qiu Tong's body started to tremble.    


My heart was pounding, and I wished I could never finish the button.    


But this was clearly impossible. Qiu Tong quickly sewed the buttons, then put her head close to my clothes and bit off the thread with her teeth. Then she put away her sewing and looked up at me with her clear eyes.    


Embarrassed and flustered, I took my hand away from her shoulder and walked back to where I'd found it.    


"Whether we like it or not, it has already happened. Whether we admit it or not, our mindset is changing." Qiu Tong looked at me for a moment before she spoke slowly.    


I looked at Qiu Tong.    


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