Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C847 Phalanx

C847 Phalanx

The four of them walked to the door of Hai Zhu's company and squatted down to pick the lock.    


Obviously, these four people were trying to pry open the company's door to enter.    


Hai Zhu was the only one in the company right now, upstairs in the dorm.    


It was obvious that they were here for Hai Zhu.    


Bai Laosan did not succeed in the day and sent someone to kidnap Hai Zhu at night.    


I took a deep breath, opened the door, got out, and walked toward them.    


As I neared them, one of them turned and saw me.    


"Huh?" He made a slight sound.    


Then the other three people saw me and stood up and quickly surrounded me.    


My teeth itched with hatred as I slowly clenched my fists. The joints of my bones creaked.    


The four of them looked at me fiercely and were suddenly startled. They looked at each other, then suddenly ran in the direction of the white van.    


I started when they suddenly ran away.    


They got into the car quickly, and then the van started up and sped away.    


I wanted to drive after him, but I was afraid that I would fall for Bai Laosan's trick of luring me away, so I slowly walked back to the car.    


When I got back to the car, I didn't dare close my eyes and just sat there until dawn.    


No one else came.    


After dawn, when it was time for work, everyone came.    


After the destroyed facilities were basically restored, Hai Zhu arranged for everyone to go to work normally. She also explained to the vice presidents about the company's work after she left.    


I sat outside in the reception room and smoked without going in.    


Shortly before noon, Haifeng came. Seeing me here, he came and sat with me.    


I told Haifeng what happened yesterday. Haifeng was shocked and angry and cursed for a long time.    


When Haifeng calmed down, he told me about his trip to Canada with Hai Zhu.    


Sure enough, he accompanied Hai Zhu to Canada to meet with the gynecologist in person.    


It turned out that Hai Zhu's expert in remote consultation was from Canada.    


"Originally, I was going to suggest Hai Zhu to let you accompany her there, but she doesn't agree. Right now, she doesn't want you to know about her treatment." "That's why I'll go with her," Haifeng said.    


I nodded.    


"What happened yesterday was all because of you. It was inevitable that Hai Zhu would be angry at you." Haifeng said.    


I nodded. "I know. I'm sorry, Hai Zhu. "    


"What's the use of saying all this now? This is not a matter of being able to live with your words, it might even kill you. " Haifeng said: "Who are these gangsters? "They are all desperate criminals, the scum of society. Do you think Hai Zhu will be happy if you follow Lee Shun in the underworld?"    


I lowered my head.    


"Since things have come to this, there is no point in talking too much. I'll try my best to explain it to Hai Zhu these few days. I'll try my best to say good things about you. During this period of time, you must take care of yourself and protect yourself well. " Haifeng said.    


"Yes." I nodded. "You have to take good care of Hai Zhu."    


"Nonsense, my little sister. Do I need your instruction?" Haifeng said.    


I was silent.    


"If all goes well, we'll be back after the Spring Festival. When it's time, I will bring Hai Zhu straight home and return to Ningzhou to visit her parents. If it's convenient, then we'll go to your house and bid your parents farewell. " Haifeng said again.    


"Yes." I nodded.    


"I don't want our parents to know about you and Hai Zhu right now." Haifeng said.    


"Yes." I nodded again.    


Haifeng didn't say anything. He looked at me for a long time and sighed deeply.    


After lunch, after settling down at the company, I drove Haifeng and Hai Zhu to the airport.    


As soon as we left Hai Zhu's company, I saw a black sedan in the rearview mirror.    


I watched the car as I drove.    


As they neared the airport, the car disappeared.    


Arriving at the airport, I finished the boarding procedures. At the security checkpoint, Hai Zhu and Haifeng stopped and looked at me.    


"We're going in. Go back." Hai Zhu said.    


I nodded and stood there without moving.    


Haifeng looked at Hai Zhu and me and walked to the side.    


I looked at Hai Zhu, my heart filled with pity. "Zhu, take care!"    


"Yes." "You take care too." Hai Zhu pursed her lips and lowered her head.    


"I'll wait for your safe return." I said again.    


"He'll come back." Hai Zhu looked up at me. "I've already made arrangements for the company. As long as..." "It will be fine."    


I understood what Hai Zhu meant by that. "Don't worry," I said, "I'll visit often. I won't let anyone cause any more trouble."    


"You … I hope that you will be fine. I hope that you will live well. " Before Hai Zhu could finish her sentence, she choked on her words. Her eyes turned red, and then she lowered her head again.    


"Zhu, I will. I will live well. I will wait for your return." "No," I said.    


At this moment, Haifeng walked over.    


"Then I'll be going." Hai Zhu looked up at me with sad eyes.    


I nodded and said to Hai Zhu and Haifeng, "I have a safe trip."    


Then, Hai Zhu and Haifeng entered the security checkpoint.    


After the security check, Hai Zhu and Haifeng turned around and waved at me.    


I smiled at them, suddenly feeling lost and confused.    


I stood there and watched them enter before I turned and left.    


Leaving the airport, I didn't see the car following me.    


At this moment, Lee Shun called me. When he heard that I was going to the airport to take Hai Zhu and Haifeng to Canada, he seemed to be greatly relieved. "Good, very good. To Canada is good."    


I didn't say anything.    


"The old gramps and the old granny are also going to travel abroad tomorrow. It's great!" Lee Shun said again.    


It suddenly occurred to me that the Wu steel couple was out on a trip. Lee Shun might have arranged it in the name of diverting them, but he seemed to be trying to keep them away from something.    


After finishing my call with Lee Shun, I drove directly to Hai Zhu's company. Near Hai Zhu's company, I paid special attention to the surroundings and didn't find any suspicious cars or people.    


I stayed at Hai Zhu's until after work.    


After work, I closed the company's door. For the time being, I didn't want to go back to my dorm, so I drove up Coastal Avenue.    


Over the weekend, there weren't many cars on Coastal Avenue.    


At dusk, the sky and the sea were the same, the sun was blood-red on the sea to the west.    


Looking at the blood-red sun, looking at the desolate sea as the sun set, I felt a chill in my heart.    


I called the Emperor and the phone shut down.    


Why did the Emperor shut down his phone? I can't figure it out.    


I called Sweetie Ru and asked her to call me. Soon, Sweetie Ru replied that she couldn't get through and turned off her phone.    


"How strange, his phone is never turned off. Could it be that there was no more electricity? "No, he has several spare batteries." Sweetie Ru said to herself, "He hasn't been back since last night. and didn't call me. "    


Hearing Sweetie Ru's words, my heart tightened. It seemed that at such a time, he suddenly turned off his phone and seemed very abnormal. Could it be that it's inconvenient for him? Or was he being monitored by Wu De? Or.    


After putting down the phone, I began to wonder more and more uneasily.    


Everything seemed abnormal. Everything seemed so mysterious. It was as if this was the omen of a storm.    


I felt a great shadow slowly descending, slowly falling over me.    


Just as I was thinking about this while driving, a car whizzed by on the right side of my car.    


I was startled. When I looked at Xia Yu's car, it was a red Ferrari.    


Xia Yu slowed down and drove right next to my car. She got out of the car window and laughed at me. "Hey — — Second Master — —"    


I said loudly to Xia Yu, "What are you doing?"    


"It's nothing, just a ride. I just got rid of the two sticky bugs following me, hehe." Xia Yu smiled complacently. "I noticed you when you were driving past the People's Market, and I've been following you ever since. Ah ha, you haven't noticed it? "    


I was so preoccupied that I didn't notice Xia Yu's car behind me.    


"At this time, what are you doing? Why aren't you going home! " "No," I said.    


"Dad and my brother aren't home, and I finally got my freedom. It's such a pity that I didn't come out for a walk. Shall we have dinner together? " Xia Yu said.    


I thought for a moment and said, "Okay, you don't have to drive alongside me. It's dangerous."    


"Then let's go to dinner, on the island of Xi'an Road." Xia Yu said loudly.    


"Alright." I nodded.    


"Alright," Xia Yu was very happy. "Then I'll go drive the car and wait for you. My car is fast. "Second Master, let's race. Let's see who can run faster."    


I said, "Alright, you go first. Don't keep it side by side."    


"Ga Ga — Ok! Xia Yu sped up, and the red Ferrari instantly appeared in front of me, its distance from my car growing larger and larger.    


It was at a corner of the Strand, with a hill to the left, a cliff to the right, and the sea below.    


I suddenly realized that Xia Yu's Ferrari was wobbly and unstable.    


Then, he suddenly saw the wheel of the car flying out from the right side of the car.    


"Ah —" I couldn't help but cry out.    




He saw Xia Yu's car suddenly dash to the right, leaving the road and speeding towards the cliff.    


"Ahhh!" I cried out again as I saw the red Ferrari rush off the cliff and fall to the ground.     


I braked and shot out of the car, rushing to the edge of the cliff. I saw that Ferrari had already fallen into the sea and was slowly sinking.    


Fortunately, there was a sea beneath the cliff. If it was a rock, the car would have been destroyed.    


Ferrari was sinking into the water, and Xia Yu was still in the car.    


I didn't have time to think. I took off my coat, backed up a few steps, started running, accelerated, ran a few steps, jumped over the cliff, and dived into the sea.    


My body rapidly fell from the cliff face, which was about 30 meters high. I could hear the sound of the wind in my ears.    


Then, plop — I fell into the water.    


The sea water was bone-chilling cold. My body rapidly descended. I forcefully wiggled my four limbs as my body rapidly rose into the air.    


When I came out of the water, I saw that the roof of the Ferrari was being flooded a few meters away from me.    


I dove into the water, swam to the side of the car, yanked open the door, held my breath, opened the safety belt, and pulled Xia Yu out of the car.    


He swam out of the water a few times and swam towards the shore.    


He used all of his strength to reach the shore and place Xia Yu on a large flat rock.    


Xia Yu closed her eyes tightly, no longer having any intuition.    


She must have drunk a lot of seawater and choked.    


It was imperative to rescue her by artificial respiration.    


I flattened Xia Yu's body and tilted her neck back. Then I pinched Xia Yu's nostrils, took a deep breath, and squeezed her chin to open her mouth. Then I lowered my head, put my mouth to Xia Yu's mouth, and blew hard into it.    


After a long breath, I let go of Xia Yu's nostrils and pressed down hard on her chest where her heart and lungs were.    


Then I repeated what I had done.    


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