Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C851 Impotence

C851 Impotence

Zhao Dajian also agreed.    


Clouds nodded.    


Then Qiu Tong made arrangements for the Spring Festival in all the departments of the company.    


Then, the meeting ended.    


After Zhao Dajian left, Qiu Tong asked Yun Yang, "What number are you going back to your hometown? Have you bought a train ticket? "    


Yun Yun's face was filled with worry. "I might not be able to return home to celebrate the new year."    


"What's wrong?" Qiu Tong and I looked at the clouds.    


"There has been a big blizzard in Meng Province these few days. Yesterday, I called my home with great difficulty and found out that the roads to my home were covered with snow, making cars impassable. Looking at the weather, it seems like it can be cleared a few years ago." When I go back, I can only go to Tongliao and if I continue walking, I won't be able to go any further. " Clouds said helplessly.    


Qiu Tong laughed. "Then why don't you join me for the new year?"    


"Is it convenient to celebrate New Year with you?" Yun said, "Can't you go to Brother Li's home to celebrate New Year?"    


"They're going to travel abroad, and won't spend the New Year in Hsinghai." Speaking to here, Qiu Tong suddenly said, "Right, they are flying Yanjing this afternoon, and I am sending them to the airport in the afternoon."    


Yun Yun nodded her head and smiled, "Mmm, that's great. We can also celebrate New Year with Little Snow."    


The clouds went out.    


Qiu Tong and I were alone in the room.    


Somehow, facing Qiu Tong alone, I felt very uncomfortable. I didn't dare to look at Qiu Tong's face, nor did I dare to look into Qiu Tong's eyes. I really wanted to run away immediately.    


Qiu Tong was talking to me.    


She looked at me. "You and Hai Zhu go back for the New Year, right?"    


"Hai Zhu and Haifeng went to Canada. They left yesterday!" "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong was slightly startled. She nodded her head and suddenly smiled, "Hmm, I understand. Alright, I will make use of this time …"    


I saw the pleased look in Qiu Tong's eyes.    


Looking at Qiu Tong and hearing her mention Hai Zhu, I couldn't help but recall the things I did with Xia Yu last night.    


I suddenly felt ashamed, and a great sense of shame and uneasiness welled up in me.    


"Your complexion doesn't look too good today. What's wrong?" Qiu Tong asked me with concern.    


"I'm fine, I'm fine." In the face of Qiu Tong's concern and inquiry, my heart suddenly panicked. My heart was filled with a strong sense of guilt, and my words were somewhat flickering.    


Qiu Tong didn't say anything and just looked at me.    


I was looking for an excuse to slip away when I heard a familiar, cheerful voice coming from the doorway of Qiu Tong's office.    


I don't even need to turn my head to know who the voice came from, Xia Yu!    


My head feels dizzy. Xia Yu is here!    


This little girl was in the midst of extreme happiness and was extremely excited. She didn't know how to show off as she came to this place.    


Qiu Tong then saw Xia Yu and laughed. "Xia Yu, what are you doing? Come on, come on in!"    


Xia Yu hopped in, pulling Qiu Tong's hand as she continued to shout in joy, "Hahaha! Hehe!"    


I raised my eyelids to look at Xia Yu, who was looking at me. "Hey — — Second Master, so you were here as well!"    


I ignored Xia Yu.    


Qiu Tong looked at Xia Yu and smiled, "What has made you so happy today? Look at how happy you are! You can't even shut your mouth! Her face is filled with happiness and joy! "    


Xia Yu chuckled, "That's right, Sister Qiu. I've been so happy since last night. I won't ask you to share it with me. "    


I was shocked. Xia Yu wanted to share last night's happiness with Qiu Tong. She is courting death!    


I stared at Xia Yu. Xia Yu made a face at me, then looked at Qiu Tong and smiled.    


"Hur hur. Look at how happy you are! What exactly are you so happy about? " Qiu Tong smiled at Xia Yu and inadvertently glanced at me again.    


"I ran off the wheel of the sports car last night, hee hee." Xia Yu said.    


"Ah!" Qiu Tong turned pale with fright. "You ran away with the wheels?"    


"Yes, haha." Xia Yu laughed loudly.    


"Are you — are you all right?" Qiu Tong looked Xia Yu up and down.    


"I'm fine. Can I still stand here if something happens?"    


Qiu Tong heaved a sigh of relief. "What's there to be happy about after the wheels have run away?"    


"It is a blessing in disguise that the wheels have run away. "Ga ga ~ ~ ~" Xia Yu shouted happily again.    


"Oh, what did you get when you lost the wheels?" Qiu Tong said.    


"Hee hee." "I'm not telling you, but it's a secret. It's a good thing anyway!" Xia Yu giggled.    


Qiu Tong also laughed, but she did not pursue the matter, as if she knew that Xia Yu was often surprised and made a big fuss, as if she did not take it seriously. She then said to Xia Yu, "Ahh, be careful when driving. It's very dangerous! "    


"Yes." Xia Yu nodded.    


"What about your car?" Qiu Tong asked again.    


"I've entered the workshop. When it's fixed, I don't plan to drive it anymore. After I finish, I'll buy a new one." Xia Yu said.    


"Oh, hur hur."    


"Sister Qiu, you like driving sports cars, right? How about I buy two cars for each of us!" Xia Yu said.    


"Don't, I don't like racing. Play by yourself!" Qiu Tong said.    


Seeing Xia Yu and Qiu Tong chatting happily, thinking that Qiu Tong was completely unaware of this, and thinking that Xia Yu knew nothing about Qiu Tong and me, I felt increasingly uneasy. Standing there, I felt uneasy and hurriedly found an excuse to leave.    


When I got back to the office, I sat at my desk for a long time.    


After a while, I got a call from Fourth Brother.    


"I'm filling up outside with Boss Qiu's car!" Fourth Brother said.    




"Yesterday, Boss Qiu was on duty at the group headquarters. As I was taking her home from work, I noticed that there was an unidentified car following her." Fourth Brother said.    


My heart skipped a beat. "Oh."    


"Moreover, there are also unknown people nearby Wu Tie's home." Fourth Brother continued, "Just in case something happens, I spent the night near Qiu Tong's home."    


"Oh." My heart tightened.    


"The wind seems to be getting stronger recently. Be more alert!" Fourth Brother said.    


"En, alright!"    


Just as Fourth Brother hung up, I received a call from Qin.    


"I'm at the entrance of your company, go downstairs immediately!" Qin said quickly and hung up the phone.    


I immediately went downstairs. Qin drove an ordinary Passat and didn't drive a police car.    


I got in the car, and Qin started the car and drove away.    


"Where to?" I asked Qin.    


"Let's go to Boss Lee's parents' place." Qin said.    


"What's wrong?" "No," I said.    


"Starting this morning, suspicious strangers suddenly appeared around Boss Lee's parents' house." Qin said.    


Just as Fourth Brother finished his explanation of Qiu Tong's situation, Lee Shun's parents were in trouble again!    


Lee and his wife were leaving by plane in the afternoon. In the morning, suspicious people started appearing around the house. What was going on?    


Could it be that Bai Laosan had targeted Lee Shun's parents?    


My heart couldn't help but be shocked once again.    


Although Lee Shun's parents had lost their power, they were still relatively high ranking city cadres. One of them was at the deputy earth level while the other was at the county level.    


Without power, status still remained.    


If Bai Laosan dared to make a move on them, then he must be really daring!    


Did he really have that much guts?    


I couldn't help but feel a little frightened and confused.    


"Where's Boss Lee?" I asked Qin.    


"He was at his parents' house. He was the one who found out something was wrong and called me. He told me to stay with you in case something happened. " Qin said.    


"Oh." I nodded: "What's Boss Lee doing these few days?"    


"Most of my time is spent on Gold Silver Island. I lock myself up in the cave, I don't know what I'm thinking about." Qin said.    


"Then what are you doing?" "No," I said.    


"Me? I've always been bringing those people for winter training. A few days ago, when the Town Security was exchanging moves, Boss Lee was watching over the scene in the car. After returning, Boss Lee made some suggestions and suggestions, asking everyone to further improve their combat skills. " Qin said.    


I nodded, then suddenly remembered something: "Oh yeah, what's Duan Xiangloong doing at the Ningzhou recently?"    


"Him? He has been busy with his own business and seems to have been quite quiet recently! " Qin said.    


"Will he really calm down?" "No," I said.    


"I don't think so, but I really didn't find anything abnormal." Qin said.    


"Are there still many people at Ningzhou?" "No," I said.    


Qin shook his head, "There are a small number of guards over there. A large number of people have been gathered here. Aside from the Gold Silver Island s, there are also some scattered around the construction site and other locations. "    


I said, "It seems like Bai Laosan is going to take some action soon. The situation is getting tense."    


Qin nodded: "Yes, I noticed it too."    


"What response does Boss Lee have?" "No," I said.    


"I don't know." He shut himself up in the cave all day and didn't say much to me. " "However, I think Boss Lee seems to have been prepared," said Liu. "In the current situation, everyone is loose on the outside but not on the inside. We are, and so is Bai Laosan."    


"It's almost the Spring Festival. This year, I feel that my life may not be peaceful! " "No," I said.    


Qin nodded, "I have the same feeling as you. Around Spring Festival, I had a hunch that there would be a great war. Judging from the incident with your girlfriend, Hai Zhu's company, and the sudden appearance of suspicious people at Boss Lee's parents' house, it seems like Bai Laosan is already beginning to get restless.    


Or perhaps, he was attacking in a probing manner to check Boss Lee's movements. Boss Lee is very patient at the moment. Other than testing the firepower with the Town Security that day, he has been staying still the entire time. "    


"Bai Laosan's attack this time seems to be comprehensive. This war seems to be a full-scale one! " I then briefly explained what happened to Xia Yu and Qin.    


After Qin heard this, he frowned: "Bai Laosan also brought in the Sanshui Group people. Looks like his appetite this time isn't small. "    


"Also, there were people following Boss Qiu's car since yesterday." "No," I said.    


"Oh." Sun Tie nodded: "Boss Lee seems to know about this, but he didn't say anything." "Maybe he thinks that with Fourth Brother by Boss Qiu's side, nothing big will happen."    


"There are suspicious people around the kindergarten where Snowy went to school." I said again.    


"Yes." Snowy's kindergarten will be on vacation this afternoon, Boss Lee told me to arrange a few people to stay near Miss Qiu's home tomorrow. "    


"According to Fourth Brother, there were some suspicious people around Boss Qiu's home last night. "Last night, Fourth Brother stayed nearby for the night." "No," I said.    


"Yes." Qin nodded his head and then smiled, "Although Fourth Brother doesn't want to join our organization, but he can't help himself. He started to help us, although in name he's not one of us, but we have a common enemy with him. In essence, what he does is in our interest.    


Somehow, Qin's words made me feel a little uncomfortable, so I didn't say anything.    


"Boss Lee said that after he saw his parents off, he personally went to the kindergarten to pick up Snowy!" Qin said again.    


"Oh." After hearing this, my heart calmed down a little and I asked Qin, "Qin, tell me, what do you think those people near Boss Lee's parents' house want? Did they want to make a move on Boss Lee's parents? Boss Lee's parents were senior cadres, how could they dare to act so rashly? Aren't they afraid that the matter will get out of hand? "    




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