Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C869 Blood Lessons

C869 Blood Lessons

"F * ck, I underestimated Bai Laosan's power. I didn't think that he would still have the ability to attack from the Ningzhou, I didn't think that he would attack from both sides, I didn't think that his attack this time was this broad. The cost of underestimating the enemy is … a blood lesson, a huge lesson! "    


Lee Shun sighed, "I made a fatal mistake, making more than a dozen brothers pay the price with their lives. I'm guilty, I'm sorry for the deaths of our brothers."    


Saying that, Lee Shun's eyes turned red and his voice became choked.    


At a time like this, Lee Shun didn't mention the huge loss of property, he only mentioned the lives lost. I suddenly felt some relief in my heart.    


This was the difference between the essence of Lee Shun and Bai Laosan.    


In this war, both sides had gains and losses, more than ten people had died, and all of them had suffered huge losses in terms of property. Hsinghai had won by Lee Shun, but Bai Laosan had smoothly obtained victory in Ningzhou.    


In other words, in this war, both sides were tied. There were no losers, and there were no winners.    


In other words, both sides were losers, both sides suffering losses.    


Everyone fell silent. Qin smoked in silence.    


After a while, Lee Shun said to Qin in a hoarse voice, "Soothe the dead, treat the wounded properly. For those who have died, no one will compensate you with 1 million. For those who have sustained minor injuries or injuries, 100 thousand Soothing Gold will be given to each of them. If they are seriously injured, the amount of Soothing Gold will be increased according to the circumstances. Anyone who loses his or her ability to live on his or her own will have a minimum of 1 million, and he or she will have to ensure that he or she will live without worries for the rest of his or her life. "    


Qin nodded.    


"The revolution is always about dying, it's always about bleeding. I just didn't expect that we would have to pay such a huge price. I am responsible for all of them, my plan was not thorough, my headquarters was right, underestimating the enemy caused such an outcome. I really did not expect Bai Laosan to be able to fight on two lines at the same time with his current troops. Who directed Ningzhou? "    


Qin looked at Lee Shun, "From what my brothers said on the phone, it seems that someone saw a masked man who resembled Duan Xiangloong during the attack on our construction site."    


"Duan Xiangloong." Lee Shun repeated: "Fuck, Duan Xiangloong." Oh right, he suddenly appeared in Hsinghai the day before yesterday, then left in a hurry. In other words, he wasn't here to look for Bai Laosan for New Year's money, he was here to look for Bai Laosan for the Ningzhou mission.    


Yes, it's him, it should be him who directed the operation of Ningzhou. F * ck, he knows a few of our construction sites in Ningzhou and he's familiar with the situation in Ningzhou. Damn it, I should have crippled him earlier. I shouldn't have left him here today. This is the consequence of raising a tiger. "    


Lee Shun's voice was filled with regret. He stared straight at me: "I shouldn't have insisted on leaving him with you. I originally wanted to help you understand the grudge between you and him personally. I didn't expect that before you even started to understand, he had already started doing something to me."    


Aside from regret, there seems to be a hidden bitterness to me in Lee Shun's voice.    


I was speechless now, and my heart was even a bit regretful. If I didn't insist on personally understanding the grudge between the two of them, maybe, tonight's incident with Ningzhou wouldn't have happened, and if Bai Laosan didn't have a thorough knowledge of Ningzhou leading, maybe it wouldn't have gone so smoothly, maybe more than ten people wouldn't have died, and maybe in this big battle, Lee Shun would have won all of them.    


If that's the case, there was a reason behind Lee Shun's inconsiderate actions in the Ningzhou failure this time.    


I had a vague idea of what the bodyguard meant.    


In this war, Bai Laosan had invested troops at the same time in Hsinghai. He did not focus on the secondary attack, but only on the main attack and the overall attack.    


Bai Laosan definitely knew from Duan Xiangloong that Lee Shun had transferred most of Ningzhou's men to Hsinghai. The rear was empty and that was why he did it.    


Once again, I feel that Bai Laosan cannot be underestimated. His scheming is definitely not any less than Lee Shun. In fact, in this battle, his considerations are even more thorough than Lee Shun's.    


At this time, Qin spoke: "We are fighting in Hsinghai, and have done this without leaving any traces behind, Bai Laosan's property has been destroyed, but because he is also attacking us, he might not dare to report it, even if he were to report it, it would be very difficult to find any clues.    


"On the other hand, Ningzhou is not his territory. He made such a big move, especially towards the burning of the nightclub. "Once the police intervene, I'm afraid …"    


Lee Shun listened till here and frowned, then said: "Right, in Ningzhou, we did not make any attacks, we are the victims, we need to report. Of course, even if the case was not reported, the police would still investigate the burning of the nightclub. Our construction site's project also needs to be reported. The construction site is an honorable and honorable project, although it belongs to a construction company controlled by me, but they all have legal Operating Unit.    


Yes, just like that, Qin, we will arrange for the brothers on the construction site to report to them. At the same time, we will actively provide some clues, such as Duan Xiangloong. They could not let Bai Laosan escape so easily. Once the Ningzhou police took control of Duan Xiangloong, they would dig up Bai Laosan. Hsinghai is Bai Laosan's territory, but not Ningzhou. I think that way, he might not be so nimble. "    


Qin hesitated a little and looked at Lee Shun: "If we do this, if Duan Xiangloong is really controlled by the police, then, other than Duan Xiangloong informing Bai Laosan, will he implicate us as well?"    


Lee Shun said impatiently, "What the f * ck is it involved? Our real secret? How many points does Duan Xiangloong know? Other than knowing a little bit of the skin on his face, he didn't know anything else. What was there to be afraid of? At most, we can just punish them with more money, but it's not a criminal offence at the most. As long as we give the police enough money, it will be a small matter, a small matter, but the incident at the nightclub and the construction site, there are more than a dozen lives involved. If we actively provide clues to help the police solve the crime, we might even be able to accomplish something.    


So, let's not be afraid! The one they should be afraid of was Bai Laosan, and at that time, the Ningzhou Police Department would not care about who he was. We can't let this matter of Ningzhou end like this, we can't let ourselves suffer this loss. We have to borrow the power of the Ningzhou police to retaliate against Bai Laosan.    


Alright, this is settled then, let's do it like this, you will inform the brothers in Ningzhou to report this matter! Of course, you have to pay attention to your words when reporting. Just report the case on the construction site and don't mention the nightclub. The person who reported the crime didn't know anything about the club. "As long as we capture Duan Xiangloong, the police will investigate him thoroughly."    


Qin stopped talking, took out his phone and went out.    


Lee Shun looked at me, "I don't want to leave Duan Xiangloong with you anymore, I want to leave Duan Xiangloong with the Ningzhou police, do you have any objections?"    


I exhaled and said, "No objections!"    


"We can't keep this person alive. If we continue to stay here, it will bring us more trouble." This time, I won't do it myself, I can't hurt Bai Laosan, I want the Ningzhou Police to dig out Bai Laosan along the vines. " Lee Shun's voice had a hint of pride in it.    


For some reason, I felt uneasy in my heart, but I couldn't think of any reason why.    


"F * ck, I thought I had a complete victory this time. I didn't expect it to be a draw." Lee Shun muttered to himself in anger.    


I didn't say anything.    


After a while, Qin came in and said to Lee Shun, "Yes. The people from the Ningzhou Police would be there soon. "Also, I just heard that our nightclub's fire affected several shops in the area. Luckily, no one is in the shop."    


"Good, it will be good. The bigger the better. The worse the fever, the more the police will pay attention to it. Once Duan Xiangloong is caught, and once Duan Xiangloong opens his mouth, Bai Laosan's crime will become even more serious. "    


Lee Shun said: "Fuck, he dares to cause trouble at Ningzhou, I think Bai Laosan must have eaten a leopard's gall bladder. I think if the Ningzhou police find out about him, how will he deal with this situation, and how will his bullshit brother-in-law protect him? Once Bai Laosan is done for, it might even involve Lei Zheng. Then, it'll be very lively.    


Speaking up to here, Lee Shun's eyes suddenly lit up, and nodded: "Looks like, everything has its pros and cons, if we can borrow the power of Ningzhou and use it to kill Bai Laosan, toppling Lei Zheng, our losses would be worth it. At least it was a lucky hit. "It's just that it's a pity that the lives of these brothers are in vain."    


At this point, Lee Shun's face turned dark again and he took a few deep puffs on his cigarette.    


Everyone fell silent for the moment.    


After a while, Lee Shun said, "The fight on New Year's Eve is finally over. The gains and losses are equal to the gains and losses, which is tantamount to doing useless work. The next step was to see how Ningzhou would resolve the situation. For the time being, he would not plan a new attack. He would first see how the Ningzhou was progressing, and then decide on the next step. Yi Ke, after dawn, you can go to the company to take over Qiu Tong's shift. After finishing the duty, whether you stay in Hsinghai or return to Ningzhou, you can decide for yourself. "    


I nodded.    


Lee Shun only mentioned my arrangements, but didn't mention where he and Qin were going.    


Everyone no longer felt sleepy. They smoked, drank tea and chatted in the cave until dawn. Lee Shun further arranged for Qin to deal with the aftermath of the dead.    


After daybreak, I left Gold Silver Island and directly went to work.    


As I sat in my office, I thought about how ridiculous it was to be the leader of the gang, who had been fighting with members of the underworld the night before, and how he was now sitting here pretending to be a cadre of the state.    


I decided to return to Ningzhou in the afternoon.    


I touched the phone and booked a plane back to Ningzhou at 5: 00 in the afternoon.    


On the first day of the new year, the air tickets were easy to book and there weren't many people on the plane.    


Of course, I booked my ticket in another capacity.    


After booking the plane ticket, just as he was about to call home to inform his family about his return, the internal phone in his office rang.    


"Group Party Committee announcement — The secretary of the city committee brought a portion of City Leader to pay his respects to the group and went straight to the operating office. He invited the people on duty from each unit to go downstairs immediately to greet City Leader at the door of the operating office. City Leader's car is about to arrive, and the group's main person in charge has also rushed to the management office! "    


When I heard that, I gave up the idea of calling home first and went downstairs immediately.    


Generally speaking, on the first day of the new year, the leaders of the city straight four teams would split up and lead the city leaders to conduct group worship for the related units. This was an old rule.    


He didn't expect that the city committee secretary would come to the group to pay his respects. Sun Dongkai must be proud of that.    


When he got downstairs, he saw Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee standing at the entrance. Sun Dongkai was beaming.    


All around them were the people in charge of each department who were on duty. When they saw each other, they greeted each other with greetings.    


I also exchanged greetings with everyone for the New Year.    


Of course, everyone paid respect to Sun Dongkai first, and then to each other.    


I am no exception.    


"Secretary Sun, happy new year!" I said to Sun Dongkai.    


Sun Dongkai looked at me with a smile and said, "Hey, Yi, happy new year."    


Cao Lee looked at me and suddenly said, "Your company has submitted the list of personnel on duty to the Party. Isn't Boss Qiu on duty today?"    


When Sun Dongkai heard that, he looked at me.    


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