Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C893 Duan Xianglong's Memorial Service

C893 Duan Xianglong's Memorial Service

Dong Xue finished her registration and walked to the side without talking to us.    


It seemed that she didn't want my classmates to see her, didn't want me and her to become the subject of their discussion.    


After a brief conversation with a few classmates, Haifeng and I went to a corner to smoke.    


I smoked and glanced around.    


Suddenly, there was a slight disturbance in the crowd.    


I saw a line of people swaggering through the crowd.    


Looking at them, I was slightly stunned.    


At the front of the group was Lee Shun, wearing a black trench coat, a black top hat, and a pair of large sunglasses. Behind him, four similarly straight, dark glasses wearing a black suit crew cut.    


The group was expressionless.    


Lee Shun had come. He had personally come to attend Duan Xiangloong's memorial service!    


The appearance of this group of people was extremely eye-catching. Everyone looked at them and whispered amongst themselves.    


I did not expect Lee Shun to attend Duan Xiangloong's memorial service, but it was still so grand.    


At this time, Haifeng also saw Lee Shun's group. Although he already knew Lee Shun, he had never had any direct dealings with Lee Shun. At this moment, he didn't know that this majestic boss was Lee Shun.    


"Who is this person?" Haifeng whispered to me.    


"Lee Shun!" I whispered the same thing.    


"Lee Shun?" Haifeng's voice startled, and he looked at me. "He — he is Lee Shun?"    


I nodded.    


"Why is he here? What is he doing here? " Haifeng then looked at Lee Shun.    


I didn't say anything as I stared at Lee Shun.    


"Don't tell me. Lee Shun and Duan Xiangloong know each other? How did he know Duan Xiangloong? " Haifeng's voice sounded somewhat incredulous.    


Until now, Haifeng had never known that Duan Xiangloong had long been mixed into the underworld.    


"They're already familiar with it!" I said.    


Haifeng looked me straight in the eye and murmured, "I've known him for a long time, don't tell me. Duan Xiangloong had dealings with the underworld? He. "He's involved in this as well?"    


I nodded.    


The expression on Haifeng's face was a little shocked as he continued, "Could Duan Xiangloong's death have something to do with him?"    


"I don't know!" I said, expressionless.    


"Unexpectedly …" This world has gone mad. This world has gone completely mad. " Haifeng continued murmuring.    


At this moment, I saw that Dong Xue had also noticed Lee Shun, but Lee Shun didn't seem to have noticed her. Dong Xue's body shrank into the crowd, pulling her scarf up to cover half her face.    


Lee Shun looked around and then saw me and Haifeng. He didn't stop and walked towards us in big strides.    


"He's coming for us." Haifeng said in a low voice as he looked at the corner of the wall. His voice sounded a little nervous.    


"Ignore him!" I said, looking at the corner of the wall.    


At this moment, Lee Shun walked up to us and patted my shoulder.    


I turned around and looked at Lee Shun.    


"You came early. I knew you would come today!" Lee Shun said sinisterly.    


I looked at Lee Shun, then at the four black suits behind him. They nodded respectfully at me and stood aside.    


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, I felt uncomfortable all over.    


"I didn't expect you to come today!" "No," I said.    


"My former comrade is leaving, of course I'll send him off. This is human nature!" As Lee Shun said this, he looked at Haifeng and asked me, "This is —"    


"My classmate, Haifeng!" "No," I said.    


Haifeng looked at Lee Shun at this time. His expression was indifferent and his eyes were calm.    


I then said to Haifeng: "Haifeng, this is Boss Lee!"    


"Haifeng. What's her relationship with Hai Zhu? " Lee Shun said.    


"Hai Zhu is my sister!" Haifeng said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner.    


"Oh. So it's Hai Zhu's brother, hur hur. "I've heard a lot about you, I've heard a lot about you. Come, let's get to know each other. My name is Lee Shun. I'm Li Hongzhang from Li. My weather is smooth." Lee Shun took the initiative to extend his right hand towards Haifeng.    


Haifeng hesitated for a moment and then shook hands with Lee Shun, "Good morning, Boss Lee —"    


Then, Lee Shun looked at Haifeng, "Yes. He looked quite similar to Hai Zhu in some ways, like a mother. Haifeng, you also work in Hsinghai, right? "    


Lee Shun seemed to have already figured out that Hai Zhu's older brother was called Haifeng and was working at Hsinghai.    


"Yes!" Haifeng nodded lightly.    


"You and Yi Ke are classmates, working in Hsinghai together, very good." Lee Shun paused for a moment and continued, "So, you and Duan Xiangloong are classmates?"    


Haifeng nodded: "Yes!"    


"Sigh. Duan Xiangloong died young, it's really sad. Duan Xiangloong and I worked together in the business and had a few relationships with each other. This time, I suddenly heard that something happened to him and felt very shocked and saddened. I hope he can live a peaceful life in another world. "    


Lee Shun's face revealed an expression of lament, his voice also became sad: "The dead are long, the living are still alive, it is worth celebrating that we can live. We have to cherish the hard-earned happiness of living, live a good life, and work hard.    


Of course, we also need to turn grief into strength, to pay tribute to Duan Xiangloong for his hard work and outstanding performance, and to use actual actions to comfort his spirit in heaven. If I want to do this, so do it. As classmates, you all must do so even more. "    


Lee Shun's words have no end in sight. I'm already used to it.    


However, this was the first time Haifeng experienced Lee Shun's language style. He couldn't help but look at Lee Shun in disbelief. It seemed like Lee Shun was talking in his sleep or was just mumbling nonsense.    


At this moment, I saw Dong Xue quietly leave the funeral parlor.    


Then, from the beginning to the end of the memorial service, I didn't see Dong Xue anymore. She seemed to have left early, and didn't attend the memorial service or the funeral ceremony.    


After attending the memorial service, Lee Shun took his people and left. He didn't come over to greet me.    


Haifeng and I also returned to the city's Tianyi Square and met up with Qiu Tong and the rest. Everyone had lunch together and then headed to the airport.    


Around 5pm, the plane landed at Hsinghai Airport.    


We're back.    


The annual leave was over.    


This year's holiday was filled with the dark and gloomy fighting and the thrilling bloody battles. It was filled with the courage to crack apart one's soul, as well as those emotional entanglements that were still in disarray from shears. It was extremely restless.    


At this moment, everything seemed to have temporarily passed by and everything seemed to have calmed down. It was as though the calm and tranquil life had begun once more.    


But I knew that this was not the end. This was not the end.    


The fog was still shrouding the area and the entanglement was still continuing.    


I don't know when such a day will be the end, I don't know where tomorrow's dawn is, I don't know where my tomorrow is!    


Before my eyes, within my heart, there seemed to be darkness, darkness that pressed down on me until I could hardly breathe, and I knew how long I had to go on in this almost suffocating darkness.    


I tried to breathe, but I couldn't.    


I tried to break free, but I couldn't.    


I walked alone in the dark, with a chill and a sadness that cut through my bones.    


The second day, seventh day, it was time to start working!    


I went back to the office and began to lead a life of decency with a dignified mask on my face.    


Shortly after starting work, Sun Dongkai brought the Group Party Committee leaders to each department to see everyone who went to work after the festival.    


After the New Year, Sun Dongkai's face was full of happiness and high spirits.    


The spring of Hsinghai had not arrived yet, but Sun Dongkai seemed to have felt it in advance.    


Cao Lee followed closely behind Sun Dongkai with a face full of spring aura, as if she was in sync with Sun Dongkai in spring.    


Qiu Tong seemed to have let go of all her experiences during the Spring Festival. She seemed to have quickly adjusted her condition and focused her attention on her work after the new year.    


After Sun Dongkai left, Qiu Tong immediately summoned her Manager's Office Meeting to carry out the research and deployment arrangements for the next stage of the year.    


Zhao Dajian was a bit listless. His face was haggard and fatigued. It seemed that he had not fully recovered from the excessive celebration of the Spring Festival.    


The various tasks on the Issuing Company were quickly put on the right track.    


At the beginning of the new year, it seemed as if everything should be refreshed.    


The new nightclub was in the middle of a bustle. According to Lee Shun's plan, the new nightclub, whether in size or class, would surpass the one burned down by Duan Xiangloong's team, and the nightclub's name would remain the same as before: 2046.    


At the same time, the other industries that had been damaged quickly regained their normal order, and the construction of Hsinghai and Sanshui Group began to proceed according to plan.    


Of course, in all these projects, Wu stealthily strengthened the security forces to prevent Bai Laosan from hacking again.    


At the same time as Lee Shun, Bai Laosan started to clean up his own industry. The nightclub and bathing center destroyed by Lee Shun are undergoing large-scale renovations. Furthermore, according to the news I received, a larger underground casino is also in the process of being built.    


It seemed that both Lee Shun and Bai Laosan were focusing their efforts on building an economy.    


It seemed that both Lee Shun and Bai Laosan were aware that development was the key. Material foundation was the key to building the upper echelons. Only with strong economic strength could one defeat the other party's powerful weapon and strengthen their backing.    


Of course, while the economic construction of both sides was going on, they did not relax the construction of teams either. They were secretly actively recruiting soldiers and horses, expanding their forces to prepare for war.    


Hai Zhu's tourism company also returned to normal business. After the festival, the number of long distance tour groups to Hainan and Yunnan continued unabated. There were also many overseas tour groups to New Matai Maldives and other places.    


Hai Zhu has been busy the last few days, she still lives in the company, often working late.    


Of course, I got all this information from Sweetie Ru.    


It's just that I don't know how far Hai Zhu's treatment has progressed. She won't tell me, so I can only wait.    


It seemed that I was very passive in this matter. Other than waiting, there was nothing else I could do.    


Qiu Tong went to Hai Zhu's company a few times, and when she chatted with me, she told me about Hai Zhu's trip to Canada.    


Qiu Tong's true feelings for Hai Zhu moved my heart and left me with an indescribable feeling.    


Qiu Tong told me about the many beauties gathered at my house during the Spring Festival, and she was both emotional and silent.    


She did not comment on the matter, but said the following: Life is short and hard to come by, so we should cherish it well and treat everyone and everything with tolerance and magnanimity.    


Qiu Tong's words made me ponder for a long time.    


Haifeng, who had already been promoted to Northeast region's CEO, was even busier. After returning, he started to travel the next day, running around in the white mountains and black water of the three provinces.    


Lee Shun's parents returned from a trip abroad. I saw them once when I was driving past the People's Square. They were flying a kite with Snowy.    


They seemed to be looking good.    


Summer and Xia Yu-Nian's work seems to be very busy after the summer, I and the summer through the phone, a few greetings.    


Xia Yu was rather quiet these days and didn't disturb me.    


I haven't seen Leh around. According to him, he's still visiting his relatives in the United States and hasn't come back yet.    


I haven't seen Leh in a long time, so I miss him a little.    


I was thinking about Leh. I don't know if he missed me.    


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