Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C885 Never Give up

C885 Never Give up

As I said this, a faint sadness and bitterness welled up in my heart.    


No matter what you say, Ke, I definitely won't give up. Ke, you have to understand that in the end, you can only be mine, and I am also yours, and we have a deep relationship foundation, and we have the experience of working together, and the reason why I didn't tell Xia Yu your family's address and brought her here personally, I have my own thoughts. No matter who comes to your house today, I don't care what your parents think of me, I don't care what other people think of me. Dong Xue's tone was resolute.    


I took a deep breath and looked at Dong Xue. "Dong Xue, everyone is here today at my parents' house. No matter who it is, my family welcomes you and warmly welcomes you. But, I hope that today, everyone will be able to have a peaceful time together and not cause any unpleasant interlude. I don't care what your purpose is today, and I don't care what you intend to do today, I just hope that my parents will enjoy a meal together with everyone. "There are some words, there are some matters that everyone can slowly discuss and resolve later. I do not wish to see everyone leave unhappily today."    


At this moment, I was a little nervous. From Dong Xue's words just now, I could clearly tell that she might be causing trouble today. Dong Xue came prepared to meet Hai Zhu here.    


I looked straight at Dong Xue.    


Dong Xue's face was a little cold as she stared at me, as though she was hesitating about something.    


I continued, "Although my parents were surprised that you came here today, they were still very warm to you. Just now, my mother called me to the kitchen and told me to treat you well, to treat you well, not to embarrass you, not to make things difficult for you. My mother also said that she had a good impression of you and that you were a cute girl."    


Dong Xue's expression softened a little and she looked at me. "Oh, your mom, is that really what you said?"    


"Yes!" I nodded affirmatively.    


Suddenly, Dong Xue's face showed an expression of being moved. She bit her lips and nodded, "Ke, don't worry. Today, I will definitely get along with everyone. I won't make your parents unhappy."    


I breathed a sigh of relief.    


Dong Xue continued, "I want to know, why did Hai Zhu and Haifeng come here today to pay their New Year respects? Why didn't you come on the first day of the new year? "    


I said, "They go overseas to celebrate the new year. Hai Zhu's Spring Festival has a tourism business, and Haifeng also has a job overseas!"    


Dong Xue nodded and continued, "Then why are Qiu Tongyun and Xiao Xue here to celebrate the new year? Don't tell me that she came here because of the too noisy Hsinghai, that's just for the sake of coaxing children. Tell me the truth! "    


I thought about it and said, "Well, I'll tell you the truth. Indeed, the reason why Qiu Tong brought Xiao Xue here for the New Year was not because her Hsinghai were too noisy, but because of Bai Laosan. "    


"Yes." Dong Xue nodded and looked at me.    


A few days before the Spring Festival, when you were away on a business trip in Harbin, Bai Laosan and Lee Shun prepared for a big battle. Bai Laosan arranged for people to kidnap Xiao Xue.    


"Yes." Basically, it's just as I thought. " Dong Xue nodded. "I was arranged by Bai Laosan to go on a business trip to Harbin, so I temporarily cut off the source of information. So that's how it is." I knew that Bai Laosan had already plotted a great battle with Lee Shun. I had a premonition that there would be a bloodbath during the Spring Festival. However, wasn't this child adopted by Qiu Tong and not Lee Shun? Why would he do anything to this child? "    


I said, "Because Lee Shun really likes this kid."    


I'm not going to tell Dong Xue the truth. After all, Dong Xue was now Bai Laosan's man.    


Dong Xue looked at me as if she didn't believe me and said, "I'm guessing this child is from Lee Shun, from Lee Shun's and Qiu Tong's early years, unmarried. I don't think you'll necessarily know about this either. However, Bai Laosan knows. "    


I didn't say anything.    


Dong Xue frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly said: "After the battle between Bai Laosan and Lee Shun, you suddenly went looking for Duan Xiangloong behind Liu Tie's back, could it be that Duan Xiangloong attacked this child again at Ningzhou and angered you? "So you're going to find Duan Xiangloong?"    


I was surprised. Dong Xue's brain was good enough, she could guess that.    


I lit a cigarette and smoked.    


"Alright, since you are unwilling to speak, then I won't force you. Now that Duan Xiangloong is dead, there's no point in pursuing this anymore. " Dong Xue said, "Fortunately, you didn't find Duan Xiangloong before he died. Luckily, Duan Xiangloong died at the hands of Bai Laosan. Otherwise, I think you would have been in deep trouble." Lee Shun arranged for people to report Duan Xiangloong. Naturally, they had their own reasons.    


If you really find Duan Xiangloong, this is a hot potato, you killed him, relaxed Bai Laosan, saved his energy, and effortlessly pushed the crime of murder to you and Lee Shun. Moreover, you even messed up Lee Shun's wishful thinking, he will put all the blame for the loss on you, Lee Shun is a murderous demon, at that time, he will not let you go.    


If you find Duan Xiangloong and don't kill him, I think it will be very difficult for you to do so. Then, you will be in even more trouble. You will not kill Duan Xiangloong, but Duan Xiangloong will not kill you. As long as he has the chance, he will definitely not let you go. "    


I stared at Dong Xue.    


Dong Xue sighed and said: "A new year, a new start, I advise you to listen to my words, leave Lee Shun as soon as possible, and don't follow him anymore. Even if you don't return to the Ningzhou, it's still better than staying in the official area of the Hsinghai, and it's still better than staying in the underworld. Of course, if you can put aside everything and return to the Ningzhou to develop your career, that's even better.    


I said, "I can't get back to Ningzhou, and I can't get away from Lee Shun. On the other hand, you, I want to give you a word of advice. You've earned quite a bit of money now, so you should distance yourself from Bai Laosan. "    


Dong Xue's face turned cold, "I am doing well with Bai Laosan right now, why should I leave? How much is more? I don't think I have a lot of money. I haven't made enough. It's good for you to mind your own business, stop worrying about me! "    


I felt a chill in my heart and was speechless.    


At that moment, Hai Zhu came in with the dishes. She saw Dong Xue and I chatting alone in the room. She was slightly stunned for a moment before she placed the dishes on the table.    


After setting down the dishes, Hai Zhu seemed unwilling to go out. She found a piece of cloth and started wiping the table.    


The table was clean and there was no need to clean it.    


Dong Xue looked at Hai Zhu with a mocking smile.    


Then, Dong Xue rolled her eyes and looked at me: "Oh yeah, Ke, I heard from your mom that Qiu Tong can't get a cold these few days, and from Snowy that Qiu Tong was hospitalized a few days ago, what's going on?" Could it be that Qiu Tong was pregnant and had an abortion? Could it be that Qiu Tong came here for the New Year, avoiding all of Hsinghai's acquaintances, and came here specifically to miscarry? If that was the case, then whose baby would Qiu Tongyi have? Was it Lee Shun's? Still. Why did she come to your house for an abortion? "How strange."    


Dong Xue Ming knew the real reason why Qiu Tong was here. She knew that I wouldn't easily tell Hai Zhu that Qiu Tong came here to seek refuge because of the underworld's hunt to kidnap Xiao Xue, yet she purposely said these words in front of Hai Zhu. It was obvious that she said those words on purpose for Hai Zhu to hear. She was purposely provoking Hai Zhu.    


Hearing Dong Xue's words, Hai Zhu's body suddenly quivered. Her hand that was wiping the table suddenly stopped, and her body seemed to become stiff.    


Hai Zhu turned around slowly, looked at Dong Xue, then looked at me, and suddenly left the living room. She didn't go to the kitchen, but went straight to Qiu Tong's room.    


At this moment, Qiu Tong and Yun Yun were playing with Snowy at the entrance of the courtyard. Qiu Tong was sitting on a chair, watching Snowy and Yun Xiao play hide and seek.    


There was medicine for her in Qiu Tong's room. Hai Zhu would definitely understand if she went to take a look.    


I felt my hair stand on end as I looked at Dong Xue. "Dong Xue, what do you mean by that?"    


Dong Xue sneered. "No meaning." Just say it casually. If it's just a casual guess, why not just make a joke out of it? "    


"You —" I was speechless for a moment as I stared at Dong Xue.    


"What's wrong with me?" Dong Xue looked at me without backing down. "You think you can bully me just because you're in your house?"    


"I —" I was speechless again.    


After a while, Hai Zhu appeared at the door of the living room. Her body swayed a little as she stood there. Her face had turned pale and her eyes were fixed on me.    


Apparently, Hai Zhu had already confirmed Qiu Tong's miscarriage due to pregnancy.    


Obviously, what Dong Xue said made Hai Zhu doubt her greatly. She really thought that Qiu Tong's visit to my house for the new year was a fake and her miscarriage was real. She even started to suspect who Qiu Tongyi's child was.    


I couldn't help but feel fear in my heart. If I didn't lie, if I told Hai Zhu the truth, then Qiu Tong's abortion was mine, then I would die for sure!    


I looked at Hai Zhu in horror, waiting for her question.    


However, Hai Zhu didn't say anything. She just looked at me blankly with a pale face. Her body was slightly trembling as though she was shocked by something. At the same time, she seemed to be thinking about something, and even seemed to be hesitating about something.    


At this time, Dong Xue looked at Hai Zhu and spoke up, "Hey, Hai Zhu, what happened to you? Why does my face look so ugly? "    


Dong Xue acted like nothing had happened, as if Hai Zhu's sudden change in expression had nothing to do with what she had just said.    


Dong Xue's words seemed to remind Hai Zhu of something. Hai Zhu's expression started to become normal, and then she started to smile. She bit her lips and continued, "Hehe, it's nothing. "No, I'm very normal."    


Hai Zhu's smile was somewhat dry. She then turned around and headed to the kitchen.    


Dong Xue looked at Hai Zhu's back and sneered. "You're still too inexperienced to be pretending in front of me!"    


I looked at Dong Xue. "You're satisfied now, aren't you?"    


Dong Xue said, "I'm satisfied? I'm satisfied? What do you mean? "    


I said, "You know what I mean. How did you promise me just now? You have to make a scene in my house today, don't you? Must we make everyone unhappy? "    


There was a note of irritation in my voice.    


Dong Xue seemed to remember what she promised me and pursed her lips. She looked at me and stopped talking.    


After that, Hai Zhu carried the dishes in again, put them down, and left the room. Her expression seemed to have returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.    


I stood up and walked over to the entrance to the courtyard. I called Qiu Tongyun and Snowy in to get ready for dinner.    


Dong Xue also stood up and went to the kitchen to help carry the dishes.    


Soon, the dishes were ready. Everyone sat around the table and prepared to start their meal.    


Mom and Dad sat at the top of the table, and everyone took their places on either side.    


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