Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C876 Miscarriage

C876 Miscarriage

I pushed the door open and went in. Qiu Tong was lying on the bed, and my mother was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Qiu Tong's hand. Snowy was lying on the other side of the bed, holding Qiu Tong's other hand.    


When she saw me come in, she stood up and began to wipe away her tears.    


Snowy rushed over and hugged my leg while crying, "Uncle Yi, my mom was beaten by bad people. Mother is sick. "    


I hugged Snowy, patted her back, and looked at Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong looked at me, and her pale face flushed a little. She looked excited, and then there were tears in the corners of her eyes.    


I put Snowy down and walked over to Qiu Tong's bed. I stared at her deeply.    


At this moment, thousands of words, thousands of words, I could not say anything, only deeply looked at her.    


Similarly, Qiu Tong didn't seem to be able to say anything. She just stared at me blankly.    


After watching for a long time, I shakily reached out my hand to wipe away the tears at the corner of Qiu Tong's eyes.    


I wanted to take Qiu Tong into my arms and warm her and comfort her with my chest, but I couldn't do anything with my mother and Xiao Xue beside me. That was all I could do.    


"Are you feeling all right now?" I whispered.    


"Yes." I'm fine, I'm fine, you're back … I was going to pick you up at the airport myself, but I'm sorry. " Qiu Tong said.    


At this point, only Qiu Tong and I could understand the deeper meaning of her words, "I'm sorry." I could understand what she was trying to express.    


I pressed my lips together and said, "As long as you're fine, that's good."    


At this moment, the clouds took Snowy away.    


Mom said to me, "I just finished taking out the bottle. The doctor said there's nothing serious. I'll be able to go home after a short rest. I'll be able to recover after a few days of rest."    


I let out a breath and looked at my mother. At this moment, how could my mother know that the child Qiu Tong had just miscarried was her son's flesh and blood?    


"Child, your body is in danger. Sigh. It's a pity the child is gone. Fortunately, you have nothing to do. "Don't be sad, child. Your body is sturdy. In the future, you can still have children." Mother comforted Qiu Tong again.    


A trace of sadness flashed across Qiu Tong's eyes. She pursed her lips and forced a smile. "Auntie, I'm fine. I'll be fine very soon."    


Mom nodded. "Child, auntie will help you take good care of your body when you get home."    


"Sorry for the trouble." Qiu Tong said gratefully.    


"Don't say that, kid. You came to our family for the new year. You're our family, so it's not a big deal if you say it's troublesome. Since something happened in our family during the new year, auntie is still very worried." "Hai."    


Mom sighed again, then said: "I don't know which god of death it was, on the first day of the new year to do such a heinous thing. This world was so chaotic that there was no way to say it. I've long heard that there are traffickers who steal from children to make a fortune. I didn't expect us to meet them. This kind of villain will get his retribution sooner or later. "    


Of course, her mother didn't know why. She thought those people were social traffickers.    


Qiu Tong looked at me and pursed her lips. She obviously knew what was going on with those people.    


I lowered my head and sighed.    


At this time, the doctor came in and looked at Qiu Tong's condition. He said that there was nothing serious wrong and that she could go home to recuperate. The doctor also gave her some blood and anti-inflammatory medicine and told her to go back and rest for a few days.    


At this moment, Clouds came in with Snowy. Clouds were carrying clothes for Qiu Tong to change into.    


I walked out of the ward. My dad was talking to Fourth Brother in a low voice. When he saw me coming out, he said, "Nothing happened to Qiu Tong and Snowy this time. It's all thanks to this guy."    


It seemed that Fourth Brother did not reveal his identity in front of his parents, and neither did Qiu Tong and Yun.    


I said to my father, "Qiu Tong is fine now. The doctor said she can go home now. Now I'm changing my clothes inside. "    


"I'll go to the door and get a car —" Dad went out.    


At this time, I looked at Fourth Brother: "Fourth Brother, so you were here."    


Fourth Brother nodded his head: "Yes, I don't want to get involved with matters regarding Hsinghai, and I am also worried about Boss Qiu's safety. On the way to send them to Shen Yang Airport, I pretended to be unintentional and asked them where your place is, and after they took off, I caught the next flight and also came here. When we got there, I didn't bother them and stayed at a hotel near your house. I've been secretly following them for the past two days. "    


So that's how it is. I nodded: "Fourth Brother, sorry for troubling you. It's been hard on you. Why don't you come to my house for the new year? "    


Fourth Brother smiled. "I have been alone for so many years. Besides, I suddenly appeared out of nowhere. How can I explain this to your parents? It would also make Boss Qiu uneasy. I haven't revealed my identity to your parents, and I've also told Boss Qiu and Yun. Don't tell your parents, I'm afraid it will arouse their suspicions and uneasiness. "    


I understand Fourth Brother's concerns, but I still want to invite him to my house. After all, this is the New Year.    


Fourth Brother declined the offer and once again stressed his reason.    


I didn't force Fourth Brother, and then told him about last night's big battle, including Hsinghai's and Ningzhou's situation.    


Fourth Brother was silent for a while and then said, "You guys have underestimated Bai Laosan. I didn't expect him to be so scheming. I came here with Boss Qiu just in case. It seemed like the group of people this afternoon were definitely Bai Laosan's men. Right now, he has already determined that Snowy was an important bargaining chip that he used to hold Lee Shun hostage. That's why he didn't give up and sent his men here. "    


I nodded. "Yes. "He doesn't give in to his evil intentions!"    


"From the looks of it, the battle last night was not completely over. Bai Laosan has not stopped yet." Fourth Brother said.    


"Yes." It should be like that! "    


"Are you going to tell Lee Shun about this?" Fourth Brother suddenly said.    


I looked up at Fourth Brother, and for a moment I didn't understand what he meant.    


"I'm not talking about Snowy, but Qiu Tong's miscarriage." Fourth Brother said.    


My heart quivered. "What do you think?"    


"I think it's better if you don't tell Lee Shun about this. This matter involves Boss Qiu. Let him decide for himself." Fourth Brother said.    


I nodded. Snowy's kidnapping and Qiu Tong's abortion were related. If he didn't want Lee Shun to know that Qiu Tong had an abortion, then he couldn't tell Lee Shun about Snowy's kidnapping.    


Fourth Brother is obviously not the same as I was thinking, but he is also what I want to do.    


I don't think Qiu Tong would take the initiative to tell Lee Shun about this.    


However, he had to remind Snowy to prevent her from saying such a thing in front of Lee Shun.    


Thinking like this, I don't know how, I feel a little guilty of Lee Shun.    


Of course, the one that hurt me the most was Qiu Tong. After all, she suffered a lot this time, and the crystal of my love for her that night with her Danton was destroyed by Bai Laosan. The crystal of her love from a virtual reality to a real one was destroyed by Bai Laosan just like that.    


I don't know if Bai Laosan hurt me and Qiu Tong this time or unintentionally helped us to get out of this predicament.    


The damage is obvious, and as for help, I don't want to think about it. I'd rather not be released at this price. I hate Bai Laosan and Duan Xiangloong.    


I felt a surge of killing intent, evil to the side of the gall, I was determined to resolve the issue of Duan Xiangloong during this Spring Festival holiday.    


Although Lee Shun has arranged for people to call the police about last night's incident, the police might not be able to catch Duan Xiangloong. I don't want to use the police to deal with Duan Xiangloong.    


I want to completely settle the grudge between me and Duan Xiangloong. I want to end it so clearly myself, and also let Duan Xiangloong die so clearly.    


After a while, her father came back with a car and Qiu Tong came out with her mother supporting her.    


When everyone was ready to leave, Mom and Dad thanked Fourth Brother a million times for his kindness and invited him to our house for a meal. Fourth Brother smiled and declined.    


Qiu Tong looked at Fourth Brother, then at my parents. She wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything.    


Everyone bid farewell to Fourth Brother and left. Yun Yun walked behind and whispered to me, "Fourth Brother specifically warned Sister Qiu and me to not tell our parents his identity."    


I nodded. "Yes, I understand."    


Everyone got into the car and went straight to my house.    


When they got home, her mother put Qiu Tong to bed. She and Yun went to the kitchen to make food.    


At this time, I carried Snowy to the main entrance and sternly warned her not to tell anyone about what had happened today. Snowy flapped her wings and looked at me before solemnly nodding her head in agreement.    


I was worried, so I pulled the hook with Snowy.    


After pulling the hook, Snowy ran to Qiu Tong's room.    


Then I went into the living room, my parents were there, so I kowtowed to my parents to greet the new year, my mother took out a red packet to me, this is my New Year's money.    


Snowy ran out and saw it. She proudly took out a red packet from her pocket and showed it to me: "Uncle Yi, look, I also have New Year's money. Grandma gave it to me. My mother and Aunt Cloud have both. "    


I forced a smile.    


His parents couldn't help laughing when they saw Snowy's reaction. They looked at each other and sighed.    


Snowy ran to the kitchen and I went to Qiu Tong's room.    


Qiu Tong was sitting against the headboard with a dazed look in her eyes.    


Qiu Tong's eyes flashed when she saw me come in. She looked straight at me.    


I sat down in front of Qiu Tong's bed and sighed deeply.    


At this point, I don't know how to express my feelings.    


I couldn't help but fall silent. Qiu Tong also fell silent.    


After a long while, Qiu Tong asked, "Are you relieved?"    


I looked up at Qiu Tong and said nothing.    


"I didn't expect to be released in such a manner. Me. I had been thinking all day about how to deal with this matter, and I hadn't expected it to end like this. Me. I don't know what to say now. " Qiu Tong whispered, her eyes turning red again.    


I reached out and took Qiu Tong's hand. Qiu Tong's hand was very cold.    


After a moment of silence, Qiu Tong gently pulled her hand away and said, "Perhaps, this may not be a bad thing. I have suffered once, but everyone will be free. "I am a sinner, and it is only right that I suffer."    


Qiu Tong's voice was filled with an incomparable desolation and pain, as if it was also a bit comforting.    


I couldn't help but sigh deeply. My sigh was filled with sorrow, grief, and deep self-blame.    


"Don't blame yourself. This was my fault from the beginning to the end. I won't blame you, and I won't blame anyone either. If you must blame someone, I can only blame myself. This is retribution from heaven. This is the arrangement of fate. "    


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