Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C875 A Strange Sneer

C875 A Strange Sneer

Wu De suddenly seemed to inadvertently glance at me, then looked at Bai Laosan and Lee Shun, smiled: "That's right, that's great." Seeing that your relationship with each other has improved, I feel at ease. "    


With that, Wu De stood up and said, "Alright, you guys eat and drink slowly. I still have some things to do, so I'll be leaving first."    


With that, Wu De told everyone not to go, and left with the Emperor.    


After Wu De left, Bai Laosan and Lee Shun both stood up. The two of them glared at each other again, with the attitude of wanting to eat the other into their stomachs.    


After a while, Bai Laosan suddenly laughed, "Boss Lee, should we continue drinking this wine?"    


"Drink your Margo Wall!" Lee Shun said with a smile that was not a smile, "Bai Laosan, Boss Bai, a new year has begun. However, I have yet to settle last year's account with you. "I think we need to find some time to clear our accounts.    


"Alright then. It's simple and easy to do the accounting. I'll accompany you anytime." Bai Laosan said, "Even if you didn't mention it, I would still have mentioned it. I think we should slowly calculate it."    


Bai Laosan looked at Lee Shun, his eyes were rolling as if he was thinking about something. Suddenly, the corner of his mouth revealed a trace of a strange sneer.    


Bai Laosan's laughter made my heart tremble.    


I don't know why I trembled when I saw Bai Laosan's expression.    


He seemed to feel that the battle between Lee Shun and Bai Laosan was not yet over. Bai Laosan did not seem to plan to stop just yet.    


Although Bai Laosan thought this way, he couldn't think of any actions that Bai Laosan would take.    


Maybe, not only did Bai Laosan not plan to stop, Lee Shun also did not have this plan. He was planning to use Ningzhou police to catch Duan Xiangloong, and dig deeper Bai Laosan!    


The moment Wu De left, Lee Shun and Bai Laosan no longer had the desire to stay and drink and eat. They all walked out of the hotel and bid each other farewell with a smile that didn't reach the eyes before leaving separately.    


I don't know if Wu De chose to leave on purpose or not.    


After sending me back to the company, Lee Shun and Qin directly left, Lee Shun did not tell me where he was going.    


I continued to work at the company, and at three o'clock in the afternoon I headed straight for the airport.    


I urgently wanted to return to the Ningzhou right now. My heart was filled with worry, and I urgently wanted to see Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong said she would pick me up at the airport.    


I don't know how we'll look and feel after we meet.    


Before we boarded the plane, I called Clouds again. She and Qiu Tong were with Snowy, digging winter bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest on the hillside behind our house. Snowy was working hard to dig them out, and she was taking pictures of Snowy on her cell phone while Qiu Tong was sitting on a rock not far away from us, lost in thought.    


The car has been found. Qiu Tong will pick me up at the airport later.    


After listening to Cloud's words, I was silent for a moment before hanging up.    


Then I turned off my cell phone and boarded the plane.    


At 5 o'clock, the plane took off on time.    


There were very few passengers on the first day of the new year. There were less than 30 people in the huge cabin.    


Sitting in the cabin, looking out the window at the churning sea of clouds and the setting sun in the west, my heart is empty, a little misty.    


Suddenly, he felt an indescribable sadness and depression, as well as a strong sense of unease.    


At this time, tens of thousands of meters up in the sky, I didn't expect that on the ground, right at the Ningzhou, a soul-stirring thing was happening!    


Around 6 PM, the plane landed at Ningzhou Airport.    


I got off the plane and headed straight for the exit.    


When I thought about how Qiu Tong was waiting for me at the exit, I couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in my heart. It was warm and intimate, uneasy and apprehensive, and I didn't know what to say to each other when we met.    


I was eager to see Qiu Tong, but my steps were a little hesitant.    


When I finally reached the exit, my eyes swept the few people who were there to pick me up, but I didn't see Qiu Tong.    


I scanned it again slowly, but still couldn't find Qiu Tong's familiar figure.    


Qiu Tong didn't come.    


She was late? On the way? Still.    


I was confused, and suddenly a little uneasy.    


Since she said that she would pick me up, she would definitely come. She was someone who always kept her word, and she wasn't someone who was late.    


But where was she?    


As I thought about this, my heart grew more and more uneasy.    


I stepped out of the exit and walked slowly toward the airport gates.    


"Brother — —" Just as he reached the door, he saw Yun Xiao rushing over while panting and his face was flushed.    


Qiu Tong didn't come, but the clouds did.    


I stopped and looked at the clouds.    


"Yes, just arrived." Yun Yun nodded his head, "Sister Qiu told me to come pick you up. I took a taxi from the hospital in town. "    


"Hospital?" I shivered and looked at the clouds. "Why did you come from the hospital? "Where's Qiu Tong?"    


Yun Li's eyes suddenly turned red and said, "Brother, Sister Qiu has entered the hospital. She had an accident in the afternoon."    


"Ah--what is the matter? Why did Qiu Tong enter the hospital? " I asked eagerly.    


The clouds calmed down a little, then told me what had happened:    


In the afternoon, Yun and Qiu Tong brought Snowy with them to dig winter bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest not far behind our house. Xiao Xue dug while Qiu Tong sat on a nearby rock while Yun took pictures of Snowy on her mobile phone.    


Just then a van came down the road and stopped near them, and then four or five people got out, all in black windcoats and masks.    


After getting off the car, they rushed towards Snowy.    


Cloudy Heavens saw these people on his cell phone screen and felt that something was wrong. He hurriedly greeted Snowy and Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong heard Yun's greeting and quickly stood up to run over.    


Clouds and Qiu Tong pulled up clouds and walked quickly in the other direction, in the direction of my house.    


The few of them quickly ran over and blocked their way. Two of them reached out their hands to grab Snowy.    


Snowy cried out in fear. Cloud and Qiu Tong hurried forward to stop her. Qiu Tong stood in front of Snowy, protecting her with all her might.    


One of them pushed the cloud away and pushed it into the ditch by the side of the road. The other kicked at Qiu Tong's lower abdomen, causing her to scream miserably as she fell into the ditch. Then, the two of them picked up Snowy and ran towards the car.    


Qiu Tong and Yun Yun crawled out desperately to catch up, but they were running very fast and were about to reach the van.    


At this moment, Fourth Brother suddenly appeared. He rushed towards the two men and blocked their way.    


Without saying anything, Fourth Brother directly attacked the two carrying Snowy. With a few moves, he knocked them to the ground and took Snowy back.    


Then, the few of them started to surround Fourth Brother. At this moment, Yun and Qiu Tong had arrived and hurriedly protected Snowy.    


Fourth Brother fought with those people, but they seemed to be no match for Fourth Brother. Gradually, they were at a disadvantage, and one of them stood beside the car without taking any action.    


Cloudy Heavens watched as he took out his cell phone to take a few pictures of the fight.    


While the fight was going on intensely, the person who was standing by the side of the car suddenly took out a gun and walked towards Fourth Brother.    


At this moment, Qiu Tong and Yun Yun shouted out, "Men, quick! Catch the robbers! There are bad people!"    


This place was very close to the town, and there were a lot of people nearby.    


Then, he turned around and jumped into the car, giving a greeting to the few people who were fighting Fourth Brother. Then, the person rushed into the car, Fourth Brother chased after him, but just as he caught up to the car, the person pointed the gun at Fourth Brother. Fourth Brother hesitated for a moment, then pulled the car door shut.    


At this moment, the people around me and my parents all rushed over when they heard the shout.    


Fourth Brother also walked in front of Qiu Tong and Yun Yun.    


At this moment, Qiu Tong's face suddenly paled. She covered her stomach and slowly squatted down with a pained expression on her face.    


Fourth Brother felt something was wrong, he bent down and carried Qiu Tong to the hospital in the town.    


When my parents and Cloud and Snowy arrived at the hospital, Qiu Tong was lying in a hospital bed. She had an abortion!    


Listening to the words of the cloud, my entire body started trembling. I couldn't help but to shout out towards the sky. My heart was filled with an excruciating pain and grief. Qiu Tong had been kicked and injured. She had an abortion!    


In the morning, he found out that Qiu Tong was pregnant, and in the afternoon, she miscarried!    


Qiu Tong must have suffered a great deal of physical injury and a great deal of pain in her heart by now.    


My heart stung and I shivered.    


After a long time, I came back to my senses. Looking at the clouds, I hissed, "Where is Qiu Tong now?"    


"It's still in the hospital. Everyone's in the hospital." Clouds said.    


"Let's go to the hospital." "No," I said.    


Clouds and I took a taxi to the hospital in town.    


On the way, my brain started to have some thoughts, someone suddenly came to catch Snowy on the first day of the new year, it must have been Bai Laosan's arrangement. Thinking about the mysterious smile Bai Laosan revealed at the end of lunch, I confirmed this point, the battle between him and Lee Shun really hasn't ended yet. His tentacles had reached all the way to the Ningzhou, so he must have used the Ningzhou to find this place.    


Thinking about this, I said to Cloud, "Give me your phone. Let me see your photo."    


Cloud handed me the phone, and I called up the picture. I saw the picture of the fight that Cloud had taken, and the man standing next to the car.    


Looking at that person, my eyes lit up. Although he was wearing a mask, but judging by his figure and appearance, this is Duan Xiangloong. I could recognize him even if he turned into ashes.    


Duan Xiangloong had come to my house to play before and knew that my house was here.    


F * ck, he brought people to capture Snowy. He must have brought people here on Bai Laosan's orders. Those people must be his subordinates.    


I felt a surge of bone-deep hatred in my heart. Damn it, I was forced to come to my house to catch Snowy. I even kicked Qiu Tong into miscarriage, adding to my old hatred.    


Now that I'm back, I can't let Duan Xiangloong off like this. I want to settle the score with him, let's settle the old debt together.    


Killing intent began to surge in my heart.    


Of course, not right now. I have to go to the hospital to see Qiu Tong first.    


No wonder I didn't see his shadow at Hsinghai a few days ago. So he actually came to Ningzhou, he must have secretly followed Qiu Tong here to protect Qiu Tong and Xiao Xue.    


It was fortunate that he was here today. Otherwise, the consequences would have been unimaginable.    


I didn't think that Bai Laosan would have this trick, sending people to my hometown to catch Xiao Xue, Lee Shun certainly didn't think of it.    


Looks like, in this war with Bai Laosan, we had overlooked some things and overlooked some things. We underestimated Bai Laosan's scheming.    


At the hospital in town, I was led straight to the ward by the clouds.    


At the door of the ward, Fourth Brother and his dad were standing at the door. Seeing me coming, my dad nodded at me with a stern expression. Fourth Brother also nodded slightly and looked inside. "I just had a minor operation and am currently resting inside."    


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