Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C824 Impotence

C824 Impotence

Qiu Tong's words were like a bucket of cold water, instantly extinguishing the heat wave that was suddenly rising in my brain and body. I immediately returned to reality, back to the cruel reality that I was facing with her, back to the conscience and responsibility that I had to bear.    


I didn't dare to continue facing Qiu Tong's pure and bright eyes. My heart shuddered and I couldn't help but lower my head in shame.    


"No, we can't, we can never make that mistake again. We can't do anything against her. I... We will never be able to do it. The past can only be the past … "I'm sorry." Qiu Tong tidied up her messy hair and tidied up her clothes that I had messed up. As she mumbled to herself, her body swayed a few times before she walked slowly towards the door.    


"You … You still haven't answered my question! " I whispered.    


Qiu Tong ignored me and staggered out, closing the door behind her.    


I stood there in a daze. Qiu Tong's words had pricked my heart like needles, and it hurt.    


I suddenly felt like I was beastly toward Qiu Tong. No, beastly!    


After staring blankly for a long time, he suddenly raised his hand and ruthlessly slapped himself.    


Then I slumped in the chair where Qiu Tong had been sitting, bowed my head, and tore at my hair, letting out a wild, desperate, and confused wail.    


I burst into tears, tears streaming down my face.    


That night, I went back to my dorm and lay on the sofa. I drank alone and drank a bottle of Erguotou with shame and anguish at Qiu Tong, with physical and psychological depression over my inability to release myself, with great remorse and guilt at Hai Zhu's conscience.    


Throwing the empty bottle on the floor, I stumbled into the bedroom, fell on my head on the bed, and raised my head to look at the ceiling. Thinking about Hai Zhu, thinking about Qiu Tong, thinking about how hot and sweet Hai Zhu had been, thinking about the intoxicating night with Qiu Tong, and thinking about how crazy I had acted in the afternoon, my vision gradually started to blur.    


Winter nights make it especially easy to be satisfied with warmth and even to feel a sense of attachment to it. So, under the anesthetic of alcohol, I soon drifted off to sleep in this warmth.    


I woke up in the middle of the night and started smoking.    


After smoking a cigarette, I got out of bed and went to the window. I pulled open the curtains and looked at the silent, cold winter night, a lonely, cold moon hanging in the night sky, casting a cold, bleak light.    


I know, maybe, in that invisible space, where you are is my heaven!    


Suddenly, the tears in his heart rained down as the cold rain fell.    


The next day, at work.    


Sitting in the office, quietly smoking, thinking of yesterday after work to the evening, the heart rose and fell.    


The door was gently pushed open and Clouds came in with a document for me.    


I put down the document and was about to leave when I called to her.    


"Yun, I want to ask you something."    


"Brother, what's the matter? Please ask!" Clouds look at me.    


I got up, went to the door, closed it, and came back.    


Clouds looked at me, puzzled.    


I sat down again and motioned for the clouds to sit.    


"Bro, what's going on? Why are you acting so mysteriously?" The cloud chuckled and sat down.    


I didn't laugh. I took a deep breath and looked at the clouds. "Yun, do you know what Qiu Tong's holiday is every month?"    


"Ah —" Clouds cried out in surprise, and then his face turned red. He looked at me blankly and said in a stuttering voice, "Brother, you …" Why did you ask that? You... Why are you asking this? "    


Looking at Yun Yang's shocked and surprised expression, I smiled. "Qiu Tong works like hell. She's very tired. I want to know her physiological cycle. It's good to share some of her work when she's not feeling well. It's also good for her health."    


My reasons are impeccable.    


When Cloud heard this, he nodded and his expression gradually returned to normal. "Oh. So it was like this. "Bro, you're so thoughtful. You're so nice to Sister Qiu."    


I grinned silently.    


Then Cloud's face reddened a little. "But... Brother, this … Sister Qiu's … I don't know, I never paid much attention. "    


Listening to Cloud's words, I was a little disappointed. I nodded. "Fine, I'll forget it if I don't know. We'll talk about it in the future."    


Yun Xiao thought about it and said, "How about, I ask around."    


I couldn't help but laugh. "Don't ask so many questions. This way, Qiu Tong will feel uncomfortable."    


Cloud said, "Then. I won't ask, I'll pay attention and observe. "    


I nodded. "Okay."    


I bitterly smiled in my heart. If my Danton was in danger on Qiu Tong's day, perhaps she would be pregnant by then. What if Qiu Tong was pregnant? Sooner or later, he would not be able to hide it.    


Thinking about the consequences of Qiu Tong's pregnancy, I shuddered.    


Not only because of the consequences for me, but mainly because of the consequences for Qiu Tong.    


After the clouds left, I thought uneasily for a long time. Then I comforted myself with the fact that I had seven days off, plus the seven days before and eight after, so that I would have only seven or eight days to be in danger. It wouldn't happen to be the same day as the other day, and Qiu Tong wouldn't be pregnant.    


He comforted himself in this way and calmed down a little.    


At this moment, I couldn't help but regret why I didn't ask Qiu Tong this question earlier, and instead asked her about it the day Danton returned.    


This is Qiu Tong's first time doing this, she doesn't understand this, this isn't my first time, I should know.    


Thinking of this, he could not help but blame himself in his heart.    


After blaming myself for a long time, I started reading the documents that Cloud had just sent me, followed by a list of major clients that I would need to visit a few years ago. Then, after reading it, I went to Qiu Tong's office.    


Qiu Tong was in her office and blushed when she saw me come in.    


I was also a little uncomfortable, I thought of yesterday after work in my office, I thought of the absurd and wonderful dream I had last night, my face thick, normally not red, but I still felt a little hot.    


I walked over to Qiu Tong and placed the document on her desk. "The cloud just gave it to me. I've finished reading it. Take a look."    


Qiu Tong nodded and lowered her head.    


I sat across from her and looked at Qiu Tongzhi's flushed face. My heart jumped a few times before I said, "Qiu Tong, yesterday afternoon, after work. Me. I was impulsive. If. If my actions hurt you. Me. I apologize. "    


Qiu Tong raised her head and looked at me. Her face was still red, and her eyes suddenly glazed over.    


Then she whispered, "You don't have to apologize to me. I understand the motivation behind your actions. I'm not angry with you. I don't blame you. It's just that we have to be rational about what we do, what we don't do, what we can't do, and what we have to give up.    


After all, we are not children, we are responsible for our own reality, for our own conscience. We have already made a mistake. Since we know that we have made a mistake, we should not make the same mistake again. We should not only be responsible for ourselves, but also for others.    


I lowered my head and didn't say anything.    


"Alright, let this matter pass. Don't bring it up again." Qiu Tong continued, "Also, you have to drink less in the future. Try not to drink in the office, even after work. That would not be good. Remember your current identity, you are no longer the Yi Ke from before. Be careful to maintain your public image."    


I nodded. "Yeah."    


I then gave Qiu Tong the customer list. "These are the customer list that needs to be visited."    


Qiu Tong's expression gradually returned to normal. She took the list and looked at it, then put it into the folder: "Mhm, okay, wait for Boss Zhao's name to be sent over. We will hand it over to the clouds to fulfill."    


"Yes." I nodded and looked at Qiu Tong. "If there's nothing else, I'll be going out."    


Qiu Tong looked at me, wanted to say something but hesitated. Then she nodded and said softly, "Alright, you can go back to your work."    


I felt a sudden sense of loss and stood there for a moment without moving.    


Qiu Tong looked at me. "Didn't sleep well last night?"    


"Not bad," I said.    


Qiu Tong said, "You don't look normal. If you feel unwell, go back and rest for the day. Anyway, the company's work is relatively free these days. "    


I said, "It's okay, I'm fine!"    


Qiu Tong pursed her lips. "Don't push yourself. Don't be stubborn."    


"I didn't force it, I didn't force my words!" I said, "I'm really fine."    


Qiu Tong was silent for a moment, then said, "Living by herself, you have to pay attention to your body, learn to take care of yourself, eat properly, don't make do, don't always eat big bowls of noodles, those are all junk food, eat more nutritious things."    




Qiu Tong suddenly thought of something. "Oh right, that Qingdao business, that Four Seas Tourism Company business, are you always asking others for commission?"    


My heart skipped a beat and I nodded.    


"It's been a while. I think the commission can't just be endless. It should be enough, don't take it." Qiu Tong said.    


"This is the old rule. It's a must." "No," I said.    


"The old rules aren't appropriate either. It's just that after a simple contact, the commission isn't finished yet. I feel like that isn't the case at all!" Qiu Tong said, "Also, the commission was transferred to the orphanage account?"    


"Yes, it was donated to the orphanage in your name!" "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong exhaled and asked, "How many commission points have we received now?"    


I thought about it. "About 500 thousand."    


"That's enough, not a few. Let's call it a day." Notify Qingdao not to fight nor increase the success rate from now on. " Qiu Tong said, "It was a good thing for me. I initially wanted to help others, but I ended up inviting a name for myself."    


"I also want to fulfill one of your wishes."    


"Well, I understand, I understand. "Thank you." Qiu Tong nodded and said, "It's not easy for them to do business over at Four Seas. We can't just keep raising their commission without paying. It's enough for us to be satisfied with just a simple contribution." I don't care if this commission should be taken or not, I don't want to continue doing this anymore. "    


I nodded. "Okay."    


As he was speaking, Qiu Tong's cell phone rang.    


"Hello, how are you, Mayor Chairman Xia? Hur Hur, how are you? Are you calling me so early?" Qiu Tong smiled.    


"Hehe, good morning. Good morning to you, Chairman Xia." "Thank you, thank you." Qiu Tong continued to laugh.    


Then, Qiu Tong hung up the phone.    


A phone call came in the summer, but nothing happened. It was just a greeting.    


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