Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C823 Item Visits

C823 Item Visits

I suddenly felt an indescribable loneliness and desolation. I even felt a little cold. I opened my desk and took out a bottle of Erguotou and a packet of pickled vegetables. Then, I gulped down a bottle of Erguotou.    


Then I stood in front of the window and stared out through the alcohol at the bleak night sky of the city. I felt lost and depressed.    


"Why haven't you left yet?" As I opened the door, I heard Qiu Tong come in.    


I turned around, feeling a little numb in my head, and looked at Qiu Tong.    


"What a strong smell of alcohol. You were drinking in the office!" Qiu Tong said.    


I nodded.    


Qiu Tong pursed her lips and looked at me with concern. "What's wrong?"    


"Nothing, I just want to drink. Can't I get off work?" "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong said nothing and sat down in the chair opposite me.    


With a hint of drunkenness, I sat there staring at Qiu Tong in a daze.    




"Does Lee Shun come to your house to see your parents often?" Qiu Tong asked me after a while.    


I nodded.    


"Is he lying when he visits your parents? Is using your parents to threaten and control you his real purpose?" Qiu Tong said again.    


I looked at Qiu Tong and said nothing.    


"Tell me, is this how he threatened you?" Qiu Tong stared at me.    


I took a deep breath but said nothing.    


Qiu Tong clenched her teeth tightly, her eyes filled with anger. She seemed to be able to read my silence.    


"Bastard — base — a complete bastard —" Qiu Tong's voice was filled with anger. "No, I have to talk to him."    


Qiu Tong stood up abruptly.    


"No need. Don't get involved in this matter. Nothing you say will work. He won't listen to you. Moreover, the more you look for him, the worse the situation will become." I said, "You should know his character and temper."    


Qiu Tong stared blankly at me for a long time. After a long time, she sighed deeply with guilt and self-blame.    


I understood that her remorse and guilt were not only for me, but also for my parents.    


What a good woman she was. In her heart, there was always someone else, someone she cared about. Only she was not there. Looking at Qiu Tong, I lamented in my heart.    


Qiu Tong was silent for a long time before saying, "I've come to find you to discuss the matter of your visit before the Spring Festival." Qiu Tong was silent for a long time before saying, "I've come to find you to discuss the matter of your visit before the Spring Festival." Qiu Tong said, "I've come to discuss the matter of your visit before the Spring Festival.    


"Oh." I looked at Qiu Tong. "What did you buy?"    


"A shopping card!" Qiu Tong said, "This is the old rule. Every year before the festival, the various departments in the group must arrange visits."    


"Give me the money from the Gong family!" "No," I said.    


"It should be said that they are giving each other gifts with money from the Gong family! "The usual rules." Qiu Tong said.    


"Corruption!" I let out a breath of alcohol.    


"Hur hur, you can say so." Qiu Tong smiled.    


"You clearly know that it's corruption, but you still want to send it off!" I shook my head.    


Qiu Tong laughed. "We are here as a gift to our clients. We are just walking around normally in the business world. In the past when you were the boss, you wouldn't have to walk around to see the customers during New Year's Eve, right? "    


I nodded. "That's true." On Hai Zhu's side, I should remind her that the necessary customers must move about before the new year. "To liaise with each other."    


"Yes, customers have to move around a lot." Qiu Tong nodded and continued, "It seems that Hai Zhu's illness must be cured. Of course, I believe that it will be cured. That night at your house, I felt a lot of pressure listening to your mom's words. Luckily, Hai Zhu didn't hear it, otherwise, the burden on her heart would have increased. "    


Hearing this, I suddenly thought of something. Thinking about that night after Danton and Qiu Tong's wine, my heart couldn't help but jump.    


"Qiu Tong." Me. I want to ask you a question! " I stammered.    


"What question is it? Go ahead and ask!" Qiu Tong looked at me strangely.    


"You … What's your period every month? " I mustered up the courage to say it in the light of the wine.    


"You …" Qiu Tong's face turned red and her breathing quickened.    


It must be my words that made her think of Danton and my blazing flame that night.    


"I... That night … In Danton, what happened after we drank wine. I... I don't know if you'll... Would he be pregnant... "So …" The wine bolstered my courage, I continued, my heart pounding.    


"You …" Qiu Tong didn't dare to look at me. Her face was blushing even harder, and her breathing became heavier.    


"I had a medical examination and the doctor said I had a lot of sperm and I was very active and I ran in a straight line. To... If you were at risk that day, during the ovulation period, then... Then you'il be pregnant with me... We... Our child. " I stammered again, feeling the second pot begin to rise.    


"You … Come on, come on... "Shut your mouth …" Qiu Tong's voice sounded like she was dreaming, and there were even some mournful pleas. She then lowered her head to cover her face, blushing all the way to her neck. Her whole body was trembling, and her ample chest was heaving violently.    


"The first 7 days of your menstrual cycle and 8 days of your life are safe!" I said quickly, although Qiu Tong told me to shut up, but I still wanted to say this, remind Qiu Tong, let her understand this matter.    


Qiu Tong didn't say anything. She just continued covering her face as she sat across me. Her snow-white neck was still blushing red and her body continued to tremble. Her ample chest continued to move up and down.    


I could see that my words had stirred a violent wave in her heart, giving her a great shock, and her heart must have returned to that unforgettable and intoxicating night.    


Looking at Qiu Tong's frightened expression at the moment, I thought about my intense feelings for her after drinking with her that night, thought about what I had done after drinking with her, thought about how the spirit and the flesh of the two of us must have been tightly intertwined, entangled, and rubbed against each other's ears while being intoxicated. I thought about Qiu Tong's half-naked body that I saw the next day, thought about the pool of dark red on the snow-white bed, and my heart beat violently.    


On a strong impulse, I stood up and walked over to Qiu Tong.    


I don't know why, but at this moment, in my spiritual world, the entire world suddenly feels like it doesn't exist anymore. It's just me and Qiu Tong before me.    


I don't know what I'm going to do to Qiu Tong right now, in my office.    


Even though I don't know what it is, I know what I want to do.    


I wasn't drunk, but at that moment, under the circumstances, my mind was completely blank, as if my entire body had been drunk. This kind of drunkenness was not one bit inferior to that night's Danton, it was completely drunk, just that, at that time, my body lost control, my brain broke off, and at that moment, my brain didn't lose its memory, so my body was still able to control itself.    


I don't know why I feel this way, or why my nerves and body feel this crazy intoxication.    


I don't know if it was because I saw Qiu Tong's current appearance that stimulated me, or because I remembered that night's fiery and passionate scene, or because I hadn't done that for many days. Under the stimulation of alcohol, I felt that my brain was surging with an uncontrollable impulse, that the blood in my body was flowing faster and faster, that there was a warm current flowing rapidly in my small abdomen, and that it wanted to burst out.    


Trembling, I reached out and gently placed my hands on Qiu Tong's shoulders.    


Even through the outer garment, I could still feel Qiu Tong's body heating up.    


I couldn't help but use some strength in my arms. I subconsciously wanted to pull Qiu Tong up into my embrace and hug her tightly.    


Qiu Tong's body suddenly trembled.    


I suddenly pulled Qiu Tong's body up and, to her surprise, pushed her back against the wall opposite the desk. I put an arm around her neck and squeezed her.    


"Don't —" Qiu Tong had just said the two words when her lips were immediately sealed by mine.    


I squeezed my eyes shut. I was lost, and even through my clothes, I could feel the elasticity, the fullness, the heat of her body.    


All of this seemed to have happened in an instant. Qiu Tong only uttered the word "No" and a cry of surprise, but she didn't have time to react at all. On the other hand, my mind was blank.    


Everything happened so suddenly, everything happened in a flash.    


At this moment, I forgot all the worries and worries of the world, forgot all the helpless reality and memories, forgot all the conscience and responsibility, forgot Hai Zhu, forgot Dong Xue, forgot the clouds, forgot Lee Shun, forgot summer, forgot Xia Yu, forgot Haifeng.    


I held Qiu Tong tightly, feeling the emotional stimulation of the sudden explosion of my lonely soul in the wilderness.    


Qiu Tong made a low sound in her throat, and she started to react. Her body began to struggle, and her hands tried to push me away.    


However, in the face of my sudden outburst of madness, her resistance was quickly crushed into powder by my powerful arms and pressure, looking powerless and weak.    


Qiu Tong let out a muffled moan. Her body shook violently, then went limp.    


She kept trying to push me away with both hands, but she couldn't push me away.    


"Tong, I love you —" As I kissed Qiu Tong, I finally let out a low growl.    


This roar was suppressed for a long time before finally bursting out.    


Qiu Tong's body shuddered once again, and she suddenly stopped talking.    


When I sucked on her lips again, I suddenly felt Qiu Tong give up resisting. Her body suddenly became stiff and cold, and her lips became ice-cold.    


I opened my eyes and saw Qiu Tong's weak and sorrowful eyes, Qiu Tongmu's cold expression, and Qiu Tong's sad and sorrowful tears.    


"Let me go —" Qiu Tong's cold voice sounded in my ears.    


It wasn't loud, but it sounded like a clap of thunder to me.    


My body froze all of a sudden. The heat and the strong currents inside me retreated quickly.    


Uncontrollably, I let go of Qiu Tong's body.    


Qiu Tong's body suddenly went limp, as if she was going to collapse to the ground. However, she immediately stood up and leaned against the wall, staring at me in shock.    


I stared blankly at Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong's face was slightly pale. Her eyes suddenly lit up after being stunned for a short period of time. It was as though she was also confused by my craziness just now. At this moment, she suddenly came to her senses.    


Qiu Tong took a deep breath.    


"You're crazy, you... Crazy with wine, you... Alcohol doesn't anesthetize you, but you anesthetize yourself. " Qiu Tong's lips were trembling slightly and her voice was a little sad.    


I stood there in a daze, and suddenly felt a great fear in my heart.    


"Sorry …" Sorry... I can't promise you, I can't please you, I can't obey you, we... You can't repeat the mistakes you made. "No, absolutely not!" Qiu Tong remained silent for a moment before she continued.    


Her voice was trembling, but it was firm, and her clear, sour eyes were looking straight at me.    


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