Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C798 Yin and Yang

C798 Yin and Yang

"There can't be any moisture in this number, right?" Cao Lee said in an insidious manner.    


When Sun Dongkai heard Cao Lee's words, he couldn't help but stop laughing and looked at Qiu Tong and me.    


I smiled. "Figures can be forged, while money cannot be forged. Money has to be turned over to the finance department. After going to work, go to the finance department and take a look at how much is stored, won't you know?" The company reports are the day of the Group Finance. I'm not going to put my own money in there to make a fake subscription, unless I'm crazy. "    


Qiu Tong smiled without saying a word.    


Cao Lee did not utter a single word.    


Hearing this, Sun Dongkai looked at Cao Lee with dissatisfaction, and continued, "Yi Ke is right, the payment is 100% paid, how can you fake it? "Of course, the amount of the subscription is real.    


Su Dingguo also nodded: "Of course, of course."    


Sun Dongkai waved his hand: "Go, let's go to Statistical Office to see our comrades who are working overtime."    


Everyone went downstairs to the Statistical Office.    


As they walked into the courtyard, the firecrackers and fireworks were still being set off. Bright sparks were still blossoming in the night sky.    


Looking at this beautiful firework, I suddenly thought of Hai Zhu in my heart. At this moment, what was she doing?    


As if she knew that I had suddenly thought of something, Qiu Tong said to my side: "Haifeng brought Hai Zhu to Hsinghai Plaza tonight. Tonight, there will be a fireworks event for the New Year."    


Hearing this, I felt a little bit more at ease.    


At this time, Yun Xiao also walked over to my side and said: "Brother, Haifeng just sent me a text message. He told us to go meet up at Hsinghai Plaza and have dinner together."    


I looked at Qiu Tong, who gave me a slight nod.    


Anxiety and apprehension coexist, confusion and worry coexisting. I don't know what attitude and expression Hai Zhu has when she sees me, but one thing I understand is that she is determined not to return with me. Even if I meet her a few times, it would be useless for me to say so much. On the matter of Hai Zhu's return, I feel that I have walked into a dead end, in despair!    


After Sun Dongkai and the others finished their inspection and left, we arranged for the people who worked the night shift to go back to rest. Qiu Tongyun and I drove together to Hsinghai Plaza.    


The large scale group display of fireworks in the Hsinghai Plaza had already ended, but there were still quite a few people casting fireworks on their own, causing beautiful fireworks from time to time in the night sky.    


We met up with Haifeng and Hai Zhu at a 24-hour porridge shop on the edge of the official arena.    


Hai Zhu seemed to be in a good mood tonight. She had spirited eyes and an innocent smile on her face.    


I seemed to see Hai Zhu again.    


Hai Zhu's eyes trembled when she saw me. There seemed to be something strange in her expression.    


Seeing the subtle change in Hai Zhu's expression, my heart couldn't help but tremble.    


Everyone sat down in a corner of the second floor lobby. Whether intentionally or not, Hai Zhu and I were arranged to sit together.    


Then, Qiu Tong went to order supper.    


When Qiu Tong went to order supper, I saw Haifeng staring at Qiu Tong's back in a daze.    


Soon, Qiu Tong returned from ordering supper and everyone sat down.    


Qiu Tong looked at Hai Zhu with a smile. "Hai Zhu, it's the new year, are you happy?"    


Hai Zhu smiled. "I'm happy."    


Hai Zhu's voice sounded much less depressed and depressed than it used to be. She even sounded a bit happier.    


Qiu Tong looked at Hai Zhu with a gratified smile.    


Haifeng didn't say anything. He looked at Qiu Tong deeply for a few seconds, then looked at Hai Zhu again. He also smiled, and his smile was filled with boundless love and love for his sister.    


Suddenly, he felt that Haifeng's gaze towards Qiu Tong seemed to be a little moved and grateful.    


I couldn't help but feel a little confused.    


Everyone poured drinks and Qiu Tong raised her glass, "Come, everyone, it's the new year. We will all use water as wine and wish everyone a happy new year. May everyone be happy and happy in the new year. I wish everyone a safe and peaceful life. "    




Haifeng seemed to be in a good mood tonight. He looked at me with a smile in his eyes.    


After eating for a while, Qiu Tong took Haifeng and Yun to the window to see the fireworks in the square outside, leaving me and Hai Zhu here.    


I know that Qiu Tong is purposely giving Hai Zhu and me a chance.    


I looked at Hai Zhu and whispered, "Zhu, happy new year!"    


Hai Zhu looked up at me and pursed her lips, a blush appearing on her face. Then she whispered, "Brother, good new year."    


Hai Zhu called me brother again. My heart was instantly filled with excitement, as though I felt that something was about to happen.    


Although I don't know why it only took a single day, but Hai Zhu's attitude towards me has really changed.    


I suppressed my excitement and looked at Hai Zhu. "The new year, the new life, the new beginning, the new mood, everything is new. Zhu, don't blame me for nagging, don't get tired of me repeating, today is the first day of the new year, in this new day, I still want to say to you: Zhu, come back. "Today, come back with me."    


Hai Zhu lowered her head and did not say a word. Her chest was heaving non-stop, as if an intense battle was taking place within her heart.    


After a long time, Hai Zhu raised her head and looked at me.    


I looked at Hai Zhu expectantly.    


Hai Zhu bit her lips and shook her head slowly.    


My heart dropped back into the icehouse.    


"Today, I won't go back with you. Tomorrow, the day after, I won't go back with you either." Hai Zhu said slowly.    


I lowered my head and muttered dejectedly, "What about the day after tomorrow?"    


"Not even the day after tomorrow!"    


"Hai." I sighed heavily.    


I don't know if I insisted on asking Hai Zhu to come back because I couldn't say whether it was because of family affection or love, or because of my conscience and responsibility that I couldn't shirk.    


I didn't want to think too much about it at the moment. I just wanted to be away from Hai Zhu in the face of this kind of misfortune. She needed my care and care.    


In this situation, the more she wants to leave me, the more I want her back! I felt like I was caught up in a paranoia of misunderstandings and whims.    


"If you really want me to go back, are you willing to wait three months?" Hai Zhu suddenly spoke after a long silence.    


I jerked my head up. "Three months? "Why?"    


"Don't ask why. I only want to know if you're willing to wait three months! " Hai Zhu's tone was slightly cold.    


"Of course." I hastily nodded my head. "Is it … After three months, you promise to come back? "    


Hai Zhu pondered for a moment. "I can't promise that. The three months I'm talking about are the longest. Perhaps, the time limit will be shortened. If during this time, I think. I think I can go back to you, and I will. Come back. If. If after three months I still don't think I can get back to you, then. you don't have to worry about it anymore. "    


"You mean you need three months to rethink our matter?" I stared at Hai Zhu, unable to think straight.    


Hai Zhu looked at me and said stubbornly, "Don't ask me why. If you are willing, then just wait. If you are not, then I will not force you. "    


"I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll wait, I'll wait —" I was afraid Hai Zhu would go back on her word, so I quickly agreed.    


Even though Hai Zhu didn't agree to come back with me right now, she still gave in after all. Since she gave in, there was still room for negotiation.    


I didn't know what had loosened her steadfast stance, or why she'd come up with a three-month deadline. I was confused, but I didn't dare ask her, afraid that if I got her into trouble and banned the three months I'd just promised her, the road would be blocked again.    


At this moment, I guessed that she was probably going to use three months to test whether I really wanted her back, or maybe she was going to need that time to seriously think about how to sort out her future with me. Of course, based on what she meant, if she truly believed that I wanted her back, and if she had sorted out my relationship with her, she might not have waited until the end of the three months to come back.    


Things have finally turned for the better, and I seem to see a glimmer of hope.    


At this moment, I was a bit lost and confused in the light of dawn. I didn't know if this ray of light could bring me sunlight or if I was waiting for the end of the tragedy or the beginning of another tragedy.    


"Zhu, I promise to wait for three months." But in the meantime, I want us to keep in touch, at least with normal friends. " I said, "For example, if we have nothing to do, we can eat, chat, talk on the phone, have problems with your company, and if you want to talk to me about any suggestions or ideas I have for the company's development, I can also talk to you. Also, you just called me big brother, I'm very happy, from now on, I still hope you can continue to call me that, even if … Even if... People Really... No... Can't... Haifeng and I are blood brothers, I see you as my sister, so it's not too much for you to call me brother. "    


Hai Zhu lowered her head and pondered for a long time before taking a deep breath. She raised her head and looked at me before slowly nodding her head. "Alright, I promise you."    


At this moment, I saw a faint glimmer in Hai Zhu's eyes. The glimmer seemed to contain an endless yearning and longing for happiness, but it also seemed to carry a trembling confusion and fear.    


Next, Hai Zhu continued, "The only thing I can do is to do it up to now. I hope that you can respect my thoughts and don't force me, make things difficult for me, give me some pressure, and not push me too far."    


I nodded helplessly, feeling a little reassured. After all, things had turned around and were showing signs of unfreezing. Things seemed to be turning for the better.    


"I don't want you to be delayed from doing business because I'm holding you back. I hope you can do your job well, and since you've already started your career, do it with all your might. I know your personality, so do whatever you have to do, but once you do it, you'll definitely do it well."    


Hai Zhu continued, "I don't know much about government affairs, and I can't help you with that. You've also just gotten involved, so I know that the way you do things in the workplace, the way you do things, and the way you do things, sometimes doesn't work in the government. You have to do your best and take every step of the way.    


As for the underworld, I don't want to say much. You are not a child, so you should be clear about what to do, and perhaps you really do have your own difficulties, but no matter what kind of difficulties you have, it is wrong to follow the underworld. I hope that you can always hold your bottom line and not do anything that goes against the laws of heaven and earth. "    


I nodded. "Yeah."    


"On the side of the tourism company, I have been following the development strategy that you had assigned to me. The company's current business is progressing very well. In the future, I will continue to follow the established policy." Hai Zhu said.    


"The tourism company needs to grow stronger. The next step is to expand the business coverage of the company, occupy the city market first, and then gradually move towards the county, establishing a business network that covers the entire city of Hsinghai. This is the strategic focus of the company's next development and one of its main developments in the first half of this year. " "No," I said.    


Hai Zhu's eyes lit up as she nodded.    


"Are you rich?" "No," I said.    


"There's no problem with the funds. The company's current liquidity is close to eight figures." Hai Zhu said.    


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