Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C754 Inaccessible Intercourse

C754 Inaccessible Intercourse

I knew, perhaps, that one day I would stand in front of Qiu Tong, naked and naked, and tear off all my masks and wait for her ruthless judgment on me. However, in the end, this is only a possibility. I don't know if this day will really come, and I don't know when it will.    


He continued to flip through the newspapers and finish reading the daily and evening papers.    


He also saw Xia Yu's notice in the evening paper, asking for the benefactor who saved his father, Leh.    


It seemed like the Wu siblings were quite persistent, they wouldn't stop until they found their benefactor.    


Thinking of the conversation I had with Leh that day, thinking of the doubtful and perplexed look I had in the summer, thinking of Leh's experience and Xia Yu's past, my heart rose and fell again.    


Just as he was thinking, the intercom rang. It was from Cao Lee.    


"Yi Ke, are you in the office?" Cao Leeyou's greasy voice.    




"I'm in the office myself." Cao Lee giggled and said, "I've been busy these past few days, so I can't really get along with you. You're not mad at me for leaving such a little darling behind, are you?"    


"What is it? Speak —"    


"Hey, don't be like this. Why do you sound so cold?" Cao Lee said, "It's been a long time since we've had a heart to heart talk. Although I'm busy, I've always been thinking about you. I want to do it during the day and even more at night. "Hey — you heartless bastard, I didn't look for you, you never thought of looking for me, I'm itchy thinking about you tonight."    


"Director Cao, this is an office phone. If you have something to say, say it. If it's okay, then I'm hanging up!"    


"Don't, don't hang up, I have something to talk to you about." Cao Lee said hurriedly.    




"It's like this. Who exactly is that little girl who was arguing with me in the office that day?" Cao Lee said.    


I know Cao Lee is referring to Xia Yu.    


"What's wrong? She's our client! "    


"I know it's a customer. What unit's customer is she?" Cao Lee said.    


"Why do you ask this? Does this have anything to do with you? "    


"At first I thought this little girl was just a pawn, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt that this little girl had some background. That day I saw her driving a BMW in front of our office, and another day I saw her running down the street in a Ferrari. "It looks like her identity isn't ordinary." Cao Lee said.    


I thought about it and said, "You really want to know?"    


"Yes." "Of course I want to!"    


"Then let me tell you, she's Sanshui Group's Vice President."    


"Ah — her. is she Sanshui Group's Vice President? " Cao Lee's voice sounded somewhat shocked, "Sanshui Group says family business, the owner's surname is Xia. What's her last name? "    


"Her name is Xia Yu. Do you know her identity now?"    


"Ahhh — is she Sanshui Group's Boss Xia's family?" I think Cao Lee can't close her mouth right now.    


"Yes!" She is Sanshui Group, Boss Xia's younger sister! "    


"She actually has such a great background." Cao Lee stammered, "I actually wanted to hit her that day."    


"That's what you call blind people, isn't it?"    


"Eh. He was blind to not recognize Mt. Tai. "Why didn't you tell me her real identity earlier?" Cao Lee asked me.    


"He is very low-key and does not want to reveal his true identity. He does not allow others to speak of him." I said, "She's our client, our client's request. Can we not comply?"    


"Then wouldn't I have offended her? What should I do?"    


"Who do you think you are? I didn't even put you in my heart to begin with." You don't have to do anything, just don't cause trouble! "    


"Ahh — — Yi Ke, in the future, if you have the chance to meet that … Xia Yu, say more good things about me in front of her. After that, when the opportunity is ripe, I'll treat her to a meal to explain what happened that day and apologize. "    


"I don't think so. She probably forgot about that long ago. What are you going to explain? You want to embarrass yourself? " "No," I said.    


"But, but I …" Cao Lee was at a loss for words.    


"Alright, it's alright, I won't hold a grudge. Do you really think she will take you seriously? Don't get yourself into trouble, just forget about it. " I hung up.    


Just as I put down the phone, my cell phone rings. It's from the summer.    


"Hello, Brother Xia!"    


"Hello, little brother!" The steady voice of summer.    


"Is there something you need?"    


"Hehe, it's just a small matter. I don't know if it's convenient for me now, but if it's convenient, I'd like to trouble you to come to my office."    


I don't know what it is for me to come over for the summer.    


I said, "Okay, I'll go!"    


After hanging up, I drove straight to Sanshui Group.    


Entering the company headquarters building, just as he was about to go upstairs, he suddenly met Xia Yu, followed by two bodyguards.    


"Sigh — — Second Master, Second Master!" When Xia Yu saw me, she jumped up in joy and grabbed my arm while shaking it: "Second Master, you are here to see Second Wife right? Hehe, I'm fine right now, I was just about to play in the early autumn. Since you came at the right time, you wouldn't call me first no matter what. What if you can't find me? What a pity. "Since you're here, I won't be going out. Come, let's go to my office and play."    


I looked around at the people who were coming in and out of the room. I gently removed Xia Yu's hand and said, "Go play wherever you want. I'm not here to look for you. Your brother has business with me."    


"My brother is looking for you?" Xia Yu looked at me and blinked her eyes. "What is it?"    


"I don't know." "No," I said.    


"Oh, is my brother looking for you about us? "His attitude towards me has just improved a bit these few days. Does he want to talk to you about me?" Xia Yu's eyes suddenly became excited again. She reached out her hand to pull my arm. "Let's go, let's go to Boss Xia's office. I'll go with you. I'm not going out to play. I'm going to accompany Second Master to meet Boss Xia."    


Without further explanation, Xia Yu pulled me upstairs happily. People around us looked at us from time to time, so I didn't want to play with Xia Yu anymore, so I let her go to the office with me.    


Seeing that Xia Yu didn't want to go out to play, the two bodyguards behind her heaved a sigh of relief. They looked at each other and smiled, then left as well.    


After entering the office for the summer, when Xia Xia saw that I was smiling at her, and then saw Xia Yu behind me, his face tightened, "Why are you here?"    


"Just as I was about to go out, I coincidentally met Yi Ke, so I specially accompanied him to Boss Xia's office." Xia Yu said carefully, making a face at Summer and grinning at me again.    


"You want to be rude again after just being nice to you these two days, don't you?" Summer said.    


"Of course not, how would I dare?" Xia Yu looked at the summer like a spoiled child, "Boss Xia, can you not treat your own sister like this? "A bit of warmth, a bit of humanistic management, okay?"    


Xia Xia couldn't help but laugh, but continued to speak with a straight face: "Now that Boss Yi is here, it's none of your business. You can leave, and do what you need to do."    


"Ah?" It's none of my business? It has nothing to do with me? " Xia Yu's mouth was half open, "Boss Yi is a client that I'm in charge of. Since he's come, how can I not be by his side? I'm not going out!"    


"You won't listen to me?" Summer looked at Xia Yu.    


"I won't listen!" Xia Yu simply sat on the sofa with a determined look on her face.    


Xia Xia helplessly scratched his head, then said to Xia Yu, "Stand up —"    


"If you stand up and let me out, I won't —" Xia Yu pouted.    


"I told you to stand up and pour Boss Yi some water." Summer sighed.    


"Oooh — yes, yes, yes." Xia Yu jumped up and happily poured water for me.    


Summer left the desk and asked me to sit down. Then he sat across from me, and Xia Yu handed me a cup of water and looked at me happily. "Boss, would you like some water?"    


"I don't need it." Xia Xia Xia looked at Xia Yu: "Since you don't want to go out, then sit down. Today's matter with Boss Yi also has something to do with you."    


"I have to —" Xia Yu was overjoyed. She plopped down beside me and looked at me. "Brother Xia, tell me quickly. Why did you call us two here?"    


Summer said: "Do not confuse, I invited Boss Yi to come, you are attending. "Just listen carefully. Don't speak carelessly, or else, me."    


"Okay, okay, I'm scared of you, okay? I'm not going to talk anymore!" Xia Yu obediently shut her mouth, but she still happily looked at me and Xia Xia.    


Then I looked at Summer. "For what?"    


"It's like this," Summer said. "Our group will be holding an annual meeting of global customers recently, with the location chosen in the UAE's Dubai."    


Sanshui Group is truly amazing, I have to get Dubai at the annual meeting. In the past, I only held a client union at the Shengsi Island Resort in the depths of the East China Sea, not to mention never going out of the country, I didn't even go out of Jiangzhe.    


I looked at Summer and nodded.    


"The total number of clients attending the annual meeting is over 30 countries worldwide. There are about 300 foreign clients, as well as nearly 800 domestic customers and distributors and regional managers." The summer continued.    


"Oh." I nodded again, not understanding for a moment what Summer meant by that.    


"This sorority operates in a way that aims to create a conference tourism model, mainly with the theme of eating, drinking and entertainment. It has arranged many tourist attractions, and has been very close to the customer's friendship during the game. Dubai will be responsible for the overall reception arrangements. "    


"In accordance with the cooperation agreement between our group and the Spring Tourism Company, all the domestic personnel participating in this event will be handed over to the Spring Tourism Company for food, lodging and travel, as well as for travel," Xia said.    


At this time, I understood the meaning behind summer's words. A Dubai of 800 people, this was undoubtedly another huge undertaking.    


"Mm, you can!" "No," I said.    


"But —" Summer looked at me with a bitter smile.    


"What's wrong?" "No," I said.    


"Xia Yu was supposed to be in charge of this matter, but considering the matter that happened to Xia Yu a few days ago, I was afraid that it would be difficult for Xia Yu and Hai Zhu to contact each other, so I arranged this matter personally. Yesterday, I called Hai Zhu and told her about this business." I didn't expect Hai Zhu to decline. "    


"Oh." I froze, watching the summer.    


"We are very cautious about such a global annual meeting of clients. We have had a very pleasant collaboration with Spring Tourism and are very satisfied with the services of Spring Tourism, so we do not want to go to any other travel company to work on it. Besides, we are also signed partners, according to the agreement, we must also first choose spring tourism.    


However, Hai Zhu didn't seem to be happy to take the list. This is a bit troublesome. The annual meeting is about to start soon, so time is tight. We don't have time to find other partners. "Therefore, I invited you here to help me with Hai Zhu's work."    


So this was the reason why he called me here in the summer.    


Xia Yu's mouth was half open, her face filled with disappointment. "So that's what happened."    


Xia Xia Xia stared at Xia Yu, "What do you think? It's all because of you, otherwise why would things be like this? "    


Xia Yu stuck her tongue out at Summer and stopped talking.    


After a moment's thought, I took out my cell phone and dialed Hai Zhu's number.    


He called it several times, but it didn't answer.    


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