Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C16 A Beautiful Home in the Depths of the Prairie

C16 A Beautiful Home in the Depths of the Prairie

At 11: 10 P.M. on the evening of October 3, Clouds and I boarded the train from Hsinghai to Tongliao.    


We had no seats, and the smart people bought two of the conductor's little Mazas for a high price and sat in the aisle between the two cars.    


I wanted to buy a berth, but I didn't even have a seat. I only got two tickets.    


I was a little depressed, but Cloud didn't mind. She said that she would stand without a seat. She was already used to it.    


In the foul air, I snuggled up to the clouds and began the long midnight rush to the distant northern steppes.    


Before I left, I didn't go online. After thinking about it for the past few days, I finally made a difficult decision: after I quit my job after the holidays, I would delete my Floating Dream from my QQ, making the reality and the beautiful Qiu Tong from the virtual world disappear from my memory forever.    


When I made this decision, I felt a little relieved, but also a little uneasy.    


It was late at night, and the clouds were sleeping soundly on my knees.    


I stared out the window at the endless night, listening to the rhythmic sound of the train, and lit a cigarette.    


He thought about his long river of time without a navigation mark, thought about the unknown tomorrow and the slow journey of life. He thought about the unforgettable Dong Xue in his memories, about Lady Yun in front of him, about Qiu Tong and Floating Dream in the real world …    


My heart kept churning, my eyes were sore, and I gently closed them.    


The night was long, and the road was long …    


The next day at two o'clock in the afternoon, they arrived at Tongliao railway station.    


Clouds and I changed again and continued north, the farther we went, the wider the view became, the bluer the sky, and the less people there were.    


After bumping for more than three hours, we finally got off the bus at a place where we didn't have to go to the back of the village.    


Just as I was at a loss, a young man's voice suddenly called out from behind me, "Sis — Sis — —"    


Looking back, we saw a skinny but strong young man with a dark face riding a bay horse. He was waving his whip and smiling at us. He was leading a white horse.     


The cloud immediately broke into a brilliant smile and ran over to join the young man who had jumped off his horse. "Brother!"    


So this is Yun Bu's little brother, Yunba, who came to pick us up.    


Yun Yun joked with my brother for a while, then came over and pulled me over to Bartle and said, "Brother, this is Brother Yi Ke, my colleague. He came to the prairie for fun during the holidays and wants to stay with us."    


Then the cloud said to me, "This is my brother, Yunba. We all call him Battle.    


Bartle made elder sister Yun feel a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and bowed to me politely. "Brother Yi Ke. Welcome to the prairie as a guest."    


As soon as I met him, I liked this simple and honest Prairie student, Battle. I extended my arms and hugged him, "Battle, you are my sister's pride, and also the pride of a prairie man."    


Bartle became increasingly bashful. He turned around and hurriedly carried the luggage on his horse, and then with a beautiful action, he mounted the horse. "Big sister, let's go. Mom and Dad are all at home waiting for you."    


Yun Wei nodded: "Alright, you go first, Brother Yi Ke and I will follow you!"    


Battle nodded at me, then kicked the horse into a crouch and the horse galloped off, leaving me and Cloud alone.    


I looked at the clouds and said, "How do we get there?"    


"Ride on my snow." Yun Xiao chuckled as he pulled his white horse back. "This is my good companion. We haven't seen each other for a long time. We'll ride the snow back home together."    


I was afraid and hesitant. I had never ridden a horse, and I had to ride with the clouds.    


Yun Xiao seemed to guess my thoughts and laughed, "Silly brother …" Cluck, cluck … You sit behind me and put your arms around my waist. "    


As he spoke, the cloud leapt skillfully onto the horse and reached out to pull me up.    


I put my arms out in front of the clouds, but I didn't put them around.    


Clouds pursed his lips into a smile and snapped his whip. The horse suddenly trotted, and my body swayed and I almost slipped down. I was so nervous that I grabbed Clouds by the waist.    


The waist of the cloud is very thin, very soft, very soft, make me a little distracted...    


"Hit-Snow, let's go home. Brother Yi Ke, hold on tight!" I hugged the cloud and didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, I yelled out happily. Accompanied by bell-like laughter, the horse galloped and carried me and the cloud towards the depths of the grassland.    


When night fell, Yun Che and I had finally arrived at the Yunduo Family that was located deep within the Horqin Great Prairie.    


Not the yurt I had imagined, but a new, well-organized pastoral settlement supported by the government, with a brick bungalow in front and a corral in the backyard.    


At Yunduo Family, I received a VIP reception from Yun Family.    


The dinner was very sumptuous and was filled with a large table full of specialties from the prairie. Although I was not used to the taste of milk, when I saw Cloud's parents' simple and honest smiling face, I forced my appetite to accept these new varieties.    


I gulped the horse's milk and chewed the cheese and pastries vigorously, as if they were delicious.    


From the way Cloud's parents were staring at me, I seemed to have realized something. I couldn't help but feel uneasy …    


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