Doomsday Fortress

C92 Consider

C92 Consider

Seeing Dr Shen crying as he ran out, Wang Yi couldn't bear to see him. He thought that he was too anxious and wanted these people to understand the cruelty of the apocalypse too early.    


After closing the door, Wang Yi cleared out the thoughts in his head and started to study the map again. After all, this was the most important thing at the moment.    


"Dong, dong, dong!"    


Another knock on the door sounded out. This time, Wang Yi was a little angry, why isn't there an end to this!    


Before Wang Yi could open the door, the door was pushed open. A smiling Lee Mei walked in leisurely.    


"Aiyo, Bro Yi, what's going on? Who's making you this angry?"    


Wang Yi looked at Lee Mei who was walking towards him. Somehow, his anger had dissipated. He knew that he could no longer study the route tonight.    


He sat on the bed and slapped his legs, gesturing for Lee Mei to come over.    


Wang Yi finally calmed down after embracing Lee Mei with both arms.    


"Bro Yi, I saw Dr Shen running out of your room while crying. Did you do something to her?"    


Lee Mei looked at Wang Yi vigilantly. She was extremely suspicious of what Wang Yi had done. Although Dr Shen was already thirty-eight or nineteen years old, he had a unique temperament that was no less than Lee Mei's.    


"What are you thinking? What can I do to her? It's just that she saw what happened today and came over to ask me."    


Wang Yi sighed, not knowing what to say to Lee Mei.    


Other than Lee Mei, there was no one else who knew Wang Yi better in this world. After all, Wang Yi had taught Lee Mei too much. Lee Mei knew what Wang Yi was thinking, but she didn't want to say it out loud.    


Looking at Wang Yi's conflicted expression, Lee Mei also felt a bit of heartache as she comforted him softly.    


"You, ah, just think too much. There are some things that can't be decided by anyone. You're just a prop. I can't blame you, and I can't blame anyone else. It's just a joke in this world."    


"You're quite open-minded. Forget it. Don't think about it. Let's just watch one step at a time."    


As Wang Yi said this, he hugged Lee Mei tighter and started to move his hands slowly.    


Lee Mei didn't stop him, but a trace of a smile could be seen in her half-closed eyes.    


"What the hell are you? Why are you bulging?"    


Wang Yi felt down, but he didn't feel that familiar feeling. Instead, it was a soft thing, completely different from before.    


Lee Mei suddenly laughed, gently pulled Wang Yi's hand, and whispered in Wang Yi's ear.    


"Can't you just let me rest for a few days? You have to take these days every day, you're not tired at all."    


At this point, if Wang Yi still didn't understand, then he would really be a fool.    


After taking a deep breath, Wang Yi fell onto the bed, leaving Lee Mei laughing beside the bed.    


[No matter how strong you are, you must really bear with it when this happens!]    


The next morning, the fragrance of rice filled the hall. The original instant noodles and compressed biscuits had already been replaced by the sparse rice porridge.    


These days, it was biscuit every day. Everyone would be able to control themselves when they saw the porridge. After Wang Yi finished his sentence, he started to drink the porridge one by one.    


"Where did you get this rice?"    


Wang Yi was a little confused. Seeing Zhang Fei drinking non-stop, he asked in confusion.    


Zhang Fei put down the empty bowl, wiped the corner of his mouth and said to Wang Yi with a smile.    


"Bro Yi, Lin Feng found this rice in a room on the first floor yesterday. There's even a gas tank or something in that room, but there's no food so I didn't take it out last night."    


Wang Yi nodded, picked up a bowl of porridge and started to drink.    


The rice porridge was mellow and fragrant, melting instantly in his mouth. Wang Yi's appetite couldn't help but increase.    


After breakfast, Wang Yi gathered everyone to talk about today's plan.    


Just like yesterday, Zhang Fei and Lin Feng led half of their men to stay behind while Wang Yi brought his men to search for zombies.    


However, there was a slight change. Wang Yi had Yang Bing and Zhang Ming replace Liu Yang and Zhang Cong.    


As for the female crew members, they were Lee Mei, Jiang Lee, Chen Hui, and Ling Xuan, who had already left the previous day.    


Zhang Fei saw that Wang Yi wanted to bring Chen Hui out to hunt zombies, so he immediately became nervous. He obediently walked up to Wang Yi and said with some worry.    


"Bro Yi, Chen Hui has never killed a zombie before, is there any danger this time?"    


Before Wang Yi could say anything, Chen Hui, who was standing at the side, was already unhappy. She suddenly grabbed Zhang Fei's ear with a face full of anger.    


"Like I said, I'm not afraid of zombies. I don't want to stay in the team and cook and wash my clothes every day."    


Chen Hui quickly said when she saw that Zhang Fei was still stubborn.    


"Besides, Bro Yi and Sister Mei are not here. I won't be in danger, so just wait here in peace!"    


At this moment, Zhang Fei's expression was painful. What Chen Hui said made sense. Zhang Fei didn't plan to stop her, but her ear hurt a lot, so he still wouldn't let her speak.    


"Alright, quickly let go of me. I didn't say that I don't agree with you going. I just want you to be careful!"    


Zhang Fei said while patting Chen Hui's hand.    


Chen Hui looked at Zhang Fei's pained expression and quickly let go of Zhang Fei's ear. She stuck out her tongue and felt a little embarrassed.    


"Zhang Fei, you and Lin Feng are at home. You must pay attention to the safety of the guards and try your best to stay around here. Don't go too far."    


Seeing that the two of them had stopped arguing, Wang Yi knew that it was time to set off and warned Zhang Fei.    


The two of them nodded, then returned to the hotel with the others, preparing to modify the car.    


Originally, Wang Yi wanted to be like yesterday and walk around the vicinity.    


However, when they were eating this morning, everyone was very satisfied with the porridge. Even Wang Yi drank a few bowls of it.    


Seeing that everyone was tired of eating instant noodles these days, Wang Yi changed his plans. He wanted to go to a nearby restaurant or the service area to find some rice and other things to improve the food for everyone.    


After all, Wang Yi was reborn, so he naturally wanted to live a better life. Otherwise, what was the point?    


Yang Bing had already prepared the weapons and food. Seeing the thoughtful look on Wang Yi's face, he asked in confusion.    


"Bro Yi, where are we going today?"    


Wang Yi thought for a while and asked.    


"Do any of you know if there are any restaurants nearby? Today, we are mainly out searching for rice noodles or vegetables to improve our food."    


Hearing Wang Yi's question, the few of them all shook their heads. Only Zhang Ming seemed to have thought of something and spoke with excitement.    


Bro Yi, I've been to this old mountain park before, so I'm quite familiar with this place. I remember that there's a manor not too far away from here, and there aren't many people around. There should be food there, but I don't know how many zombies there are in this manor.    


"Villa? "How far is it from here?"    


Wang Yi hurriedly asked when he heard there was a manor nearby.    


Zhang Ming thought about it and replied.    


"We should be at the youth forest area now. That villa is in the ecological zone, so driving there would take about half an hour."    


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