Doomsday Fortress

C61 Han Xue

C61 Han Xue

Seeing that the girl was about to be bitten by a zombie, Wang Yi hastily threw the Nepalese Knife at the zombie, aiming straight at the zombie that was pouncing towards Han Xue!    


"Run, silly woman!"    


Wang Yi saw that Han Xue was staring at the zombie on the ground in a daze and hastily shouted.    


This woman was a woman. When the zombies were charging at them, they didn't even stop. Seeing that the zombies were being chopped down, they didn't even know they were running away.    


Wang Yi shouted to interrupt Han Xue, who was still in a daze. Han Xue steadied her mind. Seeing that the large group of zombies was about to pounce on her again, she immediately turned around and ran to the fence without caring for her life.    


"Teacher Han!" "Hurry up and catch up!"    


Ling Xuan had already run to the gap. When she looked back, she found Teacher Han had been left far behind. She turned around and shouted anxiously.    


"Don't worry about her for now, come out first!"    


Yang Bing looked at Ling Xuan standing at the gap and pulled her out. At this moment, Ling Xuan's attention was focused on Teacher Han. With a tug from Yang Bing, her injured leg hit the fence, causing her to cry from the pain.    


After Ling Xuan came out, she immediately leaned on the fence and shouted to Teacher Han, who was still running inside, "Good luck!" Her face was full of anxiety.    


When Han Xue saw that Ling Xuan had been rescued, she immediately took large strides towards Wang Yi and the others. The zombies behind her chased relentlessly. Finally, when the zombies were about to catch up, Han Xue dug a hole and escaped from the danger.    


"Thank you, thank you!"    


Han Xue didn't even have time to catch her breath before she hurriedly thanked Wang Yi and the others who were standing around her. Then she hugged Ling Xuan and the two girls started to cry.    




Without waiting for Wang Yi to comfort them, the next zombie crashed into the fence. The fence shook a few times after being hit by the zombies.    


"Hurry up and leave this place. If you have anything to say, say it later!"    


Wang Yi made a prompt decision and didn't continue comforting the two girls.    


"This fence is also made of tofu, so don't get knocked down by the zombies. When the time comes, we'll be wiped out here!"    


Hearing Wang Yi's words, the few of them did not hesitate and ran towards the 4S store.    


Ling Xuan's leg was broken from the fall, and she didn't feel anything when she was running for her life. Now that she had recovered, her wound started to hurt.    


"No, my legs are in unbearable pain."    


Ling Xuan was originally small and didn't weigh much. When Wang Yi heard her screaming for leg pain, he immediately instructed Lee Hu to carry her. The group of people hurriedly ran back to the 4S store.    


At this time, Lin Feng had already oiled these cars to ensure that they could drive back to Repair Plant. Seeing Wang Yi and his men running back, there were still the faint sounds of zombies howling outside, so he wanted to ask about the situation.    


"Bro Yi, you saved these two women?" "What's going on outside?"    


"There are about 200 zombies coming from outside. It's very dangerous right now!"    


Ignoring Lin Feng's shocked expression, Wang Yi turned around and said to the crowd.    


"Lee Loong, you should go drive the pickup truck. Take these two women with you; each of them will get a business car!"    


"Got it, Bro Yi!"    


Lee Loong quickly followed Wang Yi's instructions and started the truck. The others got on a MPV and started the engine quickly.    


However, the two girls didn't follow Lee Loong into the car. Han Xue stood in front of Wang Yi as if she had something to say to him.    


Wang Yi frowned and said in disgust when he saw her stuttering appearance.    


"If you're saying that there are other survivors in the school and you want me to go save them, then don't mention it. Saving you two is already taking a huge risk."    


Hearing Wang Yi's words, Han Xue's face changed and she quickly waved her hand.    


"No, it's not Bro Yi. I didn't want you guys to go back to the school to save people."    


When Han Xue heard Yang Bing and a few others address Wang Yi as Liu Tie, she also started shouting.    


Wang Yi was a little confused. If this woman wasn't going to save the people in the school, then what was she doing?    


"If you have anything to say, then say it quickly. I wonder how long that iron fence will be able to hold back zombies!"    


Han Xue heard the zombie was about to rush over, so she didn't hesitate and quickly said.    


"Bro Yi, I know how to drive too. I can see that there are still cars here that haven't left yet, so I can help you guys drive a car."    


Wang Yi looked at Han Xue, whose eyes were flashing. He felt that this woman was a bit abnormal.    


"Fine, since you know how to drive, then drive a car. Both of you get on."    


Wang Yi was a bit hesitant, but if Han Xue could drive, then they could bring back five MPs this time.    


Wu Junzi was injured and couldn't drive the car. If Lee Loong didn't let Han Xue drive the pickup truck, he could only bring four cars back, which wasn't enough for Wang Yi's budget.    


"Okay, Bro Yi. I'll go now."    


Han Xue agreed happily, then walked towards the van that Lin Feng had finished filling up.    


"Bro Yi, is this woman reliable?"    


The others had already driven the car out, leaving Lin Feng alone, waiting for Wang Yi to get on the car.    


"Lin Feng, give me that dagger, I'm going to ride in their car!"    


Wang Yi saw a small dagger at Lin Feng's waist, so he asked Lin Feng for it.    


"That's good. Bro Yi, you have to be careful. I feel like there's something wrong with the woman just watching these cars after she came in!"    


Lin Feng said warily as he handed the dagger to Wang Yi.    


"Alright, I got it. Drive the car out and wait outside with them."    


Wang Yi took the dagger, instructed Lin Feng to drive the car out, then turned around and got into the van Han Xue was driving.    


"You, why did you come up?"    


Han Xue was slightly shocked. Didn't they just discuss why Wang Yi, who had a big hole in his stomach, suddenly got on the car?    


"I'm afraid that you don't know the way, so I came to guide you."    


Wang Yi didn't explain any further. He just opened the door and sat on the passenger seat.    


"Let's go!"    


Looking at the confused Han Xue, Wang Yi said.    


"Are you still not leaving? Are you waiting to feed the zombies?"    


When Han Xue heard Wang Yi scold her, she hurriedly started the car and drove outside.    


At this moment, Sun Tie and the others had already arranged their cars. The first one was still the pickup truck driven by Liu Tie, with Lee Hu, Yang Bing, Liu Yang, and Lin Feng following behind.    


Lee Loong saw that everyone was here, so he pressed his horn, signaling that he was going to leave.    


It was just that Lin Feng's skin had been cut a little by the zombie, but he was a strength evolved person and was able to resist the zombie virus's invasion. Wang Yi's injuries were heavy, but they were not zombie wounds, but Mutant Mouse's, as long as they could go back and let Dr Shen disinfected it, it would be fine.    


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