Doomsday Fortress

C125 Bat Killer

C125 Bat Killer

"Is everyone hurt?"    


Wang Yi saw that although everyone was tired, there were no signs of damage on their clothes. Although the words were a question, it was spoken with a tone of certainty.    


"No, Bro Yi."    


"I'm not injured!"    


Other than Lee Hongming, none of the zombies that were fighting were injured. The ones that were protected were bleeding, this was not fear of death, it was fear of death instead.    


"Oh right, what was that thing just now? Why did it call out? We were all shocked by its sound and were almost injured by the zombie."    


Lee Hu asked doubtfully. That moment of blankness really did put everyone in danger. If it wasn't for the zombie attack, they might really be in danger today.    


"That monster should be a bat, and that sound might have been produced by its sonic wave. Originally, we couldn't have heard it, but after it went through mutation, the next time it made a sound, it would be able to affect us."    


Wang Yi answered vaguely. Seeing that everyone seemed to not understand, he did not explain. After all, this thing was rare in his previous life, so Wang Yi did not know much about it.    


"Since neither of you are injured, then get on the car. Zhang Fei, Lee Hu, you two go up and check if there are any keys. Liu Tie, you and I will stand guard under the car. If that bat comes over, then shoot!"    


Wang Yi took the rifle from Yang Ze. The pistol was fired slowly and was easily dodged by the bat. However, it was not that easy to dodge the rifle.    


"Got it, Bro Yi!"    


Lee Hu and Zhang Fei quickly got on the car. They saw that there was no key on the car.    


"Bro Yi, this car doesn't have a key, what do we do?"    


Wang Yi frowned.    


"Aren't you guys repairmen? How come you can't even start a car?"    


Lee Hu scratched his head in embarrassment.    


"Bro Yi, we are indeed a car repairman, but we are not thieves. This car doesn't have a key, so we can't make it start like on TV. Just pull out two strings."    


Hearing Lee Hu's words, Wang Yi didn't blame the two of them. After all, when the two strings were connected, the car would start, which was the movie's segment. In reality, no one had ever used this method to start a car.    


"You two come down and search the corpse. If you can't find it within two minutes, then go back to the team. If you're late, then the zombie might come over!"    


The two of them immediately got off the car and began searching the zombie's body with the others. Other than Wang Yi and Luo Heng, they were also holding onto a rifle to prevent the bat from suddenly attacking them.    


The zombies on the ground were all wearing a blue system and were probably the workers in the factory. There were only two zombies and their clothes were different from the others; one was wearing a gray security uniform, and the other was a slightly fat middle-aged man in casual clothes.    


"Lee Hongming, you go look for that zombie in sportswear."    


Although Wang Yi spotted the zombie from the corner of his eye, he instructed Lee Hongming to search for it.    


Lee Hongming was on the back of a zombie. After hearing Wang Yi's command, he rushed to the side of the sportswear zombie. He squatted down and started to look around. The moment his hand entered the zombie's pants pocket, Lee Hongming revealed a pleasantly surprised expression.    


"Bro Yi, the car keys are here!"    


Lee Hongming didn't care about the pain in his leg anymore. He took the key and stood up, waving his arms wildly at Wang Yi. After all, in his eyes, this was considered a credit.    


"Whew ~ ~" "Buzz!"    


"Get down!    


When Wang Yi heard the sound of the wind, he shouted out loud and everyone reacted quickly. Whether it was the zombie that was beaten into a bloody mess or something else, everyone immediately fell down and only Lee Hongming was still waving his arms around.    


It wasn't that Lee Hongming didn't want to lie down, but he couldn't move at this moment. The sonic wave produced by the mutated bat was much stronger than before!    


"Da Da Da!"    


The few gunshots instantly lit up the pitch-black warehouse. Three beams of fire flew towards the bat that had grabbed Lee Hongming's shoulder.    


This bullet was fired by Wang Yi. After all, Wang Yi's physique was much stronger than the others, so he was the first to react.    


The bat's claws had just landed on Lee Hongming's shoulders when it noticed the three incoming bullets.    


The bat immediately released its claws and spun its body, dodging the two bullets. However, it had reached its limit, and the remaining bullets pierced through the bat's wings!    


"Screech ~ ~"    


The bat cried out in pain as it fell hard onto the ground. It almost hit Lee Hongming, who was on the ground.    


However, everyone was awakened by the gunshot and the bat's cries of pain. The moment Luo Heng regained his consciousness, he saw a giant bat in front of him flapping its wings, wanting to return to darkness. He immediately raised the rifle in his hand and aimed at the bat and fired at it!    


"Da Da Da Da!"    


A burst of gunshots rang out, appearing extremely abrupt in the quiet warehouse.    


Wang Yi had already shot the bat before, and now it was trying its best to maintain its position. The bullets that Luo Heng had fired made it unable to dodge.    


"Pu pu pu!"    


A series of sounds of something entering flesh could be heard. Under the light of the flashlight, the bat's wings were like boiling water as they constantly exploded. However, the blood that flowed down was red.    


"Screech ~ ~"    


The bat cried out in grief. It no longer flew towards the rooftop, but dove towards Wang Yi and Luo Heng. It actually lost its temper as it glared at Luo Heng with a pair of blood-red eyes!    


At this moment, the members of the Special Police had completely recovered from the shock. Seeing the bat fly towards the two of them, they hurriedly raised their bodies and aimed their rifles at the bat and fired at it!    


"Da Da Da!"    


"Bang bang!"    


Wang Yi and Luo Heng reacted even faster. Seeing the bat flying towards them, they quickly opened fire. Together with the few team members lying on the ground, the warehouse immediately burst into flames. Without the flashlight, they could clearly see their surroundings!    


In these three directions, two of them were on the ground while the other was in the sky. The flaming bullets formed a three-dimensional triangle, and the bat could not avoid the bullets at the front.    


"Pa ji!"    


The bat was finally unable to bear the burden. Just as it rushed towards Wang Yi and Luo Heng, it flapped its wings and fell under their feet!    


"Phew, Bro Yi, are you alright?"    


Lee Hu hurriedly got up and ran to the front of Wang Yi and Wu Tie. Seeing that the bat wasn't dead yet and was still wriggling its wings, Lee Hu shot twice at the bat's head. In the end, the bat still couldn't beat the powerful rifle.    


"We're fine. Hurry up and get everyone in the car, we're leaving right now!"    


Wang Yi waved his hand, signaling everyone to get on the car. However, Lee Hongming was still standing there, staring at the sky in a daze.    


"Hurry the f * * k up and come over. If you don't want to be surrounded by zombies, don't just stand there in a daze!"    


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