Doomsday Fortress

C357 Modes of Love

C357 Modes of Love

Dr Shen's physique was not as good as Wang Yi's, and now that he was in this airtight vehicle, even though he did not suffer from heat stroke, he was still mesmerized by the heat. Beads of sweat dripped from his bright white forehead, and it gave his long hair a little side look.    




Dr Shen was confused, but Wang Yi called her. She immediately woke up and took out a map from her backpack. From time to time, she would look outside the car and compare the maps seriously.    


"The last place we passed was Xiao Prefecture. Now, it should be …"    


Dr Shen pointed to a point on the map and said hesitantly.    


"Is it near the town of Yan Ji now?"    


"Right." Wang Yi nodded his head and confirmed Dr Shen's words.    


Reaching this Yan Town, it could be said that he had already stepped into the area of influence of the Weishan Lake gathering area. It might be possible that the Weishan Lake gathering area hadn't expanded to here, but Wang Yi in his previous life was extremely familiar with it.    


It could be said that he was familiar with the road. In his past life, Wang Yi had come to this Yan Town many times, and either passed through or was sent on missions underground, together with other Corpse-killing Mass, to obstruct the corpses in the south.    


Even the valley where Wang Yi died in his past life wasn't too far away from this Yan City.    


"If you're thirsty, then drink some water. Don't force yourself."    


Wang Yi said softly as he looked at Dr Shen, whose clothes were almost completely drenched in sweat.    


"No need, we don't have much water left, we can't waste it."    


Dr Shen raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face and smiled at Wang Yi.    


"I'm fine, I'll leave it for you. You need water more."    


This woman changed really fast, to the point that Wang Yi couldn't react. Although there were still two buckets of water in the car, Dr Shen still said he wasn't thirsty.    


These past few days, other than fighting zombies, the rest of the time, it was Dr Shen who took care of Wang Yi.    


Every time when he was resting, Dr Shen would first make the bed and quietly wait for Wang Yi. No matter how many dirty blood stains Wang Yi had on his body, Dr Shen would gently wipe them clean. If Wang Yi's injuries were serious, Dr Shen would silently shed tears, so meticulous that even Wu Tie couldn't adapt to it.    


It was as if Dr Shen didn't treat Wang Yi as a husband but as his own child.    


This was probably the way a mature woman expressed her love. Wang Yi also realized this.    


But no matter what, at least from Dr Shen's performance, it could be seen that she had already accepted Wang Yi.    


"The weather is too hot, let's not rush today."    


As Wang Yi spoke, he immediately turned the steering wheel. With a thump sound, the tricycle dashed down the road and headed towards a small mountain forest not far away.    


The vehicle stopped in the middle of a small clearing in the middle of the forest. The surrounding ten meters were completely devoid of trees, and Wang Yi had intentionally chosen this place to observe the situation outside. Although it wasn't enough to stop zombies or Mutated Beast, it could cause noise, so the two of them wouldn't be in danger while sleeping.    


By the time he was done with all this, it was already four or five in the afternoon. Dr Shen had already finished cooking and was sitting quietly on the grass, waiting for Wang Yi.    


"Hua la!"    


The last shovelful of soil was carried out of the ravine by Wang Yi. He looked back and saw Dr Shen waiting for him.    


"Don't move first."    


Seeing Wang Yi walk over, Dr Shen hurriedly stood up. He took out a towel and wiped off the dust on Wang Yi's body.    


"That's great." Looking at Dr Shen's serious face, Wang Yi couldn't help but murmur to himself.    


"What?" Dr Shen didn't hear it clearly and thought that Wang Yi had torn the wound while working. He hurriedly opened Wang Yi's shirt.    


"What's wrong? Why can't we wait so soon?"    


Wang Yi laughed and suddenly stretched out his arms to tightly encircle Dr Shen. The soft touch on his chest made him feel as if he had recovered his strength.    


"Aiya! I hate it. "    


Dr Shen's well-developed body was tightly hugged by Wang Yi. He wanted to struggle but was unable to break free, so he could only gently hold onto Wang Yi's shoulder. He wanted to use force, but was afraid of touching Wang Yi's wounds.    


"Don't move!"    


Dr Shen slightly twisted his body. Originally, he wanted to break away from Wang Yi's hands, but who knew that Dr Shen's few twists and turns put Wang Yi on the verge of exploding.    




This feeling made Wang Yi take a deep breath. Without caring about anything else, he aimed his kiss at Dr Shen's seductive lips.    


"Disgusting, there's still no food …" "Ugh …"    


With his words interrupted, Dr Shen's increasingly restless palm gradually sunk down. He wanted to reject the offer, but found that he couldn't muster up any strength to do so.    


"He's good at everything, but he's good at nothing."    


This was Dr Shen's last thought before he lost his consciousness.    






A wave of zombie howls caused the two to come to their senses.    


"Get in the car!"    


Wang Yi growled, carrying Dr Shen, whose body was still weak, into the driver's seat. He took out a machete from the coach, and a trace of coldness flashed across his eyes as he looked towards the direction of the scream.    


"Don't get out of the car."    


Wang Yi replied without turning his head. With the tight grip of his machete, it proved that Wang Yi didn't have any intention of retreating out of the forest.    


In the current world, no matter where it was, danger was always there, but it was only a matter of size. Although the zombie roar just now was sudden, Wang Yi was able to distinguish that there were at most ten zombies in this group. In Wang Yi's eyes, it was not considered a danger at all.    


"Be careful." Dr Shen warned and then slowly rolled up the window.    


Dr Shen was a smart woman. He knew his own ability and also knew Wang Yi's ability. At this time, Dr Shen had to ensure his own safety in order to not distract Wang Yi.    


"Hua Hua!"    


"HOWL ~ ~"    


The low roar of the zombie was getting closer and closer. The tall bush in front of Wang Yi was shaking violently. Wang Yi held his machete tightly and stared at the shadow that was quickly moving through the branches, waiting for the zombie to come out of the bush.    




A gray bald head suddenly appeared from the bush in front. Its shriveled nose twitched as it analyzed the smell in the air. Even though it didn't have the time to look at Wang Yi, the zombie had already started moving its legs.    




The bush split open and the zombie jumped towards Wang Yi. While it was still in the air, its bloodied claws were already reaching towards Wang Yi!    


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