Doomsday Fortress

C921 Traitor

C921 Traitor

As Zhang Fei finished his sentence, the tank immediately stuck out its timid head. Seeing that there was a circle of soldiers standing outside with the Pike in Zhang Fei's hand pointed at him, the soldier was immediately shocked and quickly said while trembling.    


"Don't... "Don't shoot, I surrender, I surrender …"    


"Cut the crap, is your whatever Guild Leader Zhao Zhen inside?" Get him out here! "    


Zhang Fei roared.    


"Yes, yes, yes …" I'll let him out right now. "    


The soldier hastily lowered his head and said something. Then, his body abruptly flew out and fell outside with a loud 'clang'.    


"Hold it."    


Zhang Fei waved his hand calmly. Two soldiers immediately rushed forward and subdued the soldier.    


Immediately after, another military officer jumped out of the tank. He was a senior colonel, but he looked very young, probably in his twenties.    


"You are the Guild Leader of this Regiment, Zhao Zhen?" A hint of doubt flashed across Zhang Fei's eyes.    


Wasn't it a bit wrong for a young man in his twenties to be the Guild Leader? One must know that even Lee Weiping was only a Battalion Commander before, and he was at least thirty years old now.    


"I... I am... "Guild Leader." The military officer tremblingly said,    


"You're the Guild Leader?" Zhang Fei nodded and looked at the soldier that was subdued.    


A single soldier seemed to be older than him.    


That soldier immediately lowered his head when Zhang Fei's gaze fell on him, not daring to meet Zhang Fei's gaze.    


"There are still people inside!"    


Zhang Fei's eyes rolled around as if he didn't feel this unusual situation at all and shouted into the tank.    


Four or five soldiers hurriedly rushed out from the tank, and there was nothing unusual about them. As for the last person to come out, he was an old acquaintance from the gathering place of Grand Green Mountain.    


"Oh, isn't this Mr. Chen? Why did you even join the army of Lianfeng Mountain? " Zhang Fei smiled as he looked at the figure that dashed out from the clang.    


"Hehe, I, I just joined too." Chen De rubbed his nose awkwardly.    


Now that he was recognised, even if the other party was a fool, they would probably understand that he was the one who led the troops to attack them.    


"F * ck, Zhao Zhen, you are f * cking afraid of death, let laozi attract the attention of others."    


Chen De cursed and glanced at the soldier that jumped out first.    


This scene was keenly noticed by Zhang Fei. However, Zhang Fei didn't say anything and pretended that he didn't see anything.    


"Haha, Mister Chen, you must have done a great job in defeating our attack this time."    


Zhang Fei laughed and even stepped forward to help Chen De out of the tank.    


"Wh …" "What?" Before Chen De could react to what Zhang Fei meant, he was pulled down by Zhang Fei.    


"It's nothing. When the battle is over, I will definitely inform the leader and thank you properly." Zhang Fei said.    


"Feel... "Thank me for what …" Chen De had a bitter face, he had no idea what was going on.    


"Damn it, I knew there was something fishy about all of you!" Zhao Zhen, who wore the uniform of a soldier, watched this scene with hatred.    


He finally understood why the Grand Green Mountain area knew of their attack in advance, and why the firepower of the Grand Green Mountain area was so fierce. It turned out that Chen De had already sent his Grand Green Mountain over a long time ago!    


Zhao Zhen wanted to skin Chen De alive, but looking at the current situation, Zhao Zhen held himself back and didn't make a move.    


"Alright, Mr. Chen. You have a group of soldiers that do not want to surrender. Go help me persuade them."    


Zhang Fei pointed to the hundreds of soldiers in the distance that were still burning.    


Since the battle had reached this point, it could be said that Grand Green Mountain had already won a great victory, so there was no need for them to be unnecessary casualties.    


"Alright, I, I'll go and persuade them right now …"    


Chen De nodded hurriedly. He knew that he had no other choice, so he walked over with a deep kick.    


"F * ck, traitor!"    


Zhao Zhen, who was hiding in the crowd of captives, couldn't help but curse when he saw this scene.    


Chen De then walked towards the soldiers who were stubbornly resisting. When they saw that it was Chen De, they immediately stopped.    


Although Chen De was not their direct leader, he was, after all, their superior. After Chen De spoke for a while, the soldiers clearly showed that they were in charge.    


All of them were dispirited, and before long, they had lined up and walked out from their positions.    


"F * cking hell, it's this bunch of brats. Go and fight them!"    


Zhang Fei couldn't help but curse when he saw them coming out.    


Actually, it was very easy for Zhang Fei to kill these hundreds of soldiers, it was just like a round of Pike s.    


However, the battlefield was a mess now, all sorts of broken limbs were scattered, and the ground had long been dyed red with blood. There were less than half of the remaining Lianfeng Mountain soldiers left.    


As survivors, Zhang Fei did not want to kill again.    


However, this group of brats actually gave Zhang Fei a 'rather die than submit' attitude. If it wasn't for Chen De's timely warning, Zhang Fei already had his men prepare to throw the Pike.    


Hearing Zhang Fei's order, the soldiers on the Grand Green Mountain side did not hesitate either. They put down their weapons and sabers and rushed forward to viciously beat up the hundreds of soldiers.    




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