Doomsday Fortress

C752 Blocking Road

C752 Blocking Road

Inside the warm military tent, Wang Yi, Lee Mei, Wei Ping and Professor Quang were surrounding the two bags of seeds and carefully sizing them up.    


"Professor Quang, do you think these seeds can mature within two months?"    


Wang Yi pointed at the rice grains in the bag and found it hard to believe.    


Although Wang Yi didn't know much about this, he still knew a bit about it.    


In the north, they could only grow rice once a year, and the growth cycle would take at least four to five months. But if what Professor Quang said was true, then these seeds could only be planted twice or three times a year.    


Which is to say, if Grand Green Mountain Graveyard starts growing next year, they can at least cultivate it three times, and the amount of food they receive will also multiply by three times.    




Professor Quang nodded with a sad look on his face.    


The previous gathering was broken through by the corpses, and the researchers that followed him to develop the seeds became rations for the zombies. Thinking about it, Professor Quang felt uncomfortable.    


"Has it been tested?" Wang Yi asked.    


"Not yet, but theoretically speaking, these seeds shouldn't be too far off." Professor Quang said.    


"How much food can these seeds produce?" Lee Mei couldn't help but ask. She didn't care how many times these seeds could be planted, she was more concerned with food.    


"If it was grown three times a year, it would be around five thousand Jin." Professor Quang thought for a moment and slowly said.    


"Only fifty thousand kilograms? That's too little. " After all, there were 300,000 survivors in the gathering area. 50,000 kg of food was not even enough for half a day.    


"I'm talking about the fifty thousand kilograms of seed!" Professor Quang glared at Wei Ping and said.    


"These rice are all cultivated as the original seed, and the grain produced can also be used as the seed."    


"That's quite a lot."    


Wei Ping smacked his lips. Wei Ping did not know the concept of a 50,000 kg seed. However, Wei Ping knew that these seeds were definitely enough to be eaten here.    


The two bags of seeds were preserved by Wang Yi immediately. With such an important thing, there couldn't be any mistake.    


The morning of the second day, the convoy continued to travel, but this time, the speed of the convoy increased. It was Wang Yi's order that they must return to the Grand Green Mountain gathering point by tonight.    


After leaving for nearly half a month, Wang Yi could not help but feel a little nervous as he was not sure what was happening at the gathering place.    


Around two in the afternoon, the caravan had already reached a location less than twenty kilometers away from the gathering point of Grand Green Mountain, and in front of them was a small town. When they first came out, they had passed by this town before, and there were around twenty thousand zombies inside, so Wang Yi and the others naturally didn't choose to go near this town.    


However, just when the team and the town were traveling in a straight line, something Wang Yi did not expect suddenly happened.    


"Bro Yi, look quickly!"    


Wei Ping, who was observing the surroundings, quickly withdrew his body and said nervously.    


"We found a group of zombies outside, they seem to be coming towards us."    


"What?!" Wang Yi was surprised. He hastily jumped out of the tank and looked at the left side of the convoy with the binoculars that Wei Ping handed to him. He saw a group of around 300 to 400 zombies running towards the convoy at a fast speed, and there were also many Mutant Zombie's silhouettes among them.    


"Could he be just passing by?" Wei Ping couldn't help but say.    




Wang Yi shook his head decisively. Zombies weren't people, so they naturally didn't have the thought of taking a stroll. Every time they moved, they would have a goal in mind.    


And now, it was clear that Wang Yi's team was the target of these zombies.    


"Send out the order, the team will move forward at full speed."    


With Wang Yi's order, the vehicle fleet sped up once again, almost turning the snow on both sides into snow mist. From the air, it looked like a white dragon.    


However, the corpses had no intention of letting the convoy escape. Under the lead of a few Mutant Zombie s, they directly ran towards the front of the convoy. It seemed like they wanted to directly cut off the road in front of them.    


"Two tanks with me."    


Seeing this scene, Wang Yi could not help but become nervous. If the corpses blocked the road, even if the lead truck was overturned by the Giant Corpse, it was likely that the rest of the caravans would not be able to pass through, resulting in all of them crowding here. In the end, they would also be surrounded by the corpses that came later.    


At that time, it would not be easy to escape.    


Boom boom!    


The two tanks sped up and emerged from the caravan, taking the lead to rush towards the road ahead. They wanted to block off the zombies before they blocked off the road, so as to ensure the smooth passage of the caravan.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


The group of zombies also discovered the two fast tanks, one of the Giant Corpse roared, and it took large steps. He broke away from the corpses and rushed towards the tank.    




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