Doomsday Fortress

C1106 Attack Geyang County

C1106 Attack Geyang County

The Grand Green Mountain gathering area organized a grand welcoming ceremony for the workers who returned. After all, these workers had left the gathering place for almost two months, so their contribution to the gathering place was also very large.    


Furthermore, during the ceremony, Wang Yi had even directly listed all one hundred workers who were important to the construction of the Huhhot City Base. These hundred workers were the houses where each person of the was rewarded with one set of Grand Green Mountain.    


In the entire gathering area, there were basically only three types of people who could afford it. The first was that there were some officers in the army with relatively higher positions in the Grand Green Mountain area, so they would be able to save up a set of money with great rewards and diligence.    


After all, the work they did was dangerous, and the rewards they received were also very high. Finally, there were some merchants, workers like them and even ordinary survivors couldn't afford to buy houses, and the money they earned almost couldn't match the rate at which the prices of their houses rose.    


But today, Wang Yi gave 100 properties to these workers. Although only a very few people got them, but this was undoubtedly a signal that as long as they contribute to the gathering place, they could get a corresponding reward.    


After all, no one wanted to stay in the dormitory forever, right?    


After determining the next target of the construction, Wang Yi set off again towards the growing base. He was only twenty kilometers away from the gathering point of the Grand Green Mountain, and he would have to pass through the Grand Green Mountain Vein in the middle of the journey, however, it would take him at least two hours to drive there. This was because of the rugged road in the Grand Green Mountain Vein, and when he first built the road, he had to follow the direction of the mountain peak.    


However, when Wang Yi reached his destination, he was slightly surprised.    


He saw that they had already built a small military camp relying on the Grand Green Mountain Meridians. There were a total of fifteen thousand soldiers per division guarding them and at the same time, there were over a thousand survivors.    


These survivors were all specially hired by the gathering grounds for farming. Of course, right now, the Grand Green Mountain gathering grounds only had ten hectares of land, which was around one hundred and fifty mu. There was no need for so many people at all.    


At that time, Grand Green Mountain would gather in a field of over a thousand hectares on the prairie. This was a very large area, and at that time, it was not certain that these survivors would be able to use it.    


However, there were so many survivors from Grand Green Mountain gathering area. They didn't have enough land to grow more food. This winter, the survivors could only eat snow.    


Right in front of the military base, there was a large piece of land that had already been dug up. Every two hundred meters or so, walls of earth would divide the fields, like a small grid, filled with stars. Within each planting area, there was a well that was sucking water out and watering the fields; it was as if it had turned into a swamp.    


"In another three days, the land in front of you will be completely covered by water. When that time comes, we'll be able to grow grain."    


Looking at the endless field in front of him, Professor Quang spoke with a hint of pride.    


This was entirely managed by him alone, and was also where the Grand Green Mountain gathered. It was the hope of over four hundred thousand survivors.    


"How many of these grains are enough to feed the survivors?" Wang Yi didn't understand this, so he asked.    


"No, it's not for the survivors." Professor Quang shook his head and pointed at the machine road that was still reclaiming the grass.    


"The second batch of reclaimed land will have over a thousand hectares of land. Only these crops will be used for the gathering lands.    


"How long will it take?" Wang Yi continued to ask.    


"It took a total of four months. The rice plant that I developed could allow me to harvest once every two months." Professor Quang said.    


Wang Yi nodded after hearing that. At least he didn't have to worry about the survivors' food.    


"Bro Yi!"    


At that moment, Luo Heng suddenly ran over while panting heavily.    


"Bro Yi, our plan of attack on Gongyang County has been decided. We can set off at any time."    


"Have you investigated the situation in Gayang County?" Wang Yi frowned.    


Goyang County was less than ten kilometers away from here, which could be said to be a huge threat to the food base. Wang Yi came this time because he wanted to solve this hidden danger permanently before he went to the capital to attend the Survivor's Meeting.    


After all, there were only two weeks left until May.    


"The investigation has already been completed. Gyang County has a population of 150,000 and the city has a population of roughly 100,000. The apocalypse has broken out for a long time, so I estimate that there should be at least 70,000 zombies inside." Luo Heng said with confidence.    


Seventy to eighty thousand zombies, for the current concentration of Grand Green Mountain, was a negligible number. Although there were only fifteen thousand people in the division this time, it was enough to be dealt with.    


"Alright, gather the troops now." Wang Yi instructed solemnly.    


Moments later, the troop carriers were assembled one after another. A portion of the tanks of the tank regiment followed the convoy towards Gayang County, which was a dozen or so kilometers away.    


Gelang County was surrounded by plains without any shelter and it was very convenient for the cars to drive through them. In less than half an hour, they had arrived in Gelou County's vicinity.    


"Bro Yi, the telescope." Luo Heng handed the binoculars over to Wang Yi, who was standing on the roof of the car.    


Like other cities in the apocalypse, Gelou County was a wasteland with only a few buildings that were on the verge of collapse. After all, this was the prairie, and unlike the population of the mainland, this was already the largest gathering place for people.    


There was still about a hundred kilometers to the southwest of Gayang County, a city with over two million people. However, the distance was still quite far and it was not a threat to the Grand Green Mountain gathering place for the time being. Wang Yi naturally would not take the initiative to go and cause trouble.    


"Reporting to the leader, all the soldiers are ready. Do you wish to launch an attack?"    


Luo Heng gave a standard military salute and shouted.    


"Attack." Wang Yi instructed in a deep voice. Wang Yi did not personally lead this battle because he wanted to see Luo Heng's ability.    


"Yes sir!"    


Not long after, ten tanks roared out and their wide tracks left deep marks on the grass. After all, the weight of a tank was around 50 to 60 tons, and it was also spring and winter here. The snow had just melted, and the road was naturally muddy, but for the powerful horsepower of tanks, as long as it was not a swamp, anyone could enter and leave.    


Very quickly, the ten tanks arrived at the vicinity of Gayang County. They simultaneously raised their thick cannons and fired at the few remaining tall buildings in the County City.    


"Boom boom boom!"    


A series of muffled sounds rang out. Everyone could clearly see a mass of flames appear on the tank, followed by a faint white fog that started from the barrel and reached the building it was supposed to be in.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Fiery light, countless pieces of stone flying, the building finally couldn't bear the weight anymore, it collapsed with a loud bang, raising a cloud of smoke and dust. And at almost the same time, several roars of anger suddenly came from within Geng Yang County. Immediately after, a few tall figures appeared in Wang Yi's telescope.    


The ten tanks were not afraid of them as they rushed towards the Giant Corpse, firing their cannons as they did so.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Three cannonballs shot out, all of them striking the Giant Corpse that was their leader.    


Boom boom boom!    


The Giant Corpse probably never thought that this wave of attacks would be so fierce. Its chest was hit by three artillery shells at almost the same time, and its body was split into two pieces from the chest, as its huge body directly fell backwards.    




This action thoroughly angered the other zombies. With a roar, a group of gray figures suddenly appeared in Geng Yang County. Everyone was thinking about the tank as it rushed over.    


"The bait has returned, the corpses are far away. The Pike is ready, wait for my order to start the attack!"    


Luo Heng gave the order calmly. This was not the first time Luo Heng had experienced this kind of battle. It could be said that he had a lot of battle experience, so he knew when to give the order.    


The ten tanks immediately turned around, but they weren't too fast. They maintained a speed that the corpses behind them could catch up to at any time, but could not catch up to them in any way. Not long after, they pulled the corpses to a distance less than 500 meters away from the ambush point of the troops.    


"Hurry up with the bait, get rid of the corpses!" Luo Heng shouted into the walkie-talkie.    


The moment Luo Heng finished his words, the ten tanks sped up immediately. The roar of the engines shook the world. In the blink of an eye, they shook off the corpses that were following them and rushed to the back of the grassy slope.    


At this time, the corpses were about 400 meters away from the ambush point. A team of 500 soldiers suddenly appeared from the wilderness, with Pike in hand, they aimed at the few faster Giant Corpse and threw them towards them.    


Sou sou sou!    


A sonic boom rang out, and the silver Pike seemed to be like a bolt of lightning, reaching above the heads of the Giant Corpse in an instant.    


Poof, poof, poof, poof, poof!    


A series of muffled sounds rang out, as the Pike s in front of it were pricked like a hedgehog, but the Giant Corpse's body was after all huge, even if the Pike was two meters long and did not accurately hit the head, it would still be unable to kill it in time.    




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