Doomsday Fortress

C1026 Army Expansion

C1026 Army Expansion

A few days later, the survivors of Lianfeng Mountain began to move towards the Grand Green Mountain gathering point in batches.    


Nearly a hundred thousand survivors were divided into five groups, with no lower than twenty thousand. Under the protection of an equal number of soldiers, they moved towards the Grand Green Mountain gathering point via the road in Ringer County.    


The purpose of this road was to protect the smooth and unobstructed road. One must know that the Grand Green Mountain and the gathering place were already one, so the number of survivors that passed by this road every day were not few.    


So the reason for building these camps was to warn Huhhot City and the movements of the zombies in Ringer County, so that they wouldn't suddenly appear. This would be a threat to the survivors and also to provide a place for them to rest.    


But luckily, although these few batches of survivors took a risk in moving, there weren't any accidents at all. A week later, the hundred thousand survivors that came from the area where Lianfeng Mountain were gathered were completely moved to the place where Grand Green Mountain were gathered.    


As for the gathering place for Lianfeng Mountain, from then on, it had completely changed from a gathering place to a form similar to a military base.    


At this time, within the meeting room of the Grand Green Mountain Army Headquarters, all of the high ranking personnel had arrived. Even Lee Jun who was assigned to the coal mining site and Yang Bing who was in the Lianfeng Mountain gathering area were called back.    


There were hundreds of intermediate officers gathered at the Grand Green Mountain, so logically, these intermediate officers were not qualified to participate in such meetings. However, today, Wang Yi gave the order to gather all of them.    


All the officers were whispering to each other. No one knew why Wang Yi had sent them here. Only a few senior officers, including Lee Jun and Zhang Fei, looked calm. It seemed that they should have known about the meeting room beforehand.    


"The leader is here!"    


At this moment, the guard at the door suddenly shouted. The large meeting room immediately became silent. All the officers hurriedly got up and paid attention to Wang Yi who was slowly walking in.    


"Take a seat."    


Wang Yi casually waved his hand and the officers immediately sat down. They glanced at Xiaobao who was behind them. Wang Yi couldn't help but reveal a smile.    


Although the kid was still young, he was mature and did not feel uncomfortable at all. He still followed behind Wang Yi with a calm expression.    


Turning around, Wang Yi looked at the group of officers who were sitting on pins and needles, not daring to even breathe too loudly, and nodded his head.    


This was exactly the kind of effect he wanted.    


Wang Yi looked around and said what he had prepared.    


"After a period of change, the change that happened in the Grand Green Mountain area is very obvious. The number of survivors have increased from three hundred thousand to four hundred thousand, and there are also two external bases. The total number of survivors have broken through five hundred thousand."    


After Wang Yi said this, the meeting room immediately burst into applause.    


Five hundred thousand survivors were unimaginable before, especially Yang Bing, Lee Hu, and the others. They followed Wang Yi all the way from Jinling, and the team initially only had one or two hundred people, but it was getting bigger and bigger, knowing that today, there were five hundred thousand survivors!    


This wasn't just Wang Yi's contribution, but everyone who worked hard together.    


Wang Yi raised his hand and the applause faded away.    


"But there are still layers of zombies outside, so we can't stop here. We have to settle for outside. Now that the tumor has been completely cleaned out, our next step is to stay outside."    


"After the apocalypse broke out, our homeland was occupied by zombies. I think everyone here really hopes to regain our homeland." Wang Yi said as he looked at the crowd.    


Hearing Wang Yi's words, all the officers in the field became enlivened.    


Wang Yi's meaning was obvious. He wanted to make a move on the corpses outside the gathering place!    


They had been waiting for this day for far too long. Ever since the last city defense battle, the hatred for the corpses in the gathered Grand Green Mountain area had increased by an unknown amount.    


"You're right, I want to deal with the Huhhot City's zombies."    


Wang Yi nodded and continued.    


"In the past, we didn't have enough men to gather at the gathering grounds, so we could only passively defend, but now, it's different. With the help of the survivors from Lianfeng Mountain, we can expand our army a step, and our weapons and ammunition will be handled by Military Plant. So, I decided to start a battle with the zombies from Huhhot City, and exterminate them!" Wang Yi gave the answer that everyone wanted.    


The military officers below the stage immediately cheered. At the same time, their gazes towards Wang Yi became more expectant.    


After all, the gathering of Grand Green Mountain had always been under the threat of a group of corpses, and now, they had finally started their counterattack.    


"Although I have set up a plan to counterattack with Huhhot City, as the number of troops that we are gathering at is relatively small, I decided to expand the forces that will be gathering at the Grand Green Mountain area and the two bases outside."    


After Wang Yi finished speaking, Xiaobao immediately handed the folder to Wang Yi.    


"I will now read out the plan for the expansion of the army."    


Ye Feng slowly opened Kaiwen's folder and said.    


"The gathering area originally had four regiments, with over thirty thousand people, of which five thousand were in Security Corps, increasing to the security brigade, and the other three regimental units were expanded to the division level, one by one, to the new division, with the original eight thousand. Within the next week, it will expand to fifteen thousand."    


"The number of people in the second division has been expanded to eight thousand. In a week, it will be expanded to fifteen thousand."    


"The three regiments have been expanded to include the new three divisions. The original number was eight thousand. Within a week, it was expanded to fifteen thousand."    


"The three divisions above, after increasing the number of participants, try to shorten the training time and maximize the combat strength in the shortest time possible!"    


"At that time, these three divisions will form an army and become an important force for protecting the gathering of Grand Green Mountain!"    


When they heard that the three regiments had been expanded into three divisions, all the officers present were extremely excited.    


This was closely related to their own interests, to say nothing of anything else.    


As a result of the change in class, it could be said that their level had directly risen by two levels, and the Division Commander was personally appointed by Wang Yi, so there was no need for these officers to consider it. But as for the Battalion Commander below the division level, this position had been vacated quite a bit, and to these middle and lower level officers, it was a huge piece of good news.    


Even though it was the apocalypse, power and benefits were the same. Who didn't wish for them to exert themselves to the best of their abilities? With a greater effort, the benefits one would receive would be even greater, and there would be even more Glycosylated Meat that could be used. The difference in being able to survive in the apocalypse would be even greater!    


"Because of the formation of the army, most people's positions will change accordingly." Wang Yi paused for a moment and slowly scanned the officers.    


The words he spoke caused everyone's breathing to quicken. They all knew that the real deal was about to come.    


Sure enough, Ye Feng began his reading and began his reading.    


"The position of general in the army will be assumed by myself."    


As soon as Ye Feng's words came out, everyone present nodded in agreement. Whether it was in their experience or their original positions, Wang Yi being the commander in chief of the Army absolutely had no doubts, and of course, no one dared to have any doubts.    


Even so, they were still extremely excited, because the positions of the three teachers would be announced next.    


"The new division will be led by Luo Heng, the new second division will be led by Lee Weiping, the new third division will be led by Zhang Fei, in addition, I will form an additional tank regiment." Wang Yi continued to announce.    


The tank group was the army that Wang Yi wanted to form the most ever since they took down the Lianfeng Mountain gathering place.    


Of course, if you counted the fifteen tanks that were still being repaired by Military Plant, which would amount to eighty-five tanks, and the other two added together, there were more than a hundred of them.    


Out of these more than 100 tanks, 10 of them had already been handed over to the coal mining site, and another 40 tanks were set up at the Lianfeng Mountain gathering area. With the rest of the 50 tanks, plus the 10 armored vehicles at the gathering area, Wang Yi decided to form a tank regiment that was directly under the management of the group.    


As Ye Feng's words fell, everyone present deliberately became more hurried.    


These officers might not be good at fighting, but at least they had fought a lot, so they naturally knew what a tank regiment was to a gathering place. These officers might not be good at fighting, but at least they had fought a lot, so they naturally knew what a tank regiment was to a gathering place.    


However, these officers couldn't get excited after hearing Wang Yi's next words.    


"Due to the special formation of the tank regiment and its different combat methods from those of ordinary troops, I have decided that Cai Yao will assume the position of captain of the tank regiment." Wang Yi said.    


"What, Cai Yao?"    


"Who's Cai Yao? How come I've never heard of her?"    


"It looks like a person from the chief guard. It's a woman!"    


The discussions of the military officers echoed throughout the meeting room.    


After arriving at the Grand Green Mountain, Cai Yao had always been in the female guard unit, and did not take up any position. It was normal for these military officers to not have heard of her name, but when the elders who followed Wang Yi heard that the Guild Leader of the tank regiment was Cai Yao, they all nodded their heads in confirmation.    


Although Cai Yao was a female general, her status was different from Wang Yi's.    


As for Cai Mingguo, he was still an armoured brigade leader, and Cai Yao had followed Cai Mingguo around the armoured brigade since childhood. She was more familiar with armor combat than anyone else in the area, plus Cai Yao was a long-eyed superpower, so being the captain of the tank regiment was very suitable.    


The other military officers also heard the explanation of the old men following Wang Yi to Cai Yao and also felt a burst of recognition. Honestly speaking, although they yearned to be the captain of the tank regiment, they also knew their worth. If they let them be, they might not be able to be a good leader.    


Following the crowd's gaze, Cai Yao, who wore a valiant and valiant military uniform, walked up to Wang Yi and gave him a standard military salute.    


Originally, Cai Yao thought that she was useless in this gathering place as Wang Yi had not taken the initiative to look for her for such a long time. But who knew, last night, Wang Yi suddenly told her that she was going to take on the position of Guild Leader of the tank regiment. Cai Yao was so excited that she didn't sleep at all the night.    


"What? Didn't you get a good rest yesterday?" Wang Yi couldn't help but ask in a low voice as he looked at Cai Yao's tired face.    


After all, he was an old man, it was normal for him to care about him. However, Wang Yi forgot that the microphone at his mouth was not connected yet. This sentence was transmitted to the ears of all the officers in the hall.    


The officers were taken aback for a moment before reacting immediately.    


Didn't rest well last night? Wasn't this sentence a bit too ambiguous?    


One by one, they held their mouths and didn't laugh. Cai Yao also felt that this was not right and her face turned from white to red in an instant. They accepted the order from Wang Yi without even daring to look at Wang Yi.    


However, at this moment, Cai Yao had lost a portion of her charm.    


Cai Yao already had a heroic air about her. Coupled with her valiant military uniform, it only caused Wang Yi to stare at her attentively.    


Of course, Wang Yi was just admiring the show, but Cai Yao couldn't stand this kind of gaze and rushed off the stage with the letter of appointment.    


A wave of gossiping broke out in the meeting room as everyone tried to guess what the relationship between the beautiful Guild Leader and their leader was.    


"Cough cough, that … Everyone, quiet down. " Wang Yi coughed awkwardly. He knew that he shouldn't have such an expression on this occasion.    


"Next, we will announce the appointment of a position in the Regiment." Wang Yi said seriously.    


As expected, with Wang Yi's words, the conference room immediately quieted down.    


The division commanders and other military officers did not dare to think too much about it, much less the captain of the tank regiment.    


"Because of the expansion in numbers, I have decided to form five regiments in each division. That is to say, within the gathering place, there will be fifteen regiment commander positions."    


After Wang Yi said that, he slowly swept his eyes over the officers.    


"Wei Ping, Liu Yang, Zhang Cong, Deng Jinming, Lin Jie, Lee Loong, Wang Wenbo …"    


As Wang Yi slowly said the name, a commotion broke out among the officers present, and all of them stood up with excitement on their faces, sticking out their chests and raising their heads, walking up the stage. These people, were the old men who followed Wang Yi before, and some even came to the gathering area for Grand Green Mountain s, and among them, were two officers who were just captured by Lianfeng Mountain s.    


It could be said that Wang Yi was very bold to hire people this time. After all, the Guild Leader was an influential figure. To a certain extent, his authority over the soldiers was even greater than that of the Division Commander.    


But of course, those people all went through Wang Yi's strict exam and they could guarantee his loyalty to the gathering place.    


Those who had been promoted were naturally full of excitement. Those who had not been promoted were inevitably disappointed.    


Wang Yi glanced at the disappointed faces of the officers below the stage and said.    


"This expansion of the troops is only the first time that the Grand Green Mountain has been used. In the future, as the number of survivors in the Grand Green Mountain increase, the defensive capabilities required for the gathering grounds will be even more formidable. When the time comes, the army will expand once more.    


"So, please do not be disappointed. As long as you have the ability, you will have a lot of chances to improve in the future."    


Wang Yi didn't intend to lie to these officers and every word he said was also true.    


Although there seemed to be a lot of soldiers in three divisions, there were actually very few.    


Especially in the later stages of the apocalypse, when the number of survivors reached a million, the army would expand again. At that time, there would only be a shortage of military officers.    


Hearing Wang Yi say this, the group of officers' dejected mood eased. Although there was no chance to improve this time, there was still the next time. Moreover, not all the positions had been allocated. Because of the expansion of the army, there were many more Battalion Commander Company Commander, which were also important positions.    




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