Beauty CEO's Personal Soldier King

C70 They Surrounded Him!

C70 They Surrounded Him!





Kuan's mother's expression changed when she heard that! However, when she saw the shining diamond, she could not help but gulp. "This... This should be true, right?"    


Ai Yang curled his lips. "High imitation!"    


His face, which was originally full of enthusiasm for Lin Jue, instantly turned gloomy. It was as if Lin Jue had stolen eight million from their family.    


Looking at Lin Jue's attire, he did not look like a rich person. As for the car he was driving, Kuan's mother did not notice it when he was outside the door.    


"I'm almost done with my rest. I still have some work to do when I go back, so I left first!" Lin Jue grabbed the key and got up, ready to turn around and leave.    


"Okay, okay, okay! I'll send you off!" When Kuan's mother heard this, she immediately became excited again.    


It was good to leave. She could still see if Lin Jue was as what Ai Yang had said, and whether it was true or not!    


If it was true, then she really needed to consider which son-in-law Kuan Xiaoxiao, this fish, should fish up.    


Of course, the most realistic idea was that whoever had the money would marry who.    


"Just nice. I should be leaving soon. I have to attend one more party tonight!" Ai Yang got up and straightened his collar, acting like a successful person.    


Ai Yang and Kuan's mother had the same goal. They both wanted to see if Lin Jue was really rich. He really drove a trident!    


After all, although there were many rich people in Capital M, it was very rare to see someone driving a trident at such a high price.    


Regarding the thoughts of the two, Lin Jue didn't need to think to understand what was going on.    


When he went downstairs, he saw a black "Don't touch me" car that didn't fit the environment. It went without saying that it was Ai Yang's car.    


However, after a corner, a sports car that didn't fit the environment appeared in front of him.    


"Then I'll be leaving first. Thank you for your hospitality today, Auntie!" Lin Jue waved his hand with a smile and drove away elegantly.    


"Damn bastard!"    


When Ai Yang saw this scene, he couldn't help but curse in his heart.    


Although he had confirmed it when he saw the car keys, he still had a glimmer of hope. However, when he saw the trident stop right in front of him, he finally regretted it completely.    


Unfortunately... it was too late to regret it!    


"Eight million yuan in a luxury car..."    


Seeing the taillights disappear, Kuan's mother took a deep breath and said enviously, "I really don't know if I have this chance in my life to experience it!"    


After Ai Yang heard Kuan's mother's words, his gloomy face suddenly became ferocious. He wanted to skin Lin Jue and pull out his tendons to vent his anger.    


"Xiaoxiao, Governor Lin, you have to catch him! In the words of young people like you, this kind of person is the fifth diamond king. You have to grasp this well!"    


"Mom! What are you talking about? Governor Lin is my superior, and we are just working friends!" Kuan Xiaoxiao was completely speechless about her mother's power.    


"What colleagues? Let me tell you, a woman chasing a man must have a layer of veil over her. Such a 'handsome man' must be firmly held in her hands!" Kuan's mother had an experienced appearance as she introduced the test to Kuan Xiaoxiao. How to climb a dragon and attach to a phoenix.    


"Bastard!!! What are you guys saying, damn it!!! " At this moment, Ai Yang, who had been standing behind the two of them, could no longer hold back the anger in his heart when he heard Kuan's mother's words. He loudly cursed.    




Hearing that, Kuan's mother turned around and looked at Ai Yang's face with a very strange expression. "Why are you still here? Why aren't you leaving?"    


"I..." Ai Yang widened his eyes and looked at Kuan's mother in shock. He wanted to say something but was rendered speechless by Kuan's mother's words.    


However, seeing that Kuan's mother's attitude towards him was completely different from the last second, he said angrily, "Didn't we agree to let Xiaoxiao marry me?"    


" Oh! "    


After Kuan's mother heard it, she very calmly nodded her head. She looked at Ai Yang and said, "That's right! I did indeed have this idea before! But it's just an idea, but now I find that our Xiaoxiao and Little Lin are more suitable! "    


" Suitable? Where did you find the right one!? "    


"Little Lin is richer than you!" Kuan's mother was very confident about this!    


Although the flatbread Ai Yang drew was delicious, so what? After all, no one could tell what would happen in the future. Rather than that, it was better to compare it to the present!    


What could be obtained was the real thing! Kuan's mother was still a more realistic person...    




Hearing Kuan's mother's words, Ai Yang almost spat out a mouthful of blood. More money than me? Just because I have a trident, I have more money than me?    


Ai Yang had nothing to say about Kuan's mother, this shameless woman. He snorted coldly and left proudly. Although Kuan Xiaoxiao was not bad, she did not have to die from fishing on a tree.    


"Humph! A rich second generation who relies on his father, Rice Bug!" Kuan's mother curled her lips and looked at Ai Yang's back with great disdain as she spat out a mouthful of saliva.    


At this moment, she seemed to have forgotten how much importance she attached to Ai Yang, this "handsome guy," a second ago.    


"Let's go! Xiaoxiao, tell Mom about your relationship with Xiao Lin, and how far you have gotten along with him. Most importantly, how is Xiao Lin's family? "    


Kuan Xiaoxiao was completely speechless towards her mother.    


On the other side, Lin Jue looked at the time after he drove out of the neighborhood. He probably headed towards Lee Muling's school after that. Thinking about that girl's lawless behavior in school, Lin Jue could only hope that the teacher would not call her to the office to talk!    


But unfortunately, heaven did not fulfill one's wish!    


Just as Lin Jue was about to reach the city, a large truck suddenly appeared in front of him.    


With such a large truck, they were not allowed to drive into the downtown area of Capital M!    


"Looks like... I can exercise again!" Lin Jue narrowed his eyes and looked at the truck in front of him.    


As expected, the large truck in front of him suddenly moved horizontally as soon as he finished speaking. The huge train laid horizontally in the middle of the road, completely blocking the road that was not wide.    


At the same time, a large truck also jumped out from behind, blocking the road like the one in front of him.    


"You're quite professional!" Lin Jue curled his lips and walked out of the truck.    


"That's enough! Come out! Let me see your methods!"    


The next second, the carriages of the two trucks opened at the same time. One by one, hatchet men wearing work clothes, masks, and hats slowly jumped out.    


"Wow, you really think highly of me!" Lin Jue took off his suit and threw it into the truck with a smile.    


Each of them had a calm look in their eyes. This group of thugs in front of them was definitely not someone ordinary people could command.    


"Could it be the Ximen family?" Lin Jue's first thought was that night's Ximen Shi!    


With his character, it went without saying that he would definitely cause trouble for him afterwards! With the tiger skin of Ximen family, it was not difficult to find so many well-trained fighters!    


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