Beauty CEO's Personal Soldier King

C140 Fight for Power?

C140 Fight for Power?

"Uh... No!"    


Liu listened to Lin Jue's murmur and scratched his head awkwardly. "Mr Niu said that we are not allowed to cause trouble and that we are not allowed to casually attack, so the big guys only defended themselves a few times."    


"What? They won't fight back?"    


Lin Jue turned to look at Liu and shook his head. "Why did you listen to that stupid cow?"    


Lin Jue held his cane and put on his hat. He slowly walked towards the gate.    


At the gate of the building, Wang Hai and the other six people were standing there with swollen faces. They looked at the dozen people in front of them angrily.    


He could have killed them, but when he thought about how Da Niu had given them orders previously, he could only protect his vitals and had no choice but to retaliate.    


Looking at these guys who were showing off, it was hard to imagine what they were feeling right now.    


"What kind of sh * tty holy spirits are you? You bunch of ugly ghosts are the only ones standing here. It has already severely affected the beauty of the entire building's female employees, and has even repeatedly harassed the female employees of other companies in the building! Don't think that just because you criticized the holy spirit, you can be lawless... We, Universe Technology, are not afraid of you!"    


A young man in a tight training suit looked at Wang Hai and the others arrogantly, especially when he saw that more and more people were looking at him. When he stopped, he was even more confident!    


Because of the lunch break and the huge incident at the door, many people had already gathered to watch.    


"Moreover, you bunch of stinky fish and prawns are the security guards? Look at all these cowards. Who else do you want to protect? Who can be at ease if we leave the safety of our building to you?"    


As soon as these words were spoken, numerous gazes of approval instantly appeared in the surroundings. It couldn't be helped. At this moment, Wang Hai's group of six had swollen faces and swollen faces. Compared to these people opposite them, it really seemed like there was a huge difference!    


In this way, everyone expressed their doubts towards Wang Hai and the others.    


This was human nature. You had done a lot of good things for them before. Maybe they would be grateful for the first or second time, and they would get used to it after three or four times. After that, no matter how well you did, it would become a habit, a habit that they would get used to.    


However, after that, as long as you slightly did something wrong, it would be magnified infinitely. No matter what you had done before, it would be forgotten.    


And the only thing that will be remembered is this time's mistake.    


The security department of the Sacred Spirit was the same, although they were technically part of the Holy Spirit Technology. No matter which company in the building needed them, the Holy Spirit Technology had never rejected them. They wholeheartedly helped each company, and protected the safety of the entire building. They had solved countless problems for them!    


And now... he had become the object of everyone's suspicion. It had to be said that this was indeed a little disappointing.    


Looking at those pairs of eyes filled with distrust, Wang Hai and the others' faces were instantly filled with bitterness.    


"Brother Hai!"    


A young man beside Wang Hai looked at Wang Hai with a flushed face. He clenched his fists so tightly that he wished he could rush forward and skin Wang Hai alive.    


"No, I want to, I want to cause trouble!" Wang Hai gritted his teeth and growled in a low voice, one word at a time.    


"What do you guys from Universe Technology want to do!!? "    


At this moment, Da Niu walked over angrily. When he saw the injuries on Wang Hai and the others' faces, he could not help but feel furious.    


"Aiyo, I was wondering who it was! So it's Mr Niu!" Seeing Da Niu walk out, the people on the opposite side couldn't help but tighten their eyes. Their arrogant tone became weaker, but it was still firm.    


"Why are you slandering the security department? What is your intention?"    


Although Da Niu was honest and honest, he wasn't stupid. After being targeted multiple times, he understood that the other party must have some sort of scheme to do this. However, Da Niu didn't know what exactly it was, which was why he had been suppressing the security department. He didn't want them to act on their own.    


Otherwise, how could these ten people be enough for the security department to play with?    


If it was in the past, Da Niu wouldn't have been able to bear it anymore. Without saying anything, he would go and beat them up first.    


However, the greatest protection of the Sacred Spirit was not enough to make the Sacred Spirit as arrogant as before. He had no choice but to endure it!    


"What Mr Niu said is true. Recently, many of our colleagues in the company have been harassed by hoodlums. Everyone in the company is in danger, and there are also cases of theft in other floors. We were forced to build the security department! " Huan Yu's leader had a helpless look on his face, but he said it for the sake of everyone's good.    


As soon as he said this, the surrounding onlookers nodded and started to discuss.    


It was nothing more than that in the recent period of time, many strange things had indeed happened in their own company, and many clues were pointed at the security of the Sacred Spirit security department.    


As the discussions around them grew louder and louder, it was to a point where it could not be stopped. All of these pointed to the security department.    


The discussions became more and more intense, with the intention of covering the coffin and concluding the matter. It made Da Niu so angry that he trembled.    


In the face of the criticism from the crowd, Da Niu was at a loss of what to do.    




At this moment, a cane suddenly appeared on Da Niu's head and hit the bull's head.    


"Who is it!" Da Niu, who was already furious, suddenly turned around and roared. However, when he saw who it was, he subconsciously shrunk his neck and did not dare to look at the calm yet majestic eyes.    




Putting away his cane, Lin Jue gently tapped on the ground. A crisp sound entered the ears of everyone present. At the same time, they all focused their gazes on themselves. An aura like that of a leader swept across the entire hall.    


"Minister!" Wang Hai and the others saw Lin Jue walking over. They hurriedly stood up and asked respectfully.    


However, their swollen pig heads were a bit funny.    


Lin Jue walked slowly with his cane. He looked at the injuries on Wang Hai and the others' faces and then looked at Da Niu. Although Lin Jue did not say anything from the beginning to the end, everyone felt like a level 12 tornado was hanging in their hearts.    


That kind of inexplicable pressure swept through everyone's heart.    


"You guys... are from the security department of Universe Technology?"    


Holding his cane and dusting off the dust on his hat, Lin Jue looked at everyone.    


"... " Yes!"    


More than a dozen people felt Lin Jue's gaze. It was as if they were standing naked in the middle of the winter. The cold wind seemed to have been frozen.    


"You are employees of other companies in the building, right?"    


Lin Jue looked at the surrounding crowd and said. His gaze was so calm that it made people's hair stand on end.    


"Let me introduce myself. I am Lin Jue, security minister of Holy Spirit Technology. In other words, I am responsible for the safety of Holy Spirit Technology. Of course, it also included some security issues in the entire building. It is also me who designed and planned it!"    


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