Beauty CEO's Personal Soldier King

C369 Game!

C369 Game!

There's a strong smell of gunpowder in my nose. He felt a sharp pain on his cheek...    


After that, he heard a "ding" sound beside his ear. The earring had already been sent flying by the bullet!    


Subconsciously touching her cheek that was covered in blood, Zhou Miao suddenly understood what it meant to be saved from death!    


Touching the remaining half of the earpiece, she was a little confused. She did not understand why Lin Jue would do this!    


After all, if he wanted to kill her, she would have died a long time ago. With Lin Jue's backfire and his shooting skills, she did not think that Lin Jue did not know how to use a gun!    


"Two seconds!" At this moment, Lin Jue slowly straightened his body and looked at Zhou Miao.    


"What?" Zhou Miao was slightly stunned. Then she heard strange sounds coming from beside her ears. It was as if there were metal colliding with each other.    


She subconsciously looked around but could not see anything at all. It was as if those sounds had appeared out of thin air!    


"Three seconds!"    


Zhou Miao heard Lin Jue's voice again. She only felt her body tremble. Then she suddenly understood what Lin Jue meant by what he said earlier!    


She rolled on the ground and picked up the python that was thrown away. Zhou Miao half squatted on the ground and vigilantly looked at everything around her.    


Every time there was a clear sound in the air, Zhou Miao would immediately turn her head and do her best to keep up with the bullet's speed!    


But unfortunately, the speed was too slow and her body was too stiff. She was unable to follow the sound the moment she heard it, let alone predicting it beforehand!    


"Five seconds, safety time has passed!"    


Lin Jue looked at Zhou Miao's expression with amusement, as if he also attached great importance to her performance next.    




As Lin Jue's voice fell, Zhou Miao felt a gust of wind suddenly pass over her head!    


In the next second, a strand of black hair slowly slid down.    


This made Zhou Miao's pupils shrink, her eyes filled with shock.    


Recently, she admitted that she had learned a thing or two about firearms. Even a heavy sniper rifle that could only appear in movies was a piece of cake for her!    


However, this was the first time that she could play with a gun and a bullet to such an extent!    


At the same time, she also understood that although she did not take her life that time, it did not mean that she would not do it again next time!    


Although she did not know what method Lin Jue used to give a bullet as if it was alive, she had to admit that at this moment, Zhou Miao knew that the pride and self-esteem she had raised during this period of time was so ridiculous.    




Just as her mind was in a mess, the earring on her other ear disappeared again.    


However, at that moment, Zhou Miao only felt a sharp pain in her eyes. It was as if someone had pierced her eyeball with a needle and then it was violently stirred up. It rushed straight to her brain and she was in so much pain that she wanted to die.    


She subconsciously compared her eyes to the moment when she closed them. It was as if she saw a flash of yellow light.    




At the same time, she raised her arm. He did it without any hesitation.    


However, when he was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly realized... the bullet had disappeared!    


Only the sound echoed in the air once again and entered his ears.    


When she thought of the possibility that the bullet would really nail her forehead next time, Zhou Miao's expression finally showed a bit of panic.    


No one was willing to die. No one could truly treat death when facing it!    


Perhaps there was, but that required the growth of one's mental state to see through the secular world.    


And Zhou Miao, a young girl in her prime, definitely would not have such a state of mind.    


Perhaps she really was not afraid of death. However, she did not know what was going on. In fact, she even died with a little grievance. Zhou Miao was not convinced!    


Facing the pain coming from her eyes, Zhou Miao forcefully opened a slit, so that she would not completely lose sight.    


She knew very well what her advantage was, so she had to make use of it.    


As for saying that without eyes, one's hearing would become sensitive, and one could also do many things by relying on hearing. Perhaps it was true, but it was definitely not suitable for Zhou Miao!    


The fatigue and pain in her eyes made her not know if she would still have the weak vision in front of her in the next second!    


The sound coming from the sky gradually came closer and closer. Zhou Miao could clearly feel the distance between the bullets getting closer and closer. It was as if there was life around her, constantly playing with her.    


This kind of feeling made Zhou Miao feel a little crazy!    


But now she knew that it was not the time for her to be crazy. If she did not calm down, then this bullet might really take her life!    


At this moment, a gust of wind blew under her feet. She subconsciously retracted her left foot to dodge, and at the same time, a bullet shot straight up into the sky!    


Zhou Miao could even see that the tip of her nose was burning red.    


However, it was also because of this that Zhou Miao's eyes suddenly bulged. She stared at the waves of piercing pain and pulled the trigger towards her right without hesitation.    




The last bullet of the python was shot out by Zhou Miao.    


At the same time, the sharp pain in her brain made her unable to help but let out a miserable cry before collapsing onto the ground.    


Her eyes looked up to the sky and blood flowed from her eyes. The entire world seemed to have turned red in Zhou Miao's eyes!    


The unmoving Zhou Miao's gaze finally fell on a bullet that fell from the sky. It fell straight down, and it was accompanied by a piercing sound that came from the sky. It rushed towards her head.    


One meter... fifty centimeters... thirty centimeters...    


Just as the bullet was about to land... Suddenly, a bullet came from the side. After being shot, Its speed was slightly slower, and it felt like it was floating in the air. But in the end, it still hit the falling bullet.    




A crisp metallic sound was like the sound of nature in Zhou Miao's ears!    


"He survived!" This was the only thought in Zhou's mind at this moment.    




However, in the next second, blood still splashed on Zhou Miao's face from her shoulder.    


"Hmm..." With a muffled groan, the pain caused Zhou Miao's pale face to turn even paler.    


Although the bullet hit the bullet that Lin Jue shot out, the strength between the two was completely disproportionate. There was no way to completely knock the bullet out of the predetermined orbit!    


In the end, it could only barely change the direction! It fell from the spot between the eyebrows to the shoulder!    


But at least he didn't hurt his vitals, he managed to save his life...    


"What do you understand?" Lin Jue walked forward and looked at Zhou Miao, who was lying on the ground like a pile of mud, and said softly.    


"The power of bullets is only one of them. The power of gunpowder is still a large part of the user's ability." Zhou Miao said with a trembling voice.    


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