Chat Groups in the Immortal Realm

C280 Subordinate's Unwillingness

C280 Subordinate's Unwillingness

"Thank you, royal father!"    


Ann Sudong bowed and expressed his thanks. He had always felt that the term "royal father" was a little too abrupt and that since he had never called him father and father since he was young, he would definitely not get used to suddenly calling him father.    


"Greetings, Marshal An!"    


Looking at this excessively young man from the East, Paul felt very uncomfortable in his heart. Why would he take away everything that belonged to him?    


"Alright, you don't have to be so polite, I'm just making a temporary appointment. After Larry recovers, I'll leave, my roots are in Huaxia, don't worry, I can swear that I have no intentions for Larry!"    


Ann Sudong did not care about that, he just wanted to win. As long as everything went back to how it was in the past, and Lina could be together with her parents, he would be satisfied. She only cared about Lina.    


When the officers present and Paul heard what Ann Sudong said, they thought about their situation and what Ann Sudong had done during this period of time. They felt that they had misunderstood Ann Sudong, and their attitudes towards him were a little better.    


"Company Commander Jack, you can bring these soldiers back. Tonight, we will have a good meal and have a comfortable bath and sleep in."    


Ann Sudong came over to Jack's side and chatted with him casually, the smile on his face was as though they were good friends chatting.    


He had thought that he was dead for sure, and after hearing Ann Sudong's impassioned words, he did not want to die anymore. He wanted to fight for Larry too, and now that Ann Sudong had given him this chance, he released him without guilt.    


"Thank you Commander Ann, I will definitely fight for Larry for life!"    


Jack brought these exhausted deserters back. Last night, he was still trembling with fear and wanted to escape from this place, but now he actually wanted to sacrifice his life here.    


People were like this. A certain person, a certain sentence would cause a person to experience an earth-shattering change.    


Ann Sudong trained the troops every day, but many of the officers did not listen to him. Ann Sudong knew that these people were very unconvinced of his strength, and perhaps thought that he was simply not a soldier at all, and was also so young, that he could not be their commander.    


Ann Sudong knew that to fight snakes, one had to be seven inches. During these two days of training, he saw that Jack liked him quite a bit, so he called Jack over at night.    


"Are they unconvinced of me? What's there to say?"    


Ann Sudong looked at Jack, calm and composed.    


"Yes, Commander Ann, they just feel that you are an orator, not the commander of the army. They all say that you will lead them to their deaths, and they also think that you won't fight, so they think that you will wet your pants if you see blood."    


Jack originally did not want to say this. Seeing Ann Sudong's sincere eyes and encouraging gaze, he finally said these words.    


"Haha …" This might be your opinion as well, Jack. "    


Ann Sudong knew that this would be the result. Seeing Jack's doubtful and apologetic expression, he knew that Jack definitely understood the same thing.    


"This... Seeing your thin and weak body, they all said that you were probably just a student. You know, we look down on student soldiers the most. "    


Jack was born bold, Ann Sudong had known this ever since he was captured, his eyes basically did not show any signs of fear. Seeing that Ann Sudong was not angry, and was not as happy as he seemed, he just blurted out everything, Jack really liked Ann Sudong's personality.    


"Hehe …" In the future, you guys will not listen to my orders. I will appoint you as my Guard Officer, and you will inform them to gather at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning on the battlefield. We will have a battle demonstration here, whoever has the ability will become an officer and it will be fair! "    


Ann Sudong was overjoyed to hear this. This was the first time he had heard of this kind of selection method, it was really fair.    


That night, the entire army camp was bustling with noise and excitement, and the matter of rule had always been chaotic, many of them were not in the same unit, but held together halfway through. Many of the troops had different natures and titles, and even if they were of the same rank, they still had different ranks, so they really wanted to be able to appoint a new official.    


Ann Sudong had been training all night and came to the battlefield at around 5 AM in the morning. The people who came to the battlefield were few and far between, and when they saw that the Marshal was the first to arrive, they were quite surprised.    


"Alright, now that we are all here, today we are going to elect the officers that everyone is satisfied with, I think the officers that you have chosen will have to obey the orders, if you still do not obey, then we will really be punished by military law, you can choose the officers that you think can become commanders first, I will compete with them, if I lose, I will give the commander over to him, I will explain to King Charlie."    


Ann Sudong stood still on the battlefield, not moving at all. After standing for over an hour, from around 5 to 6 PM, many of the soldiers changed their opinion of Ann Sudong, and after hearing Ann Sudong's smart suggestion, they started to admire Ann Sudong even more.    


Ann Sudong listened to the discussions of the tens of thousands of soldiers, and after about ten minutes, Ann Sudong heard the discussions of the soldiers soften, and shouted for them to stop.    


"You can call out the three officers who have the highest hopes of becoming commanders. Pick the first officer and follow your orders. The first officer will be chosen from there."    










After Ann Sudong finished speaking, the soldiers started to shout. The first one who shouted the loudest was not Paul, but another person called Vendes. Furthermore, their shouts were surprisingly unanimous, making Ann Sudong a little curious about this Vendes guy.    


"Vendes, step out. Come to the front and briefly introduce yourself."    


After Ansger finished talking, a middle-aged man in his forties stood out from the group of officers in front of them. He had sharp eyes, a robust build and looked very energetic.    


"Vendes graduated from the military academy at the eastern point of the America. He was previously appointed as the commander of Larry's first special forces, a senior colonel!"    


Vendes looked at Ann Sudong and gave him a standard military salute. When he was speaking, he kept on looking at Ann Sudong in the eye.    


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