Heroic Conceited Son-in-law

C406 Really Infuriating

C406 Really Infuriating

The judge opened the folder and inside were some pictures of Tao Yao and Bai Yifei meeting in private. There was also some information about Tao Yao's villa and driving a luxury car, and they came from Marquis Group which belonged to Bai Yifei.    


This was sufficient to prove that Tao Yao and Bai Yifei were acquainted and had a deep relationship. If so, then her testimony would be a lie and wouldn't be enough to be used as evidence.    


When the people from Cong Family saw this, they immediately became proud, and looked provocatively at Bai Yifei who was listening.    


As for White Tiger and the others, they all had calm expressions and were not provoked by them.    


Outside the courthouse, the person sitting in Baojun's car was holding a mobile phone. He was looking at the image on it. The image was exactly that of the court sitting.    


Bai Yifei was expressionless, so it was impossible to see his expression. This made Cong Caojue angry. Bai Yifei always had an attitude of winning, or maybe he didn't care.    


Before this, he had had proof that he could turn the situation around, but now he could no longer prove that he was defending himself. He was still like this, how f * cking infuriating!    


After the judge finished reading, he passed the information in the file to the person next to him and asked, "Does the defendant have anything to say? If not, we will not accept Tao Yao's testimony. "    


Dung Yixuan looked at Bai Yifei. Bai Yifei did not tell him that.    


Cong Caojue and Lawyer Hu had gone to see Bai Yifei when they saw Dung Yixuan. Bai Yifei must not have thought of this, so there was nothing he could do about it.    


Then, Bai Yifei couldn't say any reason. Tao Yao's testimony didn't count, and the things that happened before couldn't be counted either. Thus, it couldn't prove Bai Yifei's self-defense.    


Bai Yifei was dead for sure!    


However, Bai Yifei said lightly, "Your Honor, I don't think her testimony is convincing, but apart from that, I have another witness."    


"Who?" the judge asked.    


Cong Caojue's and Lawyer Hu's faces were full of questions. They even prepared a witness?    


At this time, a black-clothed man wearing a peaked cap stood up from the spectator stand near the Cong Family.    




"You are …"    


The man walked to the front and took off his cap, "I'm Ye Huan."    


Everyone was shocked, it turned out to be Ye Family's Ye Huan.    


After Dung Yixuan found out that he was Ye Huan, she felt bad. According to her knowledge, Bai Yifei had to negotiate with Ye Huan on the day of the murder. In fact, Ye Huan didn't even negotiate with Bai Yifei, not even meeting him face to face.    


There was also some friction between Ye Huan and Bai Yifei. It could be said that they were enemies. Even if it wasn't, it would be impossible for Ye Huan to testify for Bai Yifei.    


Sun and Lawyer Hu also thought the same. No matter what, Zhou Tie was a member of the Four Great Families and had a good relationship with Cong Yuvwei. Plus, they had some conflict with Bai Yifei, so Ye Huan's testimony was definitely biased against them.    


However, they had forgotten that Ye Huan only stood out after Bai Yifei finished his sentence, and not after Lawyer Hu finished his sentence.    


Lawyer Hu was delighted as he said to the judge, "Your Honor, Ye Huan is the Young Master of Ye Family. His identity and status are well-known, so his testimony is naturally credible. At the time of the crime, Lord Ye knew a little about it."    


The judge also knew Ye Huan's identity, so he said, "Please state your testimony."    


"Judge, it's like this." Ye Huan said lightly, "I know that Tao Yao is Cong Yuvwei's lover. As for Tao Yao's pregnancy, I've never heard it from him."    


"However, I remember that while we were eating together, I heard him make a phone call. He first said that it was a hospital, then said that he wouldn't allow it. In the end, he just said that he would make the person. He can be at ease."    


With that, the judge looked at Lawyer Hu and Cong Caojue.    


Cong Caojue and Lawyer Hu were dumbfounded.    


What the hell did Ye Huan say?    


Isn't this helping Bai Yifei testify?    


Dung Yixuan looked at Ye Huan in surprise. At the same time, her eyes were full of doubt.    


Bai Yifei's expression was indifferent. He had expected this to happen and was not surprised at all.    


Lawyer Hu glanced at Cong Caojue and started to feel uneasy. He couldn't wait to take back what he had just said. That way, Ye Huan's testimony would be suspicious and not accepted.    


Cong Caojue slapped the table, "Ye Huan, do you know what you're saying?"    


Lawyer Hu saw the situation and spoke up, "Lord Ye, please pay attention to your words. The truth of the testimony is related to the reputation of Ye Family, I think Lord Ye does not wish to be ridiculed by outsiders because of false evidence, right?"    


Ye Huan replied indifferently: "I know very well what I'm talking about. What I'm saying is the truth and it's not a forgery, so naturally, it will not affect the reputation of Ye Family."    


Cong Caojue was angered, "Ye Huan, our two families have always been on good terms with each other, are you testifying to my Cong Family just to provoke me? Or do you want to stand with Bai Family? "    


"I'm sorry, this is not a family matter. As I said earlier, I am just stating the truth." Ye Huan replied plainly.    


Cong Caojue snapped, "The truth is, what you said is the complete opposite of the truth."    


Ye Huan shook his head, "Master San, I will say it again, what I said is true. As you said just now, using false evidence will affect the reputation of Ye Family, so, what reason do I have to use it as false evidence?"    


"You …" Cong Caojue couldn't find a reason to refute Ye Huan.    


Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, the judge immediately knocked his hammer, "Silence!"    


"Last warning, if the plaintiff still refuses to listen to my advice, please temporarily leave the table."    


Seeing this, Cong Caojue couldn't take it anymore. He looked at Ye Huan and wished that he could slap him twice in the face. To think that he was actually speaking up for Bai Yifei!    


Bai Yifei, on the other hand, smiled when he saw Cong Caojue's expression.    


Lawyer Hu said, "Your Honor, Lord Ye's evidence is only one side of his story. If there is a reason why we can't find out that he lied, it would be unfair to the victim."    


"Therefore, I think that apart from the witness, there is still a need for stronger physical evidence."    


The judge thought for a moment and nodded, "Yes, a one-sided statement is not enough to prove the truth of the matter. We need physical evidence to prove it. Defendant, do you have physical evidence?"    


Then, Bai Yifei replied blandly, "Judge, if there is material evidence, along with these two witnesses, can we prove that what we said is the truth? At the same time, there will be no opposition from the plaintiff. "    


"As long as you take out the evidence, of course we can prove it. We won't object!" Lawyer Hu was the first to speak.    


The judge nodded. "Yes."    


Bai Yifei smiled when he saw this, "Alright, then give us the evidence!"    


When he said this, Cong Caojue and Lawyer Hu were shocked. Bai Yifei really had material evidence?    


Dung Yixuan was even more surprised. Ever since the other party had brought out the evidence that Bai Yifei and Tao Yao were acquainted, Bai Yifei had been in charge of the whole process and she, as a lawyer, was in a passive position.    


She didn't know anything about what happened after that. She didn't know about Ye Huan's testimony or the material evidence that he had.    


Dung Yixuan was quite depressed. Since that was the case, why did he invite her here? Watching a show?    


Oh, right, there has to be a lawyer present to carry on the play!    


Dung Yixuan laughed at herself.    


At this moment, the evidence Bai Yifei mentioned arrived.    


It was a very thin young man, also wearing a peaked cap, but he was very casual and did not have the seriousness or uneasiness of a person in court.    


Seeing this person stand up, Lawyer Hu frowned, "Who are you? "What do you want?"    


"I'll give you all the evidence!" the man said lazily.    


Bai Yifei continued, "The physical evidence is with him. Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce him. This is Yang Niu, he's the person Cong Yuvwei arranged to be with Wang Hai. "    


With that, Cong Caojue and Lawyer Hu's expression froze.    


Yang Niu was Cong Yuvwei's man, but he was placed beside Wang Hai.    


But now, he stood up and said that he wanted the evidence. It was obvious that he was on Bai Yifei's side.    


But isn't he Cong Yuvwei's man? Why did he come out to help Bai Yifei? Also, what was the physical evidence?    


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