Heroic Conceited Son-in-law

C670 Anchor

C670 Anchor

Bai Yifei didn't have any intention to stop. Instead, he stepped on the accelerator and sped away.    


Loong Lingling was shocked. "Why?"    


She had no idea what Bai Yifei was trying to do. Even if he wasn't willing to help them, he shouldn't have crashed his car into them!    


Bai Yifei didn't answer her question. Instead, he frowned and looked at the rearview mirror.    


Behind them, the bus was rapidly chasing them.    


Upon seeing this, Loong Lingling also looked at the rearview mirror and her expression changed.    


Didn't the bus break down?    


At this moment, Loong Lingling finally reacted and looked at Bai Yifei in both surprise and admiration.    


After quickly driving past a few cars, Bai Yifei saw a service area in front of him. Without any hesitation, he drove the car inside and hid behind a truck. Then, he quickly turned off the lights and turned off the lights.    


Immediately after, the bus that was chasing them sped past the service area.    


Seeing this, Bai Yifei heaved a sigh of relief.    


At this moment, Loong Lingling still had some lingering fear. "What's this for?"    


Bai Yifei shook his head and said, "Maybe it's me."    


Seeing that she was safe, Loong Lingling finally had the heart to ask, "How did you find out?"    


Bai Yifei replied plainly, "The bus broke down. A pregnant woman should have fallen in the car, but a pregnant woman fell on the cold road. That makes me suspicious."    


"Then I looked at the pregnant woman and saw that she was wearing men's shoes or an extra pair."    


"One more thing. Although the bus broke down, the lights on the bus are still on. I can see that the people on the bus are all young men. According to you, long distance buses like these are definitely owned by both men and women, young and old."    


"Furthermore, the person who asked for our help is dressed in decent clothes. Why would such a person be squeezed into a bus?"    


After Loong Lingling heard this, she was shocked. She was completely subdued by Bai Yifei.    


At this moment, she deeply felt that not every fuerdai could live a leisurely life like Bai Yifei. Living a life of thrilling life was really too difficult.    


Loong Lingling asked again, "Then what do we do now?"    


Bai Yifei saw Loong Lingling's pale face and knew that she would not be able to handle it anymore. He thought for a while and said, "Let's rest here for the night and leave tomorrow morning."    


Loong Lingling nodded. "Alright."    


Afterwards, Bai Yifei told Loong Lingling to sleep on the bed behind him while he sat like Sha Feiyang with his eyes closed.    


After Loong Lingling closed her eyes, Bai Yifei opened his eyes again. He took out his phone and bought some things on the internet. Then, he put the phone down and took out a cigarette. He looked at Loong Lingling thoughtfully.    


Loong Lingling was breathing evenly. She must have fallen asleep already.    


Seeing this, Bai Yifei took out a car from the side of the car to look and then turned on the lights.    


When the lights were turned on, a dozen or so figures appeared where the lights hit.    


These people were either standing or crouching, but when they saw the lights come on, they all walked toward the car.    


Each of them had a weapon in his hand.    


Bai Yifei got out of the car and closed the door softly. Then he tied a knife to his right hand with a piece of cloth.    


He didn't seem to be flustered at all, but he still leisurely lit the cigarette in his mouth. He took a puff, then spat it out, and said to those who were walking towards him: "I've fought business people before, but this is the first time I've killed someone with a knife."    


Not long after the bus passed, someone slowly walked into the service area from the highway. They had come in batches, so it seemed very natural.    


However, this was a high-speed road. Was he underestimating his IQ by walking to the service area?    


Now, he was sure that these people were here for Bai Yifei.    


These people should have been guarding the service area for a long time. After receiving the news about the bus, the service area began to investigate everything.    


This time when they came out, not many people knew about it. Bai Yifei didn't tell Ye Huan and Hsu Chang, which meant that there was really something going on between them.    


There must have been a lot of people trying to kill him along the way, so hiding was useless.    


The person at the front already picked up his machete and chopped towards Bai Yifei.    


Bai Yifei also raised his hand and clashed with the knife. Bai Yifei's strength was stronger than that person's, plus there was a cloth bundle tied to the knife. His grip was firm, but that person lost his grip and the knife fell.    




Bai Yifei directly stabbed into that person's stomach.    




Miserable screams rang out, loud and clear in the dark night's service area.    


Bai Yifei kicked him away and then rushed towards the second person. With a slash of his saber, he cut off the person's arm.    




Bai Yifei rarely used a knife, so he rarely used any moves. He just relied on his own reactions to slash at Ye Zichen.    


Unlike Xu Lang, Xu Liang's sabre had many uses, which Bai Yifei could not compare to.    


Therefore, Bai Yifei's actions of using a knife to chop people seemed very rough. However, Bai Yifei felt that a knife was indeed a good weapon. It could quickly make a person lose their fighting strength.    


Regardless of whether he managed to land a fatal blow or not, that person had basically lost his ability to fight, and could not even get up.    


However, the ones in front were not experts, so Bai Yifei naturally did not have any pressure to cut them down.    


At this moment, Bai Yifei was suddenly blinded by a ray of light.    


When Bai Yifei once again cut a person down, a knife carrying strong wind came towards him.    


Bai Yifei was shocked and quickly retreated. At the same time, he used his knife to cut at the opponent.    


However, his speed slowed down by a bit. His left arm was cut by a knife, and that slash of his was easily dodged by his opponent.    


Then, they seized the opportunity to attack him at the same time with their sabers.    


In a moment of desperation, Bai Yifei didn't retreat. Instead, he dashed into the crowd and hugged a person's waist. Then he bent down and touched the person's head, causing the person to fall onto the ground and faint.    


Bai Yifei rolled and dodged other people's machetes. When he got up, he took his knife and slashed again.    


At this time, the expert once again brought his blade over.    


Bai Yifei was besieged by a few people and it was too late for him to turn around. He gritted his teeth and rushed forward, throwing himself at one of the people in front. At the same time, his back was cut open.    


If these people were ordinary people, Bai Yifei would have no problem fighting them. If there was an expert among them, like Xu Lang, who wielded a saber, Bai Yifei would not be able to handle them.    


Bai Yifei took the opportunity to see that master. He had a scar on his face. He was a man in his thirties. He was neither high nor low. The blade in his hand was the same kind of curved blade as Wu Tie.    


Bai Yifei immediately knew that this was a professional killer.    


That person looked at Bai Yifei and said coldly, "Bai Yifei, today you will die for sure!"    


At this moment, more than twenty knife-wielding men rushed out from the service area and surrounded Bai Yifei.    


Bai Yifei wasn't good at using weapons, so it was obviously not good to fight against these people with weapons.    


After another man had been cut down, he leaned back against the truck so his back wouldn't be threatened.    


Right now, he had already taken two cuts on his body. Neither of them were vital points. However, the situation was not looking good. If this went on, he would not be able to escape. I'm afraid it won't last long.    


Suddenly, the door of the trailer next to the truck opened.    


Everyone's gaze could be seen.    


Sha Feiyang calmly walked out of the car, stretched his back and slowly walked towards Bai Yifei.    


Everyone looked at Sha Feiyang vigilantly.    


If an ordinary person were to see this scene, they would definitely not be this calm. However, Zhang Feiyang was this calm. Thus, everyone valued him and could not help but be vigilant.    


Bai Yifei was relieved when he saw this.    


If he hadn't woken up, perhaps he really would have died here today.    


Sha Feiyang walked in front of Bai Yifei. At his feet was a man who had been cut down by him. There was a machete on the ground. Sha Feiyang picked it up and smiled.    


Seeing this, Bai Yifei was overjoyed, "Please enlighten me, senior."    


Sha Feiyang smiled, "Then let's just watch and see."    


With that said, Zhang Feiyang took his saber and walked towards the scarred man.    


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