Heroic Conceited Son-in-law

C1024 Yi Yun's Curiosity

C1024 Yi Yun's Curiosity

But there was nothing he could do about it, and he went in anyway.    


As soon as he entered, he saw a big family sitting on the sofa in the living room. They were talking and laughing. They looked very warm.    


At this time, Aunt Jiang shouted to the people inside, "Mr. Bai is back!"    


When she shouted, everyone looked over.    


Bai Yifei had to call them one by one. "Mom, Dad, Mom, Dad."    


When everyone saw him, the smile on their faces stopped abruptly.    


Bai Yifei's heart skipped a beat when he saw this. He suddenly had a bad feeling.    


At the same time, Lee Xue suddenly shouted at Bai Yifei, "Hubby, quickly leave!"    


Bai Yifei was stunned. He did not know what was going on. When he looked up, he saw a transparent plate that was specially used to store fruits flying towards him.    


Immediately after, Liu Ziyun cursed, "Bai Yifei, you ungrateful bastard! Our Xue is loyal to you and gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses for you. What about you? You actually gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses? "Let's see if I can kill you today!"    




Bai Yifei tilted his head. The transparent plate smashed into the wall behind him. It turned into pieces and fell to the ground.    


Liu Ziyun picked up an umbrella from the coffee table and rushed over.    


"You ungrateful bastard, I'll beat you to death!"    


"Bastard! Still fooling around outside!"    


"What a heartless thing!"    


Liu Ziyun was about to throw the umbrella at Bai Yifei's head.    


Bai Yifei did not dodge. After all, Liu Ziyun's strength and the umbrella could not do much damage to him.    


Furthermore, hearing Liu Ziyun scold him like this, He knew that she must have known about Liu Xiaoying's matter, and this matter was his fault to begin with, so he did not dare to refute.    






Yi Yun, who was behind Bai Yifei, suddenly took a step forward and threw the umbrella out of Liu Ziyun's hand. Then, she grabbed Liu Ziyun's neck.    


"You are courting death!" Yi Yun said coldly.    


Yi Yun didn't know about the relationship between Bai Yifei and Liu Ziyun. She only saw that Bai Yifei was in danger and the injuries on his body had only recovered slightly, so she stood out.    


The originally tense atmosphere became even more tense after this.    


Fortunately, Bai Yifei reacted in time and pulled Yi Yun away. He said loudly, "What are you doing? She is my mother!"    


Yi Yun was stunned on the spot.    


After Liu Ziyun was released, she sat on the ground and cried again and again. "This life simply cannot be passed!"    


"Bai Yifei, you are a bastard!"    


"My daughter is devoted to you and gave birth to your children. You are looking for women outside, one after another. You are bullying me."    


"You actually dare to hit me and even want to strangle me!"    


"Wuwuwu! ...    


"How are we going to pass this? Wuwu... ..." "    


Because of Liu Ziyun's crying, the two quiet children seemed to be moved and started to cry as well.    


In the living room, the sounds of crying rose and fell.    


Lee Xue quickly went forward to support Liu Ziyun but Liu Ziyun just did not get up.    


"Mom, can you get up first?" Lee Xue used her strength again but Liu Ziyun was like a large pile of stones and could not be supported at all.    


Bai Yunpeng and Wu Guixiang also came over. "Dear family, get up first. If you have anything to say, let's have a good talk."    


Lee Qiangdong walked up to Bai Yifei and pushed him out.    


"Dad, I..." Bai Yifei called.    


Lee Qiangdong shook his head and smiled bitterly. "Your mom is a traditional woman. It's hard to accept this kind of thing. Let her calm down first."    


Bai Yifei said guiltily, "It's all my fault."    


"It's hard to tell who is right and who is wrong when it comes to relationships." Lee Qiangdong replied calmly.    


Bai Yifei felt even more guilty.    


Lee Qiangdong patted him on the shoulder and said, "Take a walk outside first. When we leave, let Xue give you a call."    


"Okay." Bai Yifei had no choice but to leave.    


After she left, Yi Yun seemed to have just realized what was going on. She then asked, "Do you still have another woman?"    


"Yes." Bai Yifei lit a cigarette after he finished speaking.    


Yi Yun said, "It's normal for us. Why are they reacting so strongly?"    


Bai Yifei exhaled a puff of smoke and said with a bitter smile, "That is your place. We are here. It is different."    


"It is not accepted here. It is against morality."    


"We are both monogamous because the relationship between the two of them is not only related to the two of them, but also to the two families."    


"Besides, it has nothing to do with you having power and money here. " You can't marry as much as you want just because you have the right and money. "    


Bai Yifei had already expected today's situation. He also knew that it was almost impossible for a woman like Liu Ziyun to accept this kind of thing.    


So the problem he would have to face in the future would be even more difficult and complicated. If he did not handle it well, it would hurt Liu Xiaoying and her family, even Lee Xue's family.    


Because of an unconscious mistake, he was getting more and more wrong. No matter what he did, it was all wrong. In the end, it became a mess.    


Bai Yifei took another deep breath of smoke and spat it out. He said, "In novels, three wives and four concubines seem to be natural, but in reality, those traditional older generations will not accept it."    


"In addition, they will also be condemned by the secular world."    




At this moment, Yi Yun suddenly asked: "But didn't your other woman die?"    


Bai Yifei was stunned. He knew she misunderstood, so he shook his head and said, "Not her."    


Yi Yun was shocked. "So there is another one? No wonder Auntie Buji would be so angry!"    




Bai Yifei and Yi Yun got into the car and drove away.    


He planned to send Cong Liz's ashes back to the capital in two days, but he didn't know how her father would react if he knew that she was dead.    


Also, fortunately, Yun Ying had left. Lee Xue and the others were temporarily safe.    


Xin Qiu was sitting in the living room just now. He had been trying to lower his presence, but Bai Yunpeng and Lee Qiangdong did not recognize him at all.    




In the evening, Bai Yifei and Loong Lingling drove to the restaurant after they were ready.    


Loong Lingling seemed to have dressed up before she went out today. She did not wear a professional suit, but a dark blue dress.    


The dark dress made Loong Lingling's skin even whiter. At the same time, it outlined her graceful figure.    


After Loong Lingling got into the car, she found Yi Yun sitting in the back. She was originally in a good mood but suddenly felt a little down.    


Bai Yifei took a look and said lightly, "A friend."    


Loong Lingling nodded and nodded to Yi Yun.    


Yi Yun looked at Loong Lingling at this time and then whispered to Bai Yifei, "Is this it?"    


Bai Yifei was speechless. Why did she keep asking this question? He was afraid that Yi Yun would continue to misunderstand, so he quickly said, "No, don't think about it!"    


Loong Lingling looked at them in confusion.    


Yi Yun looked like she suddenly realized something. "There is a reason why your mother-in-law is so angry. So you have so many!"    


Bai Yifei was speechless.    


Loong Lingling immediately understood what she meant and blushed in embarrassment.    


At this moment, Yi Yun suddenly asked Bai Yifei, "Do you mind having another one?"    


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