The So-called Loser's Counterattack

C159 Yin-playing

C159 Yin-playing

"It's useless." Zhang Qingyu said with a disappointed expression. Oh right, Brother Hai, you seem to have plans for that Small Secret Realm. "    


"Of course." Yue Zhonghai stroked his chin and said, "I know that I can open that spatial gate with this small dimensional blade. Go in and kill those two guys. "If that's the case, then all of the spiritual medicines inside will be ours."    


Yue Zhonghai was anxious to get the spirit medicine to concoct the Qi Training Pill. When he was asking Hu Shan. He knew that in the Small Secret Realm, there were all sorts of spiritual medicines that could be used to refine Qi Cultivation Pills. Unfortunately, they were all used to make medicinal soups and drank them all. There was no way they wouldn't know how to concoct pills.    


There were a few other medicinal ingredients that Hu Shan could not identify, but according to Yue Zhonghai's estimation, they were more or less the medicinal ingredients to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill.    


"But there's a cultivator with Building Foundation Period inside." Lin Yuqiong and Zhang Qingyu said in unison.    


"It's no big deal. Under my blade this time. So what if he's from the Building Foundation Period? I didn't waste any time with him. A single Dimensional Decapitator was enough to take his life. It is to wait for one to master this Dimensional Decapitator first. " Yue Zhonghai said with confidence. On the way back, Yue Zhonghai had already planned everything out.    


"Then Brother Hai, cultivate. Oh yeah, Liu Cuiqiong and the others wanted to grow vegetables. Just look for land in our village. Brother Hai, what do you think? " Zhang Qingyu said to Yue Zhonghai.    


"You handle this matter yourself. There's no need to ask about it." Yue Zhonghai pulled Zhang Qingyu's small hand and said, "You two can cultivate together now."    


The next day, Yue Zhonghai cultivated until eight o'clock. Of course, he spent most of his time comprehending the laws of space. He didn't want to go out at first, but Jade Vegetable Pavilion Restaurant opened yesterday. Today, no matter what, he had to go over and take a look. He didn't see Huang Er and Zhang Laosan at all last night.    


Zhang Qingyu followed Yue Zhonghai. Lin Yuqiong accompanied Zhan Shanshan at home. When the car passed by the entrance of Master Zhang's courtyard. Zhang Qingyu stopped the car for a while, she had something to discuss with Liu Cuiqiong after she got off the car.    


Right now, Liu Cuiqiong's parents and brother were both working in the garden. Liu Cuiqiong brought water over, and when she saw Zhang Qingyu, he walked over. They stopped what they were doing and looked at Zhang Qingyu with hope.    


"Sister-in-law, Brother Hai agreed. Find a plot of land. That's right, we can't exceed three acres. " Zhang Qingyu said to Liu Cuiqiong. You guys go ahead, I still have things to do. "    


She watched as Zhang Qingyu left in a hurry. Liu Cuiqiong and his family were extremely excited. "We have finally arrived at this point." "Hurry up and tell Big Biao about this." Liu Cuiqiong's father hurriedly said. There was no need for him to say anything, Liu Cuiqiong had already anxiously went to find Zhang Dabiao.    


Zhang Dabiao still hasn't woken up, he was extremely tired last night. The rations were delivered again in the middle of the night. If he could get up now, then he wouldn't be Zhang Dabiao.    


"What? You want to plant our family's land?" Zhang Dabiao said as he laid on the bed with his eyes half open. Sure, but our rent is really high. Think about it. This is for growing that brat Yue Zhonghai vegetables. "You know how much money you can earn."    


"Rent?" Liu Cuiqiong became angry, "The corn on the three acres of land under your name is not even as tall as the grass. It's almost like I'm out of the wilderness. What's wrong with letting my parents grow vegetables? "    


"If you can't put it like that, then the land won't be worthless just because it's been abandoned." Zhang Dabiao lost all sleepiness as he sat up. His blood brother still knew how to settle debts. Well, I'll cut to the chase. Give me three acres of land for thirty thousand dollars a year. " Zhang Dabiao saw that if there was no land like this, Liu Cuiqiong's parents would not be able to grow Yue Zhonghai's vegetables.    


"Qingyu promised." By doing so, you are going against Qingyu. Do you dare to go against Qingyu? " Liu Cuiqiong brought out Zhang Qingyu's signboard. As I said, Qingyu's land is still in your home. All I had to do was talk to her and that would be a problem. I am just saying this to you for the sake of your Old Zhang family, for the face of two men. "    


"Enough, enough." Zhang Dabiao felt a headache coming on, and he really did not dare to offend Zhang Qingyu. Otherwise, if Yue Zhonghai were to frown, he would definitely be in trouble. Three acres of corn will be planted for your family. How much more money to give? So you can give three thousand a year, right? "    


Liu Cuiqiong was speechless, "Alright, then three thousand dollars is just enough to buy me clothes. Don't even think about it. "    


"Which one are you from?" Zhang Dabiao said angrily, "Finding you as my wife is really a loss. If I didn't register with you, it would be embarrassing to divorce. Tell me, what kind of beauty can I find now? "    


These words immediately made Liu Cuiqiong lose her cool. She knew that Zhang Dabiao had thoughts of changing wives. Because Zhang Dabiao had the ability now, he had yet to become pregnant and give birth to a child. If he gave birth to a boy, let Zhang Dabiao try again.    


"That thing called Yue must have come. It has been many days." It's time to check it out. " Liu Cuiqiong pondered as she left the room. Later, I will drag Grandma along with me. "    


When Yue Zhonghai and Zhang Qingyu arrived at the Jade Vegetable Pavilion Restaurant, Huang Er and Zhang Laosan's room car was parked right in front of the restaurant. It looks like they lived here last night. This made Yue Zhonghai envious. From his point of view, the two of them were living rather carefree lives! He wondered if he should get himself a trailer like that.    


Brother Hai, your business was very good yesterday. Huang Er said in a very pleased tone the moment he saw Yue Zhonghai. "I noticed that the number of guests who went in yesterday numbered no more than ten."    


"Well, let's go on like this. It won't be half a month before it goes out of business. " Yue Zhonghai said in satisfaction, "Just the salaries of those personnel are enough to make them suffer a headache."    


Wang Hu and his father Wang Guangsheng had a headache. Wang Hu was finding a way out for himself. How come that Yue Zhonghai didn't have any aura at all? He couldn't just stand there and watch as his classmate punished him. No matter what, he had to give his a hand!    


Wang Guangsheng held his fat head and sighed in the office. He had originally thought that he would return to take care of all his old connections. Who knew that none of them came yesterday? They all went to the Jade Vegetable Pavilion Inn to support her.    


Yesterday when Jade Vegetable Pavilion Restaurant opened, the people who came made him understand. Although Huang Er was not a local, but the scene that played out here was much bigger than his. Look at those flower baskets, they are almost all gifts from Wood City.    


Only then did Wang Guangsheng remember to ask about Huang Er's origins. There was a reply this morning. The information he had gathered made him suck in a cold breath. Now, he was secretly rejoicing in his heart. He still acted according to the rules and attacked Ye Zichen with the methods he got from the proper shopping mall. If he was playing dirty, he wouldn't even know how he died.    


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