Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C462 Qi Ren's Bliss

C462 Qi Ren's Bliss

"Darling, how could I dare?" String was drenched in cold sweat. Hua Ziyan frowned. "No, there must be a problem. You have never been so crazy when we were together before. Also, this is the first time you've used some postures and movements. Tell me, what happened?" The string said, "Th-this …"    


Hua Ziyan stared at him. "What do you mean by 'this' and 'that'?" If you don't tell the truth, I'll castrate you right now! "    


Dou Zi said with a sad face, "No, I'll tell you. I won't tell you what I meant. It was Elder Brother Lee. He forced me to use my 'Beautiful Man scheme' in order to complete the mission." Hua Ziyan scolded angrily, "Pah! You're a pretty boy with that devilish look of yours? Lu Lee, let's see if this old lady doesn't settle the score with you. "    


With that, he jumped up from the bed, put on the dress, and ran towards Lu Lee's residence.    


"Lu Lee, Lu Lee, get out here for me!" Lu Lee, who was being interrogated by the Zhou sisters, turned pale when he heard Hua Ziyan's voice. Victoria teased him in the infirmary, "It's fine if you spend it yourself, but how dare you lead a bad man like Hua Ziyan? Let's see how he takes care of you." Yagyu Sizuka shook her head and said with a helpless smile, "Young Master, you won't be able to avoid it. You should just go out and take a look."    


Lu Lee opened the door and walked out.    


Without waiting for Hua Ziyan to speak again, Lu Lee shouted, "Hua Ziyan, what are you shouting so loudly for?" Hua Ziyan didn't want to buy into Lu Lee's account, so she said, "Don't put on airs in front of me. Others are afraid of you, but I'm not. You're on your own, so why did you break my string?"    


With that, she slapped Lu Lee's face. How could the people beside her dare to pull her? This tigress was notoriously hard to deal with.    


However, just as Hua Ziyan made her move, Lu Lee was already behind her. He grabbed her hands, held her hands, and threw her onto the sofa.    


Lu Lee slapped her on the face. Hua Ziyan was angry and angry: "Lu Lee, you hit me? This old lady will fight it out with you! " Lu Lee said, "Shut up. Listen to me first. If you're still so angry after I finish, I'll be dealt with by you."    


Hua Ziyan snorted. "Fine, I'd like to hear what reasons you have."    


At this moment, Zhuo Zi was still in his room. He did not expect Hua Ziyan to be so popular that she would just barge into his room. He did not dare to follow her, because he did not have the courage to face Lu Lee and Hua Ziyan. He had let Hua Ziyan down, but he had also betrayed Lu Lee.    


Lu Lee sat opposite Hua Ziyan and lit a cigarette. "You should know better than me what kind of person the string is, right?" Hua Ziyan didn't understand what Lu Lee meant: "What kind of person is he?" Lu Lee said, "He's so pure that he's almost spotless. Yes, this is his lovable spot, but it's also his fatal one. Although he has feelings for you, and even has a relationship with you, but he doesn't understand much about other women, and he has to increase his experience, although it sounds absurd, but you can still be considered an old intelligence officer. You don't know that in a state like his, if he really meets a woman with ulterior motives in the mission, then that woman will very likely be his nightmare, and his death trap. "    


Saying this, Lu Lee looked at Hua Ziyan: "You must let him learn to be immune to women, especially beautiful women! If you think that what I've said is wrong and you still want to hit me, you can do it! " With that, Lu Lee closed his eyes. Hua Ziyan didn't move, she just stared blankly at Lu Lee. Lu Lee was right, the strings were indeed like that. Even she herself was worried that Lu Lee wouldn't be at a disadvantage in this aspect.    


She knew even more that sometimes, women were truly more terrifying. How could the number of heroes who died at the hands of women be few and far between?    


Therefore, she was indeed speechless after hearing Lu Lee's words. Although she understood the logic, she still couldn't accept the truth. However, she didn't know what to say as she stood up and left.    


Victoria applauded and said, "Lu, you're too awesome. Even a flower can find such a good excuse." The others all laughed as well. Lu Lee said seriously, "Don't laugh, I'm speaking the truth. With his character, if we don't teach him a lesson in advance, he will die miserably because of a woman."    


Yagyu Sizuka nodded. "You're too straightforward. You don't beat around the bush when it comes to things, and you're also very shrewd. It's indeed easy to be fooled, especially by women." Dayna also smiled: "Yes, from the starting point, Elder Brother Lee also has good intentions, but, but …" She did not say it out loud, but smiled brightly.    


Lu Lee said with a bitter face, "I did mean well. The method might be inappropriate. It seems like Ziyan is the one that taught him." Liu Xu said nonchalantly, "What is it? If a man is too single-minded, he will lose his masculinity."    


Victoria said, "Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. I'll go and see if they will start fighting."    


Lu Lee nodded, "Go quickly!"    


Seeing that Hua Ziyan had returned, her expression was still as unsightly as ever. She carefully stood there, motionless.    


Hua Ziyan sat down on the sofa. "Come here!" The string trembled as it walked over. Hua Ziyan said, "Bend over and stretch out your ears." The string did as I said, Hua Ziyan grabbed it by the ear and said, "I say, you're not going to learn. You want to play with women? Do you still have me in your eyes and in your heart? " "I don't dare to. I swear, I've always had you in my heart."    


Hua Ziyan asked, "Really?" String immediately nodded. "Really, really! Ouch, it hurts! " Only then did Hua Ziyan release him. "Humph! Sit down. " The string sat down next to Hua Ziyan. Hua Ziyan reached out her hand to stroke its ear, and when the string tried to dodge, Hua Ziyan said angrily, "What are you hiding from? Let me see if it's broken! "    


Hua Ziyan touched his ear, and the string lowered her head.    


Lili sighed, "I always thought you were honest and honest, but I didn't expect you to be like this, you know? I'm very sad that you did this. " "Ziyan, I'm sorry, but I promise I won't." Hua Ziyan said, "Really?" "It's true!" Hua Ziyan said, "What about your two foxes?"    


"I'll explain it to them clearly," Yukiko said. "They won't have anything to do with each other anymore!" Hua Ziyan lightly tapped the string on her head. "Don't you think doing that will hurt her?" "But I don't want you to be sad!" Hua Ziyan then revealed a smile, "Alright, I'll forgive you this time, but you definitely can't do it again. Those two women, you don't have to hurt them, just let them stay, but don't be too excessive under my eyelids, otherwise, hmph, I'll strangle you!"    


String was stunned. "Ah? "Then what should I do?" Hua Ziyan said, "Treat them well, but not better than you!" She smiled and said, "Yes, yes, no. You will always be my favorite." Hua Ziyan blushed and said in a displeased tone, "Alright, I haven't learned it yet. I've learned how to play with women and I've learned how to speak with oil from my mouth."    


Then, she pulled on the bowstring and said seriously, "Actually, this is also a good thing for you. You are too straightforward, too honest, although you have traveled the martial arts world long ago, but you don't know the dangers of the martial arts world, especially the beauty trial. You have yet to experience it, although Lu Lee's actions made me angry, but it is also a form of training for you."    


The string nodded. "Alright, I understand!" Hua Ziyan said, "In the future when you see a woman, you have to be calm and collected. Women are like flowers, and the more beautiful they are, the more poisonous and thorny they are. In order to achieve their goals, they will do anything they can. Don't be fooled by others' foolishness, you know? "    


"I understand." Hua Ziyan said, "I will train those two foreign girls for you. I hope they can become your good assistants and not drag you down. This time, Elder Brother Lee has caused such a big commotion. I believe that it won't be long before many people notice the Divine State. You have to be more careful and take the responsibility of protecting the manor. " "With your help, there shouldn't be any problems," Fang Zhuo said with a smile.    


Hua Ziyan said, "I'm in charge of intelligence, and I think you'll ask me to help Helena. You can only rely on yourself, and besides, you're already the leader of an organization. You should learn how to take responsibility. Your subordinates are all following your lead. Your wrong decision might cause your subordinates to pay a great price, even bring about your death! "    


Today was the first gathering of the "Divine State".    


Lu Lee wore a navy blue middle collar suit, gold-rimmed glasses, and a crew cut. On his feet was a pair of "three-piece" leather shoes that looked very Chinese. The other men were also wearing black mountain suits with a vertical collar and a black professional dress. The women were all gathered in a large room specially built by Ruan Yuan.    


Of the two people beside Lu Lee, one was Little Wolf and the other was Faang Shaojun.    


The person presiding over the meeting was Ruan Yuan.    


"Everyone, the reason why we are gathered here today is for a major event. I believe that everyone already knows about it, and that is the establishment of the 'Divine State'! From today onwards, no matter where we used to come from or where we came from, we will be brothers and sisters from today onwards. "Next, let's invite Mr Lu Lee, the leader of 'Divine State', to speak up for everyone."    


Lu Lee walked up, adjusted his glasses, coughed twice, and said softly: "Everyone here is Lu Lee's friend and relative, today you are here for me, Lu Lee. Here, I express my gratitude to everyone, in fact, I never thought that we would have today. Everyone here knows who I, Lu Lee, am. I am a secret service agent, a high-level secret service agent cultivated by the China. My mission is to give up everything of my life for the safety of the China. "    


"Until today, my mission has not changed at all, and I view this mission as the purpose of the 'Divine State'. But I know that many of you sitting here are not Chinese s, you have your own country, you have your own beliefs, I can understand that. So, before we officially form the 'Divine State', I will give everyone a bit of time to consider.    


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