Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C468 Ambush

C468 Ambush

Lu Yuv also said, "Feng Wei, Lee is right, especially when it comes to people like them, it's not easy outside. Lu Yuv also said," Feng Wei, Lee is right, especially when it comes to people like them, it's not easy outside. Feng Wei sighed, "You guys. You guys can just get used to them." Lu Ping said with dissatisfaction, "I say, our son is already an adult. Can he be the judge for his own matters? "You can only be satisfied if everything goes according to your wishes."    


Lu Ping was still angry. She continued, "I think he did the right thing this time. So what if it is a woman from the East Ocean Continent? "As long as you treat my family well, that's fine. Besides, she has already made it clear that she will not have anything to do with the East Ocean Continent anymore. I believe that she will be a good wife to me." Feng Wei sighed, "Alright, since all of you have said so, then I won't say anymore."    


Lu Ping hit him, "Don't give me any face when we get there later. We came to attend the wedding and then left. If you keep a straight face, with your son's temper, he will always feel guilty. With such filial piety, don't create any psychological trauma for him." Feng Wei nodded his head. What Lu Ping said was true. Feng Hua was a filial son, and he had always done what he said.    


Lu Lee pulled Lu Ao back, "Uncle Ao, I've seen you again." Lu Ao smiled and said, "I heard from Uncle Yuv that he gave me another job?" Sun Tie nodded. "Get on the car, I'll explain it to you slowly."    


After they got in the car, Lu Lee told them about the "Divine State". As he said this, Feng Wei and the others were stunned. They didn't expect Lu Lee to be so generous. Lu Lee shook his head. "No." Feng Wei continued, "Do you know that this will make them very passive?"    


Lu Lee lightly said, "Passive? What's there to be passive about? I was originally a deserter in China and a deserter in Lu Family. On the open side, they all drew a clear line between them and me. I won't bring them any trouble. In the eyes of outsiders, I am merely bringing about my own destruction. "    


Hearing Lu Lee say that he was an abandoned pawn of Lu Family, everyone fell silent. Lu Lee was right. At least since Lu Lee was wanted by the military, Lu Lee had not given him any help, not even defending him. Since that was the case, what qualifications did the people from Lu Family have to criticize Lu Lee again? Lu Ping said: "I support you, Lee, do what you want. If there really is any trouble with Lu Family, and they have the ability to solve it, you don't have to worry about it."    


Feng Hua still wanted to say something, but Lu Ping stopped him with her eyes.    


Lu Yuv didn't say anything. He squinted his eyes and then said slowly, "Looking from another perspective, this is a good thing. At least Lu Lee has a foundation of his own." Lu Ao had a strong opinion of Lu Lee's failure to protect Lu Lee. He said, "Lu Lee, I support you in building your own empire. We won't be going back to China, we'll play however we want here." Lu Yuv glared at him: "Don't cause trouble."    


Lu Lee continued to speak: "Actually, I am also thinking for the Lu Family, and more so for Hua Xia, in my heart, the 'Divine Province' is just a branch of the Lu Family, just like the Lu Family, only, I will not listen to the Chinese authorities directly, even if it is the Lu Family's orders, I will choose to carry them out, for example, I will not give up and sacrifice my brothers because of Lu Family."    


Lu Ping sighed, "Actually, it's already very kind of you to be able to do this. No matter what you do, Lu Lee, your aunt will always support you. Right, did your little aunt and uncle know about this? " Lu Lee said: "They will be there this afternoon, but I will tell them about it when it is time. Even though I am at the Star State, I deliberately kept a distance from them, firstly to prevent them from having any opinions regarding them within the China, and secondly, to prevent them from being targeted by the Star State."    


Lu Ping exclaimed, "Didn't the Star State authorities value you greatly now?" Lu Lee said flatly: "That's because I have value to them and I don't have any conflicts of interest right now. "Once there's a conflict, if there's a conflict, they will definitely fall out with me. If my aunt and the others get too close to me, I'm worried that it will bring them trouble."    


Lu Yuv said: "It's very rare for you to think of this, I suggest you to think of a way out for yourself. Once you can't stay in Star State anymore, you must find a safe place to settle down in where you move your base to. Furthermore, your personnel composition is relatively complex, so you must prevent any internal traitors from appearing. " Wu Tie nodded his head, "I've already thought of a way out. After Feng Hua marries, I'll send people to build their own bases in those two places, along with Lion City."    


Lu Chong nodded his head: "Yeah, Lion City borrowing Li Hao's advantage, Philippines having your senior brother in name is not bad, but these two places are located in East Asia, and have some geographical limitations." Lu Li said, "It's fine. At worst, we can just cross the river like a fierce dragon." Lu Ao then asked, "Lu Li, what do you want me to do?" Lu Li said, "I'm responsible for the non-superpower part of the operation. I know Uncle Ao will be hurt because the person in charge of this group is a woman. It turns out that the vice president of Star State's largest superpower group, Feige, is the one Li Tao found."    


Lu Ao laughed: "We don't care about that reputation, otherwise, if we were to release our Lu Family's men, they would have already become famous. As long as you have something to do, you can do it yourself. " Lu Lee also laughed, "Isn't that easy? I'll find you more things to do in the future. "    


The car returned to the manor. When Feng Hua saw Feng Wei and Lu Ping, he was so shocked that he forgot to greet them.    


There was a smile on Che Fengwei's face after he got off the car, he looked at Feng Hua and Xiao Yezi and said, "Little Hua, you didn't think about it, right? "How can you not tell your parents about such a huge matter? Aren't you afraid of hurting Xiao Yezi?" Feng Hua quickly said: "No, this, I, it's Elder Brother Lee …" He spoke incoherently as he waved his hand, "You! Look how anxious I've made you. Daddy won't blame you."    


Lu Ping also quickly stepped forward to pull Xiao Yezi back. "This must be Xiao Yezi, right?"    


Xiao Yezi timidly nodded her head. With a face full of smiles, Lu Ping said, "En, not bad. She's beautiful and gentle. Little Hua, you have good eyes." Lu Lee then said, "Let's enter the room first." Lu Yuv looked at the people in the room and said, "Oh, Lu Lee, you have added a lot of new members." How could Lu Lee not hear Lu Yuv's teasing: "The team has grown stronger. This is temporarily our base. We don't have enough members yet, but they will have to deal with it themselves."    


Faang Shaojun, Little Wolf, Zhuan Zi and the others all rushed over to meet Feng Wei, Lu Yuv, and the others. Faang Shaojun, Little Wolf, Little Wolf, and the others all busily came over to meet Feng Wei, Lu Yuv and the others.    


Ruan Yuan had always done his duty as a butler. Although there were more and more people in the manor, he kept everything in order. Lu Yuv, who was observing the Vietnamese, was also very pleased with him. Seeing the capable people around Lu Lee, Lu Yuv felt more at ease. Lu Lee's influence, charisma and leadership were no less than his father's.    


Lu Lee's phone rang. It was an unknown number. He answered the call. Zhang Haichao's voice came from the other side of the phone, "Lu Lee, we were ambushed 5 km away from your manor. They have a lot of people. Come and help us. This place seems to be called Kumbai." Lu Lee stood up, "My aunt was ambushed and trapped."    


Lu Ping was shocked, "What's going on? Who dares? " Lu Lee lightly said, "There will always be blind people. String, Lee Tao, Hee Xiao, Feige, let's go!" Lu Ping said worriedly, "Just the five of you?" Lu Ao said, "I'll go too!"    


He was not that nervous. He knew who Zhang Haichao was, he had been the Team Leader of "Dragon Group" before, so he naturally had some skill, and they probably brought some people with them. The people in their manor were also very powerful, although they had a lot of manpower, it was impossible for them to capture them within a short period of time. Zhang Haichao still had a chance to call him, meaning that the matter wasn't too serious.    


Lu Lee felt that it was broad daylight now, so why didn't the police come out to fight? He suspected that the Star State authorities might have something to do with it, but he didn't have much time to think about it as he quickly jumped out of the car.    


Although there was only 5 kilometers between Kaibai and Lu Lee, there was a jungle to the east of here. The road beside the jungle was the only way for the aunt and the others to pass. As they entered the forest, the sounds of gunfire gradually became clearer. Lu Lee said softly, "There are a total of six of us. Two of us, in groups, we will slowly approach."    


Lee Tao and the string group, Hee Xiao and Feige group, Lu Lee and Lu Ao group. The reason why Sun was willing to hand over the string and Hee Xiao to Lee Tao and Feige was because he was worried that they might also be adepts.    


The three groups immediately separated, moving slowly from three different directions towards the source of the gunfire.    


Finally, Lu Lee saw that the gunner in front was Chinese. He raised his hand and shot out a Dayna Blade. At the same time, Lu Lee revealed his target and a bunch of bullets headed towards him. Lu Lee quickly dodged to the side.    


Lu Ao asked, "Just who are they?" Lu Lee thought about it and said, "It should be Du Mingyi's men. From what I see, the gunner should be the Chinese." Lu Ao said angrily: "In my opinion, we should just directly eliminate the Du Family, so that they won't spend all day figuring out how to harm others." Lu Lee said, "Now is not the time to complain. Uncle Ao, they have guns in their hands and their firepower is very fierce. You should first attract their firepower here. I'll think of a way to break through each of them."    


With that, he stood up, but as soon as he stuck his head out, bullets flew out. Lu Ao said softly, "You drag it out here, I'll go to the back." Wu Tie nodded his head and stood up again. With a leap, he moved to the left and the bullet screamed like a ghost.    


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